View Full Version : The Straight Dope Asks: Are transsexuals mentally ill?

08-19-2012, 10:02 AM
So the Straight Dope Site, run by some self professed smart-guy opens up a Pandora's box with his latest entry for discussion "Are transsexuals mentally ill?"...or rather gives us his opinion and answers someone's query.

"Right now, the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders offers a long description of gender identity disorder that boils down to this: you think you’re the wrong sex, and you’re not happy about it."

HOWEVER: the next edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual may make the same changes to that designation as it did for homosexuality two editions ago. DSM-V, currently under development, proposes replacing gender identity disorder with “gender dysphoria.” And that would move transsexuality away from being classified as an mental illness in the US, a move already taken in France in 2009, according to the article.

I do not bring this up to piss anyone off. I bring it up so that the fine members of this board can insert their two cents into the debate, and read about the issues with all too scant and unreliable research on the long term satisfaction with SRS.

Here's the original post:

And here are the comments. The research information on the satisfaction studies for reassignment is post #26 - if you want to skip some of the debate.

08-19-2012, 10:26 AM
My initial reaction (before reading your post) was - You have GOT to be kidding.

I've always hated that the medical opinion that Gender Identity Disorder is a mental illness. I'm glad that they're not going to consider GID a mental illness anymore.