View Full Version : Chin and jaw recontouring?

03-21-2006, 08:06 PM
Sorry i can't help with your subject.

Just wanted to say i like your new avatar.

Vicki Richter
03-21-2006, 11:34 PM
Ousterhaut is still superior in my opinion. Allanah had issues with hers. Mine went pretty well.

He is an expert and really all other doctors at best try to emulate his work. He did mention that he does a lot of cleanup for other doctors in this area. I feel he is an artist in jaw/chin reconstruction. Having also had chin work with SuPorn in Thailand, and having been left with a large Z-plasty scar where my cleft was removed, Ousterhaut also somehow greatly improved the evenness (is that a word) and skin quality in that area.

I have a small portion below my bottom lip to the left, about the size of a quarter that is permanently numb. It used to bug me but now it really doesn't. Also, you may be left with extra skin that eventually you might want tightened up.

03-22-2006, 10:43 AM
hey ya girly-

well- i think dr o is a good surgeon. i think he does excellent foreheads, but the problem i have with dr.o is that there are some surgeons who think they are 'god like' and no one else can do that work and that is simply not true.

i had unfavorable jaw surgery with him. very unfavaorable. he did a nice job on lifting my lip and reducing my chin but he left my jaw completely uneven and with all sorts of lumps and bumps- which i am still trying to correct. he brought down one of my sides so much- that i have put an implant in and its still smaller than the other side.

in any case- i think some people have had great results with him. just because did unfavorable work on me- does not mean he will on you.

my advice is that you research the hell out of this- consult with many doctors- consult with patients and make an informed descison whom you feel most comfortable with.

some other ffs docs who perforn favorable ffs work IMO
dr. zakowski in chicago
dr .lesesne (my doc.) in nyc
dr. toby meltzer in scottsdale
i would start with thos options

there is also an ffs yahoo group you can join.
check it out. they have a lot of discussions and pics.

03-22-2006, 04:39 PM
Didn't know it was such an involved process.

Vicki Richter
03-23-2006, 03:47 AM
I don't see Meltzer on this list as a face doctor. He is a vagina doctor. I think that just because someone excels at one part of plastic surgery for feminization they definitely don't become an expert at all of it. If you want a FFS doctor, I don't think he's your guy. He is backlogged with vaginas for months and months. How many jaws and chins is he going to squeeze in there since it pays much less and SRS is a full day surgery. The rest on that list sound like good options.

03-23-2006, 05:29 AM
I am very close to committing to surgery with Dr. Suporn in Thailand. He costs more than I thought he would. Vicki how long ago did you have work done with Dr. Suporn? And was it really not very good? I'm a little nervous about spending that kind of money... Dr. Zukowski in Chicago seems like a good option but I've seen some pictures of his resullts and I am not sure he does enough to feminize the face... If anybody has any opinions about this I would very much like to hear them...

03-23-2006, 07:54 PM
Your face really looks good :D

03-23-2006, 08:02 PM
What is that, don't hurt your face :(