View Full Version : Rank the Doctors

06-01-2012, 05:58 AM
Tom Baker
David Tennant
Jon Pertwee
Matt Smith
Peter Davison
Sylvester McCoy
Christopher Eccleston
Patrick Throughton
William Hartnell
Colin Baker
Paul McGann

(I'd make a poll, but the limit is 10)

06-01-2012, 06:57 AM
Tom Baker
David Tennant
Jon Pertwee
Matt Smith
Peter Davison
Sylvester McCoy
Christopher Eccleston
Patrick Throughton
William Hartnell
Colin Baker
Paul McGann

(I'd make a poll, but the limit is 10)

Ha ha! Watched re-runs as a kid. Well, I'm a sci-fi fan. I liked Tom Baker and, too, Sylvester McCoy. Never really saw the others.
The music is great:

Doctor Who - Full Length 1987-89 Theme - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3AdLkc-s_4)

Tom Baker - Doctor Who 1974-1981 - Tribute - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3fH2k5_xGA)

06-01-2012, 09:18 AM
David Tennant
Jon Pertwee
Christopher Eccleston
Peter Davison
Tom Baker
Patrick Troughton.
Peter Cushing
William Hartnell
Paul McGann (pity he never really got a chance, he could of been good)
Sylvester McCoy
Colin Baker
Matt Smith (loathe him)

06-01-2012, 09:20 AM
I have no idea who those people are

06-01-2012, 11:05 AM
David Tennant,David Tennant,David Tennant,David Tennant,David Tennant :)

06-01-2012, 11:21 AM
<Insert another Woy Hodgson joke here>

06-01-2012, 04:51 PM
My favourite Doctor changes depending on what mood I'm in. Its probably still Tom Baker as he was the most alien of them all.

I do think Patrick Troughton probably would have been my favourite if the BBC hadn't wiped most of his time on the series to have only 6 complete stories with all episodes intact is criminal

06-01-2012, 06:32 PM
David Tennant,David Tennant,David Tennant,David Tennant,David Tennant :)

Pretty much this. Tennant brought a level of emotion to the role that I hadn't seen in previous Doctors.

I like Tom Baker as well mainly because he is the Doctor that I grew up watching.

06-01-2012, 09:52 PM
David Tennant
Jon Pertwee
Christopher Eccleston
Peter Davison
Tom Baker
Patrick Troughton.
Peter Cushing
William Hartnell
Paul McGann (pity he never really got a chance, he could of been good)
Sylvester McCoy
Colin Baker
Matt Smith (loathe him)

I forgot Cushing, though he was a one-off and not part of the canonical lives of the Doctor (much as McGann's should have been, having had only one appearance in the terrible made-for-TV movie, validated only insofar as it gave Sylvester McCoy his regeneration scene). That is not to say that McGann might have turned in a memorable run as the Doctor if he had been cast in a series role beyond the movie. But that movie claimed the Doctor was half-human, which undermined the whole concept and for that reason alone should be rejected as canon.

To me, Tennant and Tom Baker are the best actors in the series. Smith is OK, kind of a lighter touch after Tennant much as Davison was after Baker. But what I like more is his relationships with Karen Gillan's Amy Pond and River Song, and some of the storylines that have emerged. The whole River Song saga was beautifully and patiently handled over several years, from Tennant's Doctor's first encounter with her (though not hers with him) right through to the revelation of her identity.

BTW, if you loathe Matt Smith, have patience: he's gone on record saying that this coming season will be his last. And that brings up the issue (after 50 years!) of the Doctor's final regeneration. Smith is the 11th official Doctor, and Time Lords can regenerate twelve times. That means there's only one more regeneration after Smith departs, unless they alter the story.

06-01-2012, 09:55 PM
David Tennant,David Tennant,David Tennant,David Tennant,David Tennant :)

But what do you really think, Sammi?

My favourite Doctor changes depending on what mood I'm in. Its probably still Tom Baker as he was the most alien of them all.

I do think Patrick Troughton probably would have been my favourite if the BBC hadn't wiped most of his time on the series to have only 6 complete stories with all episodes intact is criminal

Concur on both counts: Baker's Doctor most fully realized the character as an alien with an affinity for humans (with Tennant's perhaps next in line). And yeah, I wish there was more Throughton. But at least we got a bit of a treat when he and Colin Baker did the two Doctors bit.

Pretty much this. Tennant brought a level of emotion to the role that I hadn't seen in previous Doctors.

I like Tom Baker as well mainly because he is the Doctor that I grew up watching.

They say that you prefer the Doctor that you grew up with (or at least were first exposed to; it was Tom Baker for me when PBS started running the series in the early 80s, just before his run ended).

06-01-2012, 10:33 PM
The thing is here in the UK we're gearing up for the new series and this will be Matt Smith's 3rd and I still don't get the same connection I had with David Tennant, he convinced me from his 1st proper episode New Earth

Maybe it's the writing Steve Moffatt as opposed to Russel T Davies

06-01-2012, 11:10 PM
BTW, if you loathe Matt Smith, have patience: he's gone on record saying that this coming season will be his last. And that brings up the issue (after 50 years!) of the Doctor's final regeneration. Smith is the 11th official Doctor, and Time Lords can regenerate twelve times. That means there's only one more regeneration after Smith departs, unless they alter the story.

I'm sure they'll come up with something paradoxical.
But, if there is only going to be one more doctor, I'm hoping it'll be Sean Pertwee.
That'd make for an epic end.

06-02-2012, 12:33 AM
Ref the regenerations that more linked with the classic series & they've never mentioned in the new era the number of regenerations. Though I do think they should link the classic series more they tend to pick and choose

Quiet Reflections
06-02-2012, 12:45 AM
with the exception of Pertwee and baker I think all the old doctors were pretty even but of the new three I would have to say 10, 9, 11. Eccelston did anger much better than tennant ,but tennant did everything else so well that it never mattered much. Smiths saving grace was Amy and Rory.

06-02-2012, 12:49 AM
The rest were even ? You can't compare McCoy to Troughton - he ain't fit to charge his sonic screwdriver

Quiet Reflections
06-02-2012, 12:54 AM
The rest were even ? You can't compare McCoy to Troughton - he ain't fit to charge his sonic screwdriver
Sorry I forgot to type "in my opinion"

06-02-2012, 12:54 AM
Ref the regenerations that more linked with the classic series & they've never mentioned in the new era the number of regenerations. Though I do think they should link the classic series more they tend to pick and choose

Yes, from what I understand they have pretty much retconned the number of regenerations.

06-02-2012, 01:16 AM
I never got my heard around number 10's regneration which stopped 1/2 through in the Stolen Earth/Journey's End

@ Quiet Reflections it was meant to be a bit of humour

Quiet Reflections
06-02-2012, 01:27 AM
I never got my heard around number 10's regneration which stopped 1/2 through in the Stolen Earth/Journey's End

@ Quiet Reflections it was meant to be a bit of humour
I admit it! sometimes I'm a bit to serious

06-02-2012, 01:46 AM
Dr. Mengele was a doctor, was't he? :geek: