View Full Version : Man goes to hospital, discovers he's a woman

05-30-2012, 03:43 AM
Man goes to hospital, discovers he's a woman
When Steve Crecelius got an ultrasound at a Denver (http://www.bing.com/places/search?q=Denver%2c+Colorado&upgid=8915&qpvt=Denver&FORM=msnpop) hospital (what was he being treated for (http://www.bing.com/health/article/mayo-MADS00282/Kidney-stones?q=kidney+stones&qpvt=kidney+stone?ocid=msnpop)?) he got some surprising results: It turned out that he is intersex, or possessing both gender's anatomical sex traits. Crecelius, who now goes by Stevie and identifies as a woman, says he wants to share his story in hopes of inspiring other intersex people to be comfortable with their gender identity (is Crecelius married (http://www.bing.com/search?q=Father+of+six+married+for+25+years+steve+ crecelius&form=msnpop)?).

