View Full Version : My Dream Has Come True!

02-17-2006, 03:06 AM
My apartment building has these security cameras in several locations, all of which can be viewed by turning to channel 6 on the TV. As I was clicking through on my to see if Smallville was on yet (I can never remember when it starts) I catch a super hot girl, in the laundry room, right now, putting her clothes into the drier.

Please, please, please let her pull her pajama bottoms off and masturbate by riding the drier!!!

I'm a sick man, but who wouldn't watch that?

02-17-2006, 03:22 AM
My brain just melted.

02-17-2006, 04:01 AM
Damn, I forgot the whole "girl masturbating in the laundry room" was done on the washing machine during spin cycle, not the dryer. If anything happened, I missed my shot at watching it awhile ago. She just loaded the drier and took off.

Good episode of Smallville, though.

02-17-2006, 04:07 AM
Good episode of Smallville, though.

Yeah it was a good sps
How did Lex not see clark on cam breaking in?
And what is in that file?
Damn im talking about smallville on a msg board
my life has hit new lows

Ts Laura
02-17-2006, 05:11 AM
lol a smallville fan!!!!!!!!!!!:) love the show, and how many camera's has clark ran past, all they can see is just a blur of color;)

02-17-2006, 05:19 AM
He runs much faster than the frames per second of the the video so how did they capture his image?

Cyborg was handled pretty well (except that all the metal bit were hidden under his synthetic skin, and iirc it was his father who created him as a cyborg, and he's at least 10-15 years younger than Supes and came on the scene long afterwards....

...oops, I let the fanboy out. Back into your cage! Back I say!)

02-17-2006, 06:17 AM
Damn! :x

There are times I bless my lack of teevee (It lays on its side, in the kitchen, with stuff on top of it), and other times that I curse it.

I have yet to see an episode of Smallville. :(

Though, as a consolation, I did get to meet Kirk Allen (The original Superman from the theatre serials - He cameoed as little Lois Lane's father, along with original Lois Lane, Noel Neal, in the train sequence in Superman I) in Florida back in the early 80's. Do I get points for that? :D

02-17-2006, 06:20 AM
You don't get any points until you give up the dirt on knowing Steve Jackson.


02-17-2006, 06:39 AM
You don't get any points until you give up the dirt on knowing Steve Jackson.


Haven't we been there? :?

<Thinking> Remember, I am old and in the early stages of altz...altz...altz... Damn! I ferget. :shock:

If I recall correctly, beer induced amnesia being relative in this case, we met in Baltimore in '83. Chatted in LA in '84. Learned that lite beer and diet soda floats and bats fly out from under the Congress Street bridge in '85 - Or was it '87?...(Jen/tsntx can verify the latter, though not the year), bounced off each other briefly in Atlanta in '86 (Director's cuts of the video show a girl in a tophat licking my ears), New Orleans 1988, Boston 1989, yada, yada, yada.

Anyhow, he handles the game programming for most of the World Science Fiction Conventions, as well as other program tracks for the cons in his areas of power (Austin, NOLA, LA). Though we've bumped into each other fairly regularly for the past twenty years, I doubt he remembers who I am (Unless you ask him if he knows anyone that drives an old hearse and even then he might not get my name right). Not unlike my passing realtionship with SF author Larry Niven. We annually reintroduce ourselves beacause we are typically too sauced to remember who we're talking to anyway. :D

02-17-2006, 07:49 AM
Well, it wasn't an interogation on my end, I just found it interesting.

Steve Jackson seems like he's a brilliant guy, he's done a lot of great work in gaming that's really unappreciated, I think it's cool you met him.

If you see him again, get him back to work on Illuminati. I love that game.

02-17-2006, 02:27 PM
Well, it wasn't an interogation on my end, I just found it interesting.

Steve Jackson seems like he's a brilliant guy, he's done a lot of great work in gaming that's really unappreciated, I think it's cool you met him.

If you see him again, get him back to work on Illuminati. I love that game.

"Interesting". What a scary word. :)

He's pretty sharp. If I were a bit more into gaming we'd probably have more to yammer about on the brief occasions we see each other. I did enjoy the original Car Wars and Illuminati games, which is how I first badgered him out in '83.

I may see him in Anaheim later this year (If I actually get there and if he is present - I didn't see his name on any of the people lists yet, but he's not always on the radar).

Gawd, it's been ages since I played Illuminati.

The game, that is. :wink: