View Full Version : First Time Questions

02-15-2006, 03:24 AM
I'm sure this has been asked before but I couldn't find anything.

I think this week I'm finally going to take the plunge and call up a gal. Before I do I thought I'd ask the experts here if there is anything I should consider before I do this? Any advice? Recommendations? Do's & Dont's? Anything from girls or guys who have been there would be appreciated.

02-15-2006, 03:36 AM
Use common sense.

Use a condom.

Use some tact (Don't point and shout "Yow! You really =do= have a dick!")

Use some humanity. Treat her like a person, not a thing, and don't expect any less from her.

Use a credit card (If she accepts them) and buy extra time. An hour or less is just shit, for both parties, and shouldn't even be an option.

Jamie Michelle
02-15-2006, 03:47 AM
Use common sense.

Use a condom.

Use some tact (Don't point and shout "Yow! You really =do= have a dick!")

Use some humanity. Treat her like a person, not a thing, and don't expect any less from her.

Use a credit card (If she accepts them) and buy extra time. An hour or less is just shit, for both parties, and shouldn't even be an option.

Credit card?

Cash would be far better--for both parties. For one thing, there would be no paper-trail.

02-15-2006, 03:56 AM
Credit card?

Cash would be far better--for both parties. For one thing, there would be no paper-trail.

True, cash is better, but from a personal perspective, I live for plastic. It helps me splurge a bit more, defer the cost, etc. It also helps the girl avert tax evasion charges if she has =something= to show where she got that condo, Corvette, etc. from.

I have been with one girl that takes plastic and it is covered on both ends if questions are asked. I can claim it as a biz expense and she can say that I am investing in her web biz (Which, vaguely, is true). She bitches endlessly about the bother, but not about the fact that I would spend 10x as much via plastic than I do via cash.

Jamie Michelle
02-15-2006, 04:14 AM
Credit card?

Cash would be far better--for both parties. For one thing, there would be no paper-trail.

True, cash is better, but from a personal perspective, I live for plastic. It helps me splurge a bit more, defer the cost, etc. It also helps the girl avert tax evasion charges if she has =something= to show where she got that condo, Corvette, etc. from.

If the girl were worried about that then she could claim the income herself in her filings, assuming she bothered to file.

At any rate, there's no actual law on the book requiring citizens to pay income taxes. But the government's got the most guns, so it does what it wants to do, law or no law. Not that that there being such a law would make it any better.

I have been with one girl that takes plastic and it is covered on both ends if questions are asked. I can claim it as a biz expense and she can say that I am investing in her web biz (Which, vaguely, is true). She bitches endlessly about the bother, but not about the fact that I would spend 10x as much via plastic than I do via cash.

02-15-2006, 04:40 AM
Credit Card? Bwah?!

02-15-2006, 04:50 AM
wash your hair, brush your teeth...

always make sure that you are wearing clean underwear...

and don't forget to take some snapshots for mom and dad to enjoy!

02-15-2006, 05:44 AM
Know before hand if you want to be topped or be on top.

02-15-2006, 10:23 PM
wash your hair, brush your teeth...

always make sure that you are wearing clean underwear...

and don't forget to take some snapshots for mom and dad to enjoy!

Ummm about your whole body just so that you're completely clean and neat.

And yes... Know and communicate (BEFORE HAND) what you want to do or be done. BE CLEAR so that there are no misunderstandings.

Negotiate well and remember tipping is ALWAYS appreciated.

02-16-2006, 04:23 AM
At any rate, there's no actual law on the book requiring citizens to pay income taxes. But the government's got the most guns, so it does what it wants to do, law or no law. Not that that there being such a law would make it any better.

You don't seriously believe that Section 861 "foreign source" nonsense, do you? The Feds have a penchant for putting people in jail who refuse to file based on that bogus argument. Hell, they did it to a local guy here... he's looking at five years in Federal Pound Me In The Ass Prison...


02-16-2006, 04:43 AM
At any rate, there's no actual law on the book requiring citizens to pay income taxes. But the government's got the most guns, so it does what it wants to do, law or no law. Not that that there being such a law would make it any better.

You don't seriously believe that Section 861 "foreign source" nonsense, do you? The Feds have a penchant for putting people in jail who refuse to file based on that bogus argument. Hell, they did it to a local guy here... he's looking at five years in Federal Pound Me In The Ass Prison...


Oh, jamie believes it....jesus told jamie ....jesus speaks to jamie through the toaster...or is it the microwave, jamie?

:screwy :screwy :screwy

02-16-2006, 05:54 PM
Use common sense.

Use a condom.

Use some tact (Don't point and shout "Yow! You really =do= have a dick!")

Use some humanity. Treat her like a person, not a thing, and don't expect any less from her.

Use a credit card (If she accepts them) and buy extra time. An hour or less is just shit, for both parties, and shouldn't even be an option.

Credit card?

Cash would be far better--for both parties. For one thing, there would be no paper-trail.

True dat! No credit card, no paper trail, and no credit card number for her to abuse should she decide, or a boyfriend or some other acquaintance should it fall in their hands. Cash cash cash is the safest way to go with an escort. I wouldn't think of handing over a credit card to an escort. No way Jose.

Use a condom; even when she’s blowing you. Otherwise, you could get something even Ajax won’t scrub off.

02-17-2006, 03:00 AM
Thanks for all the advice, a lot of those things are common sense (be clean, gentlemanly...) but many things were mentioned I didn't consider.

Follow on question for ya, do you think I should pick a nice local girl or wait for a "big name" like Mia, who is coming my way in a few weeks?

02-17-2006, 05:19 AM
Follow on question for ya, do you think I should pick a nice local girl or wait for a "big name" like Mia, who is coming my way in a few weeks?

Both. :D

All a matter of taste and confidence, really. My first experience was with a 'local' girl (If you can call a 400 mile commute 'local') and my second was with a viddie star that I was already a fan of.

It worked out pretty well, all around, but you want to think of how you'll feel if you do something stoopid in the presence of an idol. By nature, I was goofy on my first time out of the gate and I was mortified that I was looking like a fool to begin with (To her credit, the girl was super-patient and understanding). I can't imagine how I would have felt if I was acting the idiot with someone that I had been a fan of for many years.

Also remember that you are likely to pay a premium for a BNS (Big Name Star).