View Full Version : Allanah Starr Interview in New York Magazine

12-30-2003, 12:36 AM
Hey Everyone

My Interview in New York Magzine in Amy Sohn's column "Naked City"
was just published in today's issue.

You may read the interview in your are interested on

under "Naked City"

or on New York Magazine's Website

I am really pleased with the outcome!



12-30-2003, 02:02 AM
Good article -

I especially liked the expression 'Transgressive'. It's got a very appropriate, multi-faceted tilt to it! I think I'll start using that to describe myself...

12-30-2003, 02:35 AM
Congratulations Allanah
NEW YORK MAGAZINE is about as mainstream as it gets. You've become the spokesperson of the ts community (both girls and chasers), and you represent us well. My only question is the part about girls getting $1500 per scene in ts porn. Is this acurate?

12-30-2003, 03:32 AM
LOL. I purchased this issue for the "Best Places to Eat" article, completely unaware you had an interview in it. Good Read.

12-30-2003, 05:58 AM
Flabbody yes its true that 1500.00 is the high end of the pay for a scene in porn, first timers usually get a little less but not too much less.


01-01-2004, 09:39 AM
Congratulations Allanah on what is a very fine article.

It's factual style laced with a positive undertone educates the reader about our world in a way that promotes acceptance and emphasises our feminity.

This type of public exposure, delivered to a large mainstream audience, is the means by which transsexuals will become an everyday part of society.

The way in which the mainstream media so often resorts to using shock, tongue-in-cheek or derogatory prose when dealing with an "alternative" subject scares the hell out of me. This has meant that, until now, I have turned down all offers by the media unless they have been directly related to the adult industry.

The willingness, ability and courage that you have displayed in working successfully with the mainstream media has earnt you my most sincere respect and admiration.

Kiss kiss,

Joanna Jet

01-02-2004, 06:08 AM
Thanks JJ!

I appreciate it much.

The author of the article, Amy Sohn, I knew would be very fair and would write a positive article. She is a New York writer and having had published 3 books and writing a sex column, she has been exposed to a lot.

I have always been interested in giving the visitors to my site and those who meet me an inside view to my life and world. So I am very pleased I have had these mainstream media oppurtunities to discuss my life and experiences, because I do think most people are very curious about trannsexuals.

We are one of the last taboos of modern society. Not many would men would admit they have an attraction toward us publicly and the transsexual phenemenon is not discussed intelligently by the media but rather is used as a source of ridicule.

There are many transsexuals who have succesful lives, you just don't here about them because they rather not disclose their transsexuality or be public. However, it is the perception of a lot that all we are are street walkers and dope pushers. Have u seen many movies where the token trannie isn't just the corner street hooker? Movies are a good way of looking at our social views. Just as blacks were cast mainly as only maids and butlers for years in films, I do think most of the public sees trannies as you might see in the movies; the colorful street corner freak good for a laugh.

Someone might argue that I have pigeon holed myself by going into a field that is streotypically the career of a transsexual. But I really don't see it that way. I hope that through my work I get more chances to speak out positively about my choices in life.

Happy New Year to all!

01-02-2004, 02:21 PM
to say your last paragraph is the most telling.
In an ideal world it would be great to have you as a spokesperson for the transsexual community. You're beautiful, very feminine, and extremely erudite in your knowledge of the transgender lifestyle.
However, as you say, the fact you have pigeonholed yourself in the adult film industry sadly means you will never be taken seriously by the greater population. It really needs a few transsexuals who have made it in politics, or business to seriously remove the blinkers from the masses. It will happen, but sadly I think it is some considerable years in the future yet.
Joanna and yourself deserve the utmost admiration for going fearlessly into a male dominated world and grabbing a piece of it for yourselves.
It's obvious from both your websites, of which I have been a member on several occasions that you both know and understand what it takes to run a quality enterprise.
I'm a pre-op transsexual living in the more, shall we say backwards part of the UK. I'm sure the beautiful Joanna would confirm that despite having EU legislation leaning our way a little we are light years away from being accepted.
Anyway I hope both of you have a great 2004 and the same to all at Hung Angels. I must try one day to make one of your parties Allanah.
Love and kisses

01-05-2004, 09:05 AM
straight guys who nonetheless have a narcissistic attraction to the penis.

I think I just got bulleyed.

Eh, I never said I wasn't narcissistic.

In any event, awesome interview Allanah. Congrats!