View Full Version : FREE WIFI at mcdonalds but if you plug your laptop into there AC they call the police

11-15-2011, 11:50 PM
FREE WIFI at mcdonalds but if you plug your laptop into there AC they call the police

that is so embarrassing and wrong

other restaurant say come to us and get on the INTERNET.

McDonald's owners accuses customer of stealing electricity.

1 kilowatt hour in LOS ANGELES CALIF IS EQUAL TO $0.12

$0.12/1000 WATT-HOUR

MOST laptops are 90 watts but they do not use that much power ,thats just a peak usage. the power used is more like 20 watts.

THOSE net books or mini laptops even use less power.
the power is consumed by the back light or screen and the hard drive and CD/DVD ROM. HARD DRIVE do not run continuously but in burst.




http://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/contact_us.html (http://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/contact_us.html)

Super Size Me (2004) - IMDb@@AMEPARAM@@http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTYyOTk4MjIxOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzk1NTUyMQ@@._ V1._SX99_SY140_.jpg@@AMEPARAM@@BMTYyOTk4MjIxOF5BMl 5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzk1NTUyMQ@@@@AMEPARAM@@SX99@@AMEPAR AM@@SY140 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0390521/)

Supersize Me in 7 mins: How too much of McDonald's will make you feel! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2diPZOtty0)

11-16-2011, 03:30 AM
no comments yet from those who travel?

MdR Dave
11-16-2011, 04:42 AM
I'm sorry this happened to you, Nat.

Shouldn't eat at McDonald's anyway, though. Don't you know how bad that is for you?

11-16-2011, 04:46 AM
it did not happen to me but it happen to some friends

McDonald's is trying to compete with starbucks,starbucks offers free INTERNET and premium coffee and now food such as chicken wings and chicken nuggets and fries.
starbucks will bring an extension cord out to you but McDonald's blocks there wall sockets and or calls the police on you.

11-16-2011, 04:50 AM
Get your Big Mac's to go...

I plugged my cell charger into an outlet at a Chineese place the other day, and they had no issue with it....in fact they gave me an extra egg roll....want it?

11-16-2011, 04:55 AM
shiiiii it get on your knees onmyknees

MdR Dave
11-16-2011, 04:56 AM
I hate those hipster doofus fu€ks at Starbucks.

When I want coffee I shouldn't have to choke on their cloud of ironic obscurity while they blog in fedoras tilted just so. Free internet destroys public spaces.

They should get on their motorscooters and go home.

At least having to recharge would make them leave eventually.

Dino Velvet
11-16-2011, 04:57 AM
They still doing the McRib over there? Might have to get several of them to go and a medium Dr Pepper later.

11-16-2011, 05:01 AM
They still doing the McRib over there? Might have to get several of them to go and a medium Dr Pepper later.

They still have the McRib. lol

11-16-2011, 05:04 AM
free mcrib on thursday

buy 1 get 1 free
I don't eat no pig tho

MdR Dave
11-16-2011, 05:06 AM
They still doing the McRib over there? Might have to get several of them to go and a medium Dr Pepper later.

They are made of offal slurry. Of all the base, defiled things a man may do eating a McRib should not be listed.

11-16-2011, 05:07 AM
the secret of mcrib is when pork prices drop it comes back on the menu and its pig belly and not actually rib meat

REVEALED: The Real Reason McDonalds Just Brought Back The McRib

The McRib is back—but not to satisfy your taste buds.
The elusive sandwich (http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-11-09/wall_street/30376921_1_mcrib-hog-prices-pork-prices#) is really just a McDonald's (http://www.businessinsider.com/blackboard/mcdonalds) commodity trade at the right market moment, according to The Awl's Willey Staley (http://www.theawl.com/2011/11/a-conspiracy-of-hogs-the-mcrib-as-arbitrage).
The sandwich has been springing up on the fast food chain's menu (http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-11-09/wall_street/30376921_1_mcrib-hog-prices-pork-prices#) since 1981 or 1982, and almost always corresponds with a trough in the price of hogs.

Because McDonalds must buy millions of pounds of pork to support the sale, a small dip in its price could mean huge savings for the company—enough to make the product sufficiently profitable to revive. Such a decision generally coincides with the fall season, which is a cyclical low for hog prices.
Check out Staley's rough chart of how hog prices correspond with McRib revivals:

Image: The Awl (http://www.theawl.com/2011/11/a-conspiracy-of-hogs-the-mcrib-as-arbitrage)While Staley says he can't point to more than a correlation here, he argues that there are lots of good reasons for McDonalds to behave more like a trader than a restaurant (http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-11-09/wall_street/30376921_1_mcrib-hog-prices-pork-prices#):

Fast food involves both hideously violent economies of scale and sad, sad end users who volunteer to be taken advantage of. What makes the McRib different from this everyday horror is that a) McDonald’s is huge to the point that it’s more useful to think of it as a company trading in commodities than it is to think of it as a chain of restaurants b) it is made of pork, which makes it a unique product in the QSR world and c) it is only available sometimes, but refuses to go away entirely.
If you can demonstrate that McDonald’s only introduces the sandwich when pork prices are lower than usual, then you’re but a couple logical steps from concluding that McDonald’s is essentially exploiting a market imbalance between what normal food producers are willing to pay for hog meat at certain times of the year, and what Americans are willing to pay for it once it is processed, molded into illogically anatomical shapes, and slathered in HFCS-rich BBQ sauce.Don't miss the rest of his amusing discussion of the McRib at The Awl (http://www.theawl.com/2011/11/a-conspiracy-of-hogs-the-mcrib-as-arbitrage).

Read more: http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-11-09/wall_street/30376921_1_mcrib-hog-prices-pork-prices#ixzz1dpnDIlvy

Read more: http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-11-09/wall_street/30376921_1_mcrib-hog-prices-pork-prices#ixzz1dpn4oVY7

Read more: http://articles.businessinsider.com/2011-11-09/wall_street/30376921_1_mcrib-hog-prices-pork-prices#ixzz1dpmyjG38



MdR Dave
11-16-2011, 05:14 AM
the secret of mcrib is when pork prices drop it comes back on the menu and its pig belly and not actually rib meat
"offal slurry". Google it in quotes along with the word McRib.

Belly. Belly would be a significant step up.

Dino Velvet
11-16-2011, 05:26 AM
free mcrib on thursday

buy 1 get 1 free
I don't eat no pig tho

I'm a cannibal so I do. Thanks for the tip on the "buy 1 get 1 free". Might make a real piggy of myself in a couple of days.

Dino Velvet
11-16-2011, 05:28 AM
They are made of offal slurry. Of all the base, defiled things a man may do eating a McRib should not be listed.

Enough BBQ Sauce washes all sin away making it delicious again.

MdR Dave
11-16-2011, 05:50 AM
Nat, all companies behave like this. Buy when prices are low. . .you could say the same about people who buy and freeze coffee when it's on sale.

As they don't process the pork themselves they don't have to buy hogs. (ingredient for McRib is officially "pork shoulder and/or offal slurry" but as they manipulate proteins at a molecular level to reconstitute the "meat" I doubt they ever find the need to buy the shoulder). What would they do with the rest of the pig? Someone else takes the pork, Mickey D strains the sludge heading down the factory pipes.

They buy from their suppliers when prices are low. That's only smart, and not at all sinister. The way they control their suppliers (and meat packing jobs, employee benefits, etc.) is awful, however. "Fast Food Nation" laid it out simply and transparently but nothing will change even if Charlton Heston rises from the grave screaming about Soylent Green. The book may as well have not been written.

11-16-2011, 05:53 AM
lets get back on subject

FREE WIFI at mcdonalds but if you plug your laptop into there AC they call the police

that is so embarrassing and wrong

other restaurant say come to us and get on the INTERNET.

McDonald's owners accuses customer of stealing electricity.

1 kilowatt hour in LOS ANGELES CALIF IS EQUAL TO $0.12

$0.12/1000 WATT-HOUR

MOST laptops are 90 watts but they do not use that much power ,thats just a peak usage. the power used is more like 20 watts.

THOSE net books or mini laptops even use less power.
the power is consumed by the back light or screen and the hard drive and CD/DVD ROM. HARD DRIVE do not run continuously but in burst.




http://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/contact_us.html (http://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/contact_us.html)

Super Size Me (2004) - IMDb@@AMEPARAM@@http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTYyOTk4MjIxOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzk1NTUyMQ@@._ V1._SX99_SY140_.jpg@@AMEPARAM@@BMTYyOTk4MjIxOF5BMl 5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzk1NTUyMQ@@@@AMEPARAM@@SX99@@AMEPAR AM@@SY140 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0390521/)

Supersize Me in 7 mins: How too much of McDonald's will make you feel! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2diPZOtty0)

FREE WIFI at mcdonalds but if you plug your laptop into there AC they call the police

that is so embarrassing and wrong

other restaurant say come to us and get on the INTERNET.

McDonald's owners accuses customer of stealing electricity.

1 kilowatt hour in LOS ANGELES CALIF IS EQUAL TO $0.12

$0.12/1000 WATT-HOUR

MOST laptops are 90 watts but they do not use that much power ,thats just a peak usage. the power used is more like 20 watts.

THOSE net books or mini laptops even use less power.
the power is consumed by the back light or screen and the hard drive and CD/DVD ROM. HARD DRIVE do not run continuously but in burst.




http://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/contact_us.html (http://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/contact_us.html)

Super Size Me (2004) - IMDb (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0390521/)

Supersize Me in 7 mins: How too much of McDonald's will make you feel! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2diPZOtty0)

Dino Velvet
11-16-2011, 06:01 AM
The Golden Arches by my house is open 24 hrs and the burgers and fries are always hot and tasty. Double Quarter Pounder w/cheese FTW :salad

Dino Velvet
11-16-2011, 06:02 AM
Bathrooms always clean too.

MdR Dave
11-16-2011, 06:02 AM
I've seen people plug in at the one in Venice on Lincoln, no problem. (I've also seen the tables 3/4 taken by homeless, foodless people. )

I doubt it's a corporate policy handed down to the franchisees. Probably just bad judgment on the part of a manager, if it happened.

But you know what? It's free wireless, not free electricity regardless the amount. If you really think it's ok try to hack a bank and take two pennies from all accounts. Or try to give all Americans two pennies out of a single account.

See how the popo likes that.

Dino Velvet
11-16-2011, 06:08 AM
I've seen people plug in at the one in Venice on Lincoln, no problem. (I've also seen the tables 3/4 taken by homeless, foodless people. )

I doubt it's a corporate policy handed down to the franchisees. Probably just bad judgment on the part of a manager, if it happened.

But you know what? It's free wireless, not free electricity regardless the amount. If you really think it's ok try to hack a bank and take two pennies from all accounts. Or try to give all Americans two pennies out of a single account.

See how the popo likes that.

I've been to that Mickie D's many times. This homeless guy walked in one time and went right to a table that had a mother and a little daughter sitting. He shuffled over holding his pants up and hit her up. She reached in her purse and was handing him some money. Unfortunately he reached with the same hand that was holding his pants up. Disco. We have the worst peep show ever. Expensive too as $5 barely caught a peek at hobo junk.

12-02-2011, 06:53 AM
stars bucks offers coffe,an electrical outlet and free wifi

12-02-2011, 07:19 AM
Starbucks is about sipping expensive lattes and going online (hopefully buying more products as you lounge there) and hanging out. I see caffeine junkies and college students hanging out in Starbucks like I would hang out in a bar or lounge.

McDonalds is a fast food joint. period.

12-02-2011, 10:24 AM
the owners of barfdonalds should be arrested for serving that trash and ruining the health if misled people.

12-02-2011, 05:31 PM
they must really dislike you, I've always plugged my laptopo in, did you purchase anything? That usually helps.

05-23-2012, 06:09 AM
mc donalds at it again but some owners have put in ac plugs and made the place more internet and college friendly.

05-23-2012, 06:44 AM
I hate those hipster doofus fu€ks at Starbucks.

When I want coffee I shouldn't have to choke on their cloud of ironic obscurity while they blog in fedoras tilted just so. Free internet destroys public spaces.

They should get on their motorscooters and go home.

At least having to recharge would make them leave eventually.

Hipsters dont drink Starbucks. It's too mainstream for them

05-23-2012, 07:03 AM
Buy a cappuccino machine. You don't have to get an expensive one. It's a little bit of work but once you figure it out you will be making coffee that blows the doors off of Starbucks at a fraction of the price.

05-23-2012, 07:32 AM
Screw Starbucks and McDonalds. Micky'D's food is garbage, and while Starbucks may serve a quality cup of coffee, they had better offer free wifi and electrical outlets because their coffee costs twice as much as it should. I try to avoid McDonalds because I'm thin and I'd like to stay that way. I've only been in a Starbucks five times. Quite literally, I can count the number of times I've walked inside a Starbucks on one hand. I prefer to make my coffee at home, but thanks to all you "grab-and-go" coffee drinkers, I'm paying $14 for a container of Folgers. Fuck all y'all. lol.

I could care less if McDonald's doesn't allow laptop owners to plug in. As far as I figure it, if you're willing to spend money at a McDonald's and think an electrical connection should come free because the food is too expensive and you forgot to charge up your laptop battery, chalk it up to an idiot tax. The food McDonald's serves shouldn't be considered food. You're only paying for it because your stomach is empty and you gotta stuff it with something. Eating rocks would likely be more beneficial, and they're free.

05-24-2012, 06:06 AM
I like Egg McMuffins.

07-01-2015, 07:33 AM
Things just got a lot worse over at McDonald's

McDonald's (MCD) customer satisfaction ratings are getting worse, and it's dragging the rest of the fast food industry down with it, according the American Customer Satisfaction Index Restaurant Report 2015

The world's largest fast food chain ranked last in consumer satisfaction with a score of 67 out of 100—a 6 percent decline from last year.

McDonald's did not immediately respond to CNBC's request for comment.

Because of its size and market share, McDonald's weak customer satisfaction brings the overall industry ACSI score down, the report said. The overall ACSI score for fast food restaurants declined 3.8 percent to 77, the lowest score since 2010.

Fellow burger chains also struggled, with scores at Burger King and Wendy's (WEN) declining 5 percent and 6 percent, respectively.

"In particular, customers seem to perceive the traditional burger chains as increasingly tired brands—industry competition is fierce, and shifting consumer preferences for healthier foods is taking a toll," the report said.

The decline comes as more consumers move toward younger fast-casual burger chains, including Five Guys, In-N-Out Burger and Shake Shack (SHAK), which typically offers better ingredients, freshness and more developed decor, according to the report.

The report is the latest of a slew of bad news for McDonald's, which posted six straight quarters of decreasing U.S. sales.

Despite its attempts to create healthier options and speed up service, the chain has been losing customers to higher-end chains.

McDonald's has laid out a turnaround plan to reverse the slump in sales, but some analysts point to last month's decline in same-store sales as an indication that it is having trouble executing it.

The Associated Press reported this month that the chain planned to close more stores than planned this year. The cuts would mark the first time it has reduced its U.S. store count since 1970, according to Argus Research, which currently has a "hold" rating on the stock.


FREE WIFI at mcdonalds but if you plug your laptop into there AC they call the police

that is so embarrassing and wrong

other restaurant say come to us and get on the INTERNET.

McDonald's owners accuses customer of stealing electricity.

1 kilowatt hour in LOS ANGELES CALIF IS EQUAL TO $0.12

$0.12/1000 WATT-HOUR

MOST laptops are 90 watts but they do not use that much power ,thats just a peak usage. the power used is more like 20 watts.

THOSE net books or mini laptops even use less power.
the power is consumed by the back light or screen and the hard drive and CD/DVD ROM. HARD DRIVE do not run continuously but in burst.




http://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/contact_us.html (http://www.mcdonalds.com/us/en/contact_us.html)

Super Size Me (2004) - IMDb@@AMEPARAM@@http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTYyOTk4MjIxOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzk1NTUyMQ@@._ V1._SX99_SY140_.jpg@@AMEPARAM@@BMTYyOTk4MjIxOF5BMl 5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzk1NTUyMQ@@@@AMEPARAM@@SX99@@AMEPAR AM@@SY140 (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0390521/)

Supersize Me in 7 mins: How too much of McDonald's will make you feel! - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2diPZOtty0)

07-01-2015, 07:44 AM

How Much Electricity Do Your Gadgets Really Use?

Are they electricity vampires or sippers? Here’s what’s worth worrying about and what’s not.

We all get anxious when the battery levels on our phones and laptops and iPads get low. Dead batteries can lead to depression and withdrawal symptoms. The longest seconds are those that pass between the time I plug in my iPhone charger and when the white Apple (http://www.forbes.com/companies/apple/) AAPL +0.7% (http://www.forbes.com/companies/apple/) icon finally appears on the screen as the device starts to boot up.
Do you get sheepish about “borrowing” electricity from random people in random places to recharge your phones or laptop? Do you worry about how much electricity you’re freeloading?
You shouldn’t.
Pop quiz: how much electricity (to the closest 10 kilowatt-hour) does it take to power your iPhone or Android for a year? 1 kWh? 10 kWh? Or 100 kwh? The answer: 1 kWh.
This is the amount of electricity you’d need to power ten 100-watt incandescent lightbulbs for an hour. Far from anything worth being sheepish over, 1 kwh costs about 12 cents.
To be specific, your iPhone battery holds a charge of 1,440 mAh, or about 5.45 watt hours. If you fully drained and recharged your phone everyday, then over the course of a year you would have to feed it about 2,000 watt hours, or 2kWh. At an average price of 12 cents that means that your phone uses about one quarter’s worth of electricity per year. As for your iPad, keeping it fed costs just $1.36 a year, according to the Electric Power Research Institute (http://www.epri.com/Press-Releases/Pages/EPRI-Calculates-Annual-Cost-of-Charging-an-iPad-at-%241-36.aspx). Your average laptop, with its far bigger screen, uses about 72 kWh, costing some $8 a year.

That’s right, you can run your phone, iPad and laptop for a whole year for about $10 — less than the cost of three gallons of gasoline.
So don’t worry about plugging in that charger and bumming a little juice. Don’t worry about the ongoing carbon footprint of your electronics devices. Ignore the worryworts who try to make the case that your phone uses the electricity of two refrigerators (http://www.tech-pundit.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Cloud_Begins_With_Coal.pdf?c761ac) if you add up all the processing power going on in the cloud. That’s been thoroughly disproven (http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2013/08/25/2518361/iphone-electricity-refrigerator/).

Instead, if you want to reduce your electricity (and overall energy) use, better to think holistically about the entire scope and scale of your energy diet rather than the tiny loads being sipped by your favorite toys.
As Michael Bluejay (who goes by the nickname Mr. Electricity (http://michaelbluejay.com/electricity/)) says: “Obsessing about whether it’s better to boil a cup of water on an electric burner or in a microwave, or whether you wear out your lights quicker by turning them off rathr than keeping them on, is a waste of time and misses the point. Such trivia won’t make a dime’s worth of difference in your electric bill. It’s the bigger things that matter.”
The good news is that the big energy suckers in the your home — air conditioner, refrigerator, clothes washer, and even lightbulbs — have become far more efficient (http://www.nrdc.org/air/energy/energyeff/stb.pdf). Compared with 1980 models, clothes washers now use 70% less electricity. New LED lightbulbs use 80% less. Refrigerators use 60% less.

Even gaming systems have seen dramatic (http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/kmullins/VG_energy_savings_potential.pdf) improvements. Early iterations of Sony (http://www.forbes.com/companies/sony/) SNE -6.49% (http://www.forbes.com/companies/sony/)‘s Playstation and Microsoft (http://www.forbes.com/companies/microsoft/) MSFT -0.54% (http://www.forbes.com/companies/microsoft/)‘s Xbox drew 150 watts when in play mode. Now they’re down to less than 100 watts — costing about $40 a year, depending on how much you play. That’s about as much as a big-screen plasma TV at $42. Your cable box with DVR averages about 230 kWh per year, for about $28.

Full List: How Much Power Your Devices And Appliances Use

In cutting your energy usage, sometimes it makes sense to upgrade appliances. But sometimes it makes more sense to change your behavior.

Take water heating, for example.

Making water hot accounts for 18% of the average home’s energy bill, according (http://energy.gov/energysaver/articles/tips-water-heating) to the EPA, or about $600 a year. Tankless water heaters will save (http://www1.eere.energy.gov/femp/technologies/eep_waterheaters_calc.html#output) you $10 or more in electric costs per month. Solar water heating systems can nearly eliminate your water heating costs altogether. But unless you’re building a new house or your old water heater has died, a new system doesn’t make sense because it could take 10 years or more worth of savings to recover the high installation cost. Instead, says Mr. Electricity, simply wash your clothes in cold water instead of hot or even warm. That will save you $150 a year in the average home, and will make your clothes last longer.
The economics are a little better on clothes washers. Getting the dirt out of your togs uses as much as $100 worth of power a year (http://www.energystar.gov/index.cfm?c=most_efficient.me_clothes_washers) with newer front-loading machines. An old top-loading clothes washer uses twice as much juice. With those economics you can buy a new washer and within five years you’ll make back the upfront investment in energy savings.
Drying your clothes costs about 50 cents per load — about $200 a year for most families. If laundry racks don’t appeal, try putting a dry towel in there with your wet clothes. The towel will soak up a lot of water from the clothes; take it out halfway through the cycle and hang it up to air dry.
Lighting. This is, for many homes, the best way to save electricity. Traditional incandescent bulbs are more heaters than they are light sources — 90% of the electricity they take in comes out as heat, not light. A single 60 watt incandescent lightbulb, on for 10 hours a day, will use 220 kWh per year, costing about $26 (assuming 12 cents per kWh). A compact fluorescent can put out the same light for just $7 per year. And a newer LED bulb can do it for $4.40. I’m a fan of the new LED bulbs made by Cree, (which I wrote about for Forbes here (http://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2013/05/22/how-cree-perfected-the-20-year-lightbulb/)). They might cost $10 a bulb, but you’ll make that back with just a few months of energy savings. And vitally, for those of us who can’t stand the flickering of CFLs bulbs, the Cree LEDs don’t flicker and their warm white variety is nearly indistinguishable from an incandescent. Unlike incandescents, LED bulbs never burn out, and because they put out very little heat you’ll save on your air conditioning.

Think about it: if you were to replace 10 incandescent bulbs around your house with 10 LED bulbs you could save more than $210 a year (assuming they’re on 10 hours a day). That’s enough to pay back your LED investment in less than a year and have enough left over to power all your electronic devices, TV and Xbox. Sweet.
And then there’s the automobile. This is the real energy guzzler for most of us. Assuming that you drive 15,000 miles and get a respectable 25 miles per gallon you’ll be buying 600 gallons of gasoline a year. At an average $3.60 per gallon nationwide, that will cost you nearly $2,200 a year. That’s about 15 cents per mile, or enough energy expense to power 270 laptop computers.
So at what point does it make sense to buy an electric car, like the Tesla? It takes about 85 kWh of electricity to fill up a Model S Tesla (http://www.teslamotors.com/models/facts)with a 300-mile-range battery. This amounts to about $10 worth of electricity, for an average cost (http://teslarumors.com/USA-Residental-Energy-Cost-2011-by-State.html)per mile of about 3 cents. If you’re driving that same 15,000 miles a year in your Tesla your fuel bill will thus come to about $450. That’s a hefty $1,750 savings over gasoline, but then again, the Tesla does cost at least $60,000, and that fuel savings will be wiped away when you have to shell out $12,000 to replace your battery after five years or so.


07-01-2015, 07:48 AM
$1.36: What it costs to charge iPad for a year

NEW YORK – That coffee you're drinking while gazing at your iPad? It cost more than all the electricity needed to run those games, emails, videos and news stories for a year.

The annual cost to charge an iPad is just $1.36, according to the Electric Power Research Institute (http://content.usatoday.com/topics/topic/Organizations/Non-profits,+Activist+Groups/Electric+Power+Research+Institute), a non-profit research and development group funded by electric utilities.
By comparison, a 60-watt compact fluorescent bulb costs $1.61, a desktop PC adds up to $28.21 and a refrigerator runs you $65.72 in the U.S. (http://content.usatoday.com/topics/topic/U.S)
The group, known as EPRI, studied the power consumption of Apple Inc. (http://content.usatoday.com/topics/topic/Brands/Consumer+Products/Apple)'s iPad to determine the effect that the newly-popular devices might have on the nation's electricity use.
The answer: not much.
If the number of iPads triples from the current 67 million, they would need the electricity from one small power plant operating at full strength.
But if people are using iPads instead of televisions to play video games, or ditching their desktop computers for iPads, the shift to tablets could mean lower overall power consumption. A desktop computer uses 20 times more power than an iPad.
Baskar Vairmohan, the EPRI researcher who conducted the iPad test, said the group is now studying usage to understand whether the explosion of tablets is adding to power consumption, or reducing it.
Residential power demand is on track to fall for the third straight year, according to the government. A weak economy is keeping people in smaller houses and shacked up with others. At the same time, efficiency programs are pushing more efficient light bulbs, air conditioners and other devices into homes. Refrigerators use a quarter of the power they used a generation ago, according to EPRI.
For the iPad test, Vairmohan measured the amount of power used to charge up an iPad with a drained battery. He assumed that users would charge up every other day. Over a year, the latest version of the iPad consumed 11.86 kilowatt-hours of electricity. (Older versions consume somewhat less power.)
The juice would cost $1.36 at the U.S. average residential price of 11.49 cents per kilowatt-hour.
But there's an even cheaper way to go than the iPad. EPRI calculated the cost of power needed to fuel an iPhone 4 for year: just 38 cents.
