View Full Version : tgirls who goes for post-op

10-26-2011, 10:42 PM
All transsexuals can choose between operations that are merely cosmetic and those providing a varying degree of sexual functioning in the chosen gender.:)
For male to female transsexuals, the creation of a new vagina means removal of the core of the penis and testes. Scrotal and penile tissue is pushed inside out to form a vaginal canal just in front of the rectum. The exit of the urethra will be re-sited, and a clitoris can be fashioned from the head of the penis. The scrotal tissue will be reshaped to form small flaps, labia, at the opening of the new vagina.:iagree:
The success of the operation depends upon the skill of the surgeon and on the amount of tissue available for reshaping. Since oestrogen therapy makes the penis and testes shrink, it is important to plan ahead — keeping hormone doses lower during the pre-surgery years.:)
Transsexuals who opt for vaginoplasty, to give the operation its surgical name, should not expect miracles. In skilled hands the results can be remarkable, but a natural female vagina, with its highly specialised lubrication system and nerve supply is impossible to copy exactly.:)
Further cosmetic surgery, including breast implants, nose reshaping and even reduction of the Adam's apple can all be done at a later stage, with varying degree of success. A continuous programme of jaw remodelling, peeling off coarse skin and hair transplantation is also possible.:)

10-26-2011, 10:44 PM
See? You learn something every day. </moresarcasm>
