View Full Version : The REAL reason Tea Baggers Hate Obama!!

09-12-2011, 04:39 AM

Their kiddies LOVE him.:dancing:

09-12-2011, 07:18 AM

09-15-2011, 01:45 AM
No, it's more like he can't do simple arithmetic.

His new "Jobs bill"....is fucking every one of those kids in the ass with a rusty chain saw sideways.

Where is he getting the money? (what did the Senate pass last Friday)?

Future tax monies.

But I guess that's just fine with you liberal bottom-feeders.

Fuck you liberal assholes. Enslaving those kids in the pic above.

09-15-2011, 01:55 AM
Who is it on these boards who likes to talk all the time about vitriol against the conservatives? Let me try. Step back...

I guess it's just fine with you teabagging zombie brain-eaters to fire teachers, cut their pay and cut education funding. Fuck you, you teabagging asswipes. Sweeping those kids in the picture above under the carpet damning them to a future of minimum wage jobs and an environment filled with cancer inducing toxins. :) :) :)

09-15-2011, 02:41 AM
No, it's more like he can't do simple arithmetic.

His new "Jobs bill"....is fucking every one of those kids in the ass with a rusty chain saw sideways.

Where is he getting the money? (what did the Senate pass last Friday)?

Future tax monies.

But I guess that's just fine with you liberal bottom-feeders.

Fuck you liberal assholes. Enslaving those kids in the pic above.

Good lord even Faldur thought it was funny. Why are you so pissed off man?

09-15-2011, 02:42 AM
Trish, where do you think the money will come from?



Higher taxes?


Do you understand that we are Greece? Right now?

The one thing that separates us from them is that we currently have some suckers still using us as a reserve currency.

Can you wrap your feeble mind around the fact that we are broke?

We can not "grow" our way out of this.

Obama's "job plan" sucks future tax revenue back to "now" to fund bullshit jobs....and is nothing more than corporate welfare (temporary) for unions.

So all you leachfucks can FOAD.

Now please.

09-15-2011, 02:51 AM
Amen Bean..

09-15-2011, 02:53 AM
Interesting timing GH....Here's why. Let's talk about Anthony Whiner's NY9 Congressional seat election yesterday for a moment shall we? Living in NY, I was subjected ( more like bombarded) by liberal ads that directly tied the conservative to the Tea Party. Every 5 minuets the DNC was humping their tired old lines over the radio and on TV..I'm told a half a million dollars worth. You certainly know the drill and the smack because you traffic in it regularly as does Trish...In fact you probably recite it in your sleep...Tea Baggers= Racists=Terrorists=Haters. Well....it would appear that a in a district that democrats outnumbered Republicans 4-1, and that has not voted for a Republican Congressional candidate in 90 years the strategy failed hugely,as it did in 2012 (AKA "The Shellacking"), and as it does here on HA . Seems like even other libs aren't buying what you're selling...but by all means keep humping it...Now I realize that you and Trish don't know me well enough to do me a solid so maybe grant me one wish...Please keep it up. Please keep calling Tea Party Patriots racists and haters and domestic terrorists. It's working so well !!!

Look...your guy is inept and aimless, and the color of his skin seems to matter only to you.

And The word of the day for you Obama sycophants....SOLYNDRA. Learn it....it very well could be your Waterloo !!!!!!!!

Fondly, your friendly Racist and Terrorist.:dancing:

09-15-2011, 03:03 AM
Do you understand that we are Greece? Right now?Do you understand that we aren't Greece right? Do you understand that the deficit is not our current biggest economic problem? Do you understand that its not the big corporations who made record profits over the last two years or their big shareholders who lack confidence? It is the average American who lacks confidence. Why? Because the average America[n], if he's working, knows a family member who's out of work, a friend who's out of work and who worries for his own job. You understand, right, [that] the productivity of the American worker is also record high? Corporate America has learned it can make record profits with fewer workers and has restructured accordingly. You also understand that unless the average American[] finds work, can count on regular pay increases and can feel secure about their benefits nobody in America is going to be buying goods? You do know that luxury goods are moving quite well, but not the stuff a regular Joe would buy? You do know that we really can't close the deficit gap until the job market recovers. You do know that when you fire a teacher you create unemployment? You do understand that when you cut education you create future unemployment? You do know that Social Security is not bankrupt and can easily be fixed by removing the cap? You do know that the deficit is largely due to interest due on our war debt? You do know that there should have been some sacrifice during the last eight years to pay for those wars, a war tax?

Who was [it] again that keeps talking about vitriolic language?? Okay, let me try again.

Can you wrap your feeble mind around the fact that WE ARE NOT BROKE. The world still buys and trust the American dollar. China trusts the dollar. WE CANNOT CUT OUR WAY OUT OF THE DEFICIT. At no other time in the near future will interest rates be so low. Right now labor is cheaper than it will ever be. To remain viable we must maintain our infrastructure. Bridges, railroads, satellites, roads, public buildings, energy grid, utilities, etc. etc. Maintena[]nce will never be cheaper than now. If we do it now, it will both be cheap and it will supply hundreds of thousands of jobs. The more we spend on jobs now, the quicker we'll recover and the stronger we'll be for it.

09-15-2011, 03:08 AM
Do you understand that we aren't Greece right? Do you understand that the deficit is not our current biggest economic problem? Do you understand that its not the big corporations who made record profits over the last two years or their big shareholders who lack confidence? It is the average American who lacks confidence. Why? Because the average America, if he's working knows a family member who's out of work, a friend who's out of work and who worries for his own job. You understand that, right, the productivity of the American worker is also record high? Corporate America has learned it can make record profits with fewer workers and has restructured accordingly. You also understand that unless the average Americans find work, can count on regular pay increases and can feel secure about their benefits nobody in America is going to be buying goods? You do know that luxury goods are moving quite well, but not the stuff a regular Joe would buy? You do know that we really can't close the deficit gap until the job market recovers. You do know that when you fire a teacher you create unemployment? You do understand that when you cut education you create future unemployment? You do know that Social Security is not bankrupt and can easily be fixed by removing the cap? You do know that the deficit is largely due to interest due on our war debt? You do know that there should have been some sacrifice during the last eight years to pay for those wars, a war tax?

Who was again that keeps talking about vitriolic language?? Okay, let me try again.

Can you wrap your feeble mind around the fact that WE ARE NOT BROKE. The world still buys and trust the American dollar. China trusts the dollar. WE CANNOT CUT OUR WAY OUT OF THE DEFICIT. At no other time in the near future will interest rates be so low. Right now labor is cheaper than it will ever be. To remain viable we must maintain our infrastructure. Bridges, railroads, satellites, roads, public buildings, energy grid, utilities, etc. etc. Maintenaince will never be cheaper than now. If we do it now, it will both be cheap and it will supply hundreds of thousands of jobs. The more we spend on jobs now, the quicker we'll recover and the stronger we'll be for it.

Trish, if I had George Osborne's email address, I'd be passing it on to you.

His prescription for recovery is all too similar to the Republicans, bad thing is, he's in power over here and putting it into practice. Every succeeding piece of bad economic news receives a shrug. Even Thatcher, and it hurts me to say this, would have shifted in the face of all the evidence.

09-15-2011, 06:14 AM
Interesting timing GH....Here's why. Let's talk about Anthony Whiner's NY9 Congressional seat election yesterday for a moment shall we? Living in NY, I was subjected ( more like bombarded) by liberal ads that directly tied the conservative to the Tea Party. Every 5 minuets the DNC was humping their tired old lines over the radio and on TV..I'm told a half a million dollars worth. You certainly know the drill and the smack because you traffic in it regularly as does Trish...In fact you probably recite it in your sleep...Tea Baggers= Racists=Terrorists=Haters. Well....it would appear that a in a district that democrats outnumbered Republicans 4-1, and that has not voted for a Republican Congressional candidate in 90 years the strategy failed hugely,as it did in 2012 (AKA "The Shellacking"), and as it does here on HA . Seems like even other libs aren't buying what you're selling...but by all means keep humping it...Now I realize that you and Trish don't know me well enough to do me a solid so maybe grant me one wish...Please keep it up. Please keep calling Tea Party Patriots racists and haters and domestic terrorists. It's working so well !!!

Look...your guy is inept and aimless, and the color of his skin seems to matter only to you.

And The word of the day for you Obama sycophants....SOLYNDRA. Learn it....it very well could be your Waterloo !!!!!!!!

Fondly, your friendly Racist and Terrorist.:dancing:

Tea Baggers= Racists=Terrorists=Haters.

They became that once your 2 favorite (Palin and Beck) people decided to use them to push there agenda. They were originally founded by Ron Paul who we all know is radically different from Palin and Beck.

09-15-2011, 09:03 AM
So let me get this straight. You're saying the deficit is not a problem? Did you notice the recent downgrade?

You really think that spending future tax monies...on bullshit temporary jobs is the key to a recovery?


When you fire a teacher you lessen the tax burden on J6P.

"You do know that the deficit is largely due to interest due on our war debt?"

Do a search on how much money the Nobel Peace Prize winner has spent since he's been in office.

"We are not broke".


We're currently paying out more than we take in.

You're solution is to go hit the productive people in society up for another loan? That sucks money right out of GDP.

News flash, when you're in debt, and you can't find anyone to buy up your future debt, you don't go down to the bank and ask for a credit increase.

"The world still buys and trust the American dollar. China trusts the dollar."

Oh Really? Who's been the biggest buyer of t-bonds in the last 2 years?

" The more we spend on jobs now, the quicker we'll recover and the stronger we'll be for it."

So much goddamned stupid in that one sentence...it's shocking.

"We", I guess you mean the taxpayer, should not have to SPEND a single fucking penny to create jobs. Apparently, this little tidbit of reality escapes you

09-15-2011, 03:23 PM
When you fire a teacher you lessen the tax burden on J6P.
No. You don't. You can't name a single school district that fired teachers and then lowered their tax rate "lessening" the burden on tax payers. You fire a teacher, the base pays the same taxes and gets one less teacher for their money and more children without adequate educational guidance.

You're solution is to go hit the productive people in society up for another loan?You are funny. The productive people are the people who produce products with their bare hands, not the asswipes who sit in their armchairs collecting stock dividends while demanding their CEO's figure out how to bring in more profit with fewer laborers [with] fewer benefits and lower wages. Once you wipe out the middle class there will be no economic recovery and no one left to generate the business required [to] diminish the deficit.
You've only argued that the deficit is a problem. I agree, it is. But it is not the most immediate problem. The dollar is highly valued all around the world. The S&P lowered our rating not because its value is dropping or because we run a deficit. It wasn't even lowered because the Tea Bagging Party is playing obstructionist politics and blocking all avenues to true recovery. It was lowered because the Tea Bagger obstructionism increased the likelihood that the U.S. would default payment on its debt.

News flash. EVERY SUCCESSFUL CORPORATION IN THE WORLD RUNS A DEBT, INDEED, A DEFICIT TOO. That's no big deal as long as your creditors are happy and aren't threatening foreclosure. A corporation will of course want eventually to reduce deficits but to reduce them [too] soon at the expense of making expansions that will secure market share is not a wise use of borrowed money. The whole system of credit is essential to the world economy. It effectively doubles the money available in the system. If every person and every corporation and every nation paid up front in cash for every transaction the world economy would collapse in a day.

"We", I guess you mean the taxpayer, should not have to SPEND a single fucking penny to create jobs. Apparently, this little tidbit of reality escapes you So much goddamned stupid in that one sentence...it's shocking.

09-15-2011, 04:11 PM

You may want to modify that statement. I have run a successful corporation for 20 years and we have NEVER run a deficit. We have never used our line of credit. Its called responsible management, and living within ones means. Works great in personal life, business and whoa guess what.. government.

09-15-2011, 06:17 PM
You[] tell me your business is successful but you also tell me there's a time traveling Jesus. I simply can[not] trust anything that you say that can't be independently assessed. Care to give us the name and location of your business and access to the books?

In a forum where you are anonymous, you cannot use personal anecdotes as evidence for general claims. Evidence must be public and available for all to judge and assess. You have decided, like many of us, to isolate your personal life and business keeping it unavailable to us. Any argument you offer for a general claim cannot validly be substantiated by evidence you've chosen to keep to yourself. For all we know, you have no business, or your business is failing, or your business is doing just fine but like most you have debts and creditors, or that you had debts and creditors in the beginning. We can only judge the veracity of the "evidence" offered by the veracity of other claims you made in the past which are public and can be independently judged and assessed. When it comes to the veracity of past claims, you don't do so well.

09-15-2011, 08:29 PM
The kids are laughing cause the kids put doggy-doo on the seat where Obama is sitting.

09-15-2011, 09:32 PM
I suppose there's a simple answer to the original post. It's because he's black.

09-15-2011, 09:40 PM
No. You don't. You can't name a single school district that fired teachers and then lowered their tax rate "lessening" the burden on tax payers. You fire a teacher, the base pays the same taxes and gets one less teacher for their money and more children without adequate educational guidance.

You are funny. The productive people are the people who produce products with their bare hands, not the asswipes who sit in their armchairs collecting stock dividends while demanding their CEO's figure out how to bring in more profit with fewer laborers and fewer benefits and lower wages. Once you wipe out the middle class there will be no economic recovery and no one left to generate the business required for diminish the deficit.
You've only argued that the deficit is a problem. I agree, it is. But it is not the most immediate problem. The dollar is highly valued all around the world. The S&P lowered our rating not because its value is dropping or because we run a deficit. It wasn't even lowered because the Tea Bagging Party is playing obstructionist politics and blocking all avenues to true recovery. It was lowered because the Tea Bagger obstructionism increased the likelihood that the U.S. would default payment on its debt.

News flash. EVERY SUCCESSFUL CORPORATION IN THE WORLD RUNS A DEBT, INDEED, A DEFICIT TOO. That's no big deal as long as your creditors are happy and aren't threatening foreclosure. A corporation will of course want eventually to reduce deficits but to reduce them to soon at the expense of making expansions that will secure market share is not a wise use of borrowed money. The whole system of credit is essential to the world economy. It effectively doubles the money available in the system. If every person and every corporation and every nation paid up front in cash for every transaction the world economy would collapse in a day.

So much goddamned stupid in that one sentence...it's shocking.

09-15-2011, 09:45 PM
There is an insanity and a forgetting at work in the mind of the right. For a start the dreadful economic mess we are in is hardly the fault of teachers and ordinary working people. It is, in large part, the legacy of the idiots who ran the white house and the nation and the West for the past two presidencies... crazy wars which are costing trillions.... and the bankers who have gambled with ordinary people's money, their political chums who de-regulated to allow the catastrophe to happen. And now the silly tea bag folks bray about the evil being big government. They'll soon enough see what evil is really about if things carry on as they are. Obama was hobbled from day one by the mess that Bush and his chums created.

09-15-2011, 11:07 PM
Care to give us the name and location of your business and access to the books?

Lol, like that would ever happen.. Would you like a copy of my last pay stub also? How about a copy of my current credit report?

09-15-2011, 11:21 PM
People should read Trish's posts TWICE.

I wanna hug her avy!!!

09-16-2011, 12:23 AM
Well shit! If everyone is going to read them twice, I better go back and fix the grammar and spelling. Hugs. ;)

09-16-2011, 01:47 AM

Not always, Trish. The key indicator is known as the 'debt/equity ratio' -in fact it doesnt mean that major corporations are always in debt, rather, it needs to be understood in its historical context. In 'normal' business environments, it can be acceptable for the d/e to go from a healthy 20/80 to a 40/60; if there is a major long term investment where the net present value is over, say 25% then even a 60/40 d/e can be acceptable to the board: BUT that is with a guaranteed return on the investment. In these times, when so much is uncertain, I would be a nervous shareholder if my firm was risking more than 15% of the equity...

09-16-2011, 02:06 AM
Thanks for the quantifications. Sometimes the d=0 and sometimes e=infinity :)
In good times 0.25 < d/e < 0.66 is quite acceptable.
Under some circumstances even d/e < 1.5 is acceptable.
These days you personally prefer d/e < 0.15.

Dino Velvet
09-16-2011, 05:44 AM
Trish, we wanna love you for your body too. Let's see it.

09-16-2011, 07:07 AM
im the ceo of a fortune 500 company so obviously my oppinions on economics are far more valuable than any of yours
obviously i have no proof of any of this to offer

Dino Velvet
09-21-2011, 09:06 AM
I wonder if Michelle's ever popped off her Lee Press-On Nails and went after Barry with a shoe. Michelle's prints are also the only ones on the Mossberg that leans against the wall in the bedroom. Barry's are on the Judy Garland memorabilia.