View Full Version : Male to Female Post-Op Pregnant: Stem Cells Used to Clone Uterus

08-29-2011, 01:38 AM
Baltimore, MD, USA.Val Smith [N1] is a forty-year old, male to female post-operative transsexual who is pregnant as the result of recent advances in neurobiology and the use of stem cells to grow viable human organs for use as a replacement for failing organs or the insertion of new ones to correct physical errors that occur during fetal development.

Scientists and doctors have used stem cells have been used to grow new kidneys to replace failing ones, new hearts to take the place of dying ones, and sexual genitalia when cancer has taken the old ones.


Oprah Winfrey introduced the so-called "first pregnant man" to viewers of her April 3rd show this past week. Thomas Beatie appeared, six months pregnant, with his wife Nancy and his obstetrician, Dr. Kimberly James (by satellite hookup). You can see the complete show here (http://www.redlasso.com/ClipPlayer.aspx?id=2958f9ea-5663-4325-8aaa-5b7cd4af48ff). But many viewers thought the whole thing was blown out of proportion because Thomas was born with a perfectly normal uterus.
At the end of my first column on the issue (http://www.science20.com/challenging_nature/is_the_first_pregnant_man_really_a_man_according_t o_the_vatican_he_is), I said I would post another piece discussing the actual science of male pregnancy.
Is it really possible today? The answer, as I abstract from my 1997 book, Remaking Eden (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0061235199?ie=UTF8&tag=leemsilver-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0061235199), is "almost certainly yes, but . . ."
With the birth of Louise Joy Brown in 1978, Steptoe and Edwards demonstrated the feasibility of fertilizing human eggs in a petri dish and placing embryos back into women where they can gestate to term. To date, several million children have been conceived through in vitro fertilization and born from women.
From the outset, scientists have mused aloud about the possibility of maintaining a pregnancy within the abdomen of a man. Tabloids routinely publish stories of success and in the popular 1995 film Junior, (http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&keywords=schwarzenegger%20junior&tag=funnierthanyo-20&index=dvd&linkCode=ur2&camp=1789&creative=9325)http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=funnierthanyo-20&l=ur2&o=1 Arnold Schwarzenegger played a scientist who uses hormones and in vitro fertilization to make himself pregnant and ultimately "give birth." Movies and novels that mix real science with science fiction often lead to confusion in the public mind as to what is medically possible and what is not. Usually, scientists and physicians can be counted on to sort it all out.
With male pregnancy, though, something funny happens: Some say it is possible while others say it isn’t. To understand how different professionals can reach such opposite conclusions, we must delve into the thought processes of ‘the scientist’ and ‘the clinician,’ respectively.
The first question is whether a human fetus could develop to term in an environment other than a uterus. Surprisingly, we already know the answer, and it's yes. Every once in a while – in one pregnancy out of 10,000 – the fertilized egg doesn’t make it to the uterus, and ends up instead in the wide open space of the abdomen, also known as the peritoneal cavity. This happens because the ovary is not actually attached to the fallopian tube (or oviduct), as is commonly thought. Instead, after ovulation, the egg must make its way into the nearby opening at the end of the tube in order to begin its journey toward the uterus. Occasionally, when conception occurs very close to the opening in certain women, the newly fertilized egg may actually fall back out of the tube and into the abdomen.
Now you might think that once an egg has fallen into the abdomen, its chances of survival are nil. Surprisingly, at the appropriate time of development, an embryo can implant itself into almost any living tissue that it happens to alight upon. And the abdomen is filled with all sorts of tissues – from the intestines to the kidney, to the liver and the spleen. With successful implantation and sufficient placental formation, the embryo can develop normally into a fetus that can be carried through a full nine months of pregnancy. At the end, of course, it has nowhere to go unless it’s delivered by a modified Cesarian Section. The medical literature is filled with sporadic reports of healthy live-born babies that were carried by mothers pregnant in this unusual way. Here's an amazing picture of a late-state pregnant woman on her belly with a fetus facing up.
[URL]http://www.science20.com/challenging_nature/a_real_pregnant_man_almost_certainly_possible_but_ it_might_kill_him

08-30-2011, 02:17 AM
so i guess u got ur ten minutes at the institutions computer...congrats!

08-30-2011, 05:05 AM
neither CBS news or Oprah brings backs any mention of this person
Did you read the comments? Did you notice the date of the story?

Nicole Dupre
08-30-2011, 11:28 AM
Y'know what's pretty cool? Pushing a fetus out of the crotch area of your rubber suit, and collecting child support for it. I love doing that.