jt money
01-10-2006, 11:00 PM
Wow, you have got to be kidding me? You do? Why didn't you say something earlier? Hey, you hate him, we don't. Is it that simple? Of course not but before we get started, let me deal with a few things you all want to know:

1. Why are republicans or their supporters on this board anyway? WTF does this have to do with anything? Being a republican supporter does not mean you agree with everything that is done or said by republicans or the president. Maybe they don't like TS's but we all do and that is primarily why we are here. I don't care why you are here or how you got here but you are here and so am I. So let's stick to the issues.

2. Claiming not to be a democrat or a republican is not an excuse! Great, there are other parties out there and you claim to be a member of one of them. Woopee!! You are just as responisble for the man in the white house as the rest of us. If you voted for Bush or someone else or not at all you did your part, that was your choice and you knew the consequences for your actions. Maybe if you would have voted democratic Kerry would have won and I could come on here everyday and bitch about him but you didn't. I applaud the fact that you don't vote for someone just because they are of a certain party like so many but you are really throwing your vote away. Your only hope is that sooner or later the big parties will want to pick up the independent (or whatever you call it) vote and start meeting some of your demands. Until then, keep voting that way, it's working out for me!

3. George Bush won the election twice, not whoever you voted for! The man has been in the white house for six years (depending on what year you think he was elected the first time ) and we still have to have this debate. But look at the people who got screwed in Florida recounts and Ohio and the voting machines are republican owned.....blah blah blah. Let's just say for the sake of argument that GW stole the first election, just for agrument. Now you are telling me he stole another one from you? It happened again? Didn't you learn the first time? Why weren't you looking for it? Apparently Michael Moore had all his cameras in Florida when they should have been in Ohio! Who knew! If you are telling me that democrats got cheated for the second time in two elections and they still haven't exposed this scam or stopped it then I say you are leveling your accusations of idiocy at the wrong party!

4. GW never served in the military. Yes, we all know he was in the reserves and probably only got there because of his father. How many other rich kids went to the reserves in the same manner? Alot I would imagine or they simply enrolled in college. Military service is not a requirement to be president.

5. The Bush family has ties to oil and the bin Laden family. We know that too but there is still no link at all between Osama and the Bush's. All the articles people post about a link between the two have to do with one of Osama's 17 brothers or another wild theory, nothing factual. Both families are in the oil business so it is no suprise they have had dealings.

6. GW is not the smartest man in the world! Nor is he the dumbest. You say the people he ran against were smarter than he is? Maybe, but they lost (see #3.) You say he is a puppet and his administration does all the work. Any smart person assembles a management staff of people who know more than he does. If he was the smartest person, why would he need the others?

7. All republicans are sheep! Ya, we're sheep, yet one person posts this and everyone else co-signs. Sheep indeed. Being a republican does not mean you support everything they do nor does it mean dem's support all that dem's do. If you are confused about this, let us deal with specifics, not generalities.

8. Supporting the war doesn't mean you: A) Are against the troops or B) Should join the military. Just like saying you want to bring the troops home doesn't mean you are against the troops, you just don't want them there. WE ALL SUPPORT THE TROOPS. There it has been said. Why does supporting the war mean you should join up? Does being against poverty mean you will give away all your money? What the hell does that have to do with it?

9. You complain so you should go live somewhere else! Hey, you like it here, I like it here. Just because we have suggestions doesn't mean we have to leave or are unamerican. We have a right to complain, just remember it doesn't accomplish anything.

01-10-2006, 11:21 PM
Yawn. More republican hypocrosy on a tranny board.

Im still amazed that these people have the balls to come here and post this shit.


01-10-2006, 11:32 PM
I know right?......Cant see the goddamn forest for the trees and all that.

01-10-2006, 11:34 PM
Yawn. More republican hypocrosy on a tranny board.

Im still amazed that these people have the balls to come here and post this shit.



01-10-2006, 11:48 PM
The Official George Bush Hatelisting



So, why should you hate George W Bush? Well, first of all he's a selfish, idiotic "president" who bombs all over the world purely for oil profits. George Bush needs to open his eyes to the fact that thousands of Iraqis have died for NO reason because of HIM. He has no idea what it is to be a President.

A good President would not invade a country without a justified reason. A good President would not be able to live with himself if he killed thousands of innocent people.

It is in everybody's interests that this man be impeached. He is the real terrorist in our world. Now he has been re-elected to a second term in office, it is even more imperative that he be removed. There are thousands upon thousands of George Bush "hate sites" on the internet, and the number is increasing everyday. This reflects just how many people hate this man with a passion and would love to see him removed from office. This hatelisting was set up for those people out there who also share this dream. He needs to be stopped...NOW.

Go ahead and join us if you feel the same

© Everything on this site is copyrighted to Kitty 2005 unless otherwise stated.

01-11-2006, 12:44 AM
Call it hate or legitimate criticism of his policies, Bill Clinton's administration's criticism dwarfs whatever criticism this clown is receiving.

I love the way rightwingers point the finger at anyone who disagrees with this clown in office without looking into their own past. If you can dish it out, why can't you take it ?!

01-11-2006, 01:09 AM
Allanah, you are an idiot !!! Where does it say you can only be a democrat to appreciate Tgurls? When you were shitting amarilla, I was appreciating the new 3rd gender. In 1998, I flew my new "girlfriend" down to Florida. She was a bartender at the original Edelweiss. I flew her down again 2 years later. In the meantime, I met about a dozen conservative guys at the various clubs in Ft. Lauderdale, and Miami, where we all went looking. You liberals are without a doubt, the world's biggest hypocrits.

01-11-2006, 01:18 AM
Yawn. More republican hypocrosy on a tranny board.

Im still amazed that these people have the balls to come here and post this shit.


Because they don't have the balls to post it on a regular board, i guess they figure people on here will take that shit lying down,but when they are corrected with knowledge how so they resort in name calling and ridicilous statements.

01-11-2006, 01:21 AM
yourdaddy, you know you are really a pig.

i had somewhat of an ok feeling about you-
but i realize th at you are nothing but a foul mouthed, pork rind eating, 40 OZ drinking, filterless cigarette smoking, dixie flag waving, red neck. i beat you are a real gentleman- and take the dishes out the sink before you piss in it, eh?

look- if you support a party with a HUGELY conservative social agenda-
a party that is generally against gay rights, gay marrige, abortion- and general equality for all people- but you come here and claim your passion for transsexuals, when you know that those republican you so adore would not hesitate to call you a faggot in a minute.

get a reality check.

01-11-2006, 01:45 AM
Your Cubanita temper is getting the best of you Coolon'. I thought you were smarter than this. Not everyone falls into the little category files that you think. If your hero (and mine) John F. Kennedy, had the balls to back up the freedom fighters at the Bay of Pigs, you'd probably be running the biggest transsexual bordello in Havana right now. Do you check the voter registration card of your clients?

01-11-2006, 01:57 AM
who said my hero is jfk?

and i dont discuss politics with business- however- in personal terms
i will never date or have a boyfriend who is a republican

01-11-2006, 02:13 AM

01-11-2006, 03:10 AM
Maybe if you would have voted democratic Kerry would have won and I could come on here everyday and bitch about him...

So why trip on people complaining about Bush?

For all of the negative things that you listed about Bush, for all of the reasons that we hate Bush, we have ample reason to hate the guy. Even if you don't agree with our reasons for how we feel, we have legitamate reasons for how we feel.

Though I like(d) Jimmy Carter, I realize that it is easy for others to view him in a nagative light. Love Bush all you want but the understand that we have our reasons. The fact that you spelled some of them out shows that you get it but just want to srgue for the sake of argueing that same way that you would be if Kerry had won (no matter if he did good or bad).

That is one of the worst thngs about American politics, way too many people have chosen sides like it's the Rose Bowl. No matter what your side does you wanna rah rah for them. They can lie to your face, steal your money, send your kids to die, take from them to give to the rich and you'll back them no matter what.

Do dems do the same, yeah. But you don't have that same level of zelots. There aren't HUNDREDS of liberal radio show host making money pushing propaganda. There are no Bill O'reilys, Sean Hannity's or Rush Limbuagh (complete with thier millions of followers). OK, I'll give you Al Franken, but that is 3 to 1 (not to mention the many smaller market neocons on AM radio.

If Bill Clinton resided over a bad economy, started a war with a bad plan, and had government officals running rough shot over America we would have thrown his ass under the bus as fast as we would Bush. Consrvatives support conservatives no matter what. Clinton worked hand in hand with the republican guard, and was one of the most financially conservative Presidents in recent years still he had to be taken down for something he did in his marriage.

Bush on the other hand has been one of the biggest spenders in history and has bloated the size of the federal government (all of the things conservative supposedly are so much against) yet he gets a pass.

01-11-2006, 03:32 AM

The Truth About George has diligently documented the misdeeds of Bush and his cronies since 2002, revealing the cold hard facts about an administration bent on rewarding big corporations and the rich, turning back the clock on women's rights and civil rights, and promoting a U.S. empire abroad. Bush's second term promises to be even worse — with an escalation of attacks on reproductive rights, the Constitution, the courts, civil rights, the economy, social security and global relations.

01-11-2006, 03:51 AM
ChefMike, it doesn't matter a Bush lover will overlook his misdeeds, make excuses, and/or justify it all.

It's almost a form of worship.

I had had favorite politicains but I'll be the first to admit that they did some bad things, it is a part of politics for one. America won't allow you to really be honest and open. The compromises that they have to make make them all worry of criticsm.

But Bush backers take it to an all time high.

01-11-2006, 03:57 AM
BTW, RangeHova, kudos on your last two posts...or as THEY say, megadittos!

01-11-2006, 04:10 AM
What was the title of this thread again?


01-11-2006, 04:44 AM
Thanks Chefmike, and thanks for the great links.

For myself, I like Clinton better than any president but he did plenty of shit that i disagreed with. I didn't give a damn about the Monica bullshit but when he went against the principles that I stand for I would blast him. The same for any other democrat like Joseph Liberman or any of those that voter for the bankruptsy laws.

I'm a proud liberal who can be moderate at times.

But I don't do the rah rah bullshit. There are plenty of fair minded republicans that I like like Jack Kemp or John McCain. I look at the full record, the issues (not just a handful), and the cations of who gets my backing.

I may never vote for a republican but I won't shit on one that is doing great work. I'll even work with them on issues in areas where we agree.

Felicia Katt
01-11-2006, 05:09 AM
Defined as the act of pretending to have morals or virtues that one does not truly possess or practice. The word derives from the late Latin hypocrisis and Greek hupokrisis both meaning play-acting or pretence. A classic example of a hypocritical act is to denounce another for carrying out some action while carrying out the same action oneself.

Hypocrisy also refers to the act of criticizing others for behavior which one engages in as well, or in other words, not practising what you preach.

Republican's denounce the entire GLBT spectrum. They oppose gay marriage, and exclude transgenders from all their anti-dscrimination laws. They also are totally opposed to pornography.

Your participation in activities here and with tgirls despite that is pure hypocrisy.

Your version of political debate is to throw out insults and throw away logic and reason. But to call Allanah and others like her here who are upfront, and not "downlow" in their personal and sexual lives a hypocrite is particularly shameful.

You may claim you don't support everything the Republican's stand for. Maybe you just support them for the tax cut.

Spending your tax cuts on transsexual escorts who give first class service but are kept as second class citizens.

I guess I missed the chapter in Profiles in Courage which covers your behavior here and in the real world.


01-11-2006, 05:49 AM
who said my hero is jfk?

He did.


01-11-2006, 05:54 AM
Well said Felicia.


jt money
01-11-2006, 10:56 PM
Republican's denounce the entire GLBT spectrum. They oppose gay marriage, and exclude transgenders from all their anti-dscrimination laws. They also are totally opposed to pornography.

Your participation in activities here and with tgirls despite that is pure hypocrisy.

Your version of political debate is to throw out insults and throw away logic and reason. But to call Allanah and others like her here who are upfront, and not "downlow" in their personal and sexual lives a hypocrite is particularly shameful.

You may claim you don't support everything the Republican's stand for. Maybe you just support them for the tax cut.

Spending your tax cuts on transsexual escorts who give first class service but are kept as second class citizens.

I guess I missed the chapter in Profiles in Courage which covers your behavior here and in the real world.


Are you talking to me? Who have I been insulting on this board? I post facts which are soon followed up by others insults and the same standard lines of how "I don't belong here" and "can you believe this conservative crap!" Why is everyone painted with such a broad brush? All republicans hate TS's and all dems love them? All republicans are against porn and all dems are for it? I know you can't honestly believe that!

Yes, I support tax cuts and spending it on ts escorts is my way of giving back :roll:

jt money
01-11-2006, 11:00 PM
Call it hate or legitimate criticism of his policies, Bill Clinton's administration's criticism dwarfs whatever criticism this clown is receiving.

I love the way rightwingers point the finger at anyone who disagrees with this clown in office without looking into their own past. If you can dish it out, why can't you take it ?!

I'm dishing it out, why can't you take it?

jt money
01-11-2006, 11:00 PM
Yawn. More republican hypocrosy on a tranny board.

Im still amazed that these people have the balls to come here and post this shit.


Because they don't have the balls to post it on a regular board, i guess they figure people on here will take that shit lying down,but when they are corrected with knowledge how so they resort in name calling and ridicilous statements.

Where is this knowledge you speak of?

jt money
01-11-2006, 11:05 PM
look- if you support a party with a HUGELY conservative social agenda-
a party that is generally against gay rights, gay marrige, abortion- and general equality for all people- but you come here and claim your passion for transsexuals, when you know that those republican you so adore would not hesitate to call you a faggot in a minute.

get a reality check.

Actually the reality check is that you have people on this board calling each other fags. Before you go name calling you may want to take a look at the hypocrites on your own "liberal" board.

jt money
01-11-2006, 11:08 PM

LOL! Alright, next years Halloween costume!

jt money
01-11-2006, 11:13 PM
Maybe if you would have voted democratic Kerry would have won and I could come on here everyday and bitch about him...

So why trip on people complaining about Bush?

For all of the negative things that you listed about Bush, for all of the reasons that we hate Bush, we have ample reason to hate the guy. Even if you don't agree with our reasons for how we feel, we have legitamate reasons for how we feel.

Though I like(d) Jimmy Carter, I realize that it is easy for others to view him in a nagative light. Love Bush all you want but the understand that we have our reasons. The fact that you spelled some of them out shows that you get it but just want to srgue for the sake of argueing that same way that you would be if Kerry had won (no matter if he did good or bad).

That is one of the worst thngs about American politics, way too many people have chosen sides like it's the Rose Bowl. No matter what your side does you wanna rah rah for them. They can lie to your face, steal your money, send your kids to die, take from them to give to the rich and you'll back them no matter what.

Do dems do the same, yeah. But you don't have that same level of zelots. There aren't HUNDREDS of liberal radio show host making money pushing propaganda. There are no Bill O'reilys, Sean Hannity's or Rush Limbuagh (complete with thier millions of followers). OK, I'll give you Al Franken, but that is 3 to 1 (not to mention the many smaller market neocons on AM radio.

If Bill Clinton resided over a bad economy, started a war with a bad plan, and had government officals running rough shot over America we would have thrown his ass under the bus as fast as we would Bush. Consrvatives support conservatives no matter what. Clinton worked hand in hand with the republican guard, and was one of the most financially conservative Presidents in recent years still he had to be taken down for something he did in his marriage.

Bush on the other hand has been one of the biggest spenders in history and has bloated the size of the federal government (all of the things conservative supposedly are so much against) yet he gets a pass.

I'm not trippin on anybody! You guys post why you hate him and I post why I don't. Why when you do it is it called facts or legitimate complaints but when I do it people start losing their minds?

01-11-2006, 11:50 PM
Call it hate or legitimate criticism of his policies, Bill Clinton's administration's criticism dwarfs whatever criticism this clown is receiving.

I love the way rightwingers point the finger at anyone who disagrees with this clown in office without looking into their own past. If you can dish it out, why can't you take it ?!

I'm dishing it out, why can't you take it?

Anytime you'd like to trade punches with me, just say it. I'll be glad to expose your hypocrisy for everyone to see.

TrueBeauty TS
01-12-2006, 12:04 AM
Why is everyone painted with such a broad brush? All republicans hate TS's and all dems love them? All republicans are against porn and all dems are for it? I know you can't honestly believe that!

Republicans that are into TS's are like KKK members saying they like black people.

The American Nightmare
01-12-2006, 01:37 AM
Why is everyone painted with such a broad brush? All republicans hate TS's and all dems love them? All republicans are against porn and all dems are for it? I know you can't honestly believe that!

Republicans that are into TS's are like KKK members saying they like black people.
In fairness, no one can resist a ghetto booty.

01-12-2006, 02:21 AM
Why is everyone painted with such a broad brush? All republicans hate TS's and all dems love them? All republicans are against porn and all dems are for it? I know you can't honestly believe that!

Republicans that are into TS's are like KKK members saying they like black people.
In fairness, no one can resist a ghetto booty.

I don't know about that, Condaleeza Rice just doesn't do it for me...

And as far as white Tgirls go, Ann Coulter is not gettin it done, either...

The American Nightmare
01-12-2006, 02:35 AM
I don't know about that, Condaleeza Rice just doesn't do it for me...

And as far as white Tgirls go, Ann Coulter is not gettin it done, either...

But I don't see how there's anything ghetto about Rice. Wait.... Was she the chick in >> this video? << (http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=6527)

Felicia Katt
01-12-2006, 04:03 AM
Are you talking to me?

No, that part was directed to Yourdaddy, but as for the rest, if the white hood fits..... meow


01-12-2006, 06:22 AM
[quote="yourdaddy"] Not everyone falls into the little category files that you think. [quote]

Jezzz maybe you should follow your own advice. The only constructs you hold so near and dear politically speaking is this utterly meaningless and trite "us" ---conservatives versus "them"--- libs or anyone else who questions or critiques the current administration's motives and actions. Every line you have written seems to be the epitome of narrow mindedness to me, and that's not because I disagree but your posts seem full of contempt.

01-12-2006, 06:24 AM
Not everyone falls into the little category files that you think.

Jezzz maybe you should follow your own advice. The only constructs you hold so near and dear politically speaking is this utterly meaningless and trite "us" ---conservatives versus "them"--- libs or anyone else who questions or critiques the current administration's motives and actions. Every line you have written seems to be the epitome of narrow mindedness to me, and that's not because I disagree but your posts seem full of contempt.

01-12-2006, 06:45 AM
Bush is by far one of the dumbest Presidents the US has had! There are a heap of reasons, I don't need to spell them out given the wealth of knowledge that exists on this board.

Let us all try our hardest and help out poor ole Bushy...here write a speech for him!


Long live the underdog, the working class, the unbiased and unbigited!!

01-12-2006, 07:49 AM
Not only is he going to go down as one of the dumbest, hes going to be the worst weve ever had.....Fallout from his 8 years will last at least the next 25.

Felicia Katt
01-12-2006, 11:54 AM
I don't know about that, Condaleeza Rice just doesn't do it for me...


in my experience Rice is usually white. :)

01-12-2006, 12:03 PM
Good to see Black Grendel over here...

George W's father was awful,a president that was so out of touch with reality it was frightening.Herbert Hoover was another classic bozo,however the current clown in office is IMHO the worst EVER.

The man bald faces lied to the world to start a war,and in the process thousands of lives have been lost on both sides of the field.

If a president lied to the world,and it was later found that he had some connection with a hit and run fatality that killed a single person for example,he would be chased out of office in disgrace quicker than you can say "Chappaquiddick",yet this man has lied to the world and is responsible for THOUSANDS of deaths...and he's still in power!

Further,his VP still has serious ties to the firm that is making BILLIONS rebuilding Iraq after we destroyed it.Its amazing how deep this shit is running.

Dont get me wrong.Saddam wasnt a good guy,and we all remember 9/11,but the records show it wasnt Iraqi's flying and hijacking those planes. And N.Korea definetly poses a much bigger threat to global peace than Iraq did.

If you're American,travel abroad and talk to Euros and Aussies and anybody else for that matter really,and you will see what CNN doesnt show you.You will find out just how much you are scorned,hated,laughed at and made fun of because you're an American...all because of good ol' Dubbya.

In WWll when we stormed Normandy,and saved France,and Italy..and fought the Germans off and kept W.Europe free of the Nazi war machine,we were heroes!We were a great country that everybody admired and respected.In only 60 years(such a nano second in history) we have become the ugly war mongering evil empire that the world hates and despises.How the fuck did that happen?!

The problem in America is we have become too caught up in mass media appeal and good old boy politics .Big business oil and tobacco are running this nation and as long as those silent multi BILLION dollar contributions keep rolling in,the 2 parties will continue to march out the fuckwad that best represents the corporate needs.

Whatever happened to voting for a president not because he was a Republican or Democrat,but because he would make a great leader?!?

DJ Asia

jt money
01-12-2006, 02:58 PM
Call it hate or legitimate criticism of his policies, Bill Clinton's administration's criticism dwarfs whatever criticism this clown is receiving.

I love the way rightwingers point the finger at anyone who disagrees with this clown in office without looking into their own past. If you can dish it out, why can't you take it ?!

I'm dishing it out, why can't you take it?

Anytime you'd like to trade punches with me, just say it. I'll be glad to expose your hypocrisy for everyone to see.

Go for it...

jt money
01-12-2006, 03:20 PM
Dont get me wrong.Saddam wasnt a good guy,and we all remember 9/11,but the records show it wasnt Iraqi's flying and hijacking those planes. And N.Korea definetly poses a much bigger threat to global peace than Iraq did.

You're right, it was Saudi's in those planes. Let's invade there next (more oil, you guys will love it!)

If you're American,travel abroad and talk to Euros and Aussies and anybody else for that matter really,and you will see what CNN doesnt show you.You will find out just how much you are scorned,hated,laughed at and made fun of because you're an American...all because of good ol' Dubbya.

In WWll when we stormed Normandy,and saved France,and Italy..and fought the Germans off and kept W.Europe free of the Nazi war machine,we were heroes!We were a great country that everybody admired and respected.In only 60 years(such a nano second in history) we have become the ugly war mongering evil empire that the world hates and despises.How the fuck did that happen?!

Apparently it was all caused by Bush. Oh wait, he has only been president for 6 years, maybe there is more to it?

The problem in America is we have become too caught up in mass media appeal and good old boy politics .Big business oil and tobacco are running this nation and as long as those silent multi BILLION dollar contributions keep rolling in,the 2 parties will continue to march out the fuckwad that best represents the corporate needs.

Whatever happened to voting for a president not because he was a Republican or Democrat,but because he would make a great leader?!?

DJ Asia

People don't vote across party lines. Yes yes, the blind republicans. I suppose I shouldn't generalize, I am sure you guys do it all the time.

jt money
01-12-2006, 03:28 PM
Bush is by far one of the dumbest Presidents the US has had! There are a heap of reasons, I don't need to spell them out given the wealth of knowledge that exists on this board.

Let's not use the term knowledge so loosely

01-12-2006, 06:13 PM
Who are you referring to when you say "You Dems"...I never claimed to be a Democrat,and Im certainly not a fucking Republican either.

In my life I have voted for 1 Republican President(Reagan)and ! Dem(Clinton).As stated in another thread,if McCain were to run I'd vote for him in a heartbeat.

As for Dubbya not being responsible for this countries 60 year slide down the totem pole of world opinion...No Bush isnt solely responsible,but he has taken us so much farther down the shitter than any 3 presidents combined.

DJ Asia

01-12-2006, 07:44 PM
Felicia - Do all Democrats support transgender issues? Are all of them for same sex unions? Of course, the answer is NO. You think urban church leaders wouldn't throw us all in the pervert bin?

Diversity is a great thing. Appreciation for that is the foundation of this board and community. Each party, its voters and elected officials, is diverse. I, personally, am one of the huge legions of swing voters who are socially liberal and economically conservative. In english, that means I tend to liberally interpret civil rights issues (e.g., i'm pro-choice, for same sex unions, for separation of church and state), but when it comes to economics, I'm more trusting in the marketplace - and less government intervention. That means lower taxes, lower trade barriers, more privitazation, etc.

With our two party system, I'm stuck in the middle and, every two or four years, I have to make choices. In 1996, I chose Clinton as his economic policies moved to middle of the road. In 2000, I couldn't stomach the very liberal economics of Gore (and, ironically, Bush's anti-nation building platform). In '04, in what had to be the worst set of choices ever presented, I gritted my teeth and voted for Bush. I still regret it and am embarassed to admit it, but I'm still not sure I'd do anything different other than vote indie!

My long, drawn out point is that your and others' generalization of "republicans" is precisely one of the unfair generalizations that characterizes those who hate diversity. If you can't appreciate that someone could feel one way on some issues and other ways on others, you're just as closed minded as those you criticize.

BTW, my vote's up for grabs again in '08!

Felicia Katt
01-12-2006, 08:40 PM
Seaman. of course not all Democrats support transgender issues. The difference is that the Democratic party does. Or at the very least, it doesn't actively work against them. Thats the difference. The Republican platform expressly states that they are opposed to gay rights and to a woman's right to choose. Its also pretty clear that for the Republican party, the wall between church and State is more like a chainlink fence, whereas it is respected by the Democrats.

For me, the priniciples of liberty and equality trump the economic ones. Free people and free will are more important than free markets. Don't kid yourself, though, that the Republicans are committed to a free market, because they aren't. They have managed to erase a surplus and pile up the hugest deficit in history, with the present debt exceeding all the debts of all the prior administrations combined. That kind of fiscal irresponsibilty shackles even the most vibrant economy. Oh, and did you notice that they are opposed to pornography too? LOL thats a multi-billion market, close to home, they are itching to intervene in.

I do appreciate how people feel on these issues. I'm the one here using facts and reason, not insults and invective or misdirection. But if people vote one way and beleive another, they should feel something. I'd suggest its shame or guilt. But here it seems to morph into anger or indignation.


TrueBeauty TS
01-12-2006, 09:10 PM
Seaman. of course not all Democrats support transgender issues. The difference is that the Democratic party does. Or at the very least, it doesn't actively work against them. Thats the difference. The Republican platform expressly states that they are opposed to gay rights and to a woman's right to choose. Its also pretty clear that for the Republican party, the wall between church and State is more like a chainlink fence, whereas it is respected by the Democrats.

For me, the priniciples of liberty and equality trump the economic ones. Free people and free will are more important than free markets. Don't kid yourself, though, that the Republicans are committed to a free market, because they aren't. They have managed to erase a surplus and pile up the hugest deficit in history, with the present debt exceeding all the debts of all the prior administrations combined. That kind of fiscal irresponsibilty shackles even the most vibrant economy. Oh, and did you notice that they are opposed to pornography too? LOL thats a multi-billion market, close to home, they are itching to intervene in.

I do appreciate how people feel on these issues. I'm the one here using facts and reason, not insults and invective or misdirection. But if people vote one way and beleive another, they should feel something. I'd suggest its shame or guilt. But here it seems to morph into anger or indignation.



A lot of real, true conservative people (for ex. George Will) are appalled by this administration's fiscal irresponsibility.

01-12-2006, 09:30 PM
Thanks for the thoughtful response. More rational than the typical drivel spewed by the extemes on both sides.

I do stuggle with whether I vote with my social or economic agenda. Bush's almost liberal-esque spending further muddied my choices in '04. This is definitely a bit selfish, and perhaps naive, but I find the Republican impact on my individual ability to do the things I like hasn't really been affected by W - nor would it be substantially improved under Kerry. Lets face it, the mainstream of either party isn't going to undo archaic laws like prohibition of marijuana or prostitution. I wouldn't live in a community that chose to support prayer in classrooms. I went to Cuba illegally (more fun that way!). I'm not as paranoid about facism and phone taps. I've always been sorta on the fence on affirmative action (great program, but where does it end?). Which leaves me only with discomfort on abortion and gay rights issues. I guess on these, I just hope that things don't get materially worse than they've been and that the center, as it usually does, rules the day.

FYI, not to get into an economics debate, but the national debt doesn't indicate anti-free market. Free market is about regulation, taxes and trade policies. The Bush admin has been, I believe, reasonably true to the conservative theory here - albeit with the typical farm subsidy bullshit - while Kerry couldn't stop pandering to the labor unions with trade barrier anti-globalization nonsense.

Hugh Jarrod
01-12-2006, 09:33 PM
Wow just found this thread. OK so yeah I hate him what of it?

01-13-2006, 05:49 AM
Problem is that yes there or many ppl who hate Bush's 'politics'....but the scarer and most disturbing thing is that there are many (renecks included) who support him.

The US will be feeling his fallout long after he leaves the office.

01-13-2006, 11:22 AM
just one link for you people...


The rest of the world knew what bush was up to before the american people caught on, pretty sad eh?

01-13-2006, 12:10 PM
Bush sucks, I'll elaborate in a different thread

01-13-2006, 01:38 PM
just one link for you people...


The rest of the world knew what bush was up to before the american people caught on, pretty sad eh?

No we've known about it since before the first election,in which he stole from Gore and forced his way in.

Some of us Americans arent as stupid as the world seems to think.

DJ Asia

jt money
01-13-2006, 07:27 PM
....but the scarer and most disturbing thing is that there are many (renecks included) who support him.

Yeah, 52% of the people who voted

01-14-2006, 01:58 AM
....but the scarer and most disturbing thing is that there are many (renecks included) who support him.

Yeah, 52% of the people who voted

There's a sucker born every minute...and 52% were taken.

Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.
George Jean Nathan

01-14-2006, 04:41 AM
Problem is that yes there or many ppl who hate Bush's 'politics'....but the scarer and most disturbing thing is that there are many (renecks included) who support him.

The US will be feeling his fallout long after he leaves the office.

Look at the legacy of their overrated boy, Ronnie: Unprecedented deficits which lead to the national debt we have today which will have to be borne by our grandchildren ... By the way, the effects of his policies were felt overnight as hundreds of thousands of Americans were sent packing into the homeless ranks. Some legacy there, huh ?

Felicia Katt
01-14-2006, 04:56 AM
In the first election, Bush only had 47.87 per cent of the vote, to Gore's 48.38 percent. But really, he won by 5 votes to 4 in the Supreme Court

In 2004, Bush had 50.7 per cent of the popular vote, to 48.3 for Kerry. The 52 per cent figure listed probably refers to Florida. Bush won the election by just one state, Ohio, and by only 35 out of 538 votes in the Electoral College. Its already been pointed out that Kerry received the second most number of popular votes in any Presidential election, ever.

Bush outspent Kerry by over 40 million dollars in the election. This doesn't include all the millions spent by Republican attack groups like the Swiftboat Veterans for the Truth.

I doubt any of the Bush supporters here would brag much about their participation here, at least in any of the 11 States Bush carried largely because of voter's who turned out mostly to support anti gay rights ballot proposals. Including the one in Ohio. People there were apparently convinced gay marriage was more worrisome than an overall loss of over 200,000 jobs.

Bush's "mandate" was more about exploting ignorant fears about men dating.


Felicia Katt
01-14-2006, 05:40 AM
Thanks for the thoughtful response.

Seaman, your welcome, but respectfully, you should be voting your conscience not your wallet. The right thing and the easy thing are rarely the same thing. People say its hard to know the right thing to do, but usually the hard thing to do is the right thing to do. I mean, do you want to spend a buck less for your Air Jordans, but have 3rd world children in Nike sweat shops?

Put another way, if you just vote your wallet, your conscience should really get on your case!!

As far as this being a free market economy, I said deficits were hobbling the market. A true fiscal conservative would want the marker to be unfettered by all this mind boggling debt. Especially when so much of it spent on subsidies and corporate welfare and political pork and no bid contractors like Halliburton. As far as Bush being a "free marketeer" I'd suggest you read this

Bush has supported tarriffs on steel, lumber, Catfish, textiles and computer chips. Present policies prevent its citizens from importing needed medicines from Canada. The very fact that the same drugs costs substantially more here than they do in Canada is pretty strong evidence this is not a true free market. These reasons are probably why PERC, a free market think tank gave Bush a C minus grade.

But the real lesson here should be that free people and free speech are more important than, and are essential to a true free markets. Knowing the way Bush and his team work, they will probably claim his grade is a gentlemen's B. Don't be schooled by them this way :)


01-14-2006, 08:35 AM

I love your postsssss.

They are eloquent, educated, and well researched.

I'm so glad to have you back....MUAH*

01-14-2006, 01:25 PM
just one link for you people...


The rest of the world knew what bush was up to before the american people caught on, pretty sad eh?

No we've known about it since before the first election,in which he stole from Gore and forced his way in.

Some of us Americans arent as stupid as the world seems to think.

DJ Asia

My apologies to you DJ Asia and all others who did NOT vote for bush

01-14-2006, 03:56 PM
No need to apologize to me.As an American ex-pat living on an island in SE Asia that is heavy in Aussie and Euro tourists Im quite used to the comments and questions.

Sadly there are still Americans(some here on this board) who are so blind to the truth that they buy the rhetoric and over used slogans and catchphrases that Dubbya seems to use in every single pathetic speech he gives in which he tries to rationalize the American invasion in Iraq.

Hopefully we can get through the last 2 years of his reign of incompetence and perhaps enough Americans will have learned their lesson and maybe,just maybe they will elect a true leader next election.

DJ Asia

Big Booty Shemale Lover
01-14-2006, 04:24 PM
Yawn. More republican hypocrosy on a tranny board.

Im still amazed that these people have the balls to come here and post this shit.



Felicia Katt
01-14-2006, 11:39 PM

I love your postsssss.

They are eloquent, educated, and well researched.

I'm so glad to have you back....MUAH*

purring LOL

Thank you, Allanah, its good to be back :)


01-15-2006, 12:04 AM
Yawn. More republican hypocrosy on a tranny board.

Im still amazed that these people have the balls to come here and post this shit.


Yet for some reason you can't ignore these posts........

Felicia Katt
01-15-2006, 01:01 AM
Yet for some reason you can't ignore these posts........

Not ignorance, but ignorance of ignorance, is the death of knowledge. ~Alfred North Whitehead


jt money
01-15-2006, 11:52 PM
....but the scarer and most disturbing thing is that there are many (renecks included) who support him.

Yeah, 52% of the people who voted

There's a sucker born every minute...and 52% were taken.

Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote.
George Jean Nathan

...and fortunately only 48% of you suckers were taken for Kerry. Better luck next time.

01-16-2006, 03:14 AM
How come when Republicans are running for office, they are all rich business people, then when they win, they are all rednecks. You libs are hopeless, helpless, and lost.

01-16-2006, 03:33 AM
How come when Republicans are running for office, they are all rich business people, then when they win, they are all rednecks. You libs are hopeless, helpless, and lost.

Nah man you got it wrong:

When members of the GOP are running for office they are rich,arrogant,self absorbed.

They certainly arent rednecks.The rednecks are people like YOU who support them.

Hope that clears things up for you.
DJ Asia

01-16-2006, 03:37 AM
Coming from an ex-patriot pussy, That's a real compliment. What's the matter D. J., couldn't hack the GG's, the fat butted boys, or the TG's over here? Most real men stay to fight another day.

01-16-2006, 03:39 AM
Coming from an ex-patriot pussy, That's a real compliment. What's the matter D. J., couldn't hack the GG's, the fat butted boys, or the TG's over here? Most real men stay to fight another day.

Relax Rusty,

Now you git on back to yer Silver Bullit and Nascar and leave the postings to us.

DJ Asia

01-16-2006, 03:40 AM
How about we just have real Americans post views about our wars.

01-16-2006, 03:51 AM
How about we just have real Americans post views about our wars.

Did all Republicans in Fla fail to graduate from grade school,or is it just you and your thought provoking insightful posts?

DJ Asia

TrueBeauty TS
01-16-2006, 03:53 AM
How about we just have real Americans post views about our wars.

That's right. Real Americans such as yourself don't believe in free speech. You are either somebody that is joking around and pulling everyone's chain, or you are one of the worst examples of a REAL, TRUE American I have had the displeasure of reading about.

Real, true Americans are ashamed of you.

01-16-2006, 03:54 AM
How about we just have real Americans post views about our wars.

That's right. Real Americans such as yourself don't believe in free speech. You are either somebody that is joking around and pulling everyone's chain, or you are one of the worst examples of a REAL, TRUE American I have had the displeasure of reading about.

Real, true Americans are ashamed of you.

Im a real american and im ashamed of that loser.

01-16-2006, 03:56 AM
How about we just have real Americans post views about our wars.

1. What is a REAL AMERICAN??

2. IS the ideal american an american that gets in goose-step with you, yourdaddy?

3. IS the ideal american an american that sees G.W. as the second coming?

4. IS the ideal american an american that takes the word of Gov't as gospel only when it is said by the object of my third question?

I served my country Youdaddyo but i don't agree with you, i don't see G.W. as the second coming, and I don't think every word out of his mouth is the gospel. So in your eyes I am not an american.......well...well....hmmmm will have to think on that one a bit.

01-16-2006, 04:44 AM
How about we just have real Americans post views about our wars.

Fair enough, I guess. I'm about as "real" an American as it gets. I'm a vet, and I served proudly with the US Army during Desert Storm (in Kuwait/Iraq). I have supported almost every military operation that our government has been engaged in during my lifetime – except the current one in Iraq. Moral issues aside, it's a complete misallocation of our financial and military resources. In fact, by any measure, it's an abstract joke that undermines this nation's ability to address real threats.
Bush is a complete tool who has mismanaged this nation’s economy and its foreign policy.

And before you respond that I am a liberal or a Democrat, think again. I dislike the Democratic party as much as I dislike the Republican party. IMO, both parties are mostly dominated by self-serving hypocrites. Consequently, I'm a committed Independent.


01-17-2006, 05:51 AM
[quote="DJ_AsiaDid all Republicans in Fla fail to graduate from grade school,or is it just you and your thought provoking insightful posts?[/quote]

Any time, any forum, any topic....I'll debate you. Your characterization of Republicans is so shortsighted i might have to take you on with an ambien, a fifth, and a blunt just to make it a fair fight. Seriously, do you really think Republicans are stupid and uneducated?

Lets start here: if you resent the closed minded bible thumping republicans that try to restrict everyone else's freedom, why not similarly resent the teeming hoardes of union worker Democrats who kill our competitiveness overseas and make me, the taxpayer, subsidize their 30 hour work week and $5 copays?

Personally, I don't like either group. Find me a party that takes both on and I'll sign up tomorrow.

01-17-2006, 08:09 AM
Any time, any forum, any topic....I'll debate you. Your characterization of Republicans is so shortsighted i might have to take you on with an ambien, a fifth, and a blunt just to make it a fair fight. Seriously, do you really think Republicans are stupid and uneducated?

Lets start here: if you resent the closed minded bible thumping republicans that try to restrict everyone else's freedom, why not similarly resent the teeming hoardes of union worker Democrats who kill our competitiveness overseas and make me, the taxpayer, subsidize their 30 hour work week and $5 copays?

Personally, I don't like either group. Find me a party that takes both on and I'll sign up tomorrow.

So unions, all 12 1/2 percent of the work force mind you, are the reason the United States isn't competitive anymore ? What are you smoking ? Tell me who it is that in large numbers works 30 hours and has you subsidize their work and healthcare, and -- AND -- are having a devastating effect on our workforce, thus economy ? What a joke for you to bring that up. How about maybe investing in science and research and development grants again as this country once did ? Maybe the reason that a country such as China, as well as other Pacific rim countries are doing so much better on the global market is because they are starting to spend on what this country once did in R & D and promoting science at all levels of their educational system. Ya think ?

... I notice you didn't mention a thing about how cupidity plays into it all. I guess that's alright with you, huh ? Look at what the average CEO makes in this country compared not only to the working man on the floor, but also their CEO equivalents in other countries, be they in Europe, or in China then get back to me.

01-17-2006, 04:29 PM
Cupidity?????? How DOES cupidity play into all of it Real Girl? Cupidity relates to desire. If you desire to make money, I guess you're against that too.

01-17-2006, 06:44 PM
[quote="DJ_AsiaDid all Republicans in Fla fail to graduate from grade school,or is it just you and your thought provoking insightful posts?

Any time, any forum, any topic....I'll debate you. Your characterization of Republicans is so shortsighted i might have to take you on with an ambien, a fifth, and a blunt just to make it a fair fight. Seriously, do you really think Republicans are stupid and uneducated?

Lets start here: if you resent the closed minded bible thumping republicans that try to restrict everyone else's freedom, why not similarly resent the teeming hoardes of union worker Democrats who kill our competitiveness overseas and make me, the taxpayer, subsidize their 30 hour work week and $5 copays?

Personally, I don't like either group. Find me a party that takes both on and I'll sign up tomorrow.[/quote]

Seaman to answer your question directly,no not all republicans are stupid,I never said that.What i did say was a question asking if all Republicans are as stupid as yourdaddy.Question...not a statement.

In response to you challenging me to a debate on any topic anytime anywhere...I couldnt be bothered.I doubt highly that you know anything about the topics I would be inclined to engage in thought provoking conversation about.
A good debate requires a tangible topic. Example:Bush is a liar.That is a tangible fact,yet you dis my slams on Dubbya and Republican idealogy in general..incapable of discerning fact from fiction so obviously you are also incapable of being a worthy opponent in a levelheaded debate.

My suggestion is lay off the chronic,the ambien and the firewater prior to posting here...makes you look silly.

DJ Asia

01-17-2006, 06:49 PM
Let's settle all this with a poll


01-18-2006, 01:31 AM
I never said unions were the only reason many of our industries have lost their edge. I'm a big supporter of modernizing our school curricula and defining sound gov't investments in seed industries. No argument there.

That said, if you're trying to find where unions have hurt our competitiveness, you don't need to look very far: most of our largest and most revered "old economy" companies, most notably the autos. Yes, they have many many problems, but front and center is the inability to manage workforce and the massive pension and health liabilities that are crippling them. As a consultant in the health industry, I can't tell you how many hospitals are restricted from taking better care of patients due to nursing unions.

If you want to criticize CEO pay, don't compare us to foreign countries. The discrepancy between Asian and Middle Eastern CEOs is far worse. In Europe, its not nearly as bad, and, quick, name me an up-and-coming economy in old Europe! France...No. Italy...Not Close. Germany...maybe. England...Take away their oil and they're Spain. CEO and Board accountability are important issues, but pay is the most overrated issue in the economy and one solely tailored to play to the emotions of the masses. If every Fortune 500 CEO gave up all his compensation, there wouldn't be even a trace of cost reduction at a macro level.

BTW: My only point in this debate was that everyone calls the Republicans uneducated self serving bible thumpers, but for every one of those, there are probably democrats who similarly vote solely for their own selfish and sometimes unproductive aims. BOTH sides are guilty.

01-18-2006, 01:38 AM
A good debate requires a tangible topic. Example:Bush is a liar.That is a tangible fact,yet you dis my slams on Dubbya and Republican idealogy in general..incapable of discerning fact from fiction so obviously you are also incapable of being a worthy opponent in a levelheaded debate. DJ Asia

I don't debate that Bush is full of shit. Most Presidents are. Bush is worse than most. I DO dis your slam on Republican ideology. Its just presidential debate-style oversimplification of the issue (i.e., republicans don't like taxes because they're greedy; republicans want to ship all jobs off to asia, etc.).

As a presumed resident of SE Asia, I would like to hear your perspective of the ILO and worker standards. And, ok, I promise I'll stay level headed if you promise to stay open minded.

01-18-2006, 01:46 AM
Why bother to debate an expatriot . There are plenty of Thai Tranny Boards he can spout off on.

01-18-2006, 04:46 AM
Why bother to debate an expatriot . There are plenty of Thai Tranny Boards he can spout off on.

Hey dumbass what do you have against americans living and working abroad?

DJ Asia

01-18-2006, 04:55 AM
A good debate requires a tangible topic. Example:Bush is a liar.That is a tangible fact,yet you dis my slams on Dubbya and Republican idealogy in general..incapable of discerning fact from fiction so obviously you are also incapable of being a worthy opponent in a levelheaded debate. DJ Asia

I don't debate that Bush is full of shit. Most Presidents are. Bush is worse than most. I DO dis your slam on Republican ideology. Its just presidential debate-style oversimplification of the issue (i.e., republicans don't like taxes because they're greedy; republicans want to ship all jobs off to asia, etc.).

As a presumed resident of SE Asia, I would like to hear your perspective of the ILO and worker standards. And, ok, I promise I'll stay level headed if you promise to stay open minded.

Seaman thanks for remaining openminded...its a nice change compared to the drivel and nonsense yourdaddy is posting.

Frankly however ILO and worker standards is a very dull topic that I have zero interest in and hardly would create a good debate,nor an entertaining read for the rest of the board.

DJ Asia