View Full Version : True Blood and Trannys

08-09-2011, 06:01 PM
So last night I was cathing up on The HBO series of True Blood, and I had a random thought. We Trannys have a lot in common with True Blood Vampires or vamps in general. Think about it. We try to blend with Society, People run from us if the don't understand it. Fang bangers (people who like fuckin vampires) are just like our Tranny chasers, a lot of us come out at night to clubs, and sleep all day, and we crave money just like vamps crave blood. Lol have anyone else realized this.

08-09-2011, 06:19 PM
lol ive always considered myself some kind of sexual energy vampire.........

08-09-2011, 08:05 PM
the basic morality play of the show is based on gay acceptance.. i heard that when it started..

08-09-2011, 10:13 PM
the basic morality play of the show is based on gay acceptance.. i heard that when it started..

Hell, the king of Missisippi was a Gay Vamp! the show is great and I do see the analogy, and think its a good one. Hope it subliminally helps gain some acceptance from those of the weaker mindset. Maybe our trannie-vamps who love the show can learn how to Glamour more jocks and jerks into being a little more tolerant of others who are not like them.... lol