View Full Version : Bingo !

08-07-2011, 05:29 PM
Nowhere have I ever head the philosophical difference between a Buckley fiscal conservative and Keynesian Liberal explained more concisely.
Here we have Ezra Klein, Liberal wonder boy....just ask him, he'll tell you...every time you turn on the TV or pick up a paper, or blog...there he is. He's the go to guy for libs on the economy. He's well educated, a bit pompous, and elitist, but like Paul Krugman, his mentor has no experience in the ways of finance or capitol markets. Never put his own money on the line to start a business, never had to meet a payroll or compete in the marketplace... He simply writes about it, and therefore without any experience , and simply by his prognostications, we should accept his word as gospel, because he is...well....Ezra Klein. Does that sound familiar ? ( hint...current occupant of the White House) Watch as Santelli explains the ways of the financial world to The Boy Wonder...it's instructive.

‪Ezra Klein Learns a Lesson on How Economics Work‬‏ - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKwWa1h7Sd4&feature=player_embedded)

08-07-2011, 06:05 PM
Never put his own money on the line to start a business, never had to meet a payroll or compete in the marketplace

so basically what youre saying is hes more trustworthy because he has no vested interest in propping up his own business?