View Full Version : sex with girls

07-30-2011, 06:56 PM
When you guys really got into shemales were u still able to have sex with girls and really enjoy it?

MdR Dave
07-30-2011, 08:28 PM
Only if the gg's don't know about the TS's.

And after a few TS encounters, the breasts you begin to develop will be a bit of a distraction for the girls.

Better to buy a nice summer dress, learn to walk in heels and get ready for your new life.

(If you're attracted to women, you're attracted to women. You will enjoy what you enjoy. It's as simple as that. Unless you have anhedonia. In which case you won't enjoy anything ever again, and will spend the rest of your life chasing bigger and bigger thrills. And man, does that get expensive. )

07-30-2011, 09:37 PM
Honestly, are you people for real? Do you really think that having sex with a tgirl is so life changing that you can never go back to girls again, or are you just some jack ass using the anonymity of the internet to see what kind of reaction you'll get out of people. I always assume the later, but recently I've seen so much of this stupid shit getting posted around the internet that I'm beginning to believe there are actually people out there this dumb.

MdR Dave
07-30-2011, 10:05 PM
Honestly, are you people for real? . . . I'm beginning to believe there are actually people out there this dumb.

He may be confused sexually, may be "coming out" in one way or another, even to himself. If he has internalized the mores of society and already experienced what is considered "normal" this could very well be a life changing, "never go back" kind of thing. I'd like to assume that he is being honest in his question until I know for certain otherwise.

But I agree with what you're saying in the portion of your post I omitted. We all see a lot of this.

And, unfortunately, there's more to come!

07-31-2011, 02:02 AM
Honestly, are you people for real? Do you really think that having sex with a tgirl is so life changing that you can never go back to girls again, or are you just some jack ass using the anonymity of the internet to see what kind of reaction you'll get out of people. I always assume the later, but recently I've seen so much of this stupid shit getting posted around the internet that I'm beginning to believe there are actually people out there this dumb.

I'm sorry if society's ideals of what's right and wrong hasn't greatly affected you. But when you're discovering yourself sexually the last thing you want to think about yourself is abnormal. And the majority does believe enjoying t girls is abnormal. I know i have to get used to the fact that there is nothing abnormal about my sexual preferences but it takes time to accept yourself. This is a serious question, this may not be a big deal to you but it is to me. Did i disrespect you or anybody in anyway? can't you help me out respectfully? I may be ignorant but tell me respectfully. I am not a fucking troll, i just want someone elses experiences and some choice words from someone that at one time was confused as i am

MdR Dave
07-31-2011, 02:12 AM
I'll say it again: you'll enjoy what you enjoy. It's as simple as that.

Scope a few threads, make use of the search feature. Most likely any conflict you're experiencing has been hashed out here,over and over and over and. .

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll talk about how special it was.

This place is a lot of things, but it's not therapy. Take what you want, for what it's worth, and leave the rest.

Welcome aboard. You'll figure it out.

MdR Dave
07-31-2011, 02:19 AM
Where are you, by the way? I'd you're in a big enough city chances are there is a club you should go to tonight. Meet some girls, flesh and blood, relate to them as people in the real world and make it real in your life. That's a step you should take.