View Full Version : Right Wing Deception & Dishonesty

07-27-2011, 11:31 PM
So inevitably in a political debate, people will trot out some numbers in the hope of appealing to an objective standard of reality that supports their contention. Conservative think tanks having recognized what Stephen Colbert has pointed out, that "reality has a well known liberal bias," and so the think tanks have been forced to create their own reality to support their ideological goals and those of their masters. Here's one nasty example.

The graph below, created by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative (hack) think tank, intends to show what a job-killer the Health Care bill turned to be. We can see how steeply the net change in jobs is increasing up until April 2010, when the ACA was passed. After which, the net change in jobs plateaus out, signaling that the surging job recovery must have stalled out thanks to the passage of 'Obamacare.'


Seems pretty damning, right?

But wait a second, what's with the whole net change in jobs measure? Don't most organizations usually just look at the (un)employment rate? So let's take a look at graph of the employment rate across the same time span and see if matches up to the Heritage claims.


Wow. That looks like the opposite of what Heritage was trying to say. Here we see that the passage of the ACA seems to almost match up exactly with the beginning of a steady rise in employment, not cause a flattening out of job growth.

How could these two graphs tell such different stories?

It's simple: The people at Heritage are lying douchebags who intentionally presented the data in a highly misleading manner to bolster a false partisan attack. Look at they Y-axis on the their graph. See how in January 09, the net change in jobs is NEGATIVE 750k? This means we were losing that many jobs a month, and we continued shedding jobs until about March 2010, when job creation (thanks to the stimulus) finally began.

So by starting their count when we were losing jobs and ending it when we were creating jobs, they are cynically conflating decreasing job losses with job gains. We see that once the net change crosses the zero line into the positive we remain fairly steady in job creation.

So the moral of the story, the Heritage Foundation is immoral.

07-28-2011, 06:21 PM
I mean well isn't that were all these right wing guys get there talking points from?

07-28-2011, 08:00 PM
That first graph is fucking ridiculous. It's already displaying job losses/month on the y-axis. So the slope of that graph would be the second derivative, or job losses/month^2. Anybody that has taken calculus could see they are fucking lying. They are claiming the value of the second derivative is actually the value of the first.

07-28-2011, 09:25 PM
i agree with you but the problem is no one is getting that information to the general public and that scares the hell out of me. It used to be or seemed to me that you could not just lie on Tv and no one challenge that lie. I really don't know what to make of whats going on.

07-29-2011, 05:40 AM
i agree with you but the problem is no one is getting that information to the general public and that scares the hell out of me. It used to be or seemed to me that you could not just lie on Tv and no one challenge that lie. I really don't know what to make of whats going on.
There's no reporters anymore. Just repeaters. It's only a story if there's a quote, & the quote is treated as sacrosanct. "Journalism" was tossed out the window in the '80s, with the advent of cable, & the reporters have disappeared by attrition.

07-30-2011, 03:20 PM
You sound shocked.............and you put a lot of work into pointing this out. I'll dive into the details of your charts later, but if you're looking for examples of misleading information no need to analyze charts and graphs. It's really not that difficult, nor does it require a math degree. Simply listen to Jay Carney contort reality on a daily basis. Or here's one that sticks in my head right from the horses mouth as they say...( there are hundreds).....Recall some weeks ago when Obama traveled to the southern border, and in the hot southwestern sun proclaimed the border secure and the fence nearly complete ? That was fall down laughable....and coincidentally while he was making that proclamation, guns , drugs and wetbacks were flowing across the border like water over Niagara falls. In fact...just a mile away a drug shoot out was raging and a border agent shot. I guess if the Heritage Foundation says it....it's a lie, but if Obama tells it to you....it's gospel? A quick check of the facts shows that even eliminating the mountainous areas along the border, only 18% of the fence has been complete.
You really do make me laugh. You more than likely read the NY Times and believe every word of it, well because it's the NY Times. A quick review of today's liberal lies is all it took for me to come up with this whopper.....

I think you're barking up the wrong tree there Mr. Cat. Liberal Media Bias is the fastest growing industry in the country....maybe the only growing industry.... ...get you head out of the sand. In fact you've obviously become immune to it, because it's so rampant and unchallanged by deep thinkers like yoursef. They say when a northener moves to Florida he quickly adjusts to the heat and humidity and after a year becomes largly immune to the change in climate ....that's what's happend to you, politically speaking. You're a dupe my friend...plain and simple.

Here's today's Knee Slapper...and allow me to remind you that Mr. Zakaria is passed off by CNN as a "reporter"...yet watchdog groups have disclosed he routinely advises Obama. Think maybe he should disclose his bias?? Nah.....let's let the viewer figure that out for themselves, it seems so much more creditable if we fail to disclose his cozy relationship with the President......LMAO

In a "Fareed Zakaria GPS" segment to be aired on CNN Sunday and posted (http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/07/28/the-damage-is-already-done/) at the network's website Thursday, the host flat out lies about the current debt ceiling debate as well as when and why credit rating agencies began expressing concern about our nation's finances.
"Please understand that none of these things are happening because the United States is running deficits," Zakaria falsely claims. "We face downgrades and investor panic not because of our deficits"

FAREED ZAKARIA: Since 1960, the debt ceiling has been raised 78 times. My basic point is that this is a crisis that we have manufactured out of whole cloth. We have created a circumstance in which the world doubts our credibility, rating agencies are thinking of downgrading our debt and the dollar's role as the world's reserve currency could be jeopardized.
Please understand that none of these things are happening because the United States is running deficits. There was no indication - by any metric - that the United States was having difficulty borrowing money one month ago. In fact, the world has been lending money to the United States more cheaply than ever before.
We face downgrades and investor panic not because of our deficits but because we are behaving like deadbeats, refusing to pay our bills, pouting while the bill collector waits at the door.
Absolute total nonsense.
The high and mighty Zakaria conveniently forgot the downgrade warning Standard & Poor's published (http://www.standardandpoors.com/ratings/articles/en/us/?assetID=1245302886884) on April 18 of this year:
* We have affirmed our 'AAA/A-1+' sovereign credit ratings on the United States of America.
* The economy of the U.S. is flexible and highly diversified, the country's effective monetary policies have supported output growth while containing inflationary pressures, and a consistent global preference for the U.S. dollar over all other currencies gives the country unique external liquidity.
* Because the U.S. has, relative to its 'AAA' peers, what we consider to be very large budget deficits and rising government indebtedness and the path to addressing these is not clear to us, we have revised our outlook on the long-term rating to negative from stable.
* We believe there is a material risk that U.S. policymakers might not reach an agreement on how to address medium- and long-term budgetary challenges by 2013; if an agreement is not reached and meaningful implementation is not begun by then, this would in our view render the U.S. fiscal profile meaningfully weaker than that of peer 'AAA' sovereigns.
That last sentence warrants repeating: "We believe there is a material risk that U.S. policymakers might not reach an agreement on how to address medium- and long-term budgetary challenges by 2013; if an agreement is not reached and meaningful implementation is not begun by then, this would in our view render the U.S. fiscal profile meaningfully weaker than that of peer 'AAA' sovereigns."
This was issued on April 18, more than three months ago. As you can see, there was nothing in this report about the debt ceiling. In fact, it wasn't even mentioned.
Quite the contrary, S&P on that day issued a negative outlook for our debt specifically due to our "very large budget deficits and rising government indebtedness."
http://www.newsbusters.org/sites/default/files/thumbnail_photos/2011/July/F%20Zakaria.pngYet Zakaria says in this segment to be aired Sunday, "Please understand that none of these things are happening because the United States is running deficits...We face downgrades and investor panic not because of our deficits."
What Zakaria is doing is depicting the crisis to be about the debt ceiling rather than the debt and the deficit, and this is utter nonsense that is totally indefensible given S&P's warning in April.
Is this the kind of blatant misrepresentation that is now tolerated at the self-described "Most trusted name in news?"
In any other profession be it law, medicine, financial services, you name it, such a blatant lie by an employee to the public would be met with the harshest of consequences.
Why is this allowed in the so-called "news" industry?

07-30-2011, 09:55 PM
FAREED ZAKARIA: Since 1960, the debt ceiling has been raised 78 times. My basic point is that this is a crisis that we have manufactured out of whole cloth. We have created a circumstance in which the world doubts our credibility, rating agencies are thinking of downgrading our debt and the dollar's role as the world's reserve currency could be jeopardized.
Please understand that none of these things are happening because the United States is running deficits. There was no indication - by any metric - that the United States was having difficulty borrowing money one month ago. In fact, the world has been lending money to the United States more cheaply than ever before.
We face downgrades and investor panic not because of our deficits but because we are behaving like deadbeats, refusing to pay our bills, pouting while the bill collector waits at the door.Excellent assessment, and entirely consistent with S&P's report of April 18th.

We have affirmed our 'AAA/A-1+' sovereign credit ratings on the United States of America.
The economy of the U.S. is flexible and highly diversified, the country's effective monetary policies have supported output growth while containing inflationary pressures, and a consistent global preference for the U.S. dollar over all other currencies gives the country unique external liquidity.
Because the U.S. has, relative to its 'AAA' peers, what we consider to be very large budget deficits and rising government indebtedness and the path to addressing these is not clear to us, we have revised our outlook on the long-term rating to negative from stable.
We believe there is a material risk that U.S. policymakers might not reach an agreement on how to address medium- and long-term budgetary challenges by 2013; if an agreement is not reached and meaningful implementation is not begun by then, this would in our view render the U.S. fiscal profile meaningfully weaker than that of peer 'AAA' sovereigns.

Absolutely nowhere did the S&P say "We're afraid that before the year is out the US won't raise the debt limit and decide to renege on their payments." Nowhere. Had they thought that was the case on April 18th, they would've down graded us then. The debt limit and the deficit are two separate issues. Whether or not to raise the debt limit is the question of deciding to pay our standing bills or not. Do we pay our creditors when to bills come due, or do we default? The question of how do we bring down the deficit is not about paying the bills due on past debt, but about future fiscal responsibility. By insisting we address both these issues at once, the GOP is irresponsibly holding our creditors hostage to our politics. The GOP has advertised that we might indeed be willing to be deadbeats, thereby giving S&P a new reason (not mentioned in their April 18th report) to question our credit rating with greater immediacy.

The current fiasco is due entirely to GOP grandstanding. More particularly to the Tea Party puppies wagging their tails and John Boehner's inability to lead.

07-31-2011, 03:58 AM
The current fiasco is due entirely to GOP grandstanding. More particularly to the Tea Party puppies wagging their tails and John Boehner's inability to lead.

Completely inaccurate statement, if this was such a major issue for the liberals why didn't you raise the ceiling 8 months ago when you held both houses and the oval office?

The senate hasn't passed a budget in over 800 days. And now that our representatives are in there you expect us to bow to your wishes? Cut.. Cap.. Balance.

07-31-2011, 04:10 PM
if this was such a major issue for the liberals why didn't you raise the ceiling 8 months ago when you held both houses and the oval office?It's not a major issue. The debt ceiling has been raised umpteen times before. Only one other civilized nation even has a debt ceiling. The debt ceiling is not about the deficit, which is a major issue. Everyone just naturally thought we would pay our bills when they came due on a regular basis. It's only the Tea Party who made it an issue by artificially linking the debt ceiling with deficit reduction in order to irresponsibly hold our creditors hostage for political gain. Their goal is to destabilize the economy throughout the run up to the next election. The ultimate goal of those who puppeteer the Tea Party is to dismantle the New Deal and return to the glorious days of the rationally self-interested Robber Barons.

08-02-2011, 01:36 AM
It's only the Tea Party who made it an issue by artificially linking the debt ceiling with deficit reduction in order to irresponsibly hold our creditors hostage for political gain. Their goal is to destabilize the economy throughout the run up to the next election.

Wow. So much stupid in two sentences. How much bankster cock can you suck in one thread?

Destabilize the economy? LOL. Too funny. Do the math. The economy is a turd circling the bowl hunny.....this bill just kicks the can a bit further down the road.

OK, one more time....slower.

You take in $1000 a month. You pay out $1200 a month. You're currently paying the extra 200 beans by hitting your credit card. Do you go to the bank and take out another loan? Do you bang your credit card again?

No, if you're a Terrorist, as Joe Biden likes to call the TP'ers, you try to cut overhead. You try to live within your means.

Since you don't like charts....just point and click here.

‪Bill Whittle - Taxes can't Solve the Deficit (Mathimatically Impossible)‬‏ - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNF8HYh59Rs&feature=player_embedded)

A credit increase is NOT what this country needs now. Neither do we need taxes raised.

There never was any risk of default. We take in nearly ten times as much in taxes now, as what is needed to pay the interest on the debt. Obama is a lying shit bag, as is Bohner, Ried, Pelosi and all the other douche-nozzles.

We will however most likely get a downgrade and possibly real soon. Then things get fun. Fuck the FSA, party's ova sukkaz.

08-02-2011, 02:28 AM
All very well stated beandip, we didn't need any of it and in the end the republicans caved and that was what we got. At least one party the Tea Party stood for America, if you thought last election was eye opener just wait till the next.

08-02-2011, 02:31 AM
We were in no danger of an immediate downgrade until the Tea Party decided to legislate by extortion.

08-02-2011, 02:42 AM
Here's another one for you libs from your beloved NYTimes...ya know "all the news that's fit to print" This was burried on page 18 of the "Corrections" page....

They've been humping the News Corp story pretty good from thier lofty perch, so a front page story painted the misleading picture that Murdoch pushed out 2 executives to place his kids in those jobs. Pretty outrageous right....EXCEPT IT WASN'T TRUE........!!!!!!!!!!!
And notice the adjective..."imprecisely"..That's fucking rich. I have a different adjective....how about "carless disregard for the truth ? How about Bias??? That better describes what they do all day every day....
What's a little character assassination when you have comrades to help out? What a fucking joke.

The Media Equation column (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/25/business/media/scandal-splinters-the-murdoch-family-business.html) on Monday, about a phone hacking scandal’s effect on the News Corporation, referred imprecisely to the conditions under which Peter Chernin, a former chief executive, and Gary Ginsberg, a former communications executive, left the company. While the executives resigned, they were not “pushed out” by Rupert Murdoch to make room for his children.

08-02-2011, 02:51 AM
We were in no danger of an immediate downgrade until the Tea Party decided to legislate by extortion.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ...You can't be serious? No wait...you ARE sreious. Better check your facts with Moody's and Standard and Poors Trish....they see it differently. When you're borrowing 4 billion a day ( that's per day!!) to pay your bills...you're close to insolvency....regardless of what the bearded toad ( Paul Krugman) keeps telling you all.

08-02-2011, 03:56 AM
It was so hilarious seeing the democratic leaders running around claiming "we need to compromise!!" as they caved in on one item after another. Compromise got us in this mess, WE NEED TO DO THE RIGHT FUCKING THING. Only one party stood tall for that fact.. damn proud of our boys and girls.

Know we need to separate ourselves from the republican party. Make our party the Tea Party official and seperate the men for the weak kneed rhinos.

08-02-2011, 04:27 AM
It was so hilarious seeing the democratic leaders running around claiming "we need to compromise!!" as they caved in on one item after another. Compromise got us in this mess, WE NEED TO DO THE RIGHT FUCKING THING. Only one party stood tall for that fact.. damn proud of our boys and girls.

Know we need to separate ourselves from the republican party. Make our party the Tea Party official and seperate the men for the weak kneed rhinos.

Politics Politico: Biden Likens Tea Party Republicans to ‘Terrorists’

Posted on August 1, 2011 at 4:53pm by http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/userphoto/jseidl.thumbnail.jpg Jonathon M. Seidl (http://www.theblaze.com/blog/author/jseidl/)
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Sources inside a closed-door meeting of Senate Democrats today said Vice President Joe Biden participated in a bit of name-calling. But not just any name-calling. No, those sources tell Politico (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/60421.html#ixzz1ToPFHWfp) that Biden likened Tea Party Republicans to “terrorists.”
“We have negotiated with terrorists,” angry Rep. Mike Doyle, a Democrat from PA, said, according to sources who were in the room. “This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money.”
Biden agreed:

Biden, driven by his Democratic allies’ misgivings about the debt-limit deal, responded: “They have acted like terrorists,” according to several sources in the room.
Biden’s office refused to comment to Politico about what was said, citing that the meeting took place in a closed-door session.
The rhetoric wouldn’t be odd for the fiery former Senator from Delaware. As Politico notes, earlier in the day he told Senate Democrats that Republican leaders have “guns to their heads” in trying to negotiate deals.
The comments come as both sides of the aisle are upset about the proposed deal between Republican and Democratic leaders in both the House and Senate, and Biden was dispatched to try and rally support.

No Joe...Not terrorists...but a bunch of butchers, bakers and candle stick makers, ex football players who came to Washington not to be a 30 hack like yourself, but to change the course of our government...and these terrorists out out negotiated you, your boss and the entire democratic leadership. Suck it up...Lick your wounds and get the fuck back to work creating jobs you hack. Remember you're the the guy who's suppose to report back to us about waste and fraud with the stimulus !! LMAO.what a buffoon

And as far as terrorists...my hope for you, Maxine Waters, Barney Frank and anyone else who has used this vicious hyperbole is that you have occasion to come face to face with a real terrorist and as you do he reaches for the detonator. Maybe in that split second you'll have a come to Jesus moment and repent for your transgressions. A little too harsh for you? Well then stop equating us with terrorists.

08-02-2011, 09:15 AM
Well I for one was disturbed to see Rush Limbaugh referring to moderate conservatives (Republicans), as "the enemy". one main reason given, was that moderates, wanted liberal and the media to like them, as a tool to build a majority consensus. I see such terminology as being bad for the nation. The US used to be known as "the melting pot" where differences made a better whole. Consensus meant that democracy was at work. But now, it is right wing conservatives that are the uncompromising ones, with idealogical purity over common sense. Increasing revenue, as part of and overall strategy, to fight debt is just common sense, (as just one point, of many).

So if moderate conservatives are the enemy, what does that say about the rest of the nation, especially, so called 'liberals'? It is your conservatives that are the real America haters. Look at all the names your Limbaugh types call fellow Americans. Joe Biden was talking a group of specific people. Your Limbaugh's spread negativity through the airways.


See notes point 16.,for the Rush Limbaugh reference.

08-02-2011, 09:29 AM
Sorry yoda but your wrong, compromising on $2 trillion in budget cuts over the next 10 years is exactly why this great country is in the disaster that it is. Our projected budget for the year 2011 is $3.8 trillion. Thats new debt to the sum of $1.25 in a twelve month period. Oh, but goodness there you could never cut that much money from our goberment! BULLSHIT The lights been turned on and the cock roaches are a scattering.

$200 billion a year for the next 10 years, thats how great this plan was? Oh brother.. go ahead and convince this guy, the rest of us have woke up.


08-02-2011, 09:40 AM
It was so hilarious seeing the democratic leaders running around claiming "we need to compromise!!" as they caved in on one item after another. Compromise got us in this mess, WE NEED TO DO THE RIGHT FUCKING THING. Only one party stood tall for that fact.. damn proud of our boys and girls.

Know we need to separate ourselves from the republican party. Make our party the Tea Party official and seperate the men for the weak kneed rhinos.

Standing tall, means helping out thew less fortunate in times of crisis. It means sacrificing, if nescessary. We have had wars, financial crises, millions of jobs losses and home foreclosures. Protecting the well off, the most fortunate, during crisis is not a reflection of standing tall, but a symptom of greed. Just like conservatives, equated the needs of the top tax bracket to those recieving unemployment, during this last Christmas holiday.

And tell me, how is agreeing to spending cuts, not the right fucking thing? Democrats all along have agreed to spending cuts. The main issues have been which areas to cut and how much, but also about increasing tax revenues. Every time someone here has mentioned increasing taxes on the wealthy, some conservative, here has said we did not want spending cuts. This has never been the case. It is all good and well to cut spending. But with all these spending cuts, who is really going to agree to which areas need to be cut? Already the military is crying that our national security will be compromised. But then, what's a few thousand Americal lives lost, as long as nobody has to pay more taxes. Hell we could have save lots of money by not responding to 9/11. But it was those same conservatives calling for action, as well as many others.

08-02-2011, 11:59 AM
At least one party the Tea Party stood for America, if you thought last election was eye opener just wait till the next.

If anything, the Tea Party representatives in Congress have driven a wedge between themselves and the Republican Party 'mainstream'. The most obvious fissure that opened up in this fiasco was the inability of John Boehner to be an effective leader. Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin -although I concede she has not formally declared for 2012- were notable by their silence, Michele Bachmann's 'the US has spent its wad' being, shall we say, a less than profound assessment. This was all about politics rather than the economy, which was one component of the fiasco. The Tea Party's demographic is white, over 45 and thereby of marginal importance to a Presidential election. Indeed, the shambolic image of the GOP and its toe-wagging tea party enthusiasts is more likely to damage their electoral chances, while Obama -who was always going to lose 'the left' in any compromise deal- has been pushed to the centre ground and stands a better chance of being re-elected. I don't know that the US has actually benefited from this, it has damaged the image of the country as a safe place to invest -and yet, investors with a long-term strategy -say 25-50 years, are still more likely to invest in the US than they (we) are in Russia, say, or China and India, where in spite of economic growth long term investments are risky and hedged in with government controls.

So after all this, you are back where it all began: Jobs.

08-02-2011, 02:20 PM
Standing tall, means helping out thew less fortunate in times of crisis. It means sacrificing, if nescessary.

And tell me, how is agreeing to spending cuts, not the right fucking thing? Democrats all along have agreed to spending cuts. The main issues have been which areas to cut and how much, but also about increasing tax revenues.

Since when has the government belonged in charitable giving? Government has a certain limited constitutional set of services it is to provide. No where will you find "pry money out of Mr. Parker's pocket and give it to his neighbor Mr. 99'er down the street. Charity belongs a state issue and more importantly a private sector issue.

How do you figure out whats a good value to cut yoda when you don't even have a budget? You can say you want to cut all you want but without a budget baseline to go off thats just lunacy. We see that, can you not?

08-02-2011, 06:10 PM
Go ahead. Tell us more. Tell how you don't believe in Social Security or Medicare. Make my case. The forces behind the Tea Party want to dismantle the New Deal. Tell us how wonderful it was in the days of yore when Robber Barons ran the country with rational self-interest.

You guys stand along side grandmothers who hold signs that read, "Take Your Government Hands Off My Medicare" and you snicker at their ignorance without bothering to correct or enlighten them as to the goals of your party. Hey, as long as she's voting for your guy, there's no point in telling her you don't believe in Medicare.

Poll show that Tea Party members who benefit from a government sponsored social program like Social Security, Medicare, Disability or Unemployment Compensation, deny it when asked. Not out of deceit, but ignorance!

The Tea Party is manipulated by wealthy privateers who aim to clear away the regulations that protect OUR resources, and OUR quality of life for sake of the profit. Your vision of government is every man for himself. That's not government, that's modern feudalism. Meanwhile the ranks of the Tea Party are filled with the fearful, the ignorant, the gullible (don't tell me you're any kind of skeptic when you believe in the time-traveling Christ) and the sheep, who unknown to themselves, are supporting the very corporations who are about to sheer them of their security, their future and their country.

08-02-2011, 07:22 PM
Go ahead. Tell us more. Tell how you don't believe in Social Security or Medicare. Make my case. The forces behind the Tea Party want to dismantle the New Deal. Tell us how wonderful it was in the days of yore when Robber Barons ran the country with rational self-interest.

You guys stand along side grandmothers who hold signs that read, "Take Your Government Hands Off My Medicare" and you snicker at their ignorance without bothering to correct or enlighten them as to the goals of your party. Hey, as long as she's voting for your guy, there's no point in telling her you don't believe in Medicare.

Poll show that Tea Party members who benefit from a government sponsored social program like Social Security, Medicare, Disability or Unemployment Compensation, deny it when asked. Not out of deceit, but ignorance!

The Tea Party is manipulated by wealthy privateers who aim to clear away the regulations that protect OUR resources, and OUR quality of life for sake of the profit. Your vision of government is every man for himself. That's not government, that's modern feudalism. Meanwhile the ranks of the Tea Party are filled with the fearful, the ignorant, the gullible (don't tell me you're any kind of skeptic when you believe in the time-traveling Christ) and the sheep, who unknown to themselves, are supporting the very corporations who are about to sheer them of their security, their future and their country.

Yes only the string survive and the weak and poor shall be purged from this country.

08-02-2011, 10:40 PM
Since when has the government belonged in charitable giving? Government has a certain limited constitutional set of services it is to provide.
Oh? Hmmmm... Ah yes, here it is:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

That's the 'statement of purpose' for the federal govrnment. I looked, but I can't find anything in there that says "do it this way but not that way". Nor can I find a Constitutional preference for any specific ideology, other than the prohibition on granting titles of nobility. There's no economic theology in there. The 16th Amendment gives Congress the power to "pry money out of Mr Parker's pocket". As long as it's used to fulfill the purpose, the government can spend it however they see fit. That's why we hired them.

This arguement has never been about how much, going all the way back to the founding. That's a diversion. The arguement has always just been about who pays & who gets paid. Who, not what or why.

08-03-2011, 01:37 AM
How does your bankster cock taste now.



Hope and Change...Hope and Change....Hope and Change....


A just-released study by the Center for Responsive Politics shows that President Obama is relying more on Wall Street to fund his re-election this year than he did in 2008, according to CNBC, which obtained an advance copy of the report.
The report says that one-third of the money Obama's elite fund-raising corps has raised on behalf of his re-election has come from the financial sector.
"Individuals who work in the finance, insurance, and real estate sector are responsible for raising at least $11.3 million for Obama's campaign and the Democratic National Committee," the report says.

Obama loooooves them peas and corporate COCK!

08-03-2011, 09:17 AM
Since when has the government belonged in charitable giving? Government has a certain limited constitutional set of services it is to provide. No where will you find "pry money out of Mr. Parker's pocket and give it to his neighbor Mr. 99'er down the street. Charity belongs a state issue and more importantly a private sector issue.

How do you figure out whats a good value to cut yoda when you don't even have a budget? You can say you want to cut all you want but without a budget baseline to go off thats just lunacy. We see that, can you not?
I believe that your corporate controlled thinking is limiting your ability to understand life. One main job of government is to provide social stability, so that productive endeavors can continue their business with relative stability. It’s related to safety, but more subtle than just catching someone, after they have committed a crime.

Lets use unemployment compensation, as one major case. It’s not just charity. It helps a person, tide themselves over, they can still have hope. It often means they can keep the same housing, with other sacrifices. This also benefits the landlords, who can plan with greater certainty knowing their tenants have a safety net. So this stablility goes outward to many other places. A graphic story comes to mind. Last year, in an Asian nation, when some workers received layoff notices, they found an executive whom they believed to be responsible, and set his car on fire, as he was leaving work, burning him to death. So let me ask you this; with 8 million job losses how many US execs have been burned to death by their employees? Sure they may have been a few incidents of violence, here and there, but the trigger has been pulled 8 million times. I believe that you are probably one of those people who believe carrying a gun will get you safe. But if you live in a society where losing a job means possible death, your once friendly neighbor is not going tell you that he has lost his job. He’ll just lay in wait, until you have left home. I say the tax savings in your ideal society, will be eaten up by the costs of purchasing and storing, 'eight million' rounds of ammunition, body armour to get to and from work, etc.

I could go on and on dozens of scenarios, involving the elderly, handicapped, and even drug addicts. Your thinking has been constrained, with deliberate, and successful mind control tactics. The way out of your box, is not really that complicated to do. It simply involves, being able to put yourself in the place of another. But there is an element today, who seeks to profit by division. And they are doing a hell of a job. One major person, who preached empathy, was a man known as Jesus Christ, among numerous others. It’s not necessary to believe and understand about dying on the cross, or even God, to benefit the ability, to “love one’s neighbor”. The rewards are immediate, not after you die.

So to summarize, what you might see as simple charity, is an important tool to sustain life. And it goes beyond just human life, here on planet earth. Even herd animals, on the African plain, with gather around a wounded member to protect them. Unlike you, they instinctively understand that the weakest is still related to the whole. it's practically universal in animal species, not only to feed and protect the young, but teaching them skills to promote survival. I don’t dislike you, I see you as a misguided person, with whom I still share some important similarities. And I see your opinions as important. That is why I take the time to respond.

08-03-2011, 09:46 AM
Since when has the government belonged in charitable giving? Government has a certain limited constitutional set of services it is to provide. No where will you find "pry money out of Mr. Parker's pocket and give it to his neighbor Mr. 99'er down the street. Charity belongs a state issue and more importantly a private sector issue.

How do you figure out whats a good value to cut yoda when you don't even have a budget? You can say you want to cut all you want but without a budget baseline to go off thats just lunacy. We see that, can you not?
My last post was only related to your first paragraph. And this is related to your second one. Are you referring to the fact that S.S. is not included in the general budget? What abut the fact that the Iraq war, was reportedly, an off budget expenditure? You may have another definition.

08-04-2011, 04:17 AM
Where's my "friend" BlueGrassCat who gets so inflamed at a few charts and graphs by Heritage, but has little to say about the daily flood of inaccurate, false, misleading, deceptive articles...Here's today's gem, and this is a beauty. And the juicy part?? The Puffington Post took the story from the New Republic...is that rich or what?? Still think there's no conspiracy??? lmao

Huffington Post Forced to Issue Retraction, Apology After Falsely Accusing Andrew Breitbart of Doctoring Video

Published August 03, 2011

Arianna Huffington's Huffington Post issued an apology to Andrew Breitbart Tuesday (Reuters/AP)

Arianna Huffington (http://www.foxnews.com/topics/politics/reporters/arianna-huffington.htm#r_src=ramp)’s liberal-leaning Huffington Post (http://www.foxnews.com/topics/politics/the-huffington-post.htm#r_src=ramp) was forced to write a retraction Tuesday after alleging that doctored a video clip from a White House (http://www.foxnews.com/topics/politics/white-house.htm#r_src=ramp) press briefing in order to make it look like CBS anchor Norah O’Donnell was unhappy about the recent debt compromise during an exchange with White House press secretary Jay Carney (http://www.foxnews.com/topics/politics/obama-administration/jay-carney.htm#r_src=ramp).
In the clip, which Breitbart and other conservative media used to describe what they saw as O’Donnell’s liberal bias, the CBS anchor appears to claim about the debt compromise: “You gave them everything they wanted and we got nothing.”

The Huff Po took their information from The New Republic’s Jonathan Chait, who claimed that the clip did not include a portion of the video where O’Donnell led into the quote by saying that Democrats were upset about the debt, not the reporter herself.
A careful examination of the clip reveals that it was not doctored at all by Breitbart, but that the beginning of O’Donnell’s quote was shrouded by ambient noise.
Breitbart took to Twitter (http://www.foxnews.com/topics/twitter.htm#r_src=ramp) in his own defense, tweeting:
“Dear @AriannaHuff, Nothing 'edited' in O'Donnell video. It is malicious lie intended to push false 'doctoring' meme. Want a war, dahling?”
The story was ultimately removed from the website and an editor’s note was posted saying that, “a viewing of the clip in question clearly shows that he did not. We regret the error, have removed the story, and apologize to Mr. Breitbart.”
Some staffers at the website, who were unable to reveal their names for fear of retribution, told FOX411 that they weren’t surprised at the error.
“The goal of the site is aggregation, not news generation. We’re chasing traffic and there isn’t always time to make sure that everything is accurate,” one staffer admitted. "We're really just a factory for links."
AOL bought the Huffington Post back in February for $315 million and placed Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington in charge of the combined group’s content. The new leadership resulted in the laying off of a network of seasoned journalists and the destruction of many of AOL’s content sites, including the influential Politics Daily news site.
was to be “absorbed” into HuffPo Politics, but the merger instead resulted in the laying off of the site’s political reporters, some of whom would have been in the White House briefing with O’Donnell and Carney.
“If the site still had actual reporters in Washington, they would have known that the tape wasn’t doctored, but right now HuffPo is relying on other people’s reporting,” one former AOL political writer said. “Arianna doesn’t believe in real reporting.”
Breitbart celebrated his victory over the important liberal website with a follow-up Tweet:
“Mr. Breitbart ACCEPTS @HuffPost apology/retraction for falsely claiming I 'doctored' video.”

08-04-2011, 09:34 AM
onmyknees -surely by now you should know that by now screeds emanating from journalists should all carry a health warning? Apart from the obvious bias of Huffington, or Fox, or a Wobblies pamphlet, what can you expect? Isn't it more imporant for 'ordinary people' -like us- to debate the issues, as we are the electorates in our countries? I sometimes think that, for all its occasional ugliness, there is more honest opinon here than we find in the meeja.

08-04-2011, 02:59 PM
onmyknees -surely by now you should know that by now screeds emanating from journalists should all carry a health warning? Apart from the obvious bias of Huffington, or Fox, or a Wobblies pamphlet, what can you expect? Isn't it more imporant for 'ordinary people' -like us- to debate the issues, as we are the electorates in our countries? I sometimes think that, for all its occasional ugliness, there is more honest opinon here than we find in the meeja.

Good post Stavros, i fully agree, and I would have to add the way in which you present your point resonates. Civil, intelligent debate is important and if you listen can teach you a thing or two.

08-04-2011, 11:23 PM
Government has a certain limited constitutional set of services it is to provide. No where will you find "pry money out of Mr. Parker's pocket and give it to his neighbor Mr. 99'er down the street. Charity belongs a state issue and more importantly a private sector issue.

It's in the first paragraph. The part about establishing justice, promoting general welfare, and securing our blessings of liberty to our posterity. Sorry you missed that; it's pretty stirring.

Indeed, James Madison, whose Virginia Plan formed the outline of what became the U.S. Constitution and who represented the "limited government" faction of the Founders, wrote in Federalist 45: "the real welfare of the great body of the people, is the supreme object to be pursued; and that no form of government whatever has any other value than as it may be fitted for the attainment of this object."

But then specifically, Article 1, Section 8 empowers Congress to "lay and collect taxes," also known as "prying money out of Mr. Parker's pocket." The Articles of Confederation failed to grant the legislature the power of taxation, so it was specifically and intentionally included in the Constitution in order to address this clear deficiency.

Further, the Supreme Court has held on numerous occasions that the General Welfare Clause gives Congress broad authority to give the tax revenues that Mr. Parker pays to his neighbor Mr. 99'er. The only restriction is that the program be national in scope, which the federal extension of unemployment insurance plainly is. Notably, see U.S. v. Butler, Helvering v. Davis, and South Dakota v. Dole.

08-05-2011, 02:10 AM
An act of great deception that is probably going to generate ridiculous laughter rather than the inflated moral outrage this topic seems to generate: Newt Gingrich, having boasted that he had six times as many twitter-nuts as all the other declared Republican candidates combined (over 1 million) paid media firms to create them: over 90% are dummy accounts, in fact he only seems to have his mum and his pet dog on the legit list (ok thats a joke...)...I always thought tweeting had something to do with birds anyway, what do I know?

08-07-2011, 04:42 PM
Here's your wake up call for Today Blue Grass Cat....another day, another liberal distortion by a left wing "journalist". Yawn.

Richard Wolffe Flat Out Lies About Obama's Eight Percent Unemployment Pledge

By Noel Sheppard (http://www.newsbusters.org/bios/noel-sheppard.html) | August 06, 2011 | 17:46
[/URL][URL="http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2011/08/06/richard-wolffe-flat-out-lies-about-obamas-eight-percent-unemployment-#"] (http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2011/08/06/richard-wolffe-flat-out-lies-about-obamas-eight-percent-unemployment-#)

Change font size: A (javascript:changeFontSize(1)) | A (javascript:changeFontSize(-1))
As the prospects for Barack Obama's reelection decline, American media are getting more and more cavalier with the truth when defending the object of their affection.
On Friday, MSNBC political analyst Richard Wolffe not only lied about the adminstration's projection that unemployment wouldn't rise above eight percent if its stimulus package was enacted, he also badly misrepresented the timing of job losses during the recession (video follows with transcript and commentary):

RICHARD WOLFFE, MSNBC POLITICAL ANALYST: Now, I’ve also got to pick up something that the Chairman Steele was just saying, though, because, you know, he comes out with a talking point of 8 percent. The president promising it won’t go above that.
Actually, it was an economic forecast that they made during transition before huge job losses of January and February of 2009. So, let’s just have a little context here. I know people are scoring political points.
It was an economic forecast that they made during transition before huge job losses of January and February of 2009?
On January 9, 2009, future administration officials Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein published a fourteen page report entitled "The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan (http://www.economy.com/mark-zandi/documents/The_Job_Impact_of_the_American_Recovery_and_Reinve stment_Plan.pdf)." On page five they offered the following chart:
As you can see, the incoming adminstration projected that if its stimulus package was enacted, unemployment would not go higher than eight percent.
As such, this wasn't just some "economic forecast." This document was the new administration's sales pitch to Congress and the American people to pass ARRP.

08-07-2011, 05:21 PM
Talk about deception->





08-07-2011, 11:51 PM
"It was an economic forecast that they made during transition before huge job losses of January and February of 2009?

How is that wrong? The report was written before the Januray and February numbers were known, and it turned out the job losses were worse than anyone expected. The unemployment rate was already 8% by the time they signed the stimulus bill into law.

08-09-2011, 12:18 AM


How telling.

No fucking agenda there, hugh?


08-09-2011, 12:33 AM
Huffington post or not, the fake ballots exist and are traceable to the Koch brothers. You Tea Party guys don't really believe in democracy, do you? You believe in "nothing out of my pocket for the common good."

08-09-2011, 02:26 AM
Actually....moron, the TP'ers ELECTED Tea Party Candidates......which went to WASHINGTON and did EXACTLY what they were ELECTED to DO!

So there's your democracy.

You're dummer than a bag of dicks.

Just because they don't jibe with your leftist communist bullshit world view.....of well, sucks bein' u.

08-09-2011, 04:33 AM
So you can't refute the evidence that the Tea Baggers have distributed counterfeit mail in ballots to democrats in WI with wrong return addresses and incorrectly reported deadlines. This is being done to thwart democracy, something which Tea Baggers denigrate as dumocracy. Shame on you.

08-09-2011, 05:22 AM
So you can't refute the evidence that the Tea Baggers have distributed counterfeit mail in ballots to democrats in WI with wrong return addresses and incorrectly reported deadlines. This is being done to thwart democracy, something which Tea Baggers denigrate as dumocracy. Shame on you.

Here's today's tune up for Trish, Cat and the rest of you....

This is another beauty. It's so much better when they're caught lying on tape...isn't it? This one by former Obama Car Czar Steven Rattner taken to task by George Will and then like a worm lies about it. Oh...yes that Steve Ratner who was fined 6.2 million by the SEC and Gov. Cuomo for his role in a pay to play scheme with pensions, ( google it) and yet is a prized guest for MSNBC. Man...you can't make this shit up, yet when I lay these facts on you all...you get cranky and pissy with me....LOL....Just the facts ma'am. If it ain't true....prove me wrong. Please !!! I guess we're still "draining the swamp" LOL... Onto the Honorable Mr. Rattner and today's hall of shame........


08-09-2011, 05:35 AM
Huffington post or not, the fake ballots exist and are traceable to the Koch brothers. You Tea Party guys don't really believe in democracy, do you? You believe in "nothing out of my pocket for the common good."

Ohhhhhhhhhh...Convicted by the Puffington Post? LMFAO...you're kidding right? Unfortunately you're not... I'll wait for the inditments...and perhaps you should too before going off half cocked. How about convicted by a court of law??? Can we agree that carries a little more weight...just a little? Again...prove me wrong. Please. Libs...liars scoundrals and frauds.

NAACP official convicted of voter fraud

In Tunica, Mississippi, ten guilty verdicts of voter fraud were returned yesterday against NAACP officer (http://tunicacountynaacp.club.officelive.com/NAACPExecutiveCommittee.aspx) Lessadolla Sowers. She was sentenced to five years for each count without the possibility of parole and will serve the terms concurrently. Sowers manipulated the absentee ballot process in the 2007 election. Absentee ballots in Mississippi are notoriously subject to voter fraud. The District Court opinion (http://moritzlaw.osu.edu/electionlaw/litigation/documents/Brown_MemorandumOpinion.pdf) in United States v. Ike Brown provides another outrageous example of systemic voter fraud in the casting of absentee ballots in Mississippi. Brown was also a NAACP and Democratic party official. The Tunica Times (http://www.tunicatimes.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1176:sowers-guilty-on-ten-voter-fraud-counts&catid=2:paid&Itemid=26) (subscription required) is the only media outlet covering Sowers’ conviction. No surprise there. And don’t expect the voter fraud deniers at the Brennan Center or Tova Wang at Demos to devote much attention to Sowers and her five year vacation in the pen.

08-09-2011, 11:34 AM
First, I am going to assume that the ability to fiddle ballots is available to any savvy organisers regardless of their party afiliation.

But, second, when I was studying American politics and history years ago, there was a fair amount of literature on the way that boundaries are drawn in Congressional Districts, and whether or not they were being moulded as the demographics changed to suit the incumbent (most of whom seem to have a job for life)-was this ever sorted out or are there still interminable disputes about which side of the street should be in District X -?

08-09-2011, 04:29 PM
Voter suppression has been a large part of repub election strategy for years. Vote caging, phony and deceptive mailers, bullshit voter id laws, etc. - the REICHwing are masters of that garbage. Remember the little weasel Tim Griffon?

Brad Friedman at http://www.bradblog.com/ has been digging into goppy election shenanigans for a long time. He posted this yesterday:

'Saturday we posted an article (http://www.bradblog.com/?p=8651) detailing the similarities, and apparent coordination, in misleading "Absentee Ballot Application" mailers sent out to Democratic voters by both the David Koch-founded Americans for Prosperity - Wisconsin and a mysterious group calling themselves United Sportsmen of Wisconsin. The Americans for Prosperity mailer, sent out in Wisconsin last week in advance of tomorrow's state Senate recall election of six Republican state Senators, included instructions that absentee ballots must be submitted by August 11th --- even though the election in question is actually tomorrow, August 9th.
The PO Box described as the "Absentee Ballot Application Processing Center" on those mailers belonged to a Rightwing family group tied to the anti-abortion movement. A spokesperson for the group, as we reported, said that while they were part of a "coalition" with AFP, they claimed to have had no idea AFP was using their PO Box on the mailers until they started receiving them, and that they hadn't seen the mailer before it went out. For their part, AFP claimed the incorrect date was simply a "typo" in two districts where they had sent the mailings, and that "liberals" were making a "mountain out of a molehill" about it all. Late last week, however, in a followup mailing, the group admitted that it had gone out to "everyone" in all of the state Senate districts, rather than just the two where Democrats will face recall elections next week (as opposed to tomorrow's GOP recalls) and blamed the incorrect date on their printer.
The United Sportsmen of Wisconsin (USW) mailers, almost identical in form, font, content, and type-setting, as we showed (http://www.bradblog.com/?p=8651), had no information about who had paid for the mailings on them, and instructed voters that they needed to return their absentee ballots to the elections clerk by August 4th --- even though ballots may be delivered to the Wisconsin election clerks as late as the close of polls on August 9th.'

Nothing new here. They'll do anything to get an edge. Back in 1982, the RNC was forced into consent decree not to engage in voter caging and intimidation activities or to target minority voters. In 1986 there was another decree in which the RNC agreed not to do any 'ballot security' programs anywhere in the country without prior court approval.

"I don’t want everybody to vote," Paul Weyrich, co-founder of the billionaire-funded Heritage Foundation and the Moral Majority, said (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GBAsFwPglw) while addressing a right-wing Christian audience in 1980. "[O]ur leverage in the elections goes up as the voting populace goes down," - http://www.bradblog.com/?cat=280

08-09-2011, 07:28 PM
It's all your fault! Nuh uh, its all your fault! No way its all your fault you stupid face. Your the stupid face and its all your fault... And the beat goes on.


08-09-2011, 07:39 PM
Okay then let's see you take some of the blame Faldur. Exactly what idiocies is your side willing to own up to. Make us a long list.

08-10-2011, 01:40 AM
Currently recovering from pneumonia Trish, so trust me nothing I do is long or energetic. What do I have to apologize/take blame for? Maybe you can point out my faults for me, your pretty good at it.

All I know if we don't stop spending money were screwed, I really don't care who's fault it is. If we can't come together and fix it as a country were doomed.

08-10-2011, 01:54 AM
No. You're the one who's claims both sides are yelling "It's your fault." So I'm not falling into that trap. Exactly what are you GOPers and Tea-Baggers prepared the blame for and what exactly what wrongs did you do to bring it about?

08-10-2011, 05:38 AM
Here's your wake up call for Today Blue Grass Cat....another day, another liberal distortion by a left wing "journalist". Yawn.

Richard Wolffe Flat Out Lies About Obama's Eight Percent Unemployment Pledge

By Noel Sheppard (http://www.newsbusters.org/bios/noel-sheppard.html) | August 06, 2011 | 17:46

Change font size: A (http://javascript%3cb%3e%3c/b%3E:changeFontSize%281%29) | A (http://javascript%3cb%3e%3c/b%3E:changeFontSize%28-1%29)
As the prospects for Barack Obama's reelection decline, American media are getting more and more cavalier with the truth when defending the object of their affection.
On Friday, MSNBC political analyst Richard Wolffe not only lied about the adminstration's projection that unemployment wouldn't rise above eight percent if its stimulus package was enacted, he also badly misrepresented the timing of job losses during the recession (video follows with transcript and commentary):
RICHARD WOLFFE, MSNBC POLITICAL ANALYST: Now, I’ve also got to pick up something that the Chairman Steele was just saying, though, because, you know, he comes out with a talking point of 8 percent. The president promising it won’t go above that.
Actually, it was an economic forecast that they made during transition before huge job losses of January and February of 2009. So, let’s just have a little context here. I know people are scoring political points.
It was an economic forecast that they made during transition before huge job losses of January and February of 2009?
On January 9, 2009, future administration officials Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein published a fourteen page report entitled "The Job Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan (http://www.economy.com/mark-zandi/documents/The_Job_Impact_of_the_American_Recovery_and_Reinve stment_Plan.pdf)." On page five they offered the following chart:

As you can see, the incoming adminstration projected that if its stimulus package was enacted, unemployment would not go higher than eight percent.
As such, this wasn't just some "economic forecast." This document was the new administration's sales pitch to Congress and the American people to pass ARRP.

Oh my, I go on vacation for a week and come back to bunch of love notes from OMK. I don't know if I'll get to all of your drivel but I'll try.

The above is perhaps the most hilarious. In an pathetic attempt to show how the media lies, you revealed what a buffoon you are. So Richard Wolfe lied when he said a report from Jan. 9th, 2009 was a transition report? Hmm, what date was Obama elected on again? Oh yeah, Jan 20th, 2009, eleven days AFTER the report was released (let alone conducted) putting it squarely in the transition period, just as Wolfe said. Wow, now it seems that OMK is the liar. Either that or can't read a calendar.

Then there's the gem about Rattner, who OMK says lied on tape, but when you click on the link, you see that while Rattner is guilty of calling Tea Partiers terrorists, he doesn't at any point lie about it. Do you even look at your own links? LOL

Then there's the Huffpost retraction. This might be the most worrisome because it reveals how little you understand or care about what is right and what is wrong. HuffPo is guilty of being a lazy aggregator that relied on one source and mistakenly claimed that Breitbart, who is known to doctor videos, doctored this one. When they learned they got it wrong, they issued a retraction and apology.

There is an important difference between being mistaken and intentionally deceiving people. HuffPo makes plenty of mistakes, Breitbart's whole shtick is to deceptively edit videos for ideological ends. The Heritage Foundation is guilty of it too. They had to work awful hard to torture the data until it conformed to the attack on Obama they wanted, and no retraction or apology has come from it. The point is there is no left-wing think tank that produces such garbage, it's an exclusively right-wing phenomenon.

Any contest about who lies more puts the GOP ahead 30-fold. You guys lie like you breathe, it's become an automatic response. You've internalized the talking points and the dogma to such an extent, you can't even think for yourselves anymore, you just reactively bark and snarl like the Pavlovian authoritarians you are. Face it, you're shills for a party that's trying to destroy the U.S.A., throw off the blinders and come join the patriots.

08-29-2011, 04:18 AM
What a joke. We let rats guard the cheese. Now this is we what we get.
Naturally, it's left up to the Democrats to solve EVERYTHING while the thieves whine.

08-29-2011, 04:50 AM
What a joke. We let rats guard the cheese. Now this is we what we get.
Naturally, it's left up to the Democrats to solve EVERYTHING while the thieves whine.

I'm sure glad the Democrats are there, that budget they passed 900 days ago is saving our country's butt.

08-29-2011, 05:38 AM
I'm sure glad the Democrats are there, that budget they passed 900 days ago is saving our country's butt.

Naturally. Nothing.