View Full Version : Hackney phrases, words, and comments that HA members DO...

12-29-2005, 05:58 AM
..NOT want to see in 2006.

The one word I believe has become trite is "moron". Also attempts to make others on the board appear intellectually inferior have become boring. So come on you "morons", what do you think?

personally I plan to abuse the words "sho nuff" this year...yes I'm bringing back some old school southern slang.

12-29-2005, 06:21 AM
Personally, I try not to use the word moron unless I add an i to the end of it...

12-29-2005, 06:22 AM
Personally, I try not to use the word moron unless I add an i to the end of it...
It is much more fitting then. I wasn't posting that at any specific person either.

12-29-2005, 06:27 AM
and speaking of sho nuff, I have a half-slab of hickory-smoked baby back ribs callin my name...now that's down home!!

12-29-2005, 09:23 AM
Here's some that I'm going to be using in my "selective stupidity" quest:

A gwine: I'm going to

fo sho: for sure

chi chi man: gay man

pshaw: very common, mild explanation expressing impatience, vexation or disappointment.

massa: a respectful form of address

12-29-2005, 10:08 PM
I'm originally from Boston, but never seemed to pick up the dialect much except as an observer. Some hosers think I'm from Canadia, eh.

The only thing that really gives me away is when I say something like "Hawfanowah" (Which is why I prefer to say "Thirty minutes").

But I can fake it pretty well with common words/prhrases like Bawsten, Woostah (Worcester), westawoostah (The outer reaches of the state), "Jeetchet?" (Have you eaten yet?) and the pat reply "Nojew?" (No, did you?).

I can also get by in other parts of the country fairly well. Such as in New Yawk, N'awlins, and Lew-uh-vul. Long Island is pronounced Lon-GUY-lind, and contrary to things like the silent 'G' in Rogtary Club you actually pronounce the invisible second 'A' in the store name 'Ack-A-ME'.

I can also drink cwawfee at a pwawty in New Yawk. :)

As for the word 'moron', though I'm trying to cut down, I know that I overuse it.

But the American public makes it so easy. :|

12-29-2005, 11:06 PM
LOL @ Hawfanowah!!! That's so true. I've always made it Bahstun, though. And if you actually live in the city, it's Wistah (Woostah to the rest of us). Some other great Massivetwoshits placenames:

Am-Herst (the 'h' is NOT silent if you're from there)
Waltham (not Wal-thum)
Needhum (not Need-ham)
Leominster (that's Lem-in-ster, not Leo-min-ster)
Gloucester (Glos- not Glue-)

many many more....

12-30-2005, 12:17 AM
2 other Massive-two-shits names are Ted Kennedy and John(wish I was more like JFK) Kerry.

12-30-2005, 12:37 AM
LOL @ Hawfanowah!!! That's so true. I've always made it Bahstun, though. And if you actually live in the city, it's Wistah (Woostah to the rest of us). Some other great Massivetwoshits placenames:

Am-Herst (the 'h' is NOT silent if you're from there)
Waltham (not Wal-thum)
Needhum (not Need-ham)
Leominster (that's Lem-in-ster, not Leo-min-ster)
Gloucester (Glos- not Glue-)

many many more....

Hmm...Never knew Amherst to have another pronuniciation. Oddly, while the community likes it as Wall-tham, the community's famous watch company is invariably pronounced Wull-thum (Even by locals).

And I always thought it was Gl-OW-kester, which is how those crazy submariners pronounced it in The Russians Are Coming. Of course, they also claimed they were Nor-wig-gians. :lol:

12-30-2005, 04:12 AM
Hmm...Never knew Amherst to have another pronuniciation. Oddly, while the community likes it as Wall-tham, the community's famous watch company is invariably pronounced Wull-thum (Even by locals).
Never knew as in you always thought it was Am-hurst? (As in Lord Geoffrey Amherst, for whom the town is named, as are similarly-named towns in New Hampshire and Nova Scotia.) Or never knew as in you've always pronounced those other cities Amerst? In any event, it's a sign of pride amongst natives and those who have adopted Amherst as their home (which I did for a while) to distinguish themselves from anyone from elsewhere by the silent /h/. Propah pronunciation: a single syllable, "amurst", not two, "am-hurst". (Note also: it's North-hamp-ton, not North-amp-ton.)

You're right about the famous watch company behing Wull-thum. I never could figure that one out. (For those who don't know, Waltham is known as Watch City, and is home to a fine microbrewery called Watch City Brewery.)

And I always thought it was Gl-OW-kester, which is how those crazy submariners pronounced it in The Russians Are Coming. Of course, they also claimed they were Nor-wig-gians. :lol:
Hmm, not sure how you're pronoucing that, as there's no vowel sound in that initial dipthong. And it's certainly not /kester/ in any event. Bahstonians (note: Bah-stun, but Bah-stonian) like to assert that they adhere to the original English pronunciations, but this is doubly problematic: a) because there are so many different native English pronunciations (as I'm sure seanchai and many others can attest) and b) because it's only partly true part of the time. But for the record, Gloucester is indeed pronounced much as it is in England: Gloss-tah, not Glow-ces-ter. The main difference between the Massachusetts and the English pronunciation is in the second syllable; in the UK it's gloss-ter, but in the Bay Colony it's gloss-tah.

Some other fun Massachusetts names:

Beverly: not bev-er-lee but bev-a-ly (or, to the townies, bev-ly)
Andover: not an-dover but ahhn-dovah
Danvers: not dan-vers but dan-vuz
Haverhill (a fun one): not hav-er-hill but two syllables only, hav-rill
Marblehead: the famous Bahstuhn /r/ as /ah/: Mahbl-hed, not Marbl-hed
Methuen: yes, it's three syllables, but it's meth-oo-un, not met-hue-en
Peaboy: not pea-body but pee-buh-dee
Saugus: not so-gus but saw-gus
Arlington: not ar-ling-ton but ah-lin-tin
Ayer (another fun one): not eye-yer, but air
Billerica: not bill-er-icka but bill-rick-ah
Concord: not con-kord, but conk-id
a favorite, Medford: not Med-ford, but Meh-fuh (or, if you're from Somerville, Mef-fid)
Speaking of Somerville, it's not sum-mer-vil, but sum-ma-vil
Stoneham: not stone-ham, but stone'm (almost one syllable)
Natick: not Nah-tick or even Neigh-tick, but one syllable, Naydk
Newton: not new-tun but newt-un or new-un
Pepperell: not pep-per-el but pep-ril
Woburn: not woe-burn, but woo-bin

and the city in which I reside is not Marl-bor-o, but Mall-brow.

Hugh Jarrod
12-30-2005, 06:14 AM
I demand someone bring back the phrase "Home Skillet"

12-30-2005, 11:35 PM
Is it just me, or does it seem like some people on this board are starting to "lose it" with their angry rants. I can understand the banter in threads, but some people just seem a little mad at the world.

Here's a BIG HUG from me to all of you that are taking things a wittle too personal on here...open those arms- (E-HUG)

Hugh Jarrod
12-30-2005, 11:38 PM
Is it just me, or does it seem like some people on this board are starting to "lose it" with their angry rants. I can understand the banter in threads, but some people just seem a little mad at the world.

Here's a BIG HUG from me to all of you that are taking things a wittle too personal on here...open those arms- (E-HUG)

Thanks, for lightening things up a bit.

12-30-2005, 11:49 PM
Oy! E! Stop with the MA atlas already. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm noting them down for reference.

One of my sisters moved to FL some years ago and was happy to find a Haverhill there as well, but was annoyed that the locals of Have-er-hill always giggled when she called it Hay-vrill. :)

And yes, we always pronouced the H in Amherst.

12-31-2005, 02:04 AM
The FL town that I like is Kissimmee!

12-31-2005, 02:36 AM
The FL town that I like is Kissimmee!

:lol: :lol:

Yah, I always liked that one.

You can always ask "Kissimmee where?" :lol: :lol: