View Full Version : Palin's Emails

06-10-2011, 09:31 PM
I have not linked any of the newspapers publishing thousands of Governor Palin's emails: I don't like her, or her politics, but there is a limit to the extent to which political assassination should go, I feel this is an excess of tedium; above all, a waste of money and bandwidth. I have trawled through some of the emails with a variety of keyword searches; from what I can see they are the kind of things you would expect a Governor to deal with: a citizen concerned about an environmental 'gem' in the state where people go to watch bears (as they do in Alaska); irritation with Exxon, BP. Conoco and the other oil companies: oil and gas are rather big in Alaska.

What people want is the one, two or three 'sensational' emails that will 'prove' Ms Palin is not suited to high office, I find this odious and politically cheap, notwithstanding the preposterous cost of producing all this stuff. Palin can speak for herself, and be judged, I don't need to see her political underwear to make a judgement, and I am not even a voter!

Sarah Palin is not a credible candidate, but the emails prove nothing other than that she did her job. It's on a level the worthless drivel about Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and Ed Balls published today in the Daily Telegraph; only these were private papers not emails. I mean, who cares?

06-10-2011, 10:06 PM
Palin can speak for herself,

The evidence is to the contrary.

Dino Velvet
06-10-2011, 10:27 PM
Someone should start a 24 hour news channel that does wall to wall Sarah Palin coverage round the clock. The news stations now cover her only a mere 18 hours a day. Not good enough! People that love her and people who hate her agree on one thing. We must have more Sarah Palin! Both Red and Blue Kool-Aid drinkers unite!

06-11-2011, 12:52 AM
What people want is the one, two or three 'sensational' emails that will 'prove' Ms Palin is not suited to high office,

Why? They can't just pay a tiny bit of attention when she opens her mouth?

06-11-2011, 05:25 AM
Why? They can't just pay a tiny bit of attention when she opens her mouth?

We have 2 once trusted American Newspapers Soliciting readers to help them read through all the emails....and the NY Times and WaPo wonder why their finances are in free fall and people have turned to what they perceive as a more balanced reportage of the news.... The numbers prove my point.... If you don't think what the Times is doing is over the top seedy, you're just a foolish cool aide slurper so blinded by your contempt, you have no objectivity left... let alone any brain cells. Palin's fair game as long as she stays in the public eye, but Stavros is absolutely correct in the limits a free press should go. Not once in the entire 2008 presidential campaign did the NY Times muster as much intellectual curiosity to paint us a life's portrait of Obama ...Not once did they seek to review his writings and emails while in the Senate...not once other than Fox News did any main stream reporter ask him about his curious associations , his childhood, his family. Steponopolis came the closest when he asked him about Rev. Wright, but his piers revolted, and young Barry continued unmolested all the way to the White House...Fine job the press did...now look at the mess we're in. Not once did we get a biography of Obama...their curiosity seemed to vanish. But mention Palin and it's like hanging raw meat in front of a waking grizzly. Doubt it Hippie? Google it and do a Nexus search...but you're too fucking lazy to do that ...it's easier for you to sit on your fat old ass and write one line cliches you pick out of the left wing blogs about Palin. You're the laziest sap on here.....What a joke.

I don't agree with Stavors on most things, but he's thoughtful, and he's fair....you on the other hand are a burnt out old fool. In some cultures age is associated with wisdom, but sadly in your case it's more like a loss of mental facilities.

06-11-2011, 07:10 AM
I just have one question regarding this "story":


Really. Is there some kind of reson that anybody should waste their time reading anything from, to, or about Sara Palin? She's not running for anything. She wouldn't have a prayer of winning if she did run. She's a non-story in search of a headline, & finding it. Apparently, there's nothing else happening in the world. This fixation on her has become obsessive. It's pathological.

06-11-2011, 10:02 AM
I just have one question regarding this "story":


Really. Is there some kind of reson that anybody should waste their time reading anything from, to, or about Sara Palin? She's not running for anything. She wouldn't have a prayer of winning if she did run. She's a non-story in search of a headline, & finding it. Apparently, there's nothing else happening in the world. This fixation on her has become obsessive. It's pathological.

Yes she's such a 'non story' that ever since the messiah was elected the media of not just the US but the world ,especially the UK has been obsessed with her and she gets pages of news and countless minutes each day on the news networks. During that bus tour it was wall to wall palin. You had journalists according to them putting their lives in danger trying to keep up with her bus ,whining about lack of cooperation ,and having to urinate at the side of the highways because of the chaos like the dogs they are. You even had journos from the guardian uk chasing her around having problems with their bladder control.

If you are right (and I don't think you are) and she isn't running and this is all about brand palin the entire world media has got played by a player.What a dumb woman....

Shall I tell you what I think she is doing , she is probably doing what armies haven done since time and memorial. She is testing her enemy lines (like appearing in the same state romney is making his announcement) ,poking them , and assessing the reaction she gets,from the media, the republican establishment, romney ,bachmann in particular and her own support. If she likes what happens, if she finds weakness, she will then launch her main offensive and run. Bachmann actually has done similar to her this week, when someone on her team made several jibes about Palin to test the waters.

This bus tour in my opinion , is similar to her reliance on social media to get her message across. She knows her enemy is the mainstream media, so instead of constantly coming up against them and having to acknowledge them she has got round them. She took a job at fox to give her an excuse not to talk to them much (apparently her contract with fox states that) .Social media has been very effective for her and she has caused storms over various issues and got a reaction from Obama admin (the death panels ) for instance.She knows she is an unconventional politician, she wants in my opinion to be the unconventional candidate ,she wants to be seen that way by the people. So loves it when the republican establishment criticise ,moan when she doesn't tell them when she is rolling into their states .

I actually think the real people frightened of her are not so much the left. Many I think are quite thick and are taken in by what comedians and their own media say about her. Believing she should run ,which is like turkeys voting for christmas. Only intelligent people on the left, people with political sense realise what she is.

For instance Bill clinton, not the best president by a long chalk but in my view a first class political mind. He knows, he respects her , he came from obscurity as well. He has tried to warn democrats not to underestimate. But the left have their head in the clouds. Most of them do anyway. A few are waking up. No the people frightened of her, are the republican establishment, talking heads etc etc. Why? the popular reason put out by the left is the republicans think she would lose big against obama... Wrong... they are worried she will shut them out,she will bring her own people in she will run her own campaign ,and many will be forced into obscurity,services no longer required. Like Palin said about the media, that she owes them nothing.She owes the republican party nothing either. She is very ruthless,so they say, and the republicans know it. So they want one of their establishment candidates to run to keep the power dynamic.

06-11-2011, 01:30 PM
the UK has been obsessed with her and she gets pages of news and countless minutes each day on the news networks

There was not a great deal of coverage of the tour on our terrestrial channels (ie BBC1 and BBC2, ITV and Channel4), more coverage in the press -the 'left-wing' newspaper The Guardian is particularly obsessed with Palin and the Tea Party even though they rarely get to the heart of either Palin or the movement; coverage of US politics in the conservative paper the Daily Telegraph is unusually poor given their bias. There are plenty of people here who think there is too much coverage of US politics and other news stories here -compared say to Canada where QEII is still head of state, or Australia, unless there is a disaster of some kind.

For me the principle is that we have a right to know about two things:
1) the decision making process; and 2) conduct in public office: I am not in favour of leaks as a general practice, and both the USA and the UK have Freedom of Information Acts which ought to make leaks unneccesary; but if such things prove that politicians lied about their reasons for policy a, b and c; or if it shows that an elected official has been fiddling their expenses claims, or using their office to behave in an improper manner, then I think the public has a right to know.

Politicians, like some sportsmen and women, have giant egos, they constantly snipe and gripe at each other -its really not newsworthy, its barely even worth printing in the National Enquirer if that still gets published. The policy issues, however, which cost money, are central to it all.

06-11-2011, 04:07 PM
Yes she's such a 'non story' that ever since the messiah was elected the media of not just the US but the world ,especially the UK has been obsessed with her and she gets pages of news and countless minutes each day on the news networks. During that bus tour it was wall to wall palin. You had journalists according to them putting their lives in danger trying to keep up with her bus ,whining about lack of cooperation ,and having to urinate at the side of the highways because of the chaos like the dogs they are. You even had journos from the guardian uk chasing her around having problems with their bladder control.

If you are right (and I don't think you are) and she isn't running and this is all about brand palin the entire world media has got played by a player.What a dumb woman....

Shall I tell you what I think she is doing , she is probably doing what armies haven done since time and memorial. She is testing her enemy lines (like appearing in the same state romney is making his announcement) ,poking them , and assessing the reaction she gets,from the media, the republican establishment, romney ,bachmann in particular and her own support. If she likes what happens, if she finds weakness, she will then launch her main offensive and run. Bachmann actually has done similar to her this week, when someone on her team made several jibes about Palin to test the waters.

This bus tour in my opinion , is similar to her reliance on social media to get her message across. She knows her enemy is the mainstream media, so instead of constantly coming up against them and having to acknowledge them she has got round them. She took a job at fox to give her an excuse not to talk to them much (apparently her contract with fox states that) .Social media has been very effective for her and she has caused storms over various issues and got a reaction from Obama admin (the death panels ) for instance.She knows she is an unconventional politician, she wants in my opinion to be the unconventional candidate ,she wants to be seen that way by the people. So loves it when the republican establishment criticise ,moan when she doesn't tell them when she is rolling into their states .

I actually think the real people frightened of her are not so much the left. Many I think are quite thick and are taken in by what comedians and their own media say about her. Believing she should run ,which is like turkeys voting for christmas. Only intelligent people on the left, people with political sense realise what she is.

For instance Bill clinton, not the best president by a long chalk but in my view a first class political mind. He knows, he respects her , he came from obscurity as well. He has tried to warn democrats not to underestimate. But the left have their head in the clouds. Most of them do anyway. A few are waking up. No the people frightened of her, are the republican establishment, talking heads etc etc. Why? the popular reason put out by the left is the republicans think she would lose big against obama... Wrong... they are worried she will shut them out,she will bring her own people in she will run her own campaign ,and many will be forced into obscurity,services no longer required. Like Palin said about the media, that she owes them nothing.She owes the republican party nothing either. She is very ruthless,so they say, and the republicans know it. So they want one of their establishment candidates to run to keep the power dynamic.

That's an interesting observation arnie...I do admire several things about her...she has the hardest bark of any woman, or public person for that matter I have ever seen. No one else could withstand the withering , never ending pounding from the press she gets. The personal attacks on her self and her family...the creep that moved next to her to spy on her as he wrote a book...the emails...the twisted fascination Letterman and Matthews have of her..it's all really bizzare. They hate her because as you say, she is dismissive of them. She has found a way around them and they just can't tolerate that.
Although I don't want her to run because of the price that she'll pay, and we'll pay...and in the end she's probably unelectable, but if free market fiscal conservatives like me have to settle for some main stream processed republican out of the Rove camp, I'll slit my wrists ! Rick Perry your country needs you !

06-11-2011, 07:59 PM
What messiah? You understand that the use of the word, in relation to the President, & the analogy itself come only from the lunatic fringe right wing pundits & the kool aid drinkers who listen to & parrot them? So if you really think President Obama is the messiah, why aren't you woshiping him & evangelising on his behalf?

I'll give you Matthews as having an obsessive fetish about Palin. But Letterman is a professional comedian. He does a standup routine 5 days a week. Sarah Palin is scomedy fodder, by her own design. She's chasing celebrity, & the comedy industry is booming. It's like Paris Hilton part 2, without a public sex tape.

& now you're trying to compare Sarah Palin to Bill Clinton because neither was born into wealth & power? Okay, I'll give you that much, but the stark difference is that Clinton's erudite & Palin isn't. She doesn't know anything, & she just makes shit up on the fly. C'mon, dude; Longfellow was part of the curriculum in grade school, middle school, & high school.

She ain't runnin'. She's just milking celebrity so she can get paid for nothing, & retire early in a warmer climate.

Hey OMK,
and in the end she's probably unelectable, but if free market fiscal conservatives like me have to settle for some main stream processed republican out of the Rove camp, I'll slit my wrists !
Can I watch? You should put it on YouTube & let everybody watch. :party:

Rick Perry your country needs you !
Perry doesn't seem to like the nation all that much. If he wants to leave, he's perfectly free to do so. He just can't take a state, or any other part of US territory with him. I'm thinking we've all heard about enough of this treasonous secession bullshit. He's just another phony who doesn['t know what he's talking about.

06-11-2011, 08:16 PM
She ain't runnin'. She's just milking celebrity so she can get paid for nothing, & retire early in a warmer climate.

Kind of forgot driving progressives absolutely bat raving mad. Funniest thing thats come along in a while.

06-11-2011, 09:13 PM
Her emails were actually made public? IDK y anybody would try and read them I don't want to waste anytiem reading her drivel.

06-12-2011, 12:39 AM
Her emails were actually made public? IDK y anybody would try and read them I don't want to waste anytiem reading her drivel.

Well of course not....that goes without saying. You won't read them
because that would take some time and effort and you might have to do so with an open mind....lord knows we can't have that . You're just another dupe who'd rater watch MSNBC while you're playing video games, and hear what the hosts say about the emails ( not to be confused with what the emails actually say !) ...that way you know what to think. The problem with that?? See Below

Politico Issues Correction After Palin Camp Bashes Authors for ‘Making Up’ Quote

Posted on June 10, 2011 at 10:40am by http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/userphoto/jseidl.thumbnail.jpg Jonathon M. Seidl (http://www.theblaze.com/blog/author/jseidl/)

News outlet Politico has been forced to issue a correction after two authors incorrectly attributed a damning quote to her in an opinion piece.
In an article (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0611/56614.html) that pits Palin vs. Rep. Michele Bachmann, authors Paul Goldman and Mark J. Rozell appear to catch Palin slamming Bachmann. Here it is in context, which is the third paragraph in the article:

Palin’s bus tour had some of the hallmarks of a primal scream: “I built this constituency, not Bachmann, not anyone else,” she said. Looking at it through her eyes, she has a point.
That’s a big deal. Considering the piece, that would appear to be the start of a word war between the two Tea Party favorites. But there’s just one problem. Palin never said it.
“An absurd opinion piece in Politico includes a quote attributed to Governor Palin that is a total fabrication and yet is deliberately written to appear as if it is a legitimate direct quote,” Palin’s camp said in a statement (http://www.sarahpac.com/posts/setting-the-record-straight-about-false-quotes-attributed-to-governor-palin) on her website. “By any standard this is unacceptable even for an opinion piece. This puts us in mind of a real quote of something Governor Palin actually did once say to the media: ‘Quit making stuff up.’”
Politico must have heard the Momma Grizzly’s roar. If you go to the piece now, the quotes have been removed and a statement appears at the end:
http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/politco-correction.jpg (http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/politco-correction.jpg)

06-12-2011, 12:48 AM
Well of course not....that goes without saying. You won't read them
because that would take some time and effort and you might have to do so with an open mind....lord knows we can't have that . You're just another dupe who'd rater watch MSNBC while you're playing video games, and hear what the hosts say about the emails ( not to be confused with what the emails actually say !) ...that way you know what to think. The problem with that?? See Below

Politico Issues Correction After Palin Camp Bashes Authors for ‘Making Up’ Quote

Posted on June 10, 2011 at 10:40am by http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/userphoto/jseidl.thumbnail.jpg Jonathon M. Seidl (http://www.theblaze.com/blog/author/jseidl/)

News outlet Politico has been forced to issue a correction after two authors incorrectly attributed a damning quote to her in an opinion piece.
In an article (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0611/56614.html) that pits Palin vs. Rep. Michele Bachmann, authors Paul Goldman and Mark J. Rozell appear to catch Palin slamming Bachmann. Here it is in context, which is the third paragraph in the article:

Palin’s bus tour had some of the hallmarks of a primal scream: “I built this constituency, not Bachmann, not anyone else,” she said. Looking at it through her eyes, she has a point.
That’s a big deal. Considering the piece, that would appear to be the start of a word war between the two Tea Party favorites. But there’s just one problem. Palin never said it.
“An absurd opinion piece in Politico includes a quote attributed to Governor Palin that is a total fabrication and yet is deliberately written to appear as if it is a legitimate direct quote,” Palin’s camp said in a statement (http://www.sarahpac.com/posts/setting-the-record-straight-about-false-quotes-attributed-to-governor-palin) on her website. “By any standard this is unacceptable even for an opinion piece. This puts us in mind of a real quote of something Governor Palin actually did once say to the media: ‘Quit making stuff up.’”
Politico must have heard the Momma Grizzly’s roar. If you go to the piece now, the quotes have been removed and a statement appears at the end:
http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/politco-correction.jpg (http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/politco-correction.jpg)

A good ole onmnkeens getting butt sore over soembody saying anything that simply slight's Sara Palin. And you know it's kinda hard to watch MSNBC when I don't even have cable tv anymore. But of course that will probably fly over your head. And why on earth would I watch the news and play videogames at the same time?

06-12-2011, 04:41 AM
Kind of forgot driving progressives absolutely bat raving mad. Funniest thing thats come along in a while.
Well I can't speak for "progressives" since nobody's been able to explain what it means. I know it's not a synonym for liberal.

Palin doesn't bother me. I just find the constant coverage of her annoying. If there was a way to do it & still keep up with what's happening in the world, she'd be on my ignore list in a heartbeat.

06-15-2011, 04:39 AM

06-16-2011, 03:56 AM
[QUOTE=Silcc69;949179]A good ole onmnkeens getting butt sore over soembody saying anything that simply slight's Sara Palin. And you know it's kinda hard to watch MSNBC when I don't even have cable tv anymore. But of course that will probably fly over your head. And why on earth would I watch the news and play videogames at the same time?[/QUOTE

That's right son...as long as you all keep putting out half truths, outright lies and fabrications, someone has to correct the record. For fuck sakes...we can rely on you for that. You don't read anything past the headlines. I notice you never argue with the content of my retorts, you just revert back to the same old tired bilge. Weak....real weak.

06-16-2011, 04:06 AM
Slicc, Natina...It must be a bitch when you find out everything you were fed about someone you hate is complete bullshit.....but ignorance is bliss as they say. You two have a lot in common...Think about it !! Read and weep and hey....don't get your panties in a knot at me...it's AOL News who posted this.

Writing Analysts Claim Palin Writes ‘Better Than Most Educated Americans’

Posted on June 15, 2011 at 5:30am by http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/userphoto/billyhallowell.thumbnail.jpg Billy Hallowell (http://www.theblaze.com/blog/author/billyhallowell/)

http://www.theblaze.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/AP11021715955-270x174.jpgThe media haven‘t yet found the smoking gun they’ve been looking for in Sarah Palin’s e-mails. Overall, the messages have been benign, lacking the excitement and scandal some hoped they would contain. That said, at least one outlet has gone a different route, questioning the former vice-presidential candidate’s intelligence through the expertise of writing analysts. AOL News has more (http://weirdnews.aol.com/2011/06/13/sarah-palin-writing-level_n_874790.html):

AOL News brought samples to two writing analysts who independently evaluated 24,000 pages of the former governor’s emails. They came back in agreement that Palin composed her messages at an eighth-grade level, an excellent score for a chief executive, they said.
“I’m a centrist Democrat, and would have loved to support my hunch that Ms. Palin is illiterate,” said 2tor Chief Executive Officer John Katzman.
“However, the emails say something else. Ms. Palin writes emails on her Blackberry at a grade level of 8.5.
“If she were a student and showing me her work, I‘d say ’It’s fine, clear writing,’” he said, admitting that emails he wrote scored lower than Palin’s on the widely used Flesch-Kincaid readability test.
While some would initially scoff or laugh at Palin’s grade-level assessment, past speakers and writers of note have scored comparably. Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address was a 9.1 and Martin Luther King’s famed “I have a Dream” came in at 8.8. Remember, Palin’s results were based on e-mails, not riveting speeches, so the fact that they score remotely close to the aforementioned works is intriguing .
Overall, this is good news for Palin, as her writing was found to be better than some CEOs’. The New York Daily News sheds further light on her abilities (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2011/06/14/2011-06-14_sarah_palin_writes_at_an_eighthgrade_level_in_r ecently_released_emails_says_writ.html#ixzz1PHiqej Zl):

It turns out Palin’s writing skills are still better than most educated Americans. Global Language Monitor gave Palin’s emails a score of 8.2, which actually exceeds that of most chief executives.
“She’s very concise. She gives clear orders. Her sentences and punctuations are logical,” said Paul Payack, president of Global Language Monitor. “She has much more of a disciplined mind than she’s given credit for.”

06-16-2011, 07:23 AM
Sarah Palin's Emails Written At 8th Grade Level -- Better Than Some CEOs

The huge cache of Sarah Palin's emails released Friday (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/10/sarah-palin-emails-released_n_874247.html) offered not only a chance to see what she was writing about during her uncompleted term as Alaska's governor, but also an opportunity to see how well she writes.
AOL Weird News brought samples to two writing analysts who independently evaluated 24,000 pages of the former governor's emails. They came back in agreement that Palin composed her messages at an eighth-grade level, an excellent score for a chief executive, they said.
"I'm a centrist Democrat, and would have loved to support my hunch that Ms. Palin is illiterate," said 2tor Chief Executive Officer John Katzman (http://2tor.com/).
"However, the emails say something else. Ms. Palin writes emails on her Blackberry at a grade level of 8.5.
"If she were a student and showing me her work, I'd say 'It's fine, clear writing,'" he said, admitting that emails he wrote scored lower than Palin's on the widely used Flesch-Kincaid readability test.
"She came in as a solid communicator," said Paul J.J. Payack, president of the Global Language Monitor. The emails registered as an 8.2 on his version of the test. "That's typical for a corporate executive."
An example of Palin's strongest writing came on Jul. 17, 2007 in an email to Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell about the controversial Gravina Island Bridge, infamously called the "Bridge to Nowhere."

"We cant afford it, the Feds won't pay for it, the general populace isn't placing it as a high priority … can you diplomatically express that?! Of course we want infrastructure -- and this is NOT a "bridge to nowhere" (that is so offensive), but as it stands today with the highest-cost bridge design selected by the Ketchikan community, we need to find a lower-cost alternative [if] a bridge will be built."
Story continues below

"She's very concise. She gives clear orders. Her sentences and punctuations are logical," Payack said. "She has much more of a disciplined mind than she's given credit for."
Although it's like comparing apples to oranges, Payack said that famous speeches like Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address was a 9.1 and Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" oration rated a 8.8 on the scale.
The Palin emails offer a rare opportunity to see the digital internal communication of a public official. One of the few comparable scenarios was the release of the relatively slim 928-page assortment of former FEMA chief Michael Brown's emails (http://projects.publicintegrity.org/katrina/report.aspx?aid=484) from the days around the Hurricane Katrina catastrophe.
Payack and Katzman restricted their analysis to 60 randomly chosen messages that were at least one paragraph long. They were just 60 among the avalanche of documents released in response to freedom of information requests lodged when Palin was the relatively unknown running mate of Sen. John McCain in the 2008 presidential campaign.
Incoming messages to Palin's gov.sarah@yahoo.com account made up the bulk of the correspondence between December 2006 and September 2008, while the majority of notes Palin penned were too brief to use in the grade-level tests, the analysts said.
Many messages were conjured on her Blackberry, where Palin shortened words in a manner familiar to people who conduct business with their thumbs on a minuscule keypad.
"I'll ck w/Nizich on letter and fwd your ideas," she wrote to Parnell in September 2008 about a conversation he had with Mike Nizich, a former chief of staff to Palin.
Her characteristic down-home manner as the self-proclaimed "Mama Grizzly" that has endeared her to her base and been the subject of ridicule by her opponents shined through in an email from Jan. 2, 2007, soon after she moved into the governor's mansion.
"I am a hunter. I grew up hunting - some of my best memories growing up are of hunting with my dad to help feel [sic] our freezer," she wrote to aides on a bear hunting issue under debate.
But this was a rare example where Palin's writing style matched with the public persona of the rugged frontierswoman that Americans recognize from her recurring appearances on television.
"Given her portrayal of herself as very much an Alaskan I had expected to find a lot of 'Alaskanisms' in her emails," said University of Alaska, Anchorage English Professor David Bowie. "But there were actually very few."
The one regionalism Bowie noticed that popped up was Palin's use of the word "outside" for things beyond Alaska's borders.


06-16-2011, 07:28 AM
YouTube - ‪Sarah Mania! Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrzXLYA_e6E)

YouTube - ‪Sarah Palin Shows More Stupidity w/ Bill O'Reilly‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgWqz95JDcU&NR=1)

YouTube - ‪Fox News Proves Sarah Palin Is Dumber Than Bush‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPFPiP1Nv8c)

YouTube - ‪Bill O'Reilly - "Sarah Palin Needs To Go To College" (Video)‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBXzydFZcLw&NR=1)

YouTube - ‪CNN Laughs It Up Over Sarah Palin Interview‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeMypXCUWMw)

06-16-2011, 07:28 AM
YouTube - ‪Tina Fey PWNs John McCain as Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live?‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPWBY-zmnKk)

YouTube - ‪SNL Sarah Palin in 2012 CONAN O'Brien Tina Fey David Letterman Robin Williams Colbert Jimmy Fallon‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFQ645ZR6g0)

YouTube - ‪Sarah Palin Makes Her Dumbest Comment Ever‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZxuI3CoFf8)

YouTube - ‪Keith Olbermann Special Comment On Sarah Palin‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5HgfwPtxLw)

YouTube - ‪Fox News Analyst Viciously Slams Sarah Palin‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtgWZR3_ReA)

06-16-2011, 07:29 AM



YouTube - ‪Sarah Palin, Tina Fey on SNL‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdDqSvJ6aHc)

YouTube - ‪SNL Sarah Palin VP Debate Tina Fey‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xza8tXkEmxA)

YouTube - ‪SNL Sarah Palin Interview vs Real Sarah Palin‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjZW4z9zqqY)

06-16-2011, 07:31 AM
Sarah Palin Family Meeting

YouTube - ‪Sarah Palin Family Meeting‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLJS9yoHQms)

PALIN DISNEY MOVIE Sarah Palin Disney Trailer

An Alaskan hockey mom becomes Vice President Sound familiar?

YouTube - ‪Sarah Palin Disney Trailer‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reRTXJSyTjo)

06-16-2011, 07:31 AM
Mayor In Russia Says He Can See Sarah Palin Showering From His House (http://burntees.blogspot.com/2008/10/mayor-in-russia-says-he-can-see-sarah.html)

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_iQCAsffwSy0/SPimS-0jF1I/AAAAAAAAAK0/-c3AtS5mksM/s400/1715d9.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_iQCAsffwSy0/SPimS-0jF1I/AAAAAAAAAK0/-c3AtS5mksM/s1600-h/1715d9.jpg)http://i411.photobucket.com/albums/pp198/sintitulo2012/SarahPalinshouse.jpg
(Provideniya, Russia) Governor Sarah Palin, the Republican Vice Presidential nominee, has said that she can see Russia from her house. Across the Bering Strait in Provideniya Bay sits the town of Provideniya, Russia and its mayor Dimitri Andropov. He says that he can see Palin showering from HIS house. "And it is very nice."
Mayor Andropov added that his small town, like America, is transfixed with the buxom Governor. "We have a shower watchman on duty 24/7. And when the delightful Palin turns on the water and lets down her hair, the alarm sounds, telling everyone to rush to my house for a show. The kids love it."
Leonid Andropov, the Mayor's brother, said that the ability to see Palin shower has given him and the other men a newfound respect for her. "She's a very thorough cleaner, which is tough when one is dealing with moose guts, wolf blood and oil. And she doesn't have a mustache, which is just a big plus for us."
In a spontaneous Q&A at a Phoenix donut shop, Sarah Palin said that she's okay with the Russians watching her shower. "I'm flattered. And hopefully my cleanliness can inspire them to go after freedom, liberty and democracy...so that they can create jobs, get more freedom and liberty to help the economic job search, then hunt down the terror loving terrorists and change their nation of human people for the better."
"All I heard from that speech was change, and change to us is bad," said Mayor Andropov. "Change means John McCain will win the election and take our water princess to shower in Washington D.C. We don't want that to happen. Everything else Governor Palin said was over our small town heads. But that's okay, because we like to watch Sarah the same way she likes to watch Saturday Night Live, with the sound turned down."
In other news, Bill Clinton announced his candidacy for Mayor of Provideniya.


06-16-2011, 12:18 PM
enough of this!!!!! Stop it!!!!

06-16-2011, 06:07 PM
enough of this!!!!! Stop it!!!!
Yeah. Like that's gonna happen...

06-16-2011, 08:42 PM