View Full Version : Anthony Weiner's Wienergate

Dino Velvet
06-01-2011, 09:08 PM
Did he or didn't he? Will the votes here go along party lines as usual? Not much real information out there so silliness is definitely allowed in this thread.


06-01-2011, 09:36 PM
he's such an ambitious scumbag I can't believe he'd let his dick go to his head so I believe his story about the account being hacked. And his wife is a hot piece of ass who worked for Hillary Clinton... But of course he hires a high priced attorney just to be on the safe side.
This guy is the number 2 man in the fake New York City liberal club. The guys who say they're for poor folks but live in million dollar brownstones. They'd never dare send thier kids to a Brooklyn public school or venture into Bedsty unless there were 50 cameras around
btw, Chuck Schumer is number 1.

06-01-2011, 11:29 PM
This is a Breitbart story. So as soon as you get done laughing at CNN for repeating it in the first place, lets do a fact check. Oh that's right. Can't do that. There's nothing to check because it's a Breitbart story.

Apparently, the woman to whom this tweet was supposedly sent, never got it. Oh well.

06-02-2011, 03:04 AM
that guy had a bigger package then Anthony Weiner

THEREFORE it was not Anthony wieners ,Weiner



Really?? You guys are peddling that fiction?

06-02-2011, 04:24 AM
he's such an ambitious scumbag I can't believe he'd let his dick go to his head so I believe his story about the account being hacked. And his wife is a hot piece of ass who worked for Hillary Clinton... But of course he hires a high priced attorney just to be on the safe side.
This guy is the number 2 man in the fake New York City liberal club. The guys who say they're for poor folks but live in million dollar brownstones. They'd never dare send thier kids to a Brooklyn public school or venture into Bedsty unless there were 50 cameras around
btw, Chuck Schumer is number 1.

Agreed...this guy is a first class jerk...the kind of guy if you met in the course of business or at a dinner party, you'd smack him right in the mouth. ( or at least I would) The German's have a word for reveling in the agony of others....and if this guy keeps digging deeper, I may just revel in his agony.

06-02-2011, 04:29 AM
This is a Breitbart story. So as soon as you get done laughing at CNN for repeating it in the first place, lets do a fact check. Oh that's right. Can't do that. There's nothing to check because it's a Breitbart story.

Apparently, the woman to whom this tweet was supposedly sent, never got it. Oh well.

Then why not welcome an investagation if it's a faux story? I listened to his quote very carefully. He is hiring a firm to "look into the circumstances so that this doesn't happen to any other members" He's not saying he's hiring investigators to find out who hacked his account. That's classic liberal double talk. They make an art of it.

He's a scumbag....flat out even if this is all a fabrication, but go ahead and defend him....I'm begging you

06-02-2011, 05:53 AM
There's nothing to defend. This is a non-story. I simply don't care about your gullibility.

06-03-2011, 02:07 AM
this is just a BULLSHIT STORY that the republicans/neocons or making a big

deal out of.

there is software out there to easily hack these account and steal photos

he has a nice looking wife ,who looks young

Dino Velvet
06-03-2011, 03:17 AM
this is just a BULLSHIT STORY that the republicans/neocons or making a big

deal out of.

there is software out there to easily hack these account and steal photos

he has a nice looking wife ,who looks young

Yes. Very reasonable and objective. I'm sure things went down exactly as you described. Those damn granny killing GOPers. Maybe MOSSAD did it when they found out Wiener wasn't kosher.

06-03-2011, 03:21 AM
Fess up Dino. I recognize your crotch anywhere.

Dino Velvet
06-03-2011, 07:02 AM
Fess up Dino. I recognize your crotch anywhere.

You should. It got you pregnant.

06-04-2011, 03:15 AM
YouTube - ‪MSM Has Weiner Fever‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9Z0BEn5qco)

Dino Velvet
06-06-2011, 10:28 PM
Wiener's crying like a little girl live on TV now. I guess there was something to the story.

06-07-2011, 12:34 AM
Let's see;Gingrich, Livingston, Foley, Vitters, O'Reilly, Ensign, Limbaugh,et all,along with all the rightwing riff-raff that frequents this place,are going to point to this is just another example of how the Left is taking this country down the crapper. ...Yeah,right.

06-07-2011, 01:23 AM
Let's see;Gingrich, Livingston, Foley, Vitters, O'Reilly, Ensign, Limbaugh,et all,along with all the rightwing riff-raff that frequents this place,are going to point to this is just another example of how the Left is taking this country down the crapper. ...Yeah,right.

well duh

but I give props to Jon Stewart. Them being bffs, I thought he would glaze over it

06-07-2011, 01:29 AM
Wiener's crying like a little girl live on TV now. I guess there was something to the story.

YouTube - ‪Rep. Anthony Weiner Admits Sending Lewd Twitter Photo - 06/06/11‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1tJ6B6DDJo)

06-07-2011, 04:21 AM
Let's get the tissues out and start crying for this ugly prick.
He'll resign his seat in the US Congress and take a job with a Wall Street NYC law firm for $2 million a year. His cunt wife will make like the hopeless victim and these fucking people will live the rest of their lives in unimaginable wealth.

Dino Velvet
06-07-2011, 11:28 AM
Last night, Bill O'Reilly said, "Weiner stood up and took a real beating." I don't think Bill planned it to sound like that. The female talking head sure raised her eyebrows when she heard it.

06-07-2011, 03:27 PM
A testament to the circus that is politics, Benji from the Howard Stern Show at the press conference, "So does this mean your going to help support Arnold's love child." Fricking classic..


06-07-2011, 07:47 PM
I predict that it's going to be all Weiner all the time until something else happens to distract the media attention fro...

Oooh look, shiny...

06-07-2011, 08:23 PM
I predict that it's going to be all Weiner all the time until something else happens to distract the media attention fro...

Oooh look, shiny...

Helicopter journalism.
Ya know, ya hover over a juicy/scandalous/ratings-grabbing story (Arnold Schwarzenegger, Charlie Sheen, Haiti, Lindsay Lohan etc. etc.) and then you move on and hover over the next story and on and on and on -- :)

06-07-2011, 09:11 PM
The first paragraph from Glenn Greenwald's blog is interesting:

The joys of repressed voyeuristic titillation (http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2011/06/07/weiner/index.html)

By Glenn Greenwald (http://www.salon.com/author/glenn_greenwald/index.html)

There are few things more sickening -- or revealing -- to behold than a D.C. sex scandal. Huge numbers of people prance around flamboyantly condemning behavior in which they themselves routinely engage. Media stars contrive all sorts of high-minded justifications for luxuriating in every last dirty detail (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/rep-anthony-weiner-picture/story?id=13774605&page=2), when nothing is more obvious than that their only real interest is vicarious titillation. Reporters who would never dare challenge powerful political figures who torture, illegally eavesdrop, wage illegal wars or feed at the trough of sleazy legalized bribery suddenly walk upright -- like proud ostriches with their feathers extended -- pretending to be hard-core adversarial journalists as they collectively kick a sexually humiliated figure stripped of all importance. The ritual is as nauseating as it is predictable.

06-07-2011, 09:22 PM
The first paragraph from Glenn Greenwald's blog is interesting:

The joys of repressed voyeuristic titillation (http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2011/06/07/weiner/index.html)

By Glenn Greenwald (http://www.salon.com/author/glenn_greenwald/index.html)

There are few things more sickening -- or revealing -- to behold than a D.C. sex scandal. Huge numbers of people prance around flamboyantly condemning behavior in which they themselves routinely engage. Media stars contrive all sorts of high-minded justifications for luxuriating in every last dirty detail (http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/rep-anthony-weiner-picture/story?id=13774605&page=2), when nothing is more obvious than that their only real interest is vicarious titillation. Reporters who would never dare challenge powerful political figures who torture, illegally eavesdrop, wage illegal wars or feed at the trough of sleazy legalized bribery suddenly walk upright -- like proud ostriches with their feathers extended -- pretending to be hard-core adversarial journalists as they collectively kick a sexually humiliated figure stripped of all importance. The ritual is as nauseating as it is predictable.

Greenwald further writes, and I believe this: "Yes, Anthony Weiner lied -- about something that is absolutely nobody's business but his and his wife's. If you're not his wife, you have absolutely no legitimate reason to want to know about -- let alone pass judgment on -- what he does in his private sexual life with other consenting adults."

06-07-2011, 09:30 PM
Tuesday, Jun 1, 2010 14:30 ET

New liberal fans: Meet Anthony Weiner, ultra-hawkish backer of Israel

The prominent New York Democrat's far-right Zionism might surprise some of his new liberal fans

By Alex Pareene (http://www.salon.com/author/alex_pareene/index.html)
http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_room/2010/06/01/anthony_weiner_israel_liberals/md_horiz.jpg Reuters/Nicholas Roberts
U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY)

Rep. Anthony Weiner's completely non-measured, non-conciliatory remarks on the Israeli attack on the humanitarian aid flotilla are proof that he'd rather be a successful New York politician than a prominent national liberal.
It's a little odd, actually. Weiner has spent the last year becoming the sort of unapologetic liberal Democrat that netroots activists and cable news bookers love.
After deciding not to run for mayor of New York last year, Weiner dedicated himself to being a relentless advocate for the Democratic healthcare reform plan. (He blogged on HuffPo and everything. (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rep-anthony-weiner/the-republican-party-is-a_b_475816.html)) He's great with a sound bite and he's a born street fighter in a party full of timid moderates. He's Jon Stewart's old college roommate. He's taking on Glenn Beck (http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_room/2010/05/25/weiner_vs_beck_gold) and sparring with Bill O'Reilly. He's easily one of the most prominent liberal politicians in the nation.
But at the end of the day, he still wants to be mayor of New York, once billionaire Mayor-for-Life Michael Bloomberg finally grows bored and steps aside.
Will the liberals who only know Weiner from his feisty MSNBC appearances and his staunch support of the president's domestic initiatives be put off when they hear him taking the "Israel can do no wrong" side in the debate over Israel's botched raid, in international waters, of a humanitarian aid flotilla?
Weiner's statement is comical. (http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_room/2010/06/01/weiner_israel_raid/index.html) "Even if we are the only country on earth that sees the facts here," Weiner says, "the United States should stand up for Israel." That's the statement of a man with whom there can be no reasoning.
And it's not, by any means, outside the norm for Weiner. He's precisely the sort of liberal establishment politician that Peter Beinart accused of failing young American Jews (http://www.nybooks.com/articles/archives/2010/jun/10/failure-american-jewish-establishment/) in the New York Review of Books recently. In the past, Weiner has matter-of-factly accused Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International of being anti-Semitic. And not just them!
"I would argue that in many cases, the New York Times has" anti-Israel bias, Weiner told Amy Goodman in 2006. (http://www.democracynow.org/2006/8/30/congressmember_weiner_gets_it_wrong_on) The idea of any elite, establishment newspaper in New York having an "anti-Israel bias" makes sense only if you consider any criticism of any action taken by the state of Israel to be out of line.
Also in 2006, Weiner introduced legislation banning aid to the Palestinian Authority and barring the Palestinian delegation to the U.N. (and kicking them out of the county). Weiner insisted that the PLO was a terrorist organization. And the delegation, he said, "should start packing their little Palestinian terrorist bags."
His demagoguery on this particular issue largely stopped once he decided he couldn't beat Bloomberg. But he's hawkish enough that Ronn Torossian, a scummy publicist who once told a journalist that he wants a thousand Arabs to be killed for every Jew (http://gawker.com/5069457/ronn-torossian-i-think-we-should-kill-a-hundred-arabs-or-a-thousand-arabs), threw Weiner a "breakfast reception" in January. (http://gawker.com/5454794/ronn-%5Bsic%5D-torossian-is-throwing-a-party-for-anthony-weiner) I doubt Torossian (who's represented right-wing religious cranks Benny Hinn and John Hagee) appreciates Weiner for his advocacy for single-payer Medicare for all Americans.
Support for Israel in all its conflicts is still the bipartisan norm in Congress, but the rise of the neocons in the Republican Party has made unquestioning support of Israel's current right-wing government increasingly a right-wing concern in the U.S. Democrats face pressure from the young, activist base to be more critical of Israeli actions than they were expected to be a generation ago.
But Weiner needs the support of New York's Orthodox and Hasidic communities if he wants to be mayor. And it's bad enough that he recently married a Muslim woman! (Check out the comments here (http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/132367) if you want to see how quickly some right-wing Israel supporters can turn on one of their most steadfast political allies.) Philip Weiss says Weiner just repeats the talking points of the Israel lobby because that's what his constituency wants to hear. (http://mondoweiss.net/2009/09/anthony-weiner-goes-from-right-wing-thug-to-brilliant-populist-in-a-new-york-second-guess-the-issues.html) If that's true or not, he'll continue repeating the far-right line on Israel.
It will be interesting to see what sort of statement Sen. Chuck Schumer makes, if he makes one. Schumer's untouchable in New York, and he's been, like his protégé Weiner, a staunch ally of Israel throughout his carer. But Schumer wants to be the Senate majority leader. And a good portion of the senators who might support Schumer want an unapologetic liberal leader. (http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2010/05/30/schumer_durbin_majority_leader) I imagine Schumer will put out something equally uncritical of Israel, but way less confrontational than Weiner's statement.

06-07-2011, 10:41 PM
he should have known better...

Dino Velvet
06-07-2011, 10:51 PM
I think Anthony Weiner, Barney Frank, and Dick Army should rent a house together. Anthony and Dick just need to remember to lock their bedroom door at night so Barney doesn't wander in there while "sleepwalking".


06-08-2011, 01:22 AM
One day I'd like to see a politician get up and say,, Yes that was my pic, so freakin what, you don't like it, well that's too bad, don't vote for me,, I'm free to do what I please, this is America.

Dino Velvet
06-08-2011, 03:18 AM
One day I'd like to see a politician get up and say,, Yes that was my pic, so freakin what, you don't like it, well that's too bad, don't vote for me,, I'm free to do what I please, this is America.

Vote for my Uncle Sil then.

Silvio Berlusconi For 2012
A Man You Can Get Behind As He Circles Behind You

YouTube - ‪Silvio Berlusconi‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HD3lilnGiL8)

06-08-2011, 09:24 AM
Vote for my Uncle Sil then.

Silvio Berlusconi For 2012
A Man You Can Get Behind As He Circles Behind You

YouTube - ‪Silvio Berlusconi‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HD3lilnGiL8)

He's the fucking boss, a top boy.

Dino Velvet
06-09-2011, 07:04 AM
Stick a fork in it. This Weiner is done. Anthony won't survive the weekend.

06-10-2011, 10:02 AM
I reckon Weiner upset Obammy for his support for Israel so there was a weiner roast.

06-10-2011, 10:27 AM
Ya drive around DC in a car with your name on it, someone's bound to start snooping around and asking questions.

Dino Velvet
06-16-2011, 06:50 PM
Hey Anthony, is it time to throw that pie yet?

06-19-2011, 02:17 PM
http://www.theatlanticwire.com/technology/2011/06/meet-fake-twitter-identities-who-tried-seduce-weiner/38975/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheAtlanticWire+%28The+Atlant ic+Wire%29

Apparently, 'conservative forces' created fake internet identities in order to try and entrap Wiener on Twitter. Lots of conservatives claim to love the Bible. Perhaps this is true as they seem to use tools from Satan's (aka "the Deceiver) playbook. And speaking of Satan, one of the stories, in the Bible, is that Satan tempted Jesus during his forty days in the wilderness, by offering him material riches. Some people say that Reagan, help to change, the American dream from one of family comfort, to the idea, that you too can be rich. The path has led us to where we are today. Yeah, Weiner was wrong too, but I'm just saying...

09-06-2013, 04:48 AM
Anthony Weiner Caught Arguing With Voter:

Anthony Weiner Heated Argument w/ Jewish Voter - September 4, 2013 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebvxECb1N5A)

09-06-2013, 03:58 PM
Wow, what a video Ben. He didn't back down but he should have avoided the confrontation!