View Full Version : A Tender, Holiday Classic For The Whole Family............

12-23-2005, 07:11 PM

"Santa Claus is actually a demon who lost a bet with an Angel, so he becomes the giver of toys and happiness. But when the bet is off, he returns to his evil ways."

Couldn't help myself. Just rented this and I'm hoping that it's one those "so bad it's good" type of movies. :D

12-23-2005, 07:21 PM
Cant forget the classic scene's from Jack Frost!!!

12-24-2005, 01:27 AM
Couldn't help myself. Just rented this and I'm hoping that it's one those "so bad it's good" type of movies. :D


It looks like it's right up there with Ninja Cheerleaders. :)

I'm just guessing, but I bet they make the reference to Santa anagramming to Satan and wearing the red suit, etc. :)

Hey, Skillet, just got my SD tourguide in the mail. :) Now I've got a map an' everything. :D

12-24-2005, 01:31 AM
I actually caught this one when it came on spike tv, for any lost fans, claire has a performance in this movie that is....lets say not that stellar, but then again the whole movie embodies that.

12-24-2005, 01:36 AM
Bill Goldberg.... Acting..... I am in shock.....!!!!


01-11-2006, 10:08 PM
Couldn't help myself. Just rented this and I'm hoping that it's one those "so bad it's good" type of movies. :D

I'm just guessing, but I bet they make the reference to Santa anagramming to Satan and wearing the red suit, etc. :)

Hey, Skillet, just got my SD tourguide in the mail. :) Now I've got a map an' everything. :D
Santa actually turns out to be the "son of Satan," born about the same time Christ was, but not as nice, what with all the killing and maiming of people on Christmas. After losing a curling match to an angel, he had to be nice for a thousand years on Christmas. Of course, when the film starts that thousand years is up and the rampaging begins. Needless to say, it is pretty awful but I did get a certain degree of enjoyment from it. :mrgreen:

Also, if you check on your SD map, my hometown should be almost all the way on the east side of the state, about right in the middle and pretty close to Minnesota. As you can imagine, the T-girl populous isn't exactly booming here. :D

01-12-2006, 12:41 AM
We showed "Silent Night, Deadly Night" as part of our holiday film series. Another of those so bad it's
good films.

01-12-2006, 06:36 AM
he walked away from the WWE for a C-rated movie acting attempt?!?

act least Hulk Hogan's movies were funny

01-12-2006, 07:56 AM
Randy Roddy Piper had the best role in John Carpenters amazing "They Live"

01-12-2006, 02:15 PM
Ok This made me think of all the wrestlers who are now or sometimes act (or attempt to)

The Giant (not Andre) was in Jingle All the Way
Diamond Dallas Page was in the Devils Rejects
The Rock has obviously done a few now
Stone Cold Steve Austin was in The Longest Yard remake (so was Goldberg and Kevin Nash)

Can't think of any others at the moment

01-12-2006, 06:32 PM
I dont blame Goldberg for walking,he wasnt getting the push in WWE he deserved....Man is an animal and way more fun to watch than alot of the schleps they have had as champs lately.

I always wanted to see Goldberg and Stone Cold in an all out no holds barred "I Quit" match...ahh well.

DJ Asia