View Full Version : HILARIOUS BIRTHER interview video

04-28-2011, 06:34 AM
In what could only be described as a bizzarro victory lap, Birther (http://www.mediaite.com/tag/birther/) Queen Orly Taitz (http://www.mediaite.com/tag/orly-taitz/) (who gave this site (http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?p=20627) the proud, somewhat badass moniker “Insane Obama Thugs”) spent her 14th minute on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Lawrence+O%27Donnell). On the heels of President Obama’s release of his long form birth certificate (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/president-obamas-remarks-on-long-form-birth-certificate-carnival-barkers/), Taitz had her work cut out for her if she wanted to sound more delusional than self-congratulatory lunatic (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/donald-trump-on-obamas-birth-certificate-i-hope-its-true/) Donald Trump.

She also had to compete with herself from earlier today (http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/04/orly_taitz_obamas_long-form_birth_certificate_should_say_negro_not_africa n.php), when she said that a real long form birth certificate would have said “negro” under “father’s nationality,” not “African.”
Taitz began by awkwardly asking for a close-up, so that she could show a document that she claimed was Obama’s selective service record. O’Donnell was in no mood to let Taitz introduce new “evidence,” or let her filibuster, and after a few minutes of attempting to force her to stay on topic, he ended the interview.
O’Donnell claimed, at the end of the interview, that he hadn’t expected it to go this way. I doubt that. He has clearly studied Orly’s modus operandi, and was ready for the barrage of patter (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/cnns-john-king-manages-to-out-crazy-birther-queen-orly-taitz-in-wild-interview/). O’Donnell was a tad merciless, but it’s hard to cry any crocodile tears for Taitz, who has been given far too much attention so far.
Here’s the clip, from MSNBC:


04-28-2011, 06:38 AM
Trump Takes Birther Crown From Orly Taitz With Saturday Night Geraldo Appearance


Donald Trump better hope Dr. Orly Taitz, D.D.S., Esq., stays away from the 2012 Republican presidential field, because barring a second fifteen minutes for the infamous frivolous lawsuit filer, Trump has solidified his position as 2012’s official birther candidate. Visiting Geraldo Rivera (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Geraldo+Rivera) tonight, Trump insisted that, hope as he may that President Obama was American, “we shouldn’t have to be talking about the word hope.”
Asked about his comments on The View over the phone, Trump said, once again, that “the fact is that we haven’t seen his birth certificate,” arguing that the short-form certificate the President showed was “some document” that didn’t confirm anything. “I always give my credentials,” he told Rivera, “I like to give credentials. I’m a really smart guy. I’ve always been a really smart guy,” noting that he had god to “one of the best” schools in the world, apropos of nothing. Given all these facts about how smart he was, he told Rivera an anecdote of his day at the office. “I asked to see my birth certificate,” he narrated, and within minutes, it magically appeared.
Besides the absence of a birth certificate, Trump argued that the President “spent a lot of money to keep this out of print,” and that “he could end the whole controversy” simply by showing the document. Rivera, somewhat stunned, brought up George W. Bush’s birth certificate, and asked whether Trump had seen it. “No, but I’m sure he has one,” Trump replied. He also noted that some of his conservative friends had tried to swerve him away from the birther issue, to which he repeated replied, “why not?”
This, of course, comes after several (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/donald-trump-doubts-obamas-citizenship-the-whole-thing-is-very-strange/) media appearances (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/donald-trump-on-obama-theres-something-on-that-birth-certificate-that-he-doesnt-like/) where The Donald has questioned the President’s citizenship, and comes in light of a birther renaissance that seems to have begun earlier this month with Trump and Sean Hannity (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Sean+Hannity). If Trump’s objective here is to out-crazy the rest of the 2012 GOP field– a field that currently includes but is not limited to Rep. Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain– we’re in for quite the election season.


04-28-2011, 06:47 AM
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Vetoes Presidential ‘Birther’ Bill


Gov. Jan Brewer has vetoed a bill passed by the Arizona legislature (http://www.mediaite.com/online/birthers-rejoice-arizona-senate-passes-bill-that-may-keep-barack-obama-off-its-ballot/) that would require presidential candidates to present their long-form birth certificates in order to get on the ballet– a maneuver that would likely keep President Barack Obama from the ballot in that state. Calling it “a bridge too far,” the governor noted that she considered the measure too intrusive on a presidential candidate’s background with little payoff.
The bill would have required, in addition to the long-form birth certificate, enough information to determine the citizenship of the child’s parents and signatures of witnesses, nurses, and doctors at the birth. According to local station MyFox Phoenix (http://www.myfoxphoenix.com/dpp/news/politics/state_politics/brewer-vetoes-birther-bill-guns-on-campus-4-18-2011), Gov. Brewer released the following statement on the bill:

“I never imagined being presented with a bill that could require candidates for President of the greatest and most powerful nation on earth to submit their ‘early baptismal or circumcision certificates’… this is a bridge too far. This measure creates significant new problems while failing to do anything constructive for Arizona.”

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer On Fox News below:


04-28-2011, 06:54 AM
Trump Takes Birther Crown From Orly Taitz With Saturday Night Geraldo Appearance


Donald Trump better hope Dr. Orly Taitz, D.D.S., Esq., stays away from the 2012 Republican presidential field, because barring a second fifteen minutes for the infamous frivolous lawsuit filer, Trump has solidified his position as 2012’s official birther candidate. Visiting Geraldo Rivera (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Geraldo+Rivera) tonight, Trump insisted that, hope as he may that President Obama was American, “we shouldn’t have to be talking about the word hope.”
Asked about his comments on The View over the phone, Trump said, once again, that “the fact is that we haven’t seen his birth certificate,” arguing that the short-form certificate the President showed was “some document” that didn’t confirm anything. “I always give my credentials,” he told Rivera, “I like to give credentials. I’m a really smart guy. I’ve always been a really smart guy,” noting that he had god to “one of the best” schools in the world, apropos of nothing. Given all these facts about how smart he was, he told Rivera an anecdote of his day at the office. “I asked to see my birth certificate,” he narrated, and within minutes, it magically appeared.
Besides the absence of a birth certificate, Trump argued that the President “spent a lot of money to keep this out of print,” and that “he could end the whole controversy” simply by showing the document. Rivera, somewhat stunned, brought up George W. Bush’s birth certificate, and asked whether Trump had seen it. “No, but I’m sure he has one,” Trump replied. He also noted that some of his conservative friends had tried to swerve him away from the birther issue, to which he repeated replied, “why not?”
This, of course, comes after several (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/donald-trump-doubts-obamas-citizenship-the-whole-thing-is-very-strange/) media appearances (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/donald-trump-on-obama-theres-something-on-that-birth-certificate-that-he-doesnt-like/) where The Donald has questioned the President’s citizenship, and comes in light of a birther renaissance that seems to have begun earlier this month with Trump and Sean Hannity (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Sean+Hannity). If Trump’s objective here is to out-crazy the rest of the 2012 GOP field– a field that currently includes but is not limited to Rep. Michele Bachmann and Herman Cain– we’re in for quite the election season.


Trump is a complete twat. If that's a credible candidate for the GOP, your country is doomed.

04-28-2011, 07:06 AM
<iframe src="http://videos.mediaite.com/embed/player/?layout=&playlist_cid=&media_type=video&content=4TCDV71828V4JF8W&read_more=1&widget_type_cid=svp" width="420" height="421" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>



04-28-2011, 07:13 AM
if anyone could get rid of this debt, it would be him

04-28-2011, 07:14 AM
The View Slams Donald Trump As Racist; Whoopi: ‘I’m Playing The Damn Card Now’

Whoa. In just this five minute clip of The View, there were enough soundbites for about 10 posts. Yes, folks, this is why the media is so in love with the Birther issue (http://www.mediaite.com/online/oh-come-on-some-media-outlets-already-questioning-birth-certificate-validity/). As Whoopi Goldberg (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Whoopi+Goldberg), Elisabeth Hasselbeck (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Elizabeth+hasselbeck), Joy Behar (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=joy+behar), and Sherri Shepherd (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=sherri+shepherd) all railed against the topic, they took Donald Trump (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=donald+trump) and the Birthers to task for a number of things, accusing him of alternately of racism, insulting the President, and hurting the country’s reputation.
As always, the race stuff will probably get the most attention. The hosts all seemed to be on the side of Ed Schultz (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/msnbcs-ed-schultz-i-think-donald-trump-is-a-racist/) in seeing a racial tinge in Trump’s attacks, particularly his references to President Obama’s basketball playing (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/donald-trump-praises-confederacy-tells-obama-get-off-basketball-court/) as well as his incredulous attitude towards the President’s education (http://www.mediaite.com/online/donald-trump-cant-fathom-how-a-terrible-student-like-barack-obama-got-into-ivy-league-schools/).
Goldberg summed it up thusly:

“I’m getting tired to trying not to find things slightly racist. It is very difficult, on a daily basis, to see this stuff and not say, you know, this is what it is. I have been raised to think, ‘Well, maybe that’s not what they mean. Let me figure it out.’ But, being black, when you say, ‘Y’know, this is racist,’ 9,000 people say, ‘Oh, you’re just playing the race card.’ Well, you know, I’m playing the damn card now.”
Goldberg also had the best attack on Trump himself later on:

“You know how Donald always says, ‘People are laughing at us, thinking we don’t have it’? Here’s one of the reasons they’re laughing at us, Donald. When you show such insane disrespect to the president of your country, other countries think we’re idiots.”
Check out the clip below:



04-28-2011, 07:58 AM
Jon Stewart Takes Down The Media And Trump For Obama Birth Certificate Controversy

Daily Show host Jon Stewart had a field day with the circus surrounding the White House’s presentation of President Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate and Donald Trump’s subsequent… helicoptering.
All joking about Trump’s hair aside and ostentatious hobbies aside, Stewart brought up a great point: Why are so many outlets painting the revelation of Obama’s long-form birth certificate as “shocking news”? Wouldn’t the truly shocking news have been that Obama was not, in fact, an American citizen? Or that he was some sort of humanoid robot the entire time? Has the definition of “shocking” really changed so very dramatically?
Now onto the important issues facing this nation. Where is Obama’s longest-form birth certificate? And is Trump made of magic? How else can one possibly explain his ability to successfully answer a question by only tangentially addressing it?
Take a look at the segment, via Comedy Central:


04-29-2011, 03:03 AM
Some "context" as they say. So who exactly was perpetuating the story and why?

Study: MSNBC and CNN Covered 'Birther' Issue Far More Than Fox News

By Lachlan Markay (http://newsbusters.org/bios/lachlan-markay) | April 28, 2011 | 11:29


President Obama chided the news media Wednesday for continuing to focus national attention on the non-issue of his American citizenship. "Fascinating how many of Obama's birther remarks…were aimed at the media for stoking this," tweeted Howard Kurtz (http://twitter.com/#!/HowardKurtz/status/63266313115672576) shortly after the speech.
The birth certificate issue was a distraction, Obama stated, and the White House decision to release his long-form birth certificate was an attempt to re-focus national attention on the important issues, specifically his budget proposal. But which media outlets were most guilty of sustaining attention on the issue? On cable news, at least, the answer runs contrary to the usual media narrative.
As it turns out, one was 35 times more likely to hear about the birther issue on CNN or MSNBC than on Fox News during the week of April 11 through 17, when Obama was touting his budget. The cable network most often railed against as the birther-enabler was least likely - by far - to even mention the issue.
Here's what Obama had to say during his post-birth certificate release press conference:
…two weeks ago, when the Republican House had put forward a budget that will have huge consequences potentially to the country, and when I gave a speech about my budget and how I felt that we needed to invest in education and infrastructure and making sure that we had a strong safety net for our seniors even as we were closing the deficit, during that entire week the dominant news story wasn’t about these huge, monumental choices that we’re going to have to make as a nation. It was about my birth certificate. And that was true on most of the news outlets that were represented here.
It's worth noting that the president's statement was factually inaccurate. The dominant news story during the week after his budget address was, as one might expect, the economy. In fact, the Obama administration only accounted for about four percent of media chatter during that week - behind unrest in the Middle East and natural disasters in Japan, in addition to the economy - and only a portion of that four percent had to do with his birth certificate.
That data was gathered by the Pew Project for Excellence in Journalism, which also calculated those numbers for cable news coverage during that week. As quoted by Poynter (http://www.poynter.org/latest-news/top-stories/129708/factchecking-obama-birther-controversy-was-3-4-of-newshole-economy-was-39/):
including “The Ed Show,” “Hardball,” “The Last Word,” and “The Rachel Maddow Show”
- 28% of airtime studied was devoted to the 2012 election
- 10% of airtime studied was devoted to Obama
- A subset of that Obama airtime was coded “citizenship and religion rumors” to include “birther” coverage, which was 92% of the Obama coverage
including “Special Report w/Bret Baier,” “Fox Report w/Shepard Smith,” “The O’Reilly Factor,” “Hannity”
- 16% of airtime studied was devoted to 2012 election
- 5% of airtime studied was devoted to Obama
- A subset of that Obama airtime was coded “citizenship and religion rumors” to include “birther” coverage, which was 8% of the Obama coverage
including “The Situation Room,” “John King, USA,” “In The Arena,” and “Anderson Cooper 360″
- 11% of airtime studied was devoted to 2012 election
- 5% of airtime studied was devoted to Obama
- A subset of that Obama airtime was coded “citizenship and religion rumors” to include “birther” coverage, which was 100% of the Obama coverage.
Ace crunched the numbers (http://ace.mu.nu/archives/315355.php) and found the following breakdown of birther stories as a percentage of total coverage for each cable news channel:
- Fox News: 0.4 percent
- MSNBC: 9.2 percent
- CNN: 5 percent
MSNBC devoted 23 times as much airtime as Fox to cover the birther issue. CNN devoted 12.5 times as much. So, as mentioned above, one was 35.5 times more likely to see a birther story on Fox's competition than on FNC itself.
Ace also makes this key point:
Now one can note, rightly, that MSNBC and CNN were always knocking, knocking down this issue. Fine. But who was distracted by this? If, as Obama says, this was a "distraction" from "real issues" and therefore "silliness" -- which network(s) fed their partisan viewers a steady diet of this silliness?
Which network fed them the least of it and, therefore, kept a better focus on things that were not silly?
Of course even Fox News did its part to debunk the birther nonsense. The channel's hosts of course played no part in the conspiracy theory, but its commentators also frequently spoke out against it. "Special Report" conservative panelists, Charles Krauthammer and Fred Barnes, routinely opined on its absurdities. FNC contributor Karl Rove certainly did his part to combat the conspiracy theory.
Unfortunately, simply by giving a megaphone to Donald Trump - the personality who undergirded much of the birther coverage of late - news networks implicitly gave voice to the conspiracy theory. Simply ignoring the theory is generally the best way to combat it, and Fox led the field in that regard (on cable news, anyway). MSNBC, meanwhile, not only led the charge to promote the certificate hunt, it also promoted Donald Trump, host of sister network NBC's "The Apprentice" - a fact that recently earned the cable channel the ire of its own on-air talent (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/epic-lawrence-o%E2%80%99donnell-hammers-nbc-demands-they-reveal-trumps-future-plans/).

04-29-2011, 03:13 AM
In what could only be described as a bizzarro victory lap, Birther (http://www.mediaite.com/tag/birther/) Queen Orly Taitz (http://www.mediaite.com/tag/orly-taitz/) (who gave this site (http://www.orlytaitzesq.com/?p=20627) the proud, somewhat badass moniker “Insane Obama Thugs”) spent her 14th minute on The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell (http://www.mediaite.com/power-grid/person/?q=Lawrence+O%27Donnell). On the heels of President Obama’s release of his long form birth certificate (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/president-obamas-remarks-on-long-form-birth-certificate-carnival-barkers/), Taitz had her work cut out for her if she wanted to sound more delusional than self-congratulatory lunatic (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/donald-trump-on-obamas-birth-certificate-i-hope-its-true/) Donald Trump.

She also had to compete with herself from earlier today (http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/04/orly_taitz_obamas_long-form_birth_certificate_should_say_negro_not_africa n.php), when she said that a real long form birth certificate would have said “negro” under “father’s nationality,” not “African.”
Taitz began by awkwardly asking for a close-up, so that she could show a document that she claimed was Obama’s selective service record. O’Donnell was in no mood to let Taitz introduce new “evidence,” or let her filibuster, and after a few minutes of attempting to force her to stay on topic, he ended the interview.
O’Donnell claimed, at the end of the interview, that he hadn’t expected it to go this way. I doubt that. He has clearly studied Orly’s modus operandi, and was ready for the barrage of patter (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/cnns-john-king-manages-to-out-crazy-birther-queen-orly-taitz-in-wild-interview/). O’Donnell was a tad merciless, but it’s hard to cry any crocodile tears for Taitz, who has been given far too much attention so far.
Here’s the clip, from MSNBC:


Tell us how you really feel, Natina. No, seriously... Tell us how you really feel, without copying and pasting other people's words and just generally spamming the board. Obviously you're a liberal, as anything you post having to do with the right is negative, but do you have to spam the board to get your message out? This is the same exact message you sent me in a PM yesterday, the same message that was in your "Whoopi Goldberg and The View Call Donald Trump Racist" thread yesterday, and I know I saw it in another thread I can't be bothered to look for. Additionally, I noticed your post in the controversial "McDonald's" thread was duplicated in the "McDonald's: It Was Racial" or whatever thread... It's got to stop.

04-30-2011, 09:06 PM