View Full Version : I'm A Conservative But I Can't Stand Sean Hannity Or Rush Limbaugh

Dino Velvet
04-02-2011, 07:06 AM
They say you can learn something from anyone. I usually find this true but might make an exception for these two characters. Glenn Beck seems like a nice guy but he's nuttier than a can of Planter's too. Lucky he's not still drinking or he'd be urinating on Woodrow Wilson's grave every weekend.

I like O'Reilly though. The word of the day is: Funhole.

04-03-2011, 02:16 PM
I'm A Conservative But I Can't Stand Sean Hannity Or Rush Limbaugh.

I don't think they are conservative. (The term conservative today is pretty meaningless.) If you go back 100 years, well, conservatism meant something completely different. It has a very rich history. First off, they were against concentrated forms of power whether it be state or corporate. They firmly believed in morality and traditional values.
Today conservatism means, if it means anything, serving corporate power. So simply replace the word conservative for corporatist. The likes of Hannity and Limbaugh and O'Reilly and Beck believe in serving corporate power. Nothing more. Nothing less. Plus they're mere entertainers.
Conservatism came out of classical liberalism. Thomas Jefferson was a conservative. A proper conservative. As was Adam Smith. (Adam Smith was against the undue power of corporations. He was for local business and local trade. He'd be, as a conservative, appalled at neoliberalism -- or free trade and the rampant offshoring of jobs to India and China. The English economist David Ricardo had the same conservative beliefs.)

04-04-2011, 07:42 AM
Sean Hannity I have no real feelings about bland but I don't dislike him. He does softball on leading conservative figures but then the other left leaning networks do the same for their guys and girls.

Glenn beck, I cannot stand to hear him. I do agree with some of what he says ,I do believe the obama adminstration is frightened of what he will say about them in his shows and some liberal commentators agree with that,like cenk on the young turks when there was that shirley sherrod debacle for instance. I do think a good acid test of how dangerous the other side think he is ,is the amount of venom and vitriol shot at someone by the other side. That is certainly the case with beck.Having said that I cannot stand him,.I cannot stand the whiny voice ,or the black board set up. I don't think he is all that mentally stable either.

Bill O'reilly I used to be a huge fan of.However he is now a sellout. He soft balls Obama, and he has this petty spat with Sarah Palin going on right now over his refusual to wait for someone to answer his questions and just talk over them accusing them of not answering it. Palin like she would told him off and he is STILL going on about it.Whining to others he interviews on his show ,about whether they think she is out of line. Can't stand being told off by a woman,what a big pussy. She is not the first to complain about it,but she is the first to tell o'reilly off about it on his own show.

I think he is a rubbish interviewer of anyone left or right . ,in the past I liked how he took moral stances on some issues and he would have insane leftists on his show and make them look retarded. But now he has mellowed in that sense and for some reason is giving Obama quite a bit of a pass. I think it's because , him and the Obamas are rather matey, he gets to interview michelle unlike others on fox news and is invited to whitehouse private functions apparently.

Have to rush as I off to work but I do like Laura Ingraham, meagan kelly, tammy bruce (they have more balls than the males these days , apart from Michael savage) .Tammy Bruce is an interesting one, lesbian feminist who is a huge supporter of Palin. Little known fact that many Gay former hillary clinton supporters now support Palin,in fact an entire campaign group now does so. But the media won't tell you that. I think that is probably why Palin gave a quite wishy washy answer to the question of Gays openly serving in the US military. Well she is a politician.Didn't want to anger either the bible thumping conservatives or the homosexuals in her ranks.

04-18-2011, 01:06 AM
Sean Hannity can be pretty boring, Rush is much more entertaining. Glenn Beck is a little too whiny. Michael Savage is interesting, but he talks too much about food. Mark Lavine can be entertaining, but can begin to sound like a broken record. Laura Ingraham is alright, but doesn't really add anything to the conversation that the others haven't already talked about. But, the best radio show, in my opinion, is Coast to Coast AM with George Noory!:) Bigfoot, and shadow people, and chrononauts, oh my!:)

Dino Velvet
04-18-2011, 01:58 AM
Sean Hannity can be pretty boring, Rush is much more entertaining. Glenn Beck is a little too whiny. Michael Savage is interesting, but he talks too much about food. Mark Lavine can be entertaining, but can begin to sound like a broken record. Laura Ingraham is alright, but doesn't really add anything to the conversation that the others haven't already talked about. But, the best radio show, in my opinion, is Coast to Coast AM with George Noory!:) Bigfoot, and shadow people, and chrononauts, oh my!:)

I can't listen to Mark Levine at all. He irritates the crap out of me. Larry Elder left KABC for awhile and I get stuck with this guy from 3-6PM. Elder was great and had tons of funny segments too. He came back to KABC but is on at 9AM now.

04-18-2011, 02:10 AM
I can't listen to Mark Levine at all. He irritates the crap out of me. Larry Elder left KABC for awhile and I get stuck with this guy from 3-6PM. Elder was great and had tons of funny segments too. He came back to KABC but is on at 9AM now.

Michael Savage says that Levine sounds like a post-menopausal woman, and Levine says Savage is a closet homosexual, who had an affair with Allen Ginsburg. Levine is pretty irritating. Take a shot every time you hear him mention the constitution and you'll be on the floor in the first few minutes!

04-18-2011, 08:27 AM
"Right wing" & "conservative" are not synonyms. Neither are "left wing" & "liberal".

04-18-2011, 11:34 AM
I'm A Conservative But I Can't Stand Sean Hannity Or Rush Limbaugh.

I don't think they are conservative. (The term conservative today is pretty meaningless.) If you go back 100 years, well, conservatism meant something completely different. It has a very rich history. First off, they were against concentrated forms of power whether it be state or corporate. They firmly believed in morality and traditional values.
Today conservatism means, if it means anything, serving corporate power. So simply replace the word conservative for corporatist. The likes of Hannity and Limbaugh and O'Reilly and Beck believe in serving corporate power. Nothing more. Nothing less. Plus they're mere entertainers.
Conservatism came out of classical liberalism. Thomas Jefferson was a conservative. A proper conservative. As was Adam Smith. (Adam Smith was against the undue power of corporations. He was for local business and local trade. He'd be, as a conservative, appalled at neoliberalism -- or free trade and the rampant offshoring of jobs to India and China. The English economist David Ricardo had the same conservative beliefs.)

Whenever I hear someone say that they're a conservative, I now know to ask "What kind of conservative are you?" just to clarify. Seems fiscal conservatives represent the largest group, but there appear to be a growing number of so-called fiscal conservatives/social liberals, who are really disgruntled liberals engaging in a temporary protest. When you hear about a ground swell of new Republicans, that's them.