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03-09-2011, 03:37 AM
YouTube - NPR Muslim Brotherhood Investigation Part I (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xd9OYJMX9t4&feature=player_embedded)

Shocking...........I know and difficult to accept for some of you. But can we finally stop this charade of an independent, objective news organazation? As if the aftermath of the Juan Williams affiar wasn't enough for some of you ....

03-09-2011, 06:18 AM
Not a myth. So you got a boring (even after it was edited) twelve minutes of a couple of NPR reporters talking to some jerks posing as fronts for an Islamic organization and talking about the absence of Muslim voices in modern media. Whooaaa....damning...not. Now O'Reilly, on the other hand, actually claims there's palm trees in Wisconsin and autumn leaves in the summer time on the Washington Mall. You wanna talk about bias in the media, Fox set the standard. You claim NPR is biased, then show me the palm trees.

03-09-2011, 03:36 PM
muslims are very cunning

03-09-2011, 08:24 PM
muslims are very cunning

Almost as cunning as christians.

I find it interesting how after the 1st crusade, christians conquered and entered Jerusalem and then proceeded to slaughter many, many unarmed muslims, including women and children.

Then the muslims defeated the christians during the 2nd crusade. They entered Jerusalem and spared the christians who lived there.

03-10-2011, 01:42 AM
Almost as cunning as christians.

I find it interesting how after the 1st crusade, christians conquered and entered Jerusalem and then proceeded to slaughter many, many unarmed muslims, including women and children.

Then the muslims defeated the christians during the 2nd crusade. They entered Jerusalem and spared the christians who lived there.

Huh?????? LMAO. Save the history lesson it's not really needed. I believe he was being ironic. The purpose of the post was to point out the obvious ( except To Trish) . The fact it was muslim imposters that solicited the remarks is rather irrelevent.

03-10-2011, 01:56 AM
Not a myth. So you got a boring (even after it was edited) twelve minutes of a couple of NPR reporters talking to some jerks posing as fronts for an Islamic organization and talking about the absence of Muslim voices in modern media. Whooaaa....damning...not. Now O'Reilly, on the other hand, actually claims there's palm trees in Wisconsin and autumn leaves in the summer time on the Washington Mall. You wanna talk about bias in the media, Fox set the standard. You claim NPR is biased, then show me the palm trees.

Trish...you are on a major FAIL campaign recently. Are you feeling well ? Damning not?? He's gone, and now his soulmate Viv Shiller ( the bitch) is gone too. I'd say loosing 2 high level executives is damning ...but maybe you need to be struck by lightining to get the point !! With respect to Fox and the palm tress....another colossial fail...From the left wing website Mediaite.......(below)

Trish light a candle for the bias, jew hating, Tea Party bashing, racist, disgusting Shiller twins, and light another one for the public funding of NPR. Can you say.....POOF...GONE ? LOL

No, Fox News Did Not Lie With “Wisconsin Palm Tree” Violent Protest Video (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/no-fox-news-did-not-lie-with-wisconsin-palm-tree-violent-protest-video/)

http://static01.mediaite.com/med/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Fox-News-Unions-150x100.png (http://www.mediaite.com/tv/no-fox-news-did-not-lie-with-wisconsin-palm-tree-violent-protest-video/)by Jon Bershad (http://www.mediaite.com/author/jon-bershad/) | March 2nd, 2011
video The [url]Internet is abuzz this morning with a story that Fox News has "lied" in showing a video of an angry union protester from California ostensibly claiming the clip is from Wisconsin. The "Palm Tree lie" (described as such because the tropical trees in the background of the protest video proves deception) is the [URL="http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/fvimk/hey_fox_there_are_no_palm_trees_in_madison_wi/"]top [URL="http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/fvkn6/foxnews_blatantly_lies_showing_violent_wisconsin/"]two stories on Reddit\'s Politics board this morning. Yes, the 43-second clip that\'s being [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RClJ6vK9x_4"]linked to on YouTube (http://www.google.com/search?q=wisconsin+palm+tree&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#q=wisconsin+palm+tree&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbo=u&tbs=nws:1&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wn&bav=on.2,or.&fp=7e644e0018037e50), looks like Fox News lied, but watching the actual segment for context makes it clear that they did not.

03-10-2011, 07:30 AM
You can deny all you want but Fox lied their asses off in their coverage of Wisconsin including deliberately showing the wrong tape (not catching those palms trees themselves) in a lame effort to paint the union supporters as boisterous and potentially violent. For shame...but not a surprise as we know they habitually show the wrong crowd footage whenever they want people to believe they have more support than they do. Moreover, no one...no one at Fox ever resigned over these deliberate misrepresentations. Hell, no one at Fox is even embarrassed by them. NPR simply can't hold a candle to that kind of bias. Show me the palm trees.

03-10-2011, 10:00 AM
Cenk Uygur of TYT and MSNBC explains REICHwing nutjob political hitjob on NPR. As usual, he nails it.

YouTube - NPR Under Attack By Right Wing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kP5MxaCSQsY)

03-10-2011, 04:25 PM
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

A free press, is not one influenced by government funding. You cannot remain impartial when your day to day operation is dependent on government funds. Separation of press and state, eliminate funding of the regime news organizations, NPR/PBS.

03-10-2011, 05:40 PM
A free press, is not one influenced by government funding. You cannot remain impartial when your day to day operation is dependent on government funds. Separation of press and state, eliminate funding of the regime news organizations, NPR/PBS. Well the evidence simply goes against your hypothesis. NPR, PBS in the U.S. (I always wonder why you conservatives leave out VOA in all these discussions...separation of press and state is not in the constitution, the federalist papers or any other writings pertinent to the constitution...admit it, you just made it up), the BBC in Britain are among the most well respected new agencies in the world and are touted by those in the business and those outside as being as fair, balanced and reasoned as it's possible for news to be. Watch the PBS News Hour on a regular basis for a month and tell me afterward they don't do an excellent job of providing intelligent voices on both sides of the day's issues and that their questioning isn't deep or that their monitoring isn't courteous and fair.

03-10-2011, 08:41 PM
Maybe the BBC is respected in your circle, but not mine. It has a very strong bias in its reporting, due to in my opinion government funding. I did not make up separation of press and state, my interpretation of a "free press" means independent and separate from government control or bias. What you pay for you influence, there is no way around it. Funding creates bias. Never heard of VOA, but then again I never heard of "The Cowboy Poetry Club" before. It was nice to hear I am funding that too.

If NPR is such a good thing for our country, why do we not have a national newspaper? Magazine? Congress shall make no law prohibiting or abridging the freedom of the press.

03-10-2011, 11:56 PM
I'd rather have my tax dollars go towards funding national treasures like A Prairie Home Companion, Car Talk and American Routes that killing civilians in Iraq and subsidizing Big Oil, but that's just me...


03-11-2011, 02:05 AM
You can deny all you want but Fox lied their asses off in their coverage of Wisconsin including deliberately showing the wrong tape (not catching those palms trees themselves) in a lame effort to paint the union supporters as boisterous and potentially violent. For shame...but not a surprise as we know they habitually show the wrong crowd footage whenever they want people to believe they have more support than they do. Moreover, no one...no one at Fox ever resigned over these deliberate misrepresentations. Hell, no one at Fox is even embarrassed by them. NPR simply can't hold a candle to that kind of bias. Show me the palm trees.

Trish....you're just simply wrong.....this is not a squabble about opinions....you are factually wrong. I provided the evidence by a liberal leaning web site who reviewed the tape in detail. You can indulge in your liberal fairy tales all you wish. Case closed move on ( .org) LMAO

03-11-2011, 02:13 AM
I'd rather have my tax dollars go towards funding national treasures like A Prairie Home Companion, Car Talk and American Routes that killing civilians in Iraq and subsidizing Big Oil, but that's just me...


I don't disagree that PBS does some amazing work. The Ken Burns series, etc. That's valuable television. The problem is you can't seperate the wheat from the chaffe, and until they can.....tax dollars need to be stopped. If Garison is that good....he can find commerical sponsers.

Killing civilians in Iraq? Geeze wasn't that occuring 100 times more prior to the US intervention, ( gassing of the Kurds) but that probably wasn't on your radar screen then. You probably were learning how to change a valve cover gasket on a Toyota Cellica...well worth the tax dollars invested, I'm sure !!!

03-11-2011, 05:30 AM
It continues....another bad day for this bunch of reprobates over at NPR. Try this one on for size . Can you come up with any conflation with Fox news for this one?? Palm tress isn't gonna cut it ! LOL Stick a fork in these fuckers........They're done. Many of us knew this was thier attitude for years......now we have the vindication. No need to listen to the whole 45 minutes...the first 50 seconds will tell you all you need to know.
Hey...don't hate me...I'm just the messenger !
YouTube - NPR Muslim Brotherhood Investigation Part II (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P64rmpnT32U&feature=player_embedded)

03-11-2011, 07:12 AM
No reporters were involved, no stories compromised. Show me the palm trees.

03-11-2011, 02:24 PM
I don't disagree that PBS does some amazing work. The Ken Burns series, etc. That's valuable television. The problem is you can't seperate the wheat from the chaffe, and until they can.....tax dollars need to be stopped. If Garison is that good....he can find commerical sponsers.

Killing civilians in Iraq? Geeze wasn't that occuring 100 times more prior to the US intervention, ( gassing of the Kurds) but that probably wasn't on your radar screen then. You probably were learning how to change a valve cover gasket on a Toyota Cellica...well worth the tax dollars invested, I'm sure !!!

Nice qualifier. The phrase 'damn with faint praise' comes to mind. No doubt 'seperate the wheat from the chaffe' translates as setting up a CON ideology board that would have to approve every single word of every NPR program. Wait, we already have a station like that; it's called FOXNOISE.

There's no 'if' about how good Garrison Keillor's Prairie Home Companion is. It's easily NPR's most popular show. I truly feel sorry for anyone who can't appreciate it's gentle humor, wealth of diverse music, wide array of guests and just it's general 'smarts'. God forbid we should spend tax dollars on something that actually lifts people up, but I understand that tax breaks for the wealthy and corporate subsidies are more important to REICHwingers.

You think (or want others to) that Car Talk is just about car repair? Yeah, let's just dismiss the humor and intelligence of the show. Hell, I forgot that the Click and Clack did a PBS show about innovation in electric cars. That was enough to put their heads on a chopping block with the national CONs.

I'm not going to debate the ethics of the Iraq mess with you. Ethics are not a CONs strong point. Still, suggesting that Saddam killed hundreds of times as many people (with weapons partially supplied by the US) than we did during the invasion and occupation is too much, even for you.

NPR and PBS would continue without govt help. They have many programs that are beloved by people of all ideologies. I like the fact that a (very tiny) portion of my tax dollars goes to supporting their wonderful work. News is a very small percentage of what I listen to there. Yes, I also contribute to my local NPR station. The 10% or so of their funding that comes from taxes means NOTHING in terms of the overall budget, but it means a lot to them. You guys can't claim wanting to defund it has anything to do with fiscal responsibility. It's pure politics, on the basest level.

03-11-2011, 05:32 PM
NPR and PBS would continue without govt help. They have many programs that are beloved by people of all ideologies. I like the fact that a (very tiny) portion of my tax dollars goes to supporting their wonderful work. News is a very small percentage of what I listen to there. Yes, I also contribute to my local NPR station. The 10% or so of their funding that comes from taxes means NOTHING in terms of the overall budget, but it means a lot to them. You guys can't claim wanting to defund it has anything to do with fiscal responsibility. It's pure politics, on the basest level.

Good then we all agree they do not need government funding, they will continue as a viable independent news and entertainment organization without it. Cut the funding.

Now on to Department of Education, how did our mighty nation survive it's first 201 years without this department? And have better educational ratings world wide than we do currently. Its easy, this is a useless organization and should be completely abolished. Return the power of education to the states.

And while were at it, lets keep the scissors out. Cut ALL federal funding by 8% per year for the next 3 years. No programs are excluded, tighten the belt. If you don't think you can find 8% of waste in your department annually maybe we should be looking for new department heads.

Initiate a 5 year tax, 3% applied to all working US citizens. No one is excluded, sorry its for 5 years cowboy up and pay your fair share. All monies received go exclusively to debt reduction. The bill sunsets in 5 years and requires a 2/3 majority for any extension.

03-12-2011, 01:43 AM
No reporters were involved, no stories compromised. Show me the palm trees.

Trish....I really can't comment on your delusion. There's not much to say. I liken it to the horrific pictures I'm watching on the news where these poor souls are driving merrily along a Japenese highway completely unaware of the tidal wave about to engulf them.
The tape clearly shows an NPR executive probably committing a crime in an effort to solicit a large donation under the radar, and you make a comment about no reporters being compromised. Besides being fall down funny....it's Absolutely Incredulous. Your denial is breathtaking.........

03-12-2011, 01:58 AM
Nice qualifier. The phrase 'damn with faint praise' comes to mind. No doubt 'seperate the wheat from the chaffe' translates as setting up a CON ideology board that would have to approve every single word of every NPR program. Wait, we already have a station like that; it's called FOXNOISE.

There's no 'if' about how good Garrison Keillor's Prairie Home Companion is. It's easily NPR's most popular show. I truly feel sorry for anyone who can't appreciate it's gentle humor, wealth of diverse music, wide array of guests and just it's general 'smarts'. God forbid we should spend tax dollars on something that actually lifts people up, but I understand that tax breaks for the wealthy and corporate subsidies are more important to REICHwingers.

You think (or want others to) that Car Talk is just about car repair? Yeah, let's just dismiss the humor and intelligence of the show. Hell, I forgot that the Click and Clack did a PBS show about innovation in electric cars. That was enough to put their heads on a chopping block with the national CONs.

I'm not going to debate the ethics of the Iraq mess with you. Ethics are not a CONs strong point. Still, suggesting that Saddam killed hundreds of times as many people (with weapons partially supplied by the US) than we did during the invasion and occupation is too much, even for you.

NPR and PBS would continue without govt help. They have many programs that are beloved by people of all ideologies. I like the fact that a (very tiny) portion of my tax dollars goes to supporting their wonderful work. News is a very small percentage of what I listen to there. Yes, I also contribute to my local NPR station. The 10% or so of their funding that comes from taxes means NOTHING in terms of the overall budget, but it means a lot to them. You guys can't claim wanting to defund it has anything to do with fiscal responsibility. It's pure politics, on the basest level.

My friend....I have more than a few of those goofy tote bags NPR gives in exchange for viewer donations, but they no longer get a dime from me. As I've said....I know deep down the vast majority of folks who run that operation feel exactly like the Shiller Twins. I'm glad you like Garrison's program...I listen to it on ocassion despite odd looks from my friends. I'm not tryin' to be a wise ass...but please continue to support NPR so we can stop funing them even for 10%. I call on Micheal Moore and the NY Times to do the same. If there was a way to seperate some of the local station programming from the outwardly partisan portion, I might be willing to continue supporting tax payer dollars, but that seems unlikely. Let the free market decide if Garrison's show is really that good.

03-12-2011, 02:07 AM
I don't get what the big deal is onmyknees. Egypt is a MUSLIM country if the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't take over it will be some other muslim group that takes over.

03-12-2011, 08:26 AM
My friend....I have more than a few of those goofy tote bags NPR gives in exchange for viewer donations, but they no longer get a dime from me. As I've said....I know deep down the vast majority of folks who run that operation feel exactly like the Shiller Twins. I'm glad you like Garrison's program...I listen to it on ocassion despite odd looks from my friends. I'm not tryin' to be a wise ass...but please continue to support NPR so we can stop funing them even for 10%. I call on Micheal Moore and the NY Times to do the same. If there was a way to seperate some of the local station programming from the outwardly partisan portion, I might be willing to continue supporting tax payer dollars, but that seems unlikely. Let the free market decide if Garrison's show is really that good.

Yeah, I'm sure you were a big NPR supporter. Just had to have your weekly dose of 'Guy Noir, Private Eye' and 'Dusty and Lefty, the Lives of the Cowboys'. Right.

Btw, when are any of you REICHwing defenders of unbiased reporting going to mention that NPR and PBS both refused to accept any money from O'Keefe's cretins? Or as good ol' Cenk Uygur so aptly put it: THEY DIDN'T TAKE THE MONEY, LEBOWSKI!

03-12-2011, 03:22 PM
Yeah, I'm sure you were a big NPR supporter. Just had to have your weekly dose of 'Guy Noir, Private Eye' and 'Dusty and Lefty, the Lives of the Cowboys'. Right.

Btw, when are any of you REICHwing defenders of unbiased reporting going to mention that NPR and PBS both refused to accept any money from O'Keefe's cretins? Or as good ol' Cenk Uygur so aptly put it: THEY DIDN'T TAKE THE MONEY, LEBOWSKI!

I told you I thouroughly enjoy some of it's PBS programming. But you believe what you'd like. It's fits nicely into your misperception about fiscal conservatives and you're comfortable within those walls. It fascinates me that you're more upset with the messenger ( O'keefe) than you are with the elite, largely white, far left anti Jewish, anti right leadership of NPR who are responsible for the chaos they now find themselves in. Think what you like about O'keefe, but he's swung the doors at NPR and we're seeing the management cesspool it really is. You should be furious at them...not him. But I digress....i realize you think people like Faldur and me are hateful, hurtful, bigots and want to hurt the poor people by cutting funding to NPR....well my friend, read on. Our views are closer to this particular NPR board member than yours...Look...I don't revel in the unwinding of NPR, but I do find a certain sense of gratifcation in all this. We've been saying for years it's a haven for left wingers like Nina Totenberg who pass themselves off as "down the middle" . We've been scorned and laughed at by the likes of Bill Moyers and other elites for those beliefs...now we see the emperor has no clothes. Please write a check to NPR today.

NPR Board Member Admits It Serves 'Liberal, Highly Educated Elite,' Wonders How to Justify Public Funding

By Lachlan Markay (http://www.newsbusters.org/bios/lachlan-markay) | March 11, 2011 | 13:31
At least one National Public Radio board member has a firm grasp on arguments against the organization receiving federal funding. Criticisms of NPR "do have some legitimacy," she noted, and "we must, as a starting point, take on board some of this criticism."
Sue Schardt, director of the Association of Independents in Radio and a member of NPR's board, noted during the board's Feburary 25 "public comment" period that "we unwittingly cultivated a core audience that is predominately white, liberal, highly educated, elite."
As a consequence, Schardt added, while the journalism NPR produces may be of high quality, the organization really only serves, by her telling, 11 percent of the United States. In light of that fact, she added, "we need to carefully consider whether we warrant public funding and, if so, what the rationale would be."
The following is partial transcript of Schardt's comment, posted at Current.org (http://www.current.org/audience/aud1105schardt.html):
After working in many parts of public radio — both deep inside it and now with one foot inside and one foot outside — I believe there's an elephant in the room. There is something that I'm very conscious of as we consider this crisis that I'd like to speak to.
We have built an extraordinary franchise. It didn't happen by accident. It happened because we used a very specific methodology to cultivate and build an audience. For years, in boardrooms, at conferences, with funders, we have talked about our highly educated, influential audience. We pursued David Giovannoni's methodologies. We all participated. It was his research, his undaunted, clear strategy that we pursued to build the successful news journalism franchise we have today.
What happened as a result is that we unwittingly cultivated a core audience that is predominately white, liberal, highly educated, elite. "Super-serve the core" — that was the mantra, for many, many years. This focus has, in large part, brought us to our success today. It was never anyone's intention to exclude anyone.
But we have to accept — unapologetically — that this is the franchise we've built.
We have to look at this because the criticisms that are coming at us — whether they're couched in other things — do have some legitimacy. We must, as a starting point, take on board some of this criticism. Before we can set a path, we have to own this.
One choice, at this transformational moment, is to say, "We are satisfied with what we are doing. We — in radio — are providing 11 percent of America with an extraordinary service." If this is our choice, we need to carefully consider whether we warrant public funding and, if so, what the rationale would be.
Another choice is to say, "We have cultivated and built an extraordinary infrastructure of interconnected stations that's now adopting networked digital technologies. More important, we have created a culture of human beings who — in this building, at stations, and in my constituency of hundreds of producers — are fluent in a particular craft rooted in an idealism of service. Individuals whose intention at every step is to contribute to the greater good. Ours is a human endeavor. That is what differentiates us. This is what is at stake. This is what we must preserve."
I believe we need to say, in this moment, "You're right. We are not satisfied, either. Now that we have achieved this huge success over a 30-year incubation period, we now are poised to commit ourselves to translate and bring what we have to everyone in America. Within the next five years, seven years — we set the timetable. We are absolutely committed to serving — truly — and speaking in the voices — truly — of 80 percent or 90 percent of the public." We set our numbers.
No NPR detractor has thus far provided a case this compelling - due both to the force of its arguments and the significance of the person offering them - for a reexamination of the organization's federal funding. Hopefully its backers take it to heart.

03-12-2011, 03:31 PM
America is moving into a new McCarthyite era with Fox news doing the cheerleading for hatred.

03-12-2011, 06:00 PM
[QUOTE=onmyknees;896015] misperception about fiscal conservatives and you're comfortable within those walls. It fascinates me that you're more upset with the messenger ( O'keefe) than you are with blah, blah, blah

I have no misperceptions about REICHwingers. I've been watching what the repubs and the people who control them have been doing all my life. From Nixon to Ronnie RAYGUN to Dubya. From Vietnam to Iraq. From Love Canal to TMI to coal ash spills to the Upper Big Branch Mine explosion.

I'm not just upset with that little creep O'Keefe. I'm pissed that NPR could be so stupid. After the O'Keefe/repub attack on Planned Parenthood, Cenk Uygur did a spot on his MSNBC show warning NPR/PBS that they were next. "Wake up, NPR. They're comin' for ya". Could Cenk have been the only guy that saw that? Hell no! It's not only that they walked blindly into the trap. Now they are behaving like most of the Dem Party over the last ten years, cowering in fear and running away with their tails between their legs - "OMG, they called me a Liberal!" Fucking weaklings.

03-13-2011, 05:55 AM
America is moving into a new McCarthyite era with Fox news doing the cheerleading for hatred.

Hey....we have another left wing Rhodes scholar joining the discussion. Yes...hide the woman and children....Shep Smith is coming after them !! LMAO

03-13-2011, 06:14 AM
[QUOTE=onmyknees;896015] misperception about fiscal conservatives and you're comfortable within those walls. It fascinates me that you're more upset with the messenger ( O'keefe) than you are with blah, blah, blah

I have no misperceptions about REICHwingers. I've been watching what the repubs and the people who control them have been doing all my life. From Nixon to Ronnie RAYGUN to Dubya. From Vietnam to Iraq. From Love Canal to TMI to coal ash spills to the Upper Big Branch Mine explosion.

I'm not just upset with that little creep O'Keefe. I'm pissed that NPR could be so stupid. After the O'Keefe/repub attack on Planned Parenthood, Cenk Uygur did a spot on his MSNBC show warning NPR/PBS that they were next. "Wake up, NPR. They're comin' for ya". Could Cenk have been the only guy that saw that? Hell no! It's not only that they walked blindly into the trap. Now they are behaving like most of the Dem Party over the last ten years, cowering in fear and running away with their tails between their legs - "OMG, they called me a Liberal!" Fucking weaklings.

ahhh Yes...Cenk the Sage. Maybe there's a slot open for him now at NPR? I mean really....it was no secret to anyone that the Republicans were going after public funding for NPR. They made that pretty clear....and if politics is about winning, ideology, and power, and it is...why wouldn't they? Your side rammed health care down our collective throats, and they did so because they won. Suck it up...write a check to NPR and let's move on. The only difference in what takes place at NPR meetings everyday is the presence of O'keefe's camera. And still that doesn't bother you. The people who run that network are bigotd, privledged, anti semites who loath people in fly over country who believe in god, guns, and the flag...that's who they are.

03-13-2011, 06:23 AM
I don't get what the big deal is onmyknees. Egypt is a MUSLIM country if the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't take over it will be some other muslim group that takes over.

I don't necissarily disagree with you Silcc. I really have no dog in the fight in what happens in Egypt, except to naively hope they have a better life then they had previously. I say naively because when has that ever happen in North Africa or the Middle East? With the possible exception of
Kuwait...and we know why that ended up the way it did.

My issue is not with Arabs....it's with Radical Islam.

03-13-2011, 11:55 AM

ahhh Yes...Cenk the Sage. Maybe there's a slot open for him now at NPR? I mean really....it was no secret to anyone that the Republicans were going after public funding for NPR. They made that pretty clear....and if politics is about winning, ideology, and power, and it is...why wouldn't they? Your side rammed health care down our collective throats, and they did so because they won. Suck it up...write a check to NPR and let's move on. The only difference in what takes place at NPR meetings everyday is the presence of O'keefe's camera. And still that doesn't bother you. The people who run that network are bigotd, privledged, anti semites who loath people in fly over country who believe in god, guns, and the flag...that's who they are.

Yep, politics is all about winning and the power that it brings. YOU'RE ok with THAT. Naively, I'm not. Silly me, I actually think politics should be about serving the best interests of the people. Radical concept, eh?

The healthcare bill was supposed to benefit the people. Thanks to repubs and corporate CONservaDems, it ended up being a reflection of the Democratic Party leadership - weaksauce, but better than the alternative.

I'm shocked, shocked to learn that the folks over at NPR have personal beliefs. Who'da thunk it? It's not reflected in their news reporting or in any of their other programs from what I've observed. I haven't noticed any subliminal messages hidden in American Routes or This American Life or Wait, Wait Don't Tell Me or anything else I listen to regularly. Maybe it's buried in the news from Lake Woebegone? Wait a minute though...they didn't take the money. Maybe that says something about their journalistic integrity. Remember, ideology and agenda are two different things.

Where do you get this shit that they are bigoted? From Juan Williams? Fuck Juan Williams. He sullied NPR the first time he knelt down for Billo. He deserved to be fired. Anti-Semites? I wonder if anyone told Ira Glass. Privileged? Educated, maybe. I doubt the people who run NPR were all born with a silver spoon in their mouths. What makes you think they hate the god, guns and flag crowd? Would you feel better if Terry Gross interviewed Ted Nugent on Fresh Air? Maybe they should start covering NASCAR.

You're projecting a hell of a lot from Schardt's comments. Not surprising, really. But don't expect anyone to take you seriously when it's obvious you're just playing the game.

03-13-2011, 11:58 AM
America is moving into a new McCarthyite era with Fox news doing the cheerleading for hatred.

Give 'em Hell, Prospero.

03-13-2011, 06:17 PM
I don't necissarily disagree with you Silcc. I really have no dog in the fight in what happens in Egypt, except to naively hope they have a better life then they had previously. I say naively because when has that ever happen in North Africa or the Middle East? With the possible exception of
Kuwait...and we know why that ended up the way it did.

My issue is not with Arabs....it's with Radical Islam.

Not all Arabs are muslim and muslims do tend to run every middle eastern country sace for Israel. What are your views on these mosques and such. Since I live in Nashville which isn't to far from Murfreesboro I have seen wat has gone down with the Mosque down there and then there was one they tried to build in Brentwood (which was DOA)

03-15-2011, 01:10 AM
Not all Arabs are muslim and muslims do tend to run every middle eastern country sace for Israel. What are your views on these mosques and such. Since I live in Nashville which isn't to far from Murfreesboro I have seen wat has gone down with the Mosque down there and then there was one they tried to build in Brentwood (which was DOA)

Yes,...which is why I seperate my mistrust of some Muslims, from Arabs. I don't have a full understanding of the issues in Murfreesboro, so to comment would not be based in fact. I've been more preoccupied with the Mosque overlooking ground zero....I'm far more versed in the issues there.

03-16-2011, 02:56 AM
Yes,...which is why I seperate my mistrust of some Muslims, from Arabs. I don't have a full understanding of the issues in Murfreesboro, so to comment would not be based in fact. I've been more preoccupied with the Mosque overlooking ground zero....I'm far more versed in the issues there.

So you are aware that the WTC had 2 mosques in it right?

03-16-2011, 03:27 AM
So you are aware that the WTC had 2 mosques in it right?

Trust me....I'm aware of all things associated with this proposed mosque. And let me explain something to you so you have a full understanding where I'm coming from. They bombed it the first time, and as the 911 commission clearly stated, "They ( Radical Islam) was at war with us, but we were not at war with them" There is 9/10 and then there is 9/12 and things were one way on 9/10, and then everything changed. Maybe I'm less tolerant of Radical Islam and it's moderate apologizers and appeasers than you are because of people I knew that perished, but it's not just me...you might recognoize the name Michael Schuere. Schuere was the head of the CIA's bin Laden unit for 4 years and knows him as well as anyone can from afar. Here is what he said regarding the proposed Mosque near ground zero ( to be built on the site of a building that was destroyed by the landing gear of one of the planes...and you knew that, right?)

"Against this background, then, the mosque to be built on the site of America’s 9/11 defeat will be seen and celebrated by bin Laden, his allies, and the hundreds of millions of other Muslims who support or sympathize with them. The mosque will be seen as clear and concrete proof that Allah will deliver victory to His faithful if they continue to fight in His name.
This is a hard but I think an irrefutable fact. And when the mosque rises on the ground where America was defeated and humiliated on 9/11, and rises in the heart of a “Jewish City,” hundreds of millions of Muslims in the United States and around the world will be exclaiming — some quietly, others loudly, but all fervently — “Allahu Akbar!” (God is great!). The mosque will be seen — no matter what its builders and their supporters claim to the contrary — as a tangible sign of the reliability of God’s promise of victory for Muslims who fight the infidels who attack Islam. And this sign will be burnished by the coming U.S. defeats in Iraq and Afghanistan.
As the mosque is built, then, it is important to remember that whatever 1st Amendment issues are involved, and however admirable the builders’ desire for intra-faith dialogue may be, the United States is once again — and knowingly, though Bloomberg and Obama feign ignorance — putting its foot into a snare that bin Laden did not lay but one from which he and those he leads and inspires will benefit enormously. The construction of the mosque at the site of America’s 9/11 defeat by Islamist forces will be seen by those forces and their followers as an unquestionably positive augury of victories to come, and perhaps as the much-needed final, fatal stake in the heart of Muslim defeatism.*

And in case you're inclined to blow him off as just another hateful right winger...think again .....Scheuer is highly critical of many of our foreign policies in the Arab world.

I can tell from your post, you don't have an issue with the building of the mosque, but please don't try to convince me of the contrary. You'd be barking up a very wrong tree. I know too many people both here and overseas that are no longer breathing our air at the hands of radical Islam.

03-16-2011, 04:41 AM
Why would anybody have an issue with someone putting a church on their private property?

03-16-2011, 09:18 PM
No if it's on muslim land

03-17-2011, 01:52 AM
onmyknees you seem to be labeling EVERY muslim as as a radical. I also know that you're an avid Fox News watcher so what are your thoughts on Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal? I'm sure you know exactly who he is.

03-17-2011, 03:01 AM
onmyknees you seem to be labeling EVERY muslim as as a radical. I also know that you're an avid Fox News watcher so what are your thoughts on Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal? I'm sure you know exactly who he is.

No response to Mr. Schuerer I see..While we're talking about your beloved Ground Zero mosque...Know this. ................
There is currently a suit filed by a NYFD 911
survivor . His suit is based on Freedom of Information documents obtained by his attorneys that show the NYC Historical Preservation Society went way out what is their legal authority in determining the status of that damaged building....to the point of emails for the funders of the mosque and from many in the Mayors office providing "help". In case you were unaware...there are charged with determining the historical status of existing buildings......not what is to be built in their place. This was political payola from day one. If the judge determines the emails reveal a closer relationship then what is legal or customary in similar cases before them...you'll have to attend another mosque, cause that one is DOA. Also...we're onto our 3rd person running the show....the first 2 resigned because of "unfortunate" statements. It was also revealed that the backers and supporters don't even have enough to begin the demolition, so this is going nowhere fast. Makes me wonder what happened to Prince Tatal's modest donation. Maybe he got cold feet too !! LMAO BTW...are you lending financial support to that Mosque down there in Tennessee? You seem quit concerned about it.

Now ...onto your assertion...No.....I don't label every Muslim a radical. I label ever terrorist a Muslim because that's a factually correct statement. My second point is maybe you're smart enough to visually differentiate a peace loving Muslim from a terrorist. I can't. That doesn't mean I label them....it means I'm wary. It means I discriminate with no malice . As you must know....the 911 crew lived , worked and blended in quite nicely into our society. That's the nature of terrorists.
I end with a rhetorical question...notwithstanding the tragedy in Japan, the world is on fire in at least 20 countries. What do all those countries have in common? Hint....not peaceful Muslims.

03-17-2011, 03:14 AM
You mean that savagery that is taking place 'south of the border, down Mexico way' is being perpetrated by Muslims? You mean to say that the cycles of violence and diamond theft taking place in the risibly-called 'Democratic Republic of the Congo' and Zimbabwe are the work of Muslims? The brutal suppression of democratic activists in Burma/Myanmar a few years ago -Muslims?

The 'Birmingham Six' however were Irish when the Provisional IRA blew up a pub in Birmingham, and yes they were arrested, tortured and sent to prison for 16 years until the Crown admitted -as the police themselves had always said to the men themselves- that they were innocent -except of course they were Irish when terrorists were Irish, and so on and so on and so on. What would have happened had the proverbial 'bomb' been dropped on Northern Ireland? Yes, there are a small number of fanatics out there, but the truth is you need other Muslims to inform on them, its just a passing phase, ten years from now some other group -religious, national, political- will be in the stocks awaiting your hysterical bloodlust...

03-17-2011, 03:37 AM
You mean that savagery that is taking place 'south of the border, down Mexico way' is being perpetrated by Muslims? You mean to say that the cycles of violence and diamond theft taking place in the risibly-called 'Democratic Republic of the Congo' and Zimbabwe are the work of Muslims? The brutal suppression of democratic activists in Burma/Myanmar a few years ago -Muslims?

The 'Birmingham Six' however were Irish when the Provisional IRA blew up a pub in Birmingham, and yes they were arrested, tortured and sent to prison for 16 years until the Crown admitted -as the police themselves had always said to the men themselves- that they were innocent -except of course they were Irish when terrorists were Irish, and so on and so on and so on. What would have happened had the proverbial 'bomb' been dropped on Northern Ireland? Yes, there are a small number of fanatics out there, but the truth is you need other Muslims to inform on them, its just a passing phase, ten years from now some other group -religious, national, political- will be in the stocks awaiting your hysterical bloodlust...
I blame the earth quake on muslims,i blame aids on muslims i even hate my tea towels because of muslims

03-17-2011, 04:11 AM
No response to Mr. Schuerer I see..While we're talking about your beloved Ground Zero mosque...Know this. ................
There is currently a suit filed by a NYFD 911
survivor . His suit is based on Freedom of Information documents obtained by his attorneys that show the NYC Historical Preservation Society went way out what is their legal authority in determining the status of that damaged building....to the point of emails for the funders of the mosque and from many in the Mayors office providing "help". In case you were unaware...there are charged with determining the historical status of existing buildings......not what is to be built in their place. This was political payola from day one. If the judge determines the emails reveal a closer relationship then what is legal or customary in similar cases before them...you'll have to attend another mosque, cause that one is DOA. Also...we're onto our 3rd person running the show....the first 2 resigned because of "unfortunate" statements. It was also revealed that the backers and supporters don't even have enough to begin the demolition, so this is going nowhere fast. Makes me wonder what happened to Prince Tatal's modest donation. Maybe he got cold feet too !! LMAO BTW...are you lending financial support to that Mosque down there in Tennessee? You seem quit concerned about it.

Now ...onto your assertion...No.....I don't label every Muslim a radical. I label ever terrorist a Muslim because that's a factually correct statement. My second point is maybe you're smart enough to visually differentiate a peace loving Muslim from a terrorist. I can't. That doesn't mean I label them....it means I'm wary. It means I discriminate with no malice . As you must know....the 911 crew lived , worked and blended in quite nicely into our society. That's the nature of terrorists.
I end with a rhetorical question...notwithstanding the tragedy in Japan, the world is on fire in at least 20 countries. What do all those countries have in common? Hint....not peaceful Muslims.

Now correct me if i'm wrong but didn't Bin Laden obtain all of his military training from the US in our conflicts with USSR back in the 80's. And no I have NO money tied to any mosque or anything else. When I went to church i'd pay my tithes and that was it. So you don't consider the KKK to be terrorist? They are christian, they would hang and kill black people. They are just as bad as radical muslims.

03-17-2011, 04:32 AM
Now correct me if i'm wrong but didn't Bin Laden obtain all of his military training from the US in our conflicts with USSR back in the 80's. And no I have NO money tied to any mosque or anything else. When I went to church i'd pay my tithes and that was it. So you don't consider the KKK to be terrorist? They are christian, they would hang and kill black people. They are just as bad as radical muslims.

your KKK argument is a fatal flaw most liberals have. You can't be serious....can you? I took you as more studious than to compare the KKK to radical Islam. You give yourself away. Despite what the Southern Poverty Law Center might have you believe, the last real splash the KKK made was that march Skokie 20 years ago, and that was a pathetic undertaking and was scorned by the people of that town. They are largely irrelevent, despised by the masses, ( unlike radical Islam which has loyality and sympathizers globally) do not kill in the name of God or religion, do not use explosives to kill for maxium effect, do not kill women and children. Are not funded and enabled by foreign leaders from Arab countries. Are not an internationally feared group. If you can tell me the last violent act attributed to an organized KKK group, I'd be interested to hear that. And lastly...we're not at war with the KKK as disgusting as they might be and have no troops in foreign countries fighting them. If you liberals hated radical Islam and it's enablers to the degree you say you hate a largely irrelevent group or white boogy men, we might have some common ground......... FAIL

03-17-2011, 04:42 AM
Islam loves liberals to defend its cause,they are it's trojan horse

03-17-2011, 04:51 AM
Oh there we go. An apologist for the Klan who can't even get his facts straight. Why am I not surprized?

03-17-2011, 04:56 AM
Oh here we go with shit again what part of i'm not a liberal do you not understand? I have grown up with muslims for half of my life. I have muslims friends here, Australia and Singapore. Muslims are if anything more conservative than liberal. I asked an Egyptian muslim girl and she agreed but she said that votes democrats because THEY are trying to keep my people alive. And the KKK is alive and well they don't half the shit they use to but take your ass to stormwatch.org And the last time I checked the KKK was only in the USA not anywhere else. And I guess Scott Roeder isn't a terrorist and Joseph Stack neither. No of course not white men can't be terrorist well not in conservative. BTW would'nt you be considered a Log Cabin Republican?

03-17-2011, 08:03 AM
send muslims back to their true homelands =sand

03-18-2011, 03:27 AM
Oh there we go. An apologist for the Klan who can't even get his facts straight. Why am I not surprized?

You're not surprised because you don't have the intellect to be . You're a simple minded ignorant fool...I'm sorry but there's no kind way of saying it. I knew you were going to comeback with that...it's so predictable, and so are you. This is the game liberals play and I'm so onto it. Draw some sort of moral equivlency between people or events, no matter how unrelated..(in this case radical Islam and the KKK) and when the flaws in that argument are duely pointed out.....seek to label the writer as a defender, but don't engage on the facts. It's the same fucking thing you assholes tried to do to the tea party. can't win the intellectual argument...start the name calling. Reread the post slimebag. Silcc made the camparison ...I pointed out there was none. But why am I defending my post to you...you're a simpleton. Nobody was defending the KKK. OK....tell me the last time it was proven the KKK was involved in an act of terrorism that resulted in the death of an American....go ahead. That's a legal, historical, current events question....not a defense of the guilty....in case you don't understand the difference. Answer the question, or climb back in your hole and stop trolling my posts with your ignorance. It's perfectly acceptable to be liberal, but not stupid.

03-18-2011, 03:50 AM
Oh here we go with shit again what part of i'm not a liberal do you not understand? I have grown up with muslims for half of my life. I have muslims friends here, Australia and Singapore. Muslims are if anything more conservative than liberal. I asked an Egyptian muslim girl and she agreed but she said that votes democrats because THEY are trying to keep my people alive. And the KKK is alive and well they don't half the shit they use to but take your ass to stormwatch.org And the last time I checked the KKK was only in the USA not anywhere else. And I guess Scott Roeder isn't a terrorist and Joseph Stack neither. No of course not white men can't be terrorist well not in conservative. BTW would'nt you be considered a Log Cabin Republican?

Don't widen the argument. You compared the KKK to Radical Islam. I asked for facts...you reach for Scott Roeder. Fail...keep reaching.

You seem upset at being labeled a liberal. If the shoe fits...wear it.
I've never read one post by you to suggest that you weren't anything but a left winger. Muslims are more conservative than liberal?? I'm not sure what that means....do you mean politically or religiously. bin Ladin could be considered a religious conservative. LOL
I'm curious....your Muslim friends say they vote democrats because they keep them alive. Well that's pretty ungrateful since it was Republicans who liberated Kuwait....have provided Iraq with it's first chance at self determination in 2000 years, while removing the single biggest mass murderer of Muslims, and who continue to die in the god foresaken mountians of Afghanastan for a bunch of 14th century tribesman trying to keep them safe from other blood thirsty Muslims. I'd say your Muslim friends need a history lesson. I've about had it spilling American blood for these people. I say withdraw from every Muslim country tomorrow and let the Sunnis fight the Shiite's , and the fundementalist fight the secular Muslims and the dictators fight the masses, and see where it all ends up. What would your friends say about that? I'm sure they'd blame it on the Republicans. I'm not saying your friends are bad people, just ungrateful, and probably have selective memories.

03-18-2011, 06:46 AM
You're not surprised because you don't have the intellect to be . You're a simple minded ignorant fool...I'm sorry but there's no kind way of saying it. I knew you were going to comeback with that...it's so predictable, and so are you. This is the game liberals play and I'm so onto it. Draw some sort of moral equivlency between people or events, no matter how unrelated..(in this case radical Islam and the KKK) and when the flaws in that argument are duely pointed out.....seek to label the writer as a defender, but don't engage on the facts. It's the same fucking thing you assholes tried to do to the tea party. can't win the intellectual argument...start the name calling. Reread the post slimebag. Silcc made the camparison ...I pointed out there was none. But why am I defending my post to you...you're a simpleton. Nobody was defending the KKK. OK....tell me the last time it was proven the KKK was involved in an act of terrorism that resulted in the death of an American....go ahead. That's a legal, historical, current events question....not a defense of the guilty....in case you don't understand the difference. Answer the question, or climb back in your hole and stop trolling my posts with your ignorance. It's perfectly acceptable to be liberal, but not stupid.
Oh wow! Touch a nerve, sheet monkey? Nice of you to out yourself. Maybe if you try real hard, you can pull a smidgen of credibility back out of that toilet you just flushed.

Which came first, Skokie or Greensboro? You should know, if you're going to run for grand wizard. But then again, you should've known that Skokie was the American nazi party. 6 of one, half dozen of the other really. That's why I usually refer to them as a single unit, "klan/nazi". Your brotherhood is a terrorist organization. That's why they were formed, that's all they've ever been, & they serve no other function. Since bigotry is a manifestation of fear, all y'all're just a bunch of punks anyway.

As for the tea party: They started off as sincere dupes, but it didn't take long for them to be infested & infected by you guys, & every other crackpot group of crazies. This too shall pass.

03-18-2011, 02:41 PM
Wow hippie you are getting so fired up lol !!!!!

03-18-2011, 06:16 PM
Wow hippie you are getting so fired up lol !!!!!
What? The sheet monkey opened it up. Do you have any idea what these fanatic assholes are about? They're still lynching people & burning churches. Nichols & McVey were tangled up with them. The feds know who McVey was dealing with & where he went between Waco & OKC. But conspiracies are hard to prove. They did manage to nail a 3rd conspirator, 1500 mile away in NW Arizona. There's more, but we have constraints on government prosecution. The only connection between McVey & Fortier was "mutual friends". The fanatics accepted their fate. Fortier's out of jail, Nichols won't ever get out, & McVey's dead. None of them ever said anything to anybody that wasn't already public knowlege. As organized terrorists, the klan/nazis have mastered the "lone wolf" PR spin. They've been nailed a few times, so they're no longer overt in their organized actions. They're still there though. Same targets. Their enemies are negroes, Jews, & Catholics. In that order, & they have no qualms about "collateral damage". Not all, but some of them (especially the nazi purists) have come out in support of any arab terrorists who's aim is the destruction of Israel.

Don't kid yourself. Homegrown terrorists in the US are a lot more dangerous than any bunch of Muslims. The klan/nazis love the Muslims because the paranoia toward Islam diverts public attention. When the Murrah building got bombed, the media toons were interviewing every fertilizer seller in a 100 mile radius, trying to get a scoop on which Arabs set the bomb. When it was announced that McVey was in custody, They all went "Huh?". I thought if was funny that the talking heads got caught with their pants down. To me, it was obvious immediately who the perpetrators were, because it had been announced earlier on the radio that it was the 2nd anniversary of the Waco fire. Terroists are terrorists regardless of who they are or who their targets are.

03-18-2011, 10:04 PM
Australia does not have those kind of nut cases.But we do have muslim dickheads

03-18-2011, 11:37 PM
Don't widen the argument. You compared the KKK to Radical Islam. I asked for facts...you reach for Scott Roeder. Fail...keep reaching.

You seem upset at being labeled a liberal. If the shoe fits...wear it.
I've never read one post by you to suggest that you weren't anything but a left winger. Muslims are more conservative than liberal?? I'm not sure what that means....do you mean politically or religiously. bin Ladin could be considered a religious conservative. LOL
I'm curious....your Muslim friends say they vote democrats because they keep them alive. Well that's pretty ungrateful since it was Republicans who liberated Kuwait....have provided Iraq with it's first chance at self determination in 2000 years, while removing the single biggest mass murderer of Muslims, and who continue to die in the god foresaken mountians of Afghanastan for a bunch of 14th century tribesman trying to keep them safe from other blood thirsty Muslims. I'd say your Muslim friends need a history lesson. I've about had it spilling American blood for these people. I say withdraw from every Muslim country tomorrow and let the Sunnis fight the Shiite's , and the fundementalist fight the secular Muslims and the dictators fight the masses, and see where it all ends up. What would your friends say about that? I'm sure they'd blame it on the Republicans. I'm not saying your friends are bad people, just ungrateful, and probably have selective memories.

ROFLMAO what part of EGYPTIAN friend did you not understand? When did Egypt have anything to do with the Kuwait? I know of NO person from Kuwait. I know of Kurds that were bombed by Sadam in 88 but I made NO mention of them. And i love how you bring Bin Laden into the equation. I guess Hitler makes every Christian look bad too? Muslims are typical anti- abortion, anti-divorce, anti drugs, anti-gay. They only thing that really differs from the right is there view on TAXES and the rich. So maybe if you'd actually spoke to a few muslims you'd learn a few things about them rather than listen to all the rhetoric from your precious Fox News. I do agree with your comment of letting them fight each other.

03-19-2011, 12:21 AM
Perhaps, if Muslims are such a danger as some would have us believe, we should pass an amendment to the Constitution banning the sell of guns to American citizens who are Muslim. I mean, isn't it rather stupid to sell arms to such an obvious and evil enemy, even if they are citizens? Just a temporary suspension of the Second Amendment for a very specific segment of the citizenry is all I'm asking for. After we convert them all to Christianity, the Second Amendment will, in effect, be restored.

03-19-2011, 12:54 AM
Perhaps, if Muslims are such a danger as some would have us believe, we should pass an amendment to the Constitution banning the sell of guns to American citizens who are Muslim. I mean, isn't it rather stupid to sell arms to such an obvious and evil enemy, even if they are citizens? Just a temporary suspension of the Second Amendment for a very specific segment of the citizenry is all I'm asking for. After we convert them all to Christianity, the Second Amendment will, in effect, be restored.
I agree with Trish 100 percent what a great idea:Bowdown:

03-19-2011, 01:14 AM
Why stop there? I would not be surprised if you thought all Italian-Americans were connected to the Mafia, so why not ban Italian-Americans from buying weapons. Wait, there is a war going on south of the border, down Mexico way, so ban anyone with an Hispanic name from buying guns...come to think of it, why not change the constitution and ban EVERYONE from bearing arms (other than legitimate armed forces like the police and the armed services). Take the toys away from the boys, what what?

03-19-2011, 01:21 AM
Why stop there? I would not be surprised if you thought all Italian-Americans were connected to the Mafia, so why not ban Italian-Americans from buying weapons. Wait, there is a war going on south of the border, down Mexico way, so ban anyone with an Hispanic name from buying guns...come to think of it, why not change the constitution and ban EVERYONE from bearing arms (other than legitimate armed forces like the police and the armed services). Take the toys away from the boys, what what?

Cause the Mafia doesn't exist anymore. :)

03-19-2011, 01:32 AM
I was just thinking that we are already contemplating denying Muslim citizens their First Amendment rights (not allowing them to build Mosques or worship in places where any other religion would be allowed to build a place of worship), so why not also suspend their Second Amendment rights. After all, if they're really all that evil and dangerous and inclined against us, it's more important to deny them guns than Mosques, right?

03-19-2011, 04:56 AM
I was just thinking that we are already contemplating denying Muslim citizens their First Amendment rights (not allowing them to build Mosques or worship in places where any other religion would be allowed to build a place of worship), so why not also suspend their Second Amendment rights. After all, if they're really all that evil and dangerous and inclined against us, it's more important to deny them guns than Mosques, right?
Great idea Trish =that':iagree:s the way to go

03-19-2011, 06:36 AM
Australia does not have those kind of nut cases.But we do have muslim dickheads

Maybe you should hire a car/camper van and drive from Sydney to Darwin but hope you don't break down and meet Son of Foster's and have your head blown off because he thinks its a fun thing to do to city slickers infiltrating his free land...

03-19-2011, 06:38 AM
Cause the Mafia doesn't exist anymore. :)

I think you need to get out more often dear...

03-19-2011, 08:19 AM
Australia does not have those kind of nut cases.But we do have muslim dickheads
Sure it does. Every place does. Austrailia has a relatively small population, & they're just not overtly organized. But everywhere has their share of assholes. Our assholes aren't afraid of the law because freedom of speech & assembly are taken seriously throughout the society, & it's not against the law to be crazy or stupid.

Your statement sounds an awful lot like Ahmadinejad trying to tell the world that homosexuals didn't exist in Iran.

03-19-2011, 02:28 PM
Same as hippie wankers do not exist in america