View Full Version : check out this website - reads your mind

12-02-2005, 06:27 PM

You can go to this website and just follow the instructions. Answer the questions as truthfully as you can and it will guess what object you are thinking of. Its sponsored by Burger King.

12-03-2005, 06:21 PM
Funny when BK stepped into the room... but it was wrong. Thought cup - it said wallclock.

12-03-2005, 08:13 PM
I let it run until Vader gave up and walked off. BK was funny, though.

(I was thinking prickly pear: it made some pretty shrewd guesses.)

12-03-2005, 08:22 PM
It guessed correct on me 1 out of 3 times

it guessed palm tree..was thinking apple tree
it guessed tongue..i was thinking breast implants

it did correctly guess white tiger though...was kinda impressed on that.

DJ Asia

12-03-2005, 11:21 PM
took 27 turns for butt for me.
the force is strong with this one

Gus The Dagger
12-04-2005, 01:12 AM
i wasnt thinking of anything and somehow it turned up to be a bottle. I thought that I was thinking about a black board.

The Magic One
12-06-2005, 02:42 AM
I was thinking about my dick. He said does it have somthing to do with sex? Pretty cool SW

12-06-2005, 03:18 AM
he got it right on the 2nd try....first try said squash racket and 2nd got it right as a bowling ball

12-06-2005, 03:18 AM
For me, it was dice, and it took 29 questions to figure it out. Very cool.
