View Full Version : Warning!! Beauty is only skin deep!!!

12-02-2005, 09:34 AM
As many of you may know, I recently had Rhinoplasty ( nose job) about 2 1/2 weeks ago, and if u didnt know, now you know :lol:
Anyway, I was debating the surgery for a long time before-hand, about 2 yrs. Most people told me I didnt need it and sum said that I should do what makes me happy. After long consideration its done. Mind you, as Transexuals we go thru many changes, both internal and external, we are our worst critics and are always trying to do something to "enhance" our look.
Getting to the point, sometimes its better to look within yourself and then your true beauty will shine. I want all of the young girls who visit this site to know this. Dont criticize yourself or put yourself down. If some one tells you that your pretty, trust me....you must me cute in sum way or another, besides beauty is in the eye of the behonder anyway.
I can honestly say that out of my 6 years of being a Transexual, out of all the changes and enhancement ive ben thru, that Rhinoplasty is the worstttttttttt feeling ive had. Pain Pian Pain!!!. And all for what..the sake of beauty.
As I look at myself in the mirror, at my swollen nose, my blacken eye lids, and my bloood shot eyes, I say Why? I was completely satisified with myself before, but again as TS' we are always trying to make something better, enhance. Well now my motto is, 'If it aint broke, dont try to fix it"

As my swelling goes down and i come back to my normal self, I look at my new nose and smile... its sooo cute, and dont get me wrong i am very pleased with the work my doctor did, It gives me a more refined look. "Next Top Model" type face...lol, I can see now that when im completely healed that I will be stunning.
But this goes back to what I was saying, even before the surgery I would look at myself and have the same thoughts, ( im a cutie), I was stunning before. So that makes my mind wonder...all this pain, all this torture, all this time to heal for????? Just to be pretty, as if you werent before.
Not saying that I regret the surrgery, but all I know is this ladies, we are all beautiful in sum way, and if there is not something definately wrong.. dont try and change it. You will save yourself alot of pain and time...lol
Beauty is only skin deep, its what you have to start with, and whats inside that always counts in the end.
Wish me well everyone and hope to see you all soon in NYC.


12-02-2005, 09:41 AM
You really didn't need a nose job, but I fully understand your reason's for wanting one and if it makes you happy, then that's what counts. I can't wait to see some pics with you new look!!!!

12-02-2005, 10:39 AM
I hope everything goes well for you jade.

12-02-2005, 11:19 AM

what you are going through is post surgical depression. once you heal- you will feel much better and different about the experience.

i personally think u would definately benefit from the nose job-as u have a small face, and a more refined smaller nose would better the symmetry.

just , wait, be patient- it will turn out great...........................................

12-02-2005, 12:48 PM
I need a nose job........................... sigh
tired of broads trying to rub their cunt lips on it
sigh again

12-02-2005, 09:17 PM
I'm just patiently awaiting the unveiling. :)

12-03-2005, 06:11 PM
Whatever makes you happy you should do (as long as your not hurting others)*

*Unless they asked and you have an agreement. lol

12-03-2005, 07:21 PM
Well..itll be interesting to see the results since I wouldnt have thought you needed a nose job in the first place.

12-03-2005, 07:35 PM
Jade you were gorgeous before...and can't see to many things that could enhance the outer and inner beauty you possess already....but you should always do what pleases you...kudos to you....I look forward to seeing the new you pics...

12-03-2005, 07:37 PM

12-03-2005, 08:27 PM
As I look at myself in the mirror, at my swollen nose, my blacken eye lids, and my bloood shot eyes, I say Why? I was completely satisified with myself before, but again as TS' we are always trying to make something better, enhance. Well now my motto is, 'If it aint broke, dont try to fix it"

You still look good thou sis 8) Stop being so dam Dramatic and Enjoy ur new mug Hoe!!! <<<<Speaking in sisterly tone :D

12-04-2005, 12:25 AM
Thanx everyone for all the kids words and support, its been almost 3 weeks, and im feeling alot better. Even went out last nite :wink: .
Ill probably do a photo shoot next month, just to make sure eveythings A-ok


12-05-2005, 06:47 AM
Thanx everyone for all the kids words and support, its been almost 3 weeks, and im feeling alot better. Even went out last nite :wink: .
Ill probably do a photo shoot next month, just to make sure eveythings A-ok


Can't wait to see those new pics!!!!