11-26-2005, 03:18 AM
Everybody knows that the day after thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year.Most of the employees at wal-mart took today off cuz if you know walmart you know it goes down.I saw some crazy stuff today.I almost got stampeded by a bunch of rednecks after $5 dvds.I got fired!!Anyways the title came from a funny situation today.I was working the Electronics department at like 5 this morning.We had DVD players on sell for 30 bucks.It was like this really long line of people waiting to get them and I was the only barrier between them and their prized possesions.I was so scared cuz it was almost time for me to cut the tape.As soon as I cut the tape all these people just ran up and grabbed them.Well the stack that was almost 6 feet high was getting lower and lower.Until there was just one left.Well I saw this little old lady and I thought I would be nice and grab it for her.She had been standing in lne so long and people just kept passing over her and things.So I grabbed the last dvd player and tucked it under my arm and started walking over to the lady.Well out of nowhere this black woman runs up and grabs my arm snatching the dvd player from my arm.I snatched it backShe puched me in my eye and said, "That's my damn dvd player bitch" grabbed the dvd player and walked off.I was so upset because I really wanted this lady to have this dvd player she looked so sad just sitting over there waiting patiently.So I ran up behind the lady and tackled her ass.Its a long story but basically I got fired over a dvd player.The funny thing is the old lady didnt even get the dvd player and I had to pay for it because it was damaged.

Wow i believe that because i was at walmart this morning and it was crazy there was stuff everywhere and there was almost a fight. I cant believe you got fired for being nice(i would have done the same thing), i tried to get a laptop but the line was packed at 3:30 for them, anyway i hope you get your job back!

11-26-2005, 07:08 AM
Its WELL known the people who manage walmart are fucking morons and cant find there own asses. Im not suprised they sided with the customer. Walmart has zero solidarity.

You did the right thing Shay..although i would have been a bit more wily in getting it back..ie: telling security that I was going to buy it and she walked up and ripped it out of your hands, calling me racial slurs/threatening me......Not only would i have gotten it back, i would have had her ass thrown out of the store.

Youll make x10 the amount of money waiting tables at a Fridays or suchlike anyway.....

11-26-2005, 07:50 AM
Both funny and sad. You would have had that bitch spending some time in jail and still had your job if you didn't tackle her though.

11-26-2005, 08:20 AM
I'm really sorry you lost your gig for trying to do the right thing. Hope you find something better soon.

11-26-2005, 09:11 AM
So sorry to hear what happened. Its amazing how crazy folks get this time of year for simple materialistic items. Everyone wants to be the first to get something, just to show it off to their friends. In the meantime, not thinking about the safety of the rest of us. Sucks the way that went down, youll bounce back and find something better. Hope your eye is feeling ok.


11-26-2005, 01:56 PM

All will be ok...God know where your heart was...Black friday is a mess....

You will be ok and find a job thats ten times better...Pray and Belive

Have to also say.You are so very Beautiful.

11-26-2005, 02:02 PM
awww kudos to you miss Shalaya,sorry to hear about that happening,

11-26-2005, 03:02 PM

All will be ok...God know where your heart was...Black friday is a mess....

You will be ok and find a job thats ten times better...Pray and Belive

Have to also say.You are so very Beautiful.

LOL..I see you trying to get your mack on.

11-26-2005, 05:18 PM
Even though it didn't work out in the end, the fact is you tried to do something good. You should be proud of yourself.


11-26-2005, 07:05 PM

All will be ok...God know where your heart was...Black friday is a mess....

You will be ok and find a job thats ten times better...Pray and Belive

Have to also say.You are so very Beautiful.

LOL..I see you trying to get your mack on.

LMAO .... that's a good one evil_twin !

Shay sweetie: sorry about your firing! No good deed goes unrewarded, you'll move on to bigger and better :wink:

11-26-2005, 08:44 PM
yeah retail is a tough gig.....cause alot of these places have strict customer service policies which is a good thing but on the other hand there are people there to exploit it....when i was in college i worked at a popular home improvement chain....in training they said if someone comes in with a gallon of milk at the returns desk, u return it (even though they dont sell food)....it shows u what people will do for a dvd player....the sad thing is that it probably is an old model that doesnt even have progressive scan capabilities.....i can feel u though...its hard to work for a store that expects so much of u and doesnt even have your back... dont worry shayla , u will find another job where u are appreciated....walmart is just a machine

11-26-2005, 09:25 PM
Some years ago I moved into the background where I work, away from the retail end. Ever since, management has hoped I'd opt back to working with the public, because I was so good at customer service, both in person and on the phone. My 'people skills' were considered such high quality that not only have numerous people asked about me in the passing years, missing my 'witty reparte', they have also stopped me on the street, come up to me in restaurants, and even started a write-in campaign to push me into the governor's office in 2000 (To which the former governor nervously laughed).

Little do they know that the only reason I'd run for office is so that I could get in a position to cause the greatest amount of grief for the largest number of people with the least amount of effort. Just to get even. :twisted:

I also made it clear to the 'people on the hill' that I'd go back to working with the public if they'd fulfill a simple request: Issue me a service revolver and blanket permission to use it in order to cull the herd. :evil:

I've never considered myself a 'people person', per se, but I was surely cured of any possibility of being defined as one by the I-want-it-all-and-I-want-it-now American public. There wasn't a day went by that I didn't have to do the two-step with some ignorant, lazy, spoiled, self-centered git that was using their time with me to hone their special skills of abuse towards retail and service personnel. Too many people have reached the point where, in their day to day interactions with store clerks, wait staff, bus drivers, etc., they could care less who they piss off (Or piss on), so long as they come out the top dog with the cheap-ass, clearance sale, last-year's-model, Betamax that they'll be bored of or wanting to upgrade before the New Year's confetti hits the floor.

So, remember kidz, it's only twenty-nine daze to fucking $-mas. Go out and knock over a few people at your local Wally-Mart and get those lame-ass bargains for your family to enjoy while you spend some time in a cell for assault (Or in a hospital as victim of same).

Me? It's all about the gift cards. Point, click, checkout. Let someone else play the lemming's mating ritual.


Oh, and Ms. Shay, now you can go out and get a real job with actual =human= customers. But if you go for wait service, apply at a high-end restaurant where the average dinner check is more than fifty bucks (Without it all being alcohol). The tips will be generally higher and not so many of the customers will be likely to barf on your shoes.

TrueBeauty TS
11-27-2005, 06:20 AM
Sorry to hear about your job loss and black eye. :(

Gus The Dagger
11-27-2005, 07:20 AM
Everybody knows that the day after thanksgiving is the biggest shopping day of the year.Most of the employees at wal-mart took today off cuz if you know walmart you know it goes down.I saw some crazy stuff today.I almost got stampeded by a bunch of rednecks after $5 dvds.I got fired!!Anyways the title came from a funny situation today.I was working the Electronics department at like 5 this morning.We had DVD players on sell for 30 bucks.It was like this really long line of people waiting to get them and I was the only barrier between them and their prized possesions.I was so scared cuz it was almost time for me to cut the tape.As soon as I cut the tape all these people just ran up and grabbed them.Well the stack that was almost 6 feet high was getting lower and lower.Until there was just one left.Well I saw this little old lady and I thought I would be nice and grab it for her.She had been standing in lne so long and people just kept passing over her and things.So I grabbed the last dvd player and tucked it under my arm and started walking over to the lady.Well out of nowhere this black woman runs up and grabs my arm snatching the dvd player from my arm.I snatched it backShe puched me in my eye and said, "That's my damn dvd player bitch" grabbed the dvd player and walked off.I was so upset because I really wanted this lady to have this dvd player she looked so sad just sitting over there waiting patiently.So I ran up behind the lady and tackled her ass.Its a long story but basically I got fired over a dvd player.The funny thing is the old lady didnt even get the dvd player and I had to pay for it because it was damaged.
I dont think that it is ethical for employee to hold an item for someone. 1st come 1st served basis is aplied here, that old lady shouldve picked the DVD by herself, if she didnt than the black woman that had 100% right to take the DVD from you, but the fact that she punched you was wrong.

Gus The Dagger
11-27-2005, 07:29 AM
I really miss my days from when I worked at the copy center. I just loved to overcharge the customers on the color copy jobs. I hated these customers so much that my only way of coping with it was to overcharge them or mislead them BUT at the end they had to be satisffied and I wouldnt be busted. Only once I was busted for recommending a Lexmark printed as "The best printer ever made" only to saying "All the Lexmarks suck" to the customer's wife.

11-27-2005, 10:39 PM
Damn Shalaya that's f'ed up. What happened to the woman who assaulted you??? I know the customer's always right but damn what was security doing thru the whole episode??? Anyway keep ya head up life is full of setbacks. Success is determined by how you handle setbacks.

Gus The Dagger
11-28-2005, 03:35 AM
Why did you have to pay for the DVD player? Did you bought it?

11-28-2005, 03:48 AM
Why did you have to pay for the DVD player? Did you bought it?

Because, in our litigous society, it was cheaper for Wally-Mart to coddle the 'offended' customer at the employee's expense than to kick said customer out of their store for incitement. It is not in the store's best interest to defend their people against the bipedal excrement that spends their money there.

Basic business sense in America. I'm sure it's first-day liturgy at the Fortress on the Charles.

Gus The Dagger
11-28-2005, 04:17 AM
Why did you have to pay for the DVD player? Did you bought it?

Because, in our litigous society, it was cheaper for Wally-Mart to coddle the 'offended' customer at the employee's expense than to kick said customer out of their store for incitement. It is not in the store's best interest to defend their people against the bipedal excrement that spends their money there.

Basic business sense in America. I'm sure it's first-day liturgy at the Fortress on the Charles.

Was this policy in the employment agreement?