View Full Version : Cohesive Gel Implants vs Saline

10-22-2010, 03:52 AM
Does anyone have any experience with the look and feel of Cohesive Silicone-Gel vs Saline. I want to get implants but I'm unsure if I should wait and spend the extra money or just go with Saline.

Also I'm worried about going too big because i have big arms and don't want to look like a line backer. So I was thinking of getting a small C, also because my breats will continue to go for another 5 years at least.

Also, does anyone have any doctors they can recommend? I'm considering going with a TS Doctor www.drchristinemcginn.com

10-22-2010, 04:35 AM
interesting, I do have strong pecs. Where did you get yours done? and by whom? Can you share with me the cost?

10-22-2010, 04:41 AM
I can't recommend a doctor since I live in one of the scandinavian countries.:) I didn't pay anything. Transsexualism is very much considered a medical condition here, and we actually get implants by the health care system if we don't get enough breast tissue from hormones alone.

10-22-2010, 04:53 AM
wow, that's where i need to go to get them done =P Congrats my lovely!!

10-22-2010, 01:44 PM
i didn't pay anything. Transsexualism is very much considered a medical condition here, and we actually get implants by the health care system if we don't get enough breast tissue from hormones alone.

p a t h e t i c

10-22-2010, 03:02 PM
Obviously himself...

10-22-2010, 05:41 PM
The girlfriend (10 years now...) had saline done in 2002. She replaced them with silicone last year. I can tell you from my hands on standpoint there is no comparison, the silicone is amazing. She runs marathons and works out daily, with zero problems.

Hope that helps a bit. And the re-install was about 3800.00

10-22-2010, 06:20 PM
I had mine done in June and went with silicone. I'm really happy with the results. They have pretty much dropped all the way now and have really softened up and feel great! The only reason I considered going with saline is that there are more options as to where to place the incision. I ended up going with a crease incision because of the size of the implant (650 cc). The scars are still noticeable but are fading nicely. My surgeon said that he would only go over the muscle with an implant if he was working on a power lifter.

You'll have a better idea on size once you've been to a few consultations and have tried them on for yourself. I have a large frame so the bigger sizes worked better proportionately.

One thing I found is that some surgeons won't perform on ts patients so I had to travel a bit to find a good doc that was comfortable working on ts. I went with Dr. Gray in San Francisco and would absolutely recommend him to anyone. He does great work and has a friendly staff. My total cost was $7400.