View Full Version : Rick Perry at THE CABARET AT LA TE DA

10-01-2010, 05:38 AM
Hal wrote about it a week ago (http://halfempth.blogspot.com/2010/09/rick-perrys-campaign-cash-spends-well.html), but it’s still making the rounds. Click the little to get the big one.

http://juanitajean.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/perrylateda.jpg (http://juanitajean.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/perrylateda.jpg)

Juanita comments, “Texas Governor Rick Perry, who is not, absolutely not, totally not, repeat NOT gay, spent $78.26 at a Key West, Florida, popular gay club with drag entertainment. As you know, I take all my fashion advice from RuPaul so I guess I was a little stunned to learn that Rick and I have that in common.”
And for your perusal, here is a PDF (http://www.pageonenewsmedia.com/proudofwhoweare/campaignletter.pdf) of the letter sent to Perry’s campaign manager. And, here is Club LaTeDa’s (http://lateda.mhsoftware.com/) lineup for this month’s entertainment.
Rick Perry is so not gay.
What Rick could not find Charlies or Oil Can Harry

10-21-2011, 03:18 AM
Just saw this post while searching for something else. Gotta bump it with what's happened since October 2010.

10-21-2011, 12:25 PM
Just saw this post while searching for something else. Gotta bump it with what's happened since October 2010.Politics does make for strange bedfellows, Odelay. And I must tell you that I really enjoy looking at that avatar of yours.:dancing:

10-21-2011, 01:03 PM
Not a big issue for me. Plenty of straight people happily watch drag shows. Perry actually isn't overly homophobic in his rhetoric. He's a Texan Christian so he's not exactly warm and fuzzy but he's not a hardcore hater either.

Truth is Perry is probably the least -right wing in terms of individual matters of the Republican candiates. Bachman now theres someone with some issues