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11-11-2005, 09:12 PM
I consider myself happy........................
I find that I am often around people that are miserable and I need to focus more on avoiding the "misery loves company" folks.................

All in all I have nothing to complain about, each day we wake up is a blessing in itself.

11-11-2005, 09:14 PM
Extremely happy but it took until I was 32 (couple of years back) to be so.

11-11-2005, 09:19 PM
Yea I consider myself happy also and I consider myself very fortunate. Yea I worked hard throughout my life, but a lot of my blessing have come through share luck and I thank god everyday for that.

But I know the feeling Angela about school. I went to school for 10 years after high school and as time went on I would think to myself a lot "what the fuck you doing, is this fuckin worth it." Trying to find ends meet day after day and staying up all night was the most tortuous experience of my life. But now I am out working, I love my job to death and I would do nothing other. You would find someday the sacrifice is worth it and the days of schooling will soon be behind you.

Additionally, I think we need more tgirls who are educated and go to college so they can own ends meet without having to resort to escorting and the adult industry. Not to say that is bad because some tgirls have to do that otherwise they can't get the money for hormones and surgeries and such. But having an education allows you to have a better choice than that.

11-11-2005, 09:20 PM
Someone once told me that I will never know when I'm happy. Huhn! I hope someone helpful clues me in.

11-11-2005, 09:24 PM
Just curious. The closer it gets to the end of my college years the more it freaks me out and I wonder if I'll have the education/skill I need to provide for myself. Of course that all doesn't need to come from school nor do you have to go to school to provide for yourself, but I just have a huge feeling that I wasted 4 years and that I should've attempted a different major. I wanted to transfer my first year actually but it was easier not to :( Just going over a lot of varied thoughts concerning all aspects of my life. Gotta go before I can even finish typing them out.

Please contrbute anything you wish (I'll post a less serious thread later, lol)

Oh Angela, honey, lighten up on yourself, please. Most people do that at some stage at college. It's a completely normal part of the self-examination that degree-level education makes you go through. Just don't worry about it. I know you're close to graduating, so do the best work you can, stay focussed and get there. I know how tough that last push can be, believe me I woke up with the "FINAL SHOW COMING UP" heebee-jeebees for well over a decade after I graduated, and the surprising thing is how many people I know have had the same experience.

Once you've graduated, take a wee while to yourself. Charge your batteries and talk to lots of people to focus your career path. Give yourself a huge pat on the back and do some things YOU really want to do. You will have made a great achievement, something to be proud of. You are a smart, articulate, intelligent person. Of course you have what it takes.

Have a big hug, you complete sweetie. You'll be fine.

11-11-2005, 09:30 PM
yeah i def try to keep away from the glass is half empty crowd, lol...

11-11-2005, 11:56 PM
Just remember that the only skill you need to be successfuly over any type of skill is the ability to get people to trust and like you. If you can do that, you will be successful.

You also need a clean ass, so make sure your dirt hole is not muddy.

11-12-2005, 01:59 AM
Cosign what MacShreach said, very well put. Angela, I was an English major: graduated summa cum laude (3.86 GPA, summer scholarship to Trinity College, Oxford), then earned my Master's in English with a 4.0 GPA and a Fellowship. What did that get me? A year later (after one year teaching in a very small college in Copper Country, Michigan), I was temping for Olsen and other office temp groups for 7 bucks an hour. What a come down. But I didn't regret it at all; I wrote a novel as my master's thesis (still unpublished, sadly), and eventually taught for seven years (adjunct faculty: great experience, no money) before stumbling into web design in 1996. There have been ups and downs since then, but I'm doing OK. So don't fret your degree, even if you go in a completely different direction. Just be true to yourself, and let your brightness shine.

Am I happy? Yes, most of the time. Also sometimes frustrated, angry, and sad, but most of the time happy.

Joke time: An engineering major asks "How do you do that?" An economics major asks "How much does that cost?" A philosophy major asks "Why do you do that?" An English major asks "Do you want fries with that?"

Regarding the glass being half full or half empty: I'm an optimistic realist, I see the glass as half full but out of reach. :)

11-12-2005, 02:22 AM
I am generally a happy person. As far as your situation... you are so young and starting out - take EVERY chance you can now. Make the mistakes (if you make any) now, when you can recover.

11-12-2005, 02:24 AM
I wish i could adopt you.

11-12-2005, 02:33 AM
ty, Arianna. :)

11-12-2005, 04:14 AM
I would have to say that I consider myself to be both very happy and extremely fortunate. I truly enjoy my life and the opportunities that are available to me. Things just keep getting better with every passing year.

Had you asked me the same question in my youth (I'm now 34), I would have answered quite differently. This may have something to do with the fact that my life was a shit storm of biblical proportions from my childhood through my early twenties. The strange thing is that all of the events that contributed to my earlier dissatisfaction also laid the groundwork for my eventual happiness (starting in my mid-twenties). Without the exceedingly dark experiences of my youth, I would never have developed the capacity to accomplish the many things I hold dear today.

My advice: take carefully calculated risks and always look for the opportunities that come with adversity.


11-12-2005, 06:26 AM
Am I happy? No--I'm Ecstatic!!!!

(D'oh! I wish I had thought of that sooner!)

11-12-2005, 07:46 AM

11-12-2005, 12:46 PM
<snip> I'm also a huge worrier. <snip>.

Honey, worrying is natural. However it is counterproductive because it saps your ability to focus your positive attitude into achieving your goals. So you have to learn to deal with it.

If the subject of worry is something real, like, an exam coming up, a job interview, being short of cash, try to manage worry by combating it. Take steps now to avert whatever it is that you're worrying about, or if it can't be averted, to minimise the bad consequences. Revise and prepare, make sure your look is what you want to project, go over your budget. Take practical steps. When you have done all you really can, move on. If the worry comes back, take a good look at what you've done. Is it enough? If not do more. If you can really say you've done enough/all you can, then the worry will diminish anyway.

A really good technique, though a hard one to master, is to prepare for worry-generating events to the point that you are actually looking forward to them. You can't wait for the exam, you really want to do the job interview, you're aching to get up there and play your first gig......If you can get to this mental state your performance will improve in spades, and getting there is in the preparation.

Now a lot of "worrying" is about things that actually might never happen. This is "what if?" worrying. It is completely negative and destructive. This sort of worry goes like "What if I can't get a job once I graduate?" "What if I can't get my book published once it's written?" "What if they all think I'm completely gauche and I say all the wrong things?" "What if I do all this work and nothing comes of it?" This is totally negative and very corrosive, but the world is full of people who didn't graduate/didn't write their novel/didn't go to the party/wasted their lives watching TV because of it.

To add insult to injury, that kind of worry is not real worry at all. It's just self-doubt and low self-esteem coming out to haunt you. Banish it.

Do you notice something else? "Real" worry events are timetabled. You know when they are going to happen, you can plan and prepare for them. They are identifiable. "What if?" worry events are much more diffuse, and further in the future, indefinite. So, here's a trick. Deal with worry events chronologically. Something important is happening next week? Right, prepare, study, rehearse, do the work, get practical, get ready. This is not worrying, it's preparing. Something else coming up next month? Get this one through before you tackle that, but be ready to begin preparation. Maybe do some background reading, learn some of the stuff. Something might maybe happen six months, a year, down the road? Get back to that when it gets itself a date and a time.

Things that will happen and you will have to deal with, you prepare your very best for and give 'em hell. Things that might never happen probably never will anyway-- unless you really screw yourself up-- by worrying about them! SO DON'T.

So-- this is your motto-- "Don't worry, be happy." Love. xxx

11-12-2005, 01:12 PM
No - ever since my mum passed away 2 and a half years ago, i've never felt the same, family hasn't been the same, friends haven't been the same. Don't want to really get into it, but I've felt suicidal, but I don't want to do it, incase it's worse on the other side.

11-12-2005, 04:15 PM
Life is good, could be better. but then again I'm greedy.

11-12-2005, 04:25 PM
yea....it can be completely up and down, sunny for a spell, clear lovely, not a cloud in the sky feeling, and not related to nothing really, and then it gets overcast, dark as shit....i withdraw into a shell, life is not worth living, im a sad fking failure, beating up on myself bla bla. bullshit, and then....and that can be a long depressive stint, and then badabing...its sunny again....nothing really changed except the internal weather....when its cloudy, and dark, wish i knew a way to change the nature of the winds, but it always runs it course.....i sometimes cry too, can be a sad or happy cry, and it can suddenly wash over me when i think of someone or something....can be walking down 57th st. and suddenly start tearing up.....hang in there megaman.....one of a handful of voices in here that shoot from the hip and riff from the heart...dajuicy

11-12-2005, 04:35 PM
No - ever since my mum passed away 2 and a half years ago, i've never felt the same, family hasn't been the same, friends haven't been the same. Don't want to really get into it, but I've felt suicidal, but I don't want to do it, incase it's worse on the other side.

I feel for you. I lost my father when I was 15. Losing a parent when you are young is deeply scarring event, and it takes years and years to get over. But you will. Have faith.

11-12-2005, 09:16 PM
Joke time: An engineering major asks "How do you do that?" An economics major asks "How much does that cost?" A philosophy major asks "Why do you do that?" An English major asks "Do you want fries with that?"

A fellow is flying in a hot air balloon when he realizes that he's become lost. He looks down and sees a man below and lowers the balloon to ask for directions.

"Excuse me, could you please tell me where I am?" he shouts.
"Yes, you are in a hot air balloon approximately fifty feet above the ground" sez the man.
"Ha!" shouts the balloonist, "You got me! You must be an engineer"
"You're right!" shouts the man, "How did you know?"
"Because your answer is technically correct but is of no use to me"
"Ah! " sez the man, "You must be in management"
"That's right!" sez the balloonist, "How did you know?"
"Because you don't know where you are or where you're going, but now it's my fault!"

To stay on topic, neither of these men is very happy. :P

Angela, when do you graduate? I am sometimes in your neighborhood and could be an easy touch for a congratulatory pizza. :)

11-12-2005, 10:17 PM
Content. My life is moving in a good direction, i've been in a great relationship for over a year and i've got a great job. I tend to associate "happy" with peaks and valleys. My life is better without all the highs and lows. Staying away from drugs and not overindulging in alcohol has defintely made a difference.

11-13-2005, 01:52 AM
Joke time: An engineering major asks "How do you do that?" An economics major asks "How much does that cost?" A philosophy major asks "Why do you do that?" An English major asks "Do you want fries with that?"

A fellow is flying in a hot air balloon when he realizes that he's become lost. He looks down and sees a man below and lowers the balloon to ask for directions.

"Excuse me, could you please tell me where I am?" he shouts.
"Yes, you are in a hot air balloon approximately fifty feet above the ground" sez the man.
"Ha!" shouts the balloonist, "You got me! You must be an engineer"
"You're right!" shouts the man, "How did you know?"
"Because your answer is technically correct but is of no use to me"
"Ah! " sez the man, "You must be in management"
"That's right!" sez the balloonist, "How did you know?"
"Because you don't know where you are or where you're going, but now it's my fault!"
Here's another:

Three men are in line to be executed by guillotine, a priest, a rabbi, and an engineer. The priest is taken first, and the executioner asks him whether he'd prefer to be looking up or looking down when the blade is dropped. "I want to face my creator when I die," the priest replied, "so face up, please." The executioner complied, placed him in the stocks, and released the blade. Down it plummeted, only to abruptly stop a few inches from his throat.

"It's a miracle!" the executioner exclaimed. "God has pardoned you. You are free to go."

As the priest walks away, the rabbi steps up. He is asked the same question, and replies, "As facing God was the priest's choice, so it is mine," he said. So he is placed face up, and the blade is dropped. Once again, it stops inches above his throat, and once again he is pardoned to go free.

Next comes the engineer. He's not religious, and in fact is an atheist, but he says "Hey, face up worked for the priest and the rabbi, so the hell with it, I want to face up, too." So he is placed in the stocks, and the executioner is about to release the blade when he blurts out, "Wait! I see how to fix this thing!"

11-13-2005, 02:00 AM
*Snark!* :lol:

OK, this is a happy moment. :D

11-13-2005, 04:54 AM
I'm confused,I think shemales are hot but I date hot women.If people at my work or my company or family or friends knew! It would be a bad deal! life goes on! NEXT! :)

11-13-2005, 05:02 AM
Angela how are things going on with you,did your pills come in yet,

11-13-2005, 06:04 AM
adrianna! you are soooooo sweet!

11-13-2005, 06:23 AM
adrianna! you are soooooo sweet!

be advised


11-13-2005, 12:35 PM
Very happy!!

Beautiful girlfriend, great apartment, very successful in my career, no hang ups, positive outlook,just making the most of my life!

11-13-2005, 02:27 PM
adrianna! you are soooooo sweet!

Cold under the bridge?

mds :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: