View Full Version : You Might Be A Republican If.......

11-10-2005, 11:43 PM
You Might Be A Republican If....

1. You finally have a news channel you can trust in Fox

2. You believe that invading Iraq has anything to do with 9/11

3. You think Universal Health Care is bad but Corporate Welfare is good

4. If you think Bush, not Cheney, is in charge

5. You think Jesus would support war, the death penalty,
and environmental destruction

6. If you think corporate interests are national interests

7. You think Jesus Christ was a great conservative philosopher

8. Your rifle gets more fondling than your wife

9. You are certain Bush has created jobs because you have three

10. You hate Michael Moore so much your thermostats read in Celsius

11-10-2005, 11:53 PM

Damn you democrat bastards......................

11-11-2005, 12:17 AM
You Might Be A Republican If.....

You think a woman's right-to-choose refers to where she shops...

11-11-2005, 12:23 AM
hehheh, funny chef...

11-11-2005, 12:24 AM
You Might Be A Republican If.....

You think a woman's right-to-choose refers to where she shops...

LOL...if we took away this right, we might actually have more happy husbands

11-11-2005, 12:49 AM
You Might Be A Republican If.....

You think "no child left behind" is a new bus service to the KKK rally...

11-11-2005, 12:52 AM
You Might Be A Republican If....

You think Bush is the closest thing to God because of his ability to cause an apocalypse...

11-11-2005, 01:07 AM
You Might Be A Republican If....

You are against gay marriage but have no problem with marrying your cousin...

Felicia Katt
11-11-2005, 02:12 AM
you might be a Republican if you forgot you put your hand on the Bible and swore to uphold and defend the Constitution and not vice verse.


11-11-2005, 02:13 AM
You Might Be A Republican If...

you think acid rain helps clean your driveway...

Felicia Katt
11-11-2005, 02:23 AM
You are a Republican if you feel this way about perjury and obstruction of justice charges when its about a blow job in the Oval office

[S]omething needs to be said that is a clear message that our rule of law is intact and the standards for perjury and obstruction of justice are not gray. And I think it is most important that we make that statement and that it be on the record for history.
I very much worry that with the evidence that we have seen that grand juries across America are going to start asking questions about what is obstruction of justice, what is perjury. And I don’t want there to be any lessening of the standard. Because our system of criminal justice depends on people telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That is the lynch pin of our criminal justice system and I don’t want it to be faded in any way.
and you say this when it involves blowing the cover of a covert CIA operative whose husband pointed out your reliance on false intelligence in the buildup to a disastrously costly war.

“that if there is going to be an indictment that says something happened, that it is an indictment on a crime and not some perjury technicality where they couldn’t indict on the crime and so they go to something just to show that their two years of investigation was not a waste of time and taxpayer dollars.”

Bonus points if you can name the quoted Republican


11-11-2005, 02:28 AM
You are a Republican if you feel this way about perjury and obstruction of justice charges when its about a blow job in the Oval office

[S]omething needs to be said that is a clear message that our rule of law is intact and the standards for perjury and obstruction of justice are not gray. And I think it is most important that we make that statement and that it be on the record for history.
I very much worry that with the evidence that we have seen that grand juries across America are going to start asking questions about what is obstruction of justice, what is perjury. And I don’t want there to be any lessening of the standard. Because our system of criminal justice depends on people telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. That is the lynch pin of our criminal justice system and I don’t want it to be faded in any way.
and you say this when it involves blowing the cover of a covert CIA operative whose husband pointed out your reliance on false intelligence in the buildup to a disastrously costly war.

“that if there is going to be an indictment that says something happened, that it is an indictment on a crime and not some perjury technicality where they couldn’t indict on the crime and so they go to something just to show that their two years of investigation was not a waste of time and taxpayer dollars.”

Bonus points if you can name the quoted Republican


Kay Bailey Hutchinson

11-11-2005, 02:30 AM

11-11-2005, 02:57 AM
You Might Be A Republican If....

You think Nascar should be in the Olympics...

11-17-2005, 05:29 AM
You Might Be A Republican If.......

You think it's acceptable that dickhead cheney's secret "energy task force" allowed big oil and others to write their own energy policy.

* see the article in today's Washington Post re secret document...

11-17-2005, 07:35 AM
you might be republican if your choices are between:
1. admitting that you lied
2. admitting that you are incompentent
oh, and also admitting that you have a spending addiction
praise the lord, and pass the collection plate, not to republicans, of course

11-17-2005, 08:02 AM

11-17-2005, 10:39 AM
OMG..... LMFAO>>>>> and I was born into a republican family...... I will, however, admit to NEVER having voted republican..... I will also admit to NEVER having voted (no, I dont complain about "this or that should be better") when I feel that my one vote will honestly make a difference then I will vote. The American people have not voted a president into office for decades. Whatever happened to for, of and by the people??

11-17-2005, 11:52 AM
If you call yourself hollywoodbuckstrap :D

11-17-2005, 12:58 PM
wow ive never been so insulted, lmao

jt money
11-17-2005, 05:31 PM
Part of a larger funnier joke I will post elsewhere:

You have two cows.
Your neighbor has none.
You feel guilty for being successful. Barbara Streisand
sings for you.

You have two cows.
Your neighbor has none.

01-02-2006, 05:52 AM
You might be a republican if...

you think 2006 is going to be a better year for the chimp-in-chief than 2005 was!

01-02-2006, 07:41 AM
The Republicans are the party of bad ideas. The Democrats are the party of no ideas.
- Lewis Black

01-02-2006, 08:57 AM
Some informed predictions for the coming year ...

You freepers remain at ease, and continue to whistle merrily through the neocon graveyard....

Juan Cole is Professor of History at the University of Michigan

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Ten Amazing Predictions for 2006

1. Al-Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahiri, whom the Bush administration has failed to capture after all this time, and who was probably responsible for the July 7 bombings in the London subway and the bombings in the Sinai in Egypt, will strike at US allies again in 2006.

2. Saudi Arabia will use the $160 billion windfall from high petroleum prices to strengthen its military and security forces, and to spread its rigid Wahhabi form of Islam.

3. Iran's clerical elites will use the $36 billion windfall from high petroleum prices to strengthen their military and security forces, and to spread their radical Khomeinist form of Islam. The US, even if it takes some desperate step, will prove unable to shake the regime in 2006.

4. The Iraqi government, on which the US is placing its bet, will limp along with less than $19 billion a year in petroleum income because of sabotage and guerrilla war, along with long-neglected fields and dilapidated plants and equipment. Most of that money will be absorbed by the need for internal security, reconstruction and paying off past reparations and debts, as well as by large-scale corruption and embezzlement (billions of dollars went missing during the government of Iyad Allawi in 2004).

5. The Iraqi parliament will pass fundamentalist Muslim legislation. Sometime in 2006, a majority of Iraqi parliamentarians will call for the withdrawal of US troops. The Iraqi government will have warm relations with Iran, but strained relations with Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The guerrilla war will continue.

6. The Israeli-Palestinian struggle will continue in staccatto fashion, because the Israeli government remains expansionist and land-hungry. Because the Sharon government refused to negotiate with real live Palestinians over the Gaza withdrawal no framework for peace was erected. Israeli troops will go back into Gaza from time to time. Israel will settle thousands of colonists on Palestinian land in the west and will blame Palestinians as irrational and bigotted for objecting. The subtle forms of ethnic cleansing of Arabs from Jerusalem will continue or accelerate. Fifteen percent of Palestinian children will continue to suffer from malnutrition, a result of the poverty that derives from having been put since 1967 in a large Israeli jail.

7. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization composed of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan as members and India, Iran, Mongolia, and Pakistan as observers, will follow up on its success in getting US troops out of Uzbekistan and on strengthening energy cooperation between Kazakhstan and China on the one hand, and Russia and Kazakhstan on the other, as well as security cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan. The conjuncture of gas, petroleum, Islam, terrorism and great power jockeying will keep the new Great Game going, this time with Russia, China and the United States all playing. The US hand is weak.

8. The US attempt to isolate Iran by putting boycotts on Chinese and other companies that deal with it will only prove effective for those companies that do a lot of business with the US. Moreover, it is easy enough for a company to hive off a de facto subsidiary to deal with Iran (ask Bechtel and Halliburton). And, rising powers like India that have relatively little trade with the US will tempted to choose energy from Iran over good diplomatic relations with the US.

9. New Orleans will for the most part not be rebuilt and will increasingly be eclipsed by Baton Rouge. Louisiana as a result will become a solid Red State. The Republican Party has no particular reason to rebuild a predominantly African-American city that reliably voted Democrat, just as its leader, George W. Bush, apparently had no particular reason to implement relief work there with any urgency or efficiency after the flood. Most of the $25 billion in reconstruction aid promised by the Federal government will never arrive.

10. The United States will continue to lose global political influence because its government is running large deficits and going ever deeper into debt. In the 1950s, President Eisenhower routinely used the threat of calling in loans from war-devastated Europe to get his way. He threatened UK Prime Minister Anthony Eden with loan cancellations if the latter did not get back out of the Suez in late 1956. He threatened DeGaulle with loan cancellations if the latter didn't get France out of rebellious Algeria before it went Communist. Nowadays the US is a massive debtor nation, and has lost that kind of leverage with all but the poorest and most beaten-down countries. The US nuclear arsenal is relatively useless because it cannot actually be used, and the US military is bogged down in Iraq. America remains a superpower for the third and fourth worlds, but is often a helpless, pitiful giant as far as places like Western Europe and China are concerned.

01-02-2006, 09:06 AM
Man...that dudes words are pretty scary...accurate but scary.

01-02-2006, 10:58 PM
You might be a republican if...

You believe God is everywhere-except your motel room.

You believe there should be a waiting period for abortions, but not for gun purchases.

You believe the greenhouse effect means better gardens.

You believe the NRA contributes more to American life than the NEA.

01-02-2006, 11:17 PM
You might be a republican if...

You believe judges have become political activists-except for the Supreme Court.

You believe trial lawyers are evil-except in the case of the 2000 election.

You support caps on jury awards, but not on corporate energy price gouging.

01-02-2006, 11:31 PM
"Bush lost consciousness for a brief time in the White House on Sunday evening while eating a pretzel and watching a professional football game on television."

he should never attempt to do two things at once.

01-03-2006, 12:37 AM
You might be a republican if...

You believe God is everywhere-except your motel room.

You believe there should be a waiting period for abortions, but not for gun purchases.

You believe the greenhouse effect means better gardens.

You believe the NRA contributes more to American life than the NEA.

Oddly, I have a love/hate relationship with guns and the NRA. Of course, this is said after spending the day listening to random gunfire around the neighborhood (Ah, rural America, where we shoot at fucking =anything=).

Greenhouse effect here is a sunny day with little fallout from the refinery and the nuke. Yah, *kaff* *kaff* *retch*, I got great neighbors. :P

01-03-2006, 12:45 AM
Man, And these 2006 predictions are really scary.....but more accurate:

Nancy Pelosi will elope with Osama Bin Laden. They'll divorce months later when she discovers that he is too "Pro America" for her.

Noam Chomsky will write a new book. It will have 200 pages of the same 3 sentences: Bush Lied. Screw America. America is Evil. It will become a instant classic. Making Mr Choamsky an even richer "progressive" and able to live in an even more expensive & exclusive neighborhood.

Nancy Pelosi will marry Noam but divorce him a short while later after discovering that he is too "Pro America."

Cindy Sheehan will draw 10,000 people to a protest when she declares: "If Bush doesn't withdraw our troops – I'll set myself on fire." Unfortunately, at the next speech 9900 of the visitors will bring gasoline and matches.

Hollywood will launch a new film called Christalot. It will feature three artists pissing on crosses & Whoopi & Robin Williams will play Mary Magdalene & Jesus for ninety minutes of an X-rated laff fest. It will be nominated for six Golden Globes. No pork rinds will be served at the premiere party for fear of offending Jews or Muslims.

After undergoing a lot of soulsearching, UN Secretary Kofi Annan will announce that he will forego his salary from the United Nations and live exclusively on his & his son's bribes.

The New York Times will merge operations with Al Jazeera. Six months later – problems will emerge when the Times feels Al Jazeera to be too "Pro America." The day after they separate the world comes to an end & the front page headline of the NYT reads:
"ALL LIFE ENDING: Minorities & poor hardest hit."

Al Sharpton will discover Jesus Christ and become a Baptist minister.

Hollywood will attempt to appease conservatives with Brokeback Mountain II. The sequel features two sheepherders who fall in love - with the sheep. FEMALE SHEEP!

New Orleans will flood yet again. This time, FEMA officials will arrive in time & set up water slides.

Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco will write a new book called – Governors Who Cry Too Much, & The Democratic Voters Who Love Them.

For economic reasons President Bush will combine the Border Patrol with the Park Service & institute a Catch and Release program for illegal immigrants.

Sesame Street will introduce its first fully rehabilitated character called the Tookie Monster. Two weeks later, Grover and Big Bird will be discovered dead. Police will later find the Tookie Monster passed out next to Mr. Crack.

Nancy Pelosi asks for conjugal visits with the Tookie Monster.
And any of these are about as liable to happen as that other piece of speculation posted earlier.

01-03-2006, 01:03 AM
For economic reasons President Bush will combine the Border Patrol with the Park Service & institute a Catch and Release program for illegal immigrants.

Dunno...I kinda like that one. :lol:

01-03-2006, 01:05 AM
You might be a liberal if you are a paranoid scizophrenic.

01-03-2006, 01:40 AM
You might be a liberal if you are a paranoid scizophrenic.

Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me.

And I'm =NOT= schizophrenic!

And neither am I! :P

01-03-2006, 01:49 AM
Man, And these 2006 predictions are really scary.....but more accurate:

Nancy Pelosi will elope with Osama Bin Laden. They'll divorce months later when she discovers that he is too "Pro America" for her.

Noam Chomsky will write a new book. It will have 200 pages of the same 3 sentences: Bush Lied. Screw America. America is Evil. It will become a instant classic. Making Mr Choamsky an even richer "progressive" and able to live in an even more expensive & exclusive neighborhood.

Nancy Pelosi will marry Noam but divorce him a short while later after discovering that he is too "Pro America."

Cindy Sheehan will draw 10,000 people to a protest when she declares: "If Bush doesn't withdraw our troops – I'll set myself on fire." Unfortunately, at the next speech 9900 of the visitors will bring gasoline and matches.

Hollywood will launch a new film called Christalot. It will feature three artists pissing on crosses & Whoopi & Robin Williams will play Mary Magdalene & Jesus for ninety minutes of an X-rated laff fest. It will be nominated for six Golden Globes. No pork rinds will be served at the premiere party for fear of offending Jews or Muslims.

After undergoing a lot of soulsearching, UN Secretary Kofi Annan will announce that he will forego his salary from the United Nations and live exclusively on his & his son's bribes.

The New York Times will merge operations with Al Jazeera. Six months later – problems will emerge when the Times feels Al Jazeera to be too "Pro America." The day after they separate the world comes to an end & the front page headline of the NYT reads:
"ALL LIFE ENDING: Minorities & poor hardest hit."

Al Sharpton will discover Jesus Christ and become a Baptist minister.

Hollywood will attempt to appease conservatives with Brokeback Mountain II. The sequel features two sheepherders who fall in love - with the sheep. FEMALE SHEEP!

New Orleans will flood yet again. This time, FEMA officials will arrive in time & set up water slides.

Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco will write a new book called – Governors Who Cry Too Much, & The Democratic Voters Who Love Them.

For economic reasons President Bush will combine the Border Patrol with the Park Service & institute a Catch and Release program for illegal immigrants.

Sesame Street will introduce its first fully rehabilitated character called the Tookie Monster. Two weeks later, Grover and Big Bird will be discovered dead. Police will later find the Tookie Monster passed out next to Mr. Crack.

Nancy Pelosi asks for conjugal visits with the Tookie Monster.
And any of these are about as liable to happen as that other piece of speculation posted earlier.

rush is back on that dang oxycontin agin...you go, rush...

Jamie Michelle
01-03-2006, 01:54 AM
You might be a liberal if you are a paranoid scizophrenic.

There is only up or down: up to liberty or down to slavery. In the original sense of the political terms "left" and "right," left meant liberty and right meant government control.

The terms "left" and "right" in the political sense go back to 1789 France. When the French Estates-General met on May 6, 1789, the Third Estate commoners, who wanted less taxes and government control (i.e., "laissez-faire"), were seated on the left side of King Louis XVI, and the Second Estate nobles and First Estate clergy, who were the conservatives and wanted to maintain the government's power, sat on his right. (Prior to the May 1789 convention of the French Estates-General [the first meeting of which was on May 5, 1789], the last time the Estates-General had met was in 1614.)

Also, "liberal" originally meant what we would call today (at least in the U.S. and Canada) "libertarian," i.e., laissez-faire free market, less taxes, less regulation, and gun ownership by the common people. Thus, in the original sense of the words, someone who wanted no taxes, legalization of all drugs, a free market, and armament of the common people would be a left-wing liberal.

01-03-2006, 02:06 AM
OMG So I AM a liberal after all !!!! I subscribe to that entire "Liberal Agenda" (SSShh....don't tell the Chef...)

Felicia Katt
01-03-2006, 02:08 AM
Schizophrenia one of the most damaging of all mental disorders---causes its victims to lose touch with reality. They often begin to hear, see, or feel things that aren't really there (hallucinations) or become convinced of things that simply aren't true (delusions). In the paranoid form of this disorder, they develop delusions of persecution or personal grandeur

Seeing connections between 9-11 and Iraq when none exist. Believing in weapons of mass destruction that aren't there. Thinking we will not suffer any casualties and will be greeted as liberators. Saying Mission Accomplished when nothing could be farther from the truth. Maintaining an insurgency is in its final throes as the body count mounts.

oh, and taking political discussions as if they were against you and responding with hateful personal attacks as if you were everyone's better?


01-03-2006, 04:22 AM
New book out on how the CIA sent 30 operatives into Iran and Iraq looking for WMDs and any kind of nuclear program....And all 30 found nothing...yet in 2002....They come to a decision that Iraq has WMDs........

The CIA needs to go...there is no more Cold War.

The Russo-China Coalition is so going pwn us if America keeps heading in this direction...

I read a financial analyis the other day were a high up personage in the energy business said that the price of light sweet crude will NEVER again fall below 50$ a barrel because of China's insatiable demand for industrialization.......Add the fact that there making all kinds of economic and industrial deals with former soviet bloc countries, namelt Kazakstan, and America is going to be taking a back seat very soon in the very near future.

01-04-2006, 12:59 AM
This is encouraging, even to an agnostic like myself... Christian denominations that do not subscribe to karl rove's aka shrubya's brain attempt's to ruin our country.

Dec 15 2005

Budget Ignores Christian Teachings on Economic Justice
This statement, presented below in its entirety, was first released jointly in March 2005 by five leading Christian denominations in the United States: The Episcopal church USA, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Presbyterian Church (USA), United Church of Christ, and United Methodist Church.
Per the Washington Post on December 14, 2005, these five leading Christian denominations sent a letter to President George W. Bush in early December, reiterating their statements in this joint document.

Ecumenical statement on Bush's 2006 federal budget

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The Episcopal Church, USA
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Presbyterian Church USA
United Church Of Christ
United Methodist Church

Joint Statement

We are preachers, and so, in explaining our opposition to the 2006 Federal Budget that President Bush has sent to Congress, it seems only fitting that we should begin with Scripture.

There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who longed to satisfy his hunger with what fell from the rich man's table; even the dogs would come and lick his sores. The poor man died and was carried away by the angels to be with Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried. In Hades, where he was being tormented, he looked up and saw Abraham far away with Lazarus by his side. He called out, "Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in agony in these flames."

The passage comes from 16th chapter of the Gospel according to Luke, and it contains a warning that should deeply trouble those of us who live in a wealthy nation. As the story continues, the rich man implores Abraham to raise Lazarus from the dead and send him to the house of his brothers so that they may be spared his torment.

"They have Moses and the prophets," Abraham replies. "They should listen to them." The rich man says, "No, father Abraham; but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent." And Abraham answers, "If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be convinced even if someone rises from the dead."

In telling this story, Jesus makes clear that perpetrating economic injustice is among the gravest of sins. Yet self-interest is so deeply ingrained in each one of us, he says, that we will not renounce it, even should someone rise from the dead. Jesus was right about that. It was he who rose from the dead to save us from greed and myriad other sins. Yet those who have much continue feasting, even as those who have little remain at their gates.

Like many Americans, we read our daily newspaper through the lens of faith, and when we see injustice, it is our duty to say so. The 2006 Federal Budget that President Bush has sent to Capitol Hill is unjust. It has much for the rich man and little for Lazarus.

According to the White House's own numbers, this budget would move 300,000 people off food stamps in the next five years. It would cut the funds that allow 300,000 children to receive day care. It would reduce funding for Medicaid by $45 billion over the next ten years, and this at a time when 45 million Americans-the highest level on record-are already without health insurance.

These cuts would be alarming in any circumstances, but in the context of the 2006 budget, they are especially troubling. For even as it reduces aid to those in poverty, this budget showers presents on the rich.

-- If passed in its current form, it would make permanent tax cuts that have bestowed nearly three-quarters of the "relief" on one-fifth of the county.

-- If passed in its current form, it would include whopping new cuts that would benefit, almost exclusively, those with household incomes of more than $200,000 per year.

-- If passed in its current form, it would take Jesus' teaching on economic justice and stands it on its head.

Dec 15 2005

Budget Ignores Christian Teachings on Economic Justice
Some contend that these cuts will stimulate the economy and improve life for all Americans, but we believe that stocking the rich man's larder is a peculiar strategy for getting Lazarus more food. Not only does this policy rest on dubious economic assumptions, but it asks the poor to pay the cost for a prosperity in which they may never share.
Some contend that works of mercy are not the business of the government but of private citizens. But in what other area of our national life do we formulate policies uninformed by our deepest values?

Some contend that with the proper support faith-based charities will step forward to fill the gap created by the government's retreat. But this flies in the face of the lessons that we, as religious leaders, have learned first hand. Our churches operate thousands of charities from the parochial to the international.

We know that programs, whether governmental or non-profit, can change people's lives for the better. New situations challenge us to respond to new conditions and to support those who are in transition out of poverty. Sadly, the 2006 budget will send more people searching for food in cupboards that, quite frequently, are bare.

Our churches will continue their ameliorative ministries. But it is not enough for us as a Church or a society to be merciful. We must remember the admonition of the prophet Micah. "And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah's choice of verbs is instructive. We are not to love justice or preach justice, we are to do justice-to act, and, when necessary, to struggle.

We urge the members of our churches, of other churches and other faiths, and all whose conscience compels them to do justice to join us in opposing this budget. Write to your representatives. Write to your local newspaper. Join the organizations working to obtain justice for the 36 million Americans living below the poverty line, the 45 million without health insurance and the unknown millions struggling to keep their families from slipping into these ever increasing ranks.

Together, let us pledge ourselves to creating a nation in which economic policies are infused with the spirit of the man who began his public ministry almost 2,000 years ago by proclaiming that God had anointed him "to bring good news to the poor."

02-12-2006, 11:30 PM
This just in:

Cheney Accidentally Shoots Fellow Hunter
WASHINGTON (Feb. 12) - Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot and injured a man during a weekend quail hunting trip in Texas, his spokeswoman said Sunday.

Harry Whittington, 78, was "alert and doing fine" after Cheney sprayed Whittington with shotgun pellets on Saturday at the Armstrong Ranch in south Texas, said property owner Katharine Armstrong.

Armstrong said Cheney turned to shoot a bird and accidentally hit Whittington. She said Whittington was taken to Corpus Christi Memorial Hospital by ambulance.

Cheney's spokeswoman, Lea Anne McBride, said the vice president was with Whittington, a lawyer from Austin, Texas, and his wife at the hospital on Sunday afternoon.

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press.

02-12-2006, 11:41 PM
Perhaps he might have been a better shot, if not for those five draft deferments...

Felicia Katt
02-13-2006, 12:16 AM
I knew Cheney was opposed to gun control, but didn't know he took it so personally LOL



02-13-2006, 12:45 AM
Bearded One, since you have chosen to resurrect this thread...praise jesus...

You Might Be A Reich-Wing Repug If...

When someone asks you what your name is, you have to pull your head out of your ass and read it off of your belt buckle...

If you make your children listen to talk radio during target practice...

You honestly think that Bush is great even if his policies cost you
your job, your home, your savings and the life of your child in war, but at
least he didn't get a blowjob...

. .you can't enjoy a meal unless you know someone is going hungry...

02-13-2006, 04:53 AM
EXCLUSIVE: First Photo of Cheney Shooting Victim

The photo below shows Vice President Dick Cheney speaking to reporters at the bedside of the man who he "accidentally" shot this weekend while on a hunting trip in Texas .

A spokesman for the vice president identified the shooting victim as Harry Whittington, but sources close to the incident suggest "Harry Whittington" is a Secret Service code name for Cheney's indicted former chief of staff, I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

"Honestly, I didn't mean to shoot Scoot-- I mean Harry," the vice president told reporters in "Mr. Whittington's" hospital recovery room.

The shooting occurred several days after it was revealed that Mr. Libby told special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald he was ordered by Vice President Cheney to leak classified national security documents to the press. The revelation could cost Cheney his job and whatever remains of his reputation amongst both Democrats and Republicans.

An EMT who attended to "Mr. Whittington" told the Huffington Post that, during the ambulance ride, he overheard Cheney mumbling, "Who's leaking now, fucker?" and, "Fucker survived. Gotta work on my aim."

The EMT later remarked to the vice president, "Harry Whittington? That sounds like a made-up name." When contacted for clarification on Cheney's reply, the Huffington Post has learned the emergency worker has disappeared.

02-20-2006, 01:05 AM
more brilliant stuff from www.huffingtonpost.com

What It Means To Be A Republican

Larry Beinhart

The vice president shoots you in the heart and in the face. Then you apologize for all the trouble it's caused him. That's what it means to be a Republican.

Despite almost hysterical warnings the president stays asleep at the wheel. He does nothing about terrorism and 9/11 happens. He responds by running away to Nebraska.

Three days later he makes a supposedly impromptu speech with a bull horn on the rubble of the World Trade Center. He is universally cheered as a hero. That's what it means to be a Republican. The president puts together false claims to go to war with the wrong country. His party universally supports him. That's what it means to be a Republican.

The administration mismanages the war in Iraq so that it creates chaos, a breeding ground for terrorists and political opportunities for Islamic fundamentalists. Along the way, the reasons for going to war are exposed as false. The president runs on national security as his main issue. He is re-elected. That's what it means to be a Republican.

The president cheerfully gives away the surplus to the richest people in the country. Then he runs up record debts, just to throw more money their way. He claims it has helped America's economy. People act like they believe him. That's what it means to be a Republican.

The administration continues it's magnificent tradition of going to sleep when it is warned of disaster. It does nothing when Katrina is coming. It continues its record of doing nothing when disaster arrives. As New Orleans was lost, just as when the World Trade Center was lost, the president got as far away as possible. But he can't be blamed for what nature did. That's what it means to be a Republican.

The president orders wiretaps without warrants, a straightforward violation of the constitution. When the Attorney General is called to testify, the head of the Judiciary Committee insists that his testimony not be under oath. The head of the intelligence committee suggests that the law be changed, now, to make it legal after the fact. That's what it means to be a Republican.

Alberto Gonzales helped come up with the program that rejected the Geneva Conventions, that permits torture, that says that the president is above the law and that "I was only following orders" should be a defense against a charge of war crimes. Ah, if only the Nazi war criminals who were hung at Nuremberg had Gonzales there to defend them. The president nominates Gonzales to be his new Attorney General. He is confirmed with little debate and no outrage. That's what it means to be a Republican.

This needs to be understood.

What it implies is that Republicans can't be dealt with as if reason and facts will sway them. Because it wont. It's hard for reality based people, regular Democrats and Liberals to understand that.

What it let's us know is that reality based people, Democrats, Liberals, real Conservatives, old-fashioned Republicans and non-profit Christians have to take more vigorous and rigorous stands. Or reality and real American values and the American landscape will disappear, not just temporarily, but forever.

10-01-2010, 03:39 AM
I was amazed to read these old posts.
Bankrupt the country, loose 2 wars. Then Blame Obama. That's what it means to be a republican.

10-01-2010, 05:00 AM
I was amazed to read these old posts.
Bankrupt the country, loose 2 wars. Then Blame Obama. That's what it means to be a republican.

Iraq was won. Obama chose Afghanistan. A lot of Dems are blaming Obama. Not picking sides, but just pretending your team isn't doing anything wrong is really naive.

10-01-2010, 05:18 AM
Your a republican if: You dont want the commies/socialists taking over the country.
Just look who is attending the 10/2/10 rally. Why are the commies there and why is Obama embracing them? Duh...

WTF is redistribution of wealth anyway?
WTF is social justice? Obumma has never come out of the closet and said what he intends exactly.

Im afraid it getting close to another civil war. I'll fight for capitalism.

10-01-2010, 06:20 AM
Not only are you a republican if
You dont want the commies/socialists taking over the country., but you're also probably wearing adult pampers.

10-01-2010, 03:21 PM
You post political messages in the "General" forum..

10-01-2010, 04:57 PM
You Might Be A Republican If....

1. You finally have a news channel you can trust in Fox

2. You believe that invading Iraq has anything to do with 9/11

3. You think Universal Health Care is bad but Corporate Welfare is good

4. If you think Bush, not Cheney, is in charge

5. You think Jesus would support war, the death penalty,
and environmental destruction

6. If you think corporate interests are national interests

7. You think Jesus Christ was a great conservative philosopher

8. Your rifle gets more fondling than your wife

9. You are certain Bush has created jobs because you have three

10. You hate Michael Moore so much your thermostats read in Celsiuswhats the defanition of a republican? anybody who is in a deep vegetated state who doesnt have the inteligence to think on there own no joke you repeublicans are all fucked up period.

10-01-2010, 04:59 PM
Not only are you a republican if , but you're also probably wearing adult pampers.

Guess he´s as smart as his idol Michael Richards. State intervention isn´t socialism, nor is America a strictly capitalist country, meaning practice of the orthodox free market theory because it just doesn´t work. Capitalism cannot survive without the state and hey let´s remind the genius Kramer how the state saved those who want the state out of their business. Oh, it was actually the tax payers because they are the state. Socialism? The last socialist holding an office in America was Frank Zeidler, mayor of Milwaukee from 1948 to 1960.

10-02-2010, 08:59 AM
You Might Be A Republican If....

1. You finally have a news channel you can trust in Fox

Extremist Makeover Homeland Edition (http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-august-19-2010/extremist-makeover---homeland-edition)

The Parent Company Trap (http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/mon-august-23-2010/the-parent-company-trap)

Are You Ready For Some Midterms MSNBC's Political Narrative (http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-september-9-2010/are-you-ready-for-some-midterms----msnbc-s-political-narrative)

10-02-2010, 09:49 AM
rosa parks was a racist who hates white bus drivers


http://0.tqn.com/d/politicalhumor/1/7/E/c/3/glenn-beck-60s.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_kC5MT2r5U8s/TFMUTTHOABI/AAAAAAAAPzw/8XmyhoGV7KE/s1600/55rosa+parks+arrest.jpg)

10-02-2010, 03:33 PM
The Difference Between Republicans and Democrats:
A Republican and a Democrat were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person. The Republican gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his business for a job. He then took twenty dollars out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person. The Democrat was very impressed, and when they came to another homeless person, he decided to help. He walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the welfare office. He then reached into the Republican’s pocket and got out twenty dollars. He kept $15 for administrative fees and gave the homeless person five. Now you understand the difference between Republicans & Democrats.

10-02-2010, 03:45 PM
You get fucked in the ass, suck cock in public parks, cruise public toilets, hire male escorts- are married with a family and are publicly anti-gay and vote and write any gay rights legislation????

10-03-2010, 08:21 AM
LOL LOL LOL LOL lol lol lol lol

Nicole Dupre
10-03-2010, 08:33 AM
You might be tsbrenda if you're wanted by the cops, obviously illiterate, you're a man who jerks off in his wife's clothing, you're using multiple accounts with female names, you compulsively post the same shit over and over (just like you hit the pipe with a rock in it), and everyone thinks you're a fucking ghetto 'tard.

LOL LOL LOL LOL lol lol lol lol. Pop pop wow. Snap, crackle, flop.

10-03-2010, 08:41 AM
The Difference Between Republicans and Democrats:
A Republican and a Democrat were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person. The Republican gave the homeless person his business card and told him to come to his business for a job. He then took twenty dollars out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person. The Democrat was very impressed, and when they came to another homeless person, he decided to help. He walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the welfare office. He then reached into the Republican’s pocket and got out twenty dollars. He kept $15 for administrative fees and gave the homeless person five. Now you understand the difference between Republicans & Democrats.

Somebody has to wash those republican bootstraps!

10-03-2010, 09:38 AM
You americans have to get out of your two party system

Nicole Dupre
10-03-2010, 09:42 AM
You americans have to get out of your two party system
Mind your own business. You live in a former penal colony that abuses it's indigenous people.

10-03-2010, 01:28 PM
So do you so there is no big difference

10-03-2010, 03:59 PM
that it was ok for reagan and the to bushes to run the deficit up but not a democratic president

10-03-2010, 08:13 PM
I love when Canadians and Europeans criticize an American political party...as if their own system of government was any better...lol.

10-03-2010, 08:24 PM
I love when Canadians and Europeans criticize an American political party...as if their own system of government was any better...lol.

I think their governments are run better

sorry to say...they have more going for them then we do...

10-03-2010, 08:55 PM
I think their governments are run better

sorry to say...they have more going for them then we do...

Our military clearly trumps there's and well that's about it though.

10-03-2010, 09:01 PM
Almost every country has its faults and historical embarrassments...people need to stop thinking the grass is greener cause it's not...

....and i love when people think a country must be cool cause their dance clubs are so great...lol.

10-03-2010, 09:40 PM
Rosa Louise McCauley Parks (February 4, 1913 – October 24, 2005) was an African American (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/African_American) civil rights (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Civil_rights) activist (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Activism), whom the U.S. Congress (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Congress_of_the_United_States) later called "the first lady of civil rights", and "the mother of the freedom movement".[1] (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/#cite_note-0)
On December 1, 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Montgomery,_Alabama), Parks, age 42, refused to obey bus driver James Blake (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/James_F._Blake)'s order that she give up her seat to make room for a white passenger. Her action was not the first of its kind. Irene Morgan (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Irene_Morgan) in 1946, and Sarah Louise Keys (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Sarah_Louise_Keys) in 1955,[2] (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/#cite_note-1) had won rulings before the U.S. Supreme Court (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States), and the Interstate Commerce Commission (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Interstate_Commerce_Commission), respectively, in the area of interstate bus travel. Nine months before Parks refused to give up her seat, 15-year-old Claudette Colvin (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Claudette_Colvin) refused to move from her seat on the same bus system. But unlike these previous individual actions of civil disobedience (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Civil_disobedience), Parks' action sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Montgomery_Bus_Boycott).
Parks' act of defiance became an important symbol of the modern Civil Rights Movement and Parks became an international icon of resistance to racial segregation (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Racial_segregation). She organized and collaborated with civil rights leaders, including boycott leader Martin Luther King, Jr. (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Martin_Luther_King,_Jr.), helping to launch him to national prominence in the civil rights movement.
At the time of her action, Parks was secretary of the Montgomery chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/National_Association_for_the_Advancement_of_Colore d_People) (NAACP) and had recently attended the Highlander Folk School (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Highlander_Research_and_Education_Center), a Tennessee (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Tennessee) center for workers' rights and racial equality. Nonetheless, she took her action as a private citizen "tired of giving in". Although widely honored in later years for her action, she suffered for it, losing her job as a seamstress in a local department store. Eventually, she moved to Detroit, Michigan (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Detroit,_Michigan), where she found similar work. From 1965 to 1988 she served as secretary and receptionist to African-American U.S. Representative (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/United_States_House_of_Representatives) John Conyers (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/John_Conyers). After retirement from this position, she wrote an autobiography and lived a largely private life in Detroit. In her final years she suffered from dementia (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Dementia) and became embroiled in a lawsuit filed on her behalf against American hip-hop (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Hip-hop) duo OutKast (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/OutKast).
Parks eventually received many honors ranging from the 1979 Spingarn Medal (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Spingarn_Medal) to the Presidential Medal of Freedom (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Presidential_Medal_of_Freedom), the Congressional Gold Medal (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Congressional_Gold_Medal) and a posthumous statue in the United States Capitol's National Statuary Hall (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/National_Statuary_Hall). Her death in 2005 was a major story in the United States' leading newspapers. She was granted the posthumous honor of lying in state (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Lying_in_state) at the Capitol Rotunda (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Capitol_Rotunda).

In 1900, Montgomery had passed a city ordinance for the purpose of segregating passengers by race. Conductors were given the power to assign seats to accomplish that purpose; however, no passengers would be required to move or give up their seat and stand if the bus was crowded and no other seats were available. Over time and by custom, however, Montgomery bus drivers had adopted the practice of requiring black riders to move whenever there were no white only seats left.
So, following standard practice, bus driver Blake noted that the front of the bus was filled with white passengers and there were two or three men standing, and thus moved the "colored" section sign behind Parks and demanded that four black people give up their seats in the middle section so that the white passengers could sit. Years later, in recalling the events of the day, Parks said, "When that white driver stepped back toward us, when he waved his hand and ordered us up and out of our seats, I felt a determination cover my body like a quilt on a winter night."[15] (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/#cite_note-Donnie_Williams-14)
By Parks' account, Blake said, "Y'all better make it light on yourselves and let me have those seats."[16] (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/#cite_note-Neary-15) Three of them complied. Parks said, "The driver wanted us to stand up, the four of us. We didn't move at the beginning, but he says, 'Let me have these seats.' And the other three people moved, but I didn't."[17] (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/#cite_note-cnn-obit-16) The black man sitting next to her gave up his seat. Parks moved, but toward the window seat; she did not get up to move to the newly repositioned colored section.[18] (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/#cite_note-Neary2-17) Blake then said, "Why don't you stand up?" Parks responded, "I don't think I should have to stand up." Blake called the police to arrest Parks. When recalling the incident for Eyes on the Prize (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Eyes_on_the_Prize), a 1987 public television series on the Civil Rights Movement, Parks said, "When he saw me still sitting, he asked if I was going to stand up, and I said, 'No, I'm not.' And he said, 'Well, if you don't stand up, I'm going to have to call the police and have you arrested.' I said, 'You may do that.'"[19] (http://www.hungangels.com/vboard/#cite_note-Juan_Williams-18)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c5/Rosaparks_fingerprints.jpg/220px-Rosaparks_fingerprints.jpg (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/File:Rosaparks_fingerprints.jpg) http://bits.wikimedia.org/skins-1.5/common/images/magnify-clip.png (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/File:Rosaparks_fingerprints.jpg)
Fingerprint card of Parks

During a 1956 radio interview with Sydney Rogers (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/Sydney_Rogers) in West Oakland (http://www.hungangels.com/wiki/West_Oakland) several months after her arrest, when asked why she had decided not to vacate her bus seat, Parks said, "I would have to know for once and for all what rights I had as a human being and a citizen."






rosa parks was a racist who hates white bus drivers


http://0.tqn.com/d/politicalhumor/1/7/E/c/3/glenn-beck-60s.jpg (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_kC5MT2r5U8s/TFMUTTHOABI/AAAAAAAAPzw/8XmyhoGV7KE/s1600/55rosa+parks+arrest.jpg)

10-03-2010, 10:03 PM
Iraq was won. Obama chose Afghanistan. A lot of Dems are blaming Obama. Not picking sides, but just pretending your team isn't doing anything wrong is really naive.
I don't know in what planet you are living or what you are smoking, but you should come back to earth, wake up, smell the coffee, and join reality. The Iraq war was won?. Did you win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Prize?. In Afghanistan, after 9 years it began, we are starting to fight now. Realize that we as a SUPERPOWER cannot beat a bunch of Beduins.

10-03-2010, 10:14 PM
I love when Canadians and Europeans criticize an American political party...as if their own system of government was any better...lol.our system is better simply because we elect people to get things done and while our taxes go up our roads are paved and our lifestyle is better period,unlike you people who cant get a god damn thing done because your congressmen and senetors are too worried about getting re-elected every 2 years so tell me is your system working for america? i dont think so and im betting if your honest you ll agree as well.

10-03-2010, 10:57 PM
our system is better simply because we elect people to get things done and while our taxes go up our roads are paved and our lifestyle is better period,unlike you people who cant get a god damn thing done because your congressmen and senetors are too worried about getting re-elected every 2 years so tell me is your system working for america? i dont think so and im betting if your honest you ll agree as well.

I agree 100% with you Lisa...it's very sad

10-03-2010, 11:07 PM
All you retarded Canadians should keep your fuckin dense mouths shut before you speak about another country's political system or trying to toot your own horns about something you don't even understand. CDNs are the dumbest and most ignorant fuckers I've ever had the displeasure of having to mingle with. Fuck you!

10-03-2010, 11:33 PM
I love when Canadians and Europeans criticize an American political party...as if their own system of government was any better...lol.

In a way yes because religion unfortunately plays a huge role in goverment and politics here and there is always the religious card in the US. People say 'God' or 'Jesus' and everything is OK.' 'God told me to run for office', it's 2010 for goodness sakes! It's sheer lunacy and distracts from the real issues.

PS. And I LOVE Canada and Canadians-some of the nicest people I have ever met and I have always, always been treated very well there and most people in my experience, like Lisa, are very friendly and hospitable. I have nothing but good things to say about the Canadians!

10-03-2010, 11:38 PM
I read this as, "You might be a Replicant if...". Sorry, marathonning stargate.

10-03-2010, 11:59 PM
Canada also bestowed to us................................http://www.youtube.com/user/Pruane2Forever

10-04-2010, 06:24 AM
that it was ok for reagan and the to bushes to run the deficit up but not a democratic president

Do you have any idea how much more spending Ohbumma is doing? Its already 4 times what Bush did in his last year! Why dont anyone post the truth and stop the bullshit?

10-04-2010, 08:41 AM
Do you have any idea how much more spending Ohbumma is doing? Its already 4 times what Bush did in his last year! Why dont anyone post the truth and stop the bullshit?



10-04-2010, 01:49 PM
You might be a Republican, if you have a poor memory.

If you have forgotten that Barrack Obama was elected President, by a majority of people in the country, you claim to love. So therefore, a President deserves a miminum or respect, if you respect democracy.

If you have forgotten that George W Bush was President for eight years. And also that the Democratic Congress, elected in 2006, was not responsible for every issue we face today.

If you have forgotten that Republicans have been a majority in Congress for 24 of the last 30 years. And also that there have been Republican Presidents for 20 of the last 30 years.

You might be Republican, if you do not realize that trends like a nation. losing its manufacturing base, and millions of jobs, is from a long term trends, not the 2006 Congress.

You might be Republican, if your party, advocates for freeer markets, and makes policies to do so, and there is a world wide fininacial collapse, which the the tax payers have to cough up 700 billion dollars. Then you say that financial market doesnt need any tinkering.

You might be a Republican if you claim to be for family values, but dont care if tens of millions of American families, a suffering without healthcare, or may be possibly homeless.

You might be a Republican, if you use fear as your primary tatic. Even though the Bible, that you claim to believe in, says fear is of Satan.
The 'word of God', couldn't be right about everything, could it?

You might be a Republican, if you think that the liberal media, inserted "blessed are the poor in spirit" into Jesus's 'sermon on the mount'. Or don't know that Jesus said, "that which you do unto the least, you do unto me"; or "love thy neighbor as thyself"; Or the 23rd Psalm.

You might be Republican if you think the "gay marriage issue", is more important than life or death issues. And that it is also a sign of the end of the world, but killing one fifth of the world's population, is just business.

You might be a Republican, if you think we are still fighting WWII, and dont understand, that 21st century guerilla warfare has different tatics.

You might be a Republican, if you classically brainwashed, to respond to loaded code words, like 'liberal', thus you are unable to engage in rational coversation, or thought.

You might be a Republican, if you hate tens of millions of your fellow citizens for just being born, but claim that life is sacred from the moment of conception. So protect them in the womb, but let them suffer and die, once they are born.

That sounds like being a hypocrite to me. But I dont want to judge anyone.

10-04-2010, 02:59 PM
You might be a REPUBLICAN if:
You are against abortion for poor people;
You are against public funds health care for poor people;
You are against public funds education for poor people;
You are against welfare for poor people;
You are against public fund social services for poor people, so they can stop having more poor babies;
You are against public fund of after school programs for poor people, so they can stay away from a life of crime;.
Your for the death penalty for adults.
So. you are a REPUBLICAN, who wants an unwanted child to be born, grow up sick, uneducated, a criminal, waiting to grow up, so that the State can kill him with the death penalty.

10-04-2010, 03:24 PM
PS. And I LOVE Canada and Canadians-some of the nicest people I have ever met and I have always, always been treated very well there and most people in my experience, like Lisa, are very friendly and hospitable. I have nothing but good things to say about the Canadians!

Yeah we are pretty awesome. :geek:
Thanks for the kind words.

Oh and our political system isn't very different from America's btw.

10-04-2010, 03:30 PM
YouTube - America - Fuck Yeah! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWS-FoXbjVI)

McDonalds, FUCK YEAH!
Wal-Mart, FUCK YEAH!
Baseball, FUCK YEAH!
Rock and roll, FUCK YEAH!
The Internet, FUCK YEAH!
Slavery, FUCK YEAH!


10-04-2010, 03:31 PM
All you retarded Canadians should keep your fuckin dense mouths shut before you speak about another country's political system or trying to toot your own horns about something you don't even understand. CDNs are the dumbest and most ignorant fuckers I've ever had the displeasure of having to mingle with. Fuck you!you are extremely rude and juvanile theres no need to disrespect canadians as we are americas best friend.why get all crazy angry i just dont get it?your telling us we cant talk politics because we cant vote are you fucking kidding me?thats like saying you americans cant talk hockey cause its not your game and your not smart enough to understand it so you fuck off and grow the fuck up you pathetic piece of shit.dont blame canadians because we know more about your country and politics then you guys do. we have a vested interest just as you do as america owns alot of our factories and such so get off your high horse take the oversized dildo out of your ass and go back to school and learn something instead of being on the unemployment like sitting on the dildo at home watching fox news all fucking day.

10-04-2010, 04:19 PM
This is all bullshit!!!

Most of the issues we face today, with outsourcing jobs, and the importing of goods crippling American industry stem from the 90's. Do your homework.

America was flying high with that advent of the internet and electronics in the 90's, but around 2000 those entities started going belly up. I remember all the dotcoms out there when I started college, and then they all went bankrupt.

We were entering into a recession when Bush took office. Everyone assumed it was just the usual "trending" economy. This time we couldn't recover. It won't get better until we re-raise tariffs to meet the price of our own goods, and get the American work force back.

10-04-2010, 04:27 PM
Another thing.........

Countries with socialized Medicine always think they are better, simply because they don't get a choice what to do with their money. The government just chooses it for them. They still pay every penny of what WE pay for healthcare. Don't let them fool ya. Their taxes are astronomical compared to Americans. Anyone making any decent money is paying at least 10,000 a year more than the American equivalent. 10k is a whole lotta healthcare money. Couple that with the sales taxes, and that number jumps to probably 12k.

Almost every American can afford healthcare, but chooses to "afford" other items instead. You know, important things, like I-phones and the like. Most people blow 5k a year getting drunk(100 a week), which if cut back could easily be the money you need for a 200 a month healthcare plan.

Or we could just convert the country to socialism, and have the government take the money from us.

10-04-2010, 04:33 PM
This is all bullshit!!!

Most of the issues we face today, with outsourcing jobs, and the importing of goods crippling American industry stem from the 90's. Do your homework.

America was flying high with that advent of the internet and electronics in the 90's, but around 2000 those entities started going belly up. I remember all the dotcoms out there when I started college, and then they all went bankrupt.

We were entering into a recession when Bush took office. Everyone assumed it was just the usual "trending" economy. This time we couldn't recover. It won't get better until we re-raise tariffs to meet the price of our own goods, and get the American work force back.very well said,when clinton left office everything was peachy clean the ecomony was better then ever but once the republicans took control the war mongers showed there faces and spent all the surplus on a war in the middle east in witch they had no grounds to be there in the first place period.weapons of mass destruction?the only wmd sat in the oval office that you people voted in and it cost americans 1000s of lives a surplus of billions and a national debt that will take genaerations to pay for and now because obama came into office in the worse mess seen since the great depression and his national approval rate at an all time low you guys wanna put the same republicans back in office i just dont get it.

10-04-2010, 04:41 PM
Another thing.........

Countries with socialized Medicine always think they are better, simply because they don't get a choice what to do with their money. The government just chooses it for them. They still pay every penny of what WE pay for healthcare. Don't let them fool ya. Their taxes are astronomical compared to Americans. Anyone making any decent money is paying at least 10,000 a year more than the American equivalent. 10k is a whole lotta healthcare money. Couple that with the sales taxes, and that number jumps to probably 12k.

Almost every American can afford healthcare, but chooses to "afford" other items instead. You know, important things, like I-phones and the like. Most people blow 5k a year getting drunk(100 a week), which if cut back could easily be the money you need for a 200 a month healthcare plan.

Or we could just convert the country to socialism, and have the government take the money from us.dude dont be silly lol i really like you because your very smart but when you make silly comments like socialism? let me make this point crystal clear canadians dont have to mortgage our houses when we get sick we dont have to worry about getting screwed by our medicare or medicade or any other health plan period.we here in canada elect our prime minister to get the job done period and they do yes our taxes pay for health care so what we dont really give a shit where the money goes because we have trust in the folks we elect.we are the only country that truely is the land of the free we are the most respected country in the world period.

10-04-2010, 04:45 PM
Another thing.........

Countries with socialized Medicine always think they are better, simply because they don't get a choice what to do with their money. The government just chooses it for them. They still pay every penny of what WE pay for healthcare. Don't let them fool ya. Their taxes are astronomical compared to Americans. Anyone making any decent money is paying at least 10,000 a year more than the American equivalent. 10k is a whole lotta healthcare money. Couple that with the sales taxes, and that number jumps to probably 12k.

Almost every American can afford healthcare, but chooses to "afford" other items instead. You know, important things, like I-phones and the like. Most people blow 5k a year getting drunk(100 a week), which if cut back could easily be the money you need for a 200 a month healthcare plan.

Or we could just convert the country to socialism, and have the government take the money from us.

I agree. In Canada the government often does budget cuts annually and health care and education are commonly the first to be affected. This results in less hospitable beds, less nurses on staff etc. This affects everyone because of the socialized medicine throughout the country. My mom is a retired nurse and she gets calls everyday to come in and work because somebody called in sick and they had nobody to cover the shift.

I remember when I got my first concussion playing little league football. I was laying on a wooden stretcher for nearly 5 hours until a doctor came to check on me and see that I was okay and tell me that I needed to take it easy for a month. 5 fucking hours!!!!!!! I had all of my football gear on including my helmet and my legs were duct taped to the stretcher because they didn't have anything else. Needless to say I was really uncomfortable. To be fair I was in a really small town though.

With that said I believe that falling ill shouldn't ruin someone financially at the same time. There should be some sort of system in place so the poor can receive an acceptable standard of health care without having to pay. The problem with that is there would be so many lazy/cheap fucks trying to take advantage of that in an effort to milk the system for their own gain.

10-04-2010, 04:54 PM
very well said,when clinton left office everything was peachy clean the ecomony was better then ever but once the republicans took control the war mongers showed there faces and spent all the surplus on a war in the middle east in witch they had no grounds to be there in the first place period.weapons of mass destruction?the only wmd sat in the oval office that you people voted in and it cost americans 1000s of lives a surplus of billions and a national debt that will take genaerations to pay for and now because obama came into office in the worse mess seen since the great depression and his national approval rate at an all time low you guys wanna put the same republicans back in office i just dont get it.

Actually, you misread me.

I am not a republican, but the 90's is when all the real damage was done in this country. We signed NAFTA in 94. We signed the WTO treaty with China, lowering tariffs on chinese goods, effectively eliminating any chance an American factory had to compete. We signed Glass-Steagall, which allowed banks to swallow other banks, and become to large to fail, thus the need to bail out these entities. We signed the the Community Reinvestment Act Reform in 95, that was to lower restrictions for home buyers.

We really shot ourselves in the foot in the 90's. We did a good job with the surplus, but singed away everything else that made this country great. Point being, the Dems are as much to blame as the repubs, if not, more so. Don't believe the hype. For all the bad the Repubs did, they were trying to get a handle on the housing market bubble way back in 2003 and again in 05, and were blocked by the dems.


This is the first thing that came up when I googled it, but it is pretty common knowledge. Clinton hired Franklin Raines(head of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac) and set this stuff in motion as far back as 95.

10-04-2010, 05:07 PM
dude dont be silly lol i really like you because your very smart but when you make silly comments like socialism? let me make this point crystal clear canadians dont have to mortgage our houses when we get sick we dont have to worry about getting screwed by our medicare or medicade or any other health plan period.we here in canada elect our prime minister to get the job done period and they do yes our taxes pay for health care so what we dont really give a shit where the money goes because we have trust in the folks we elect.we are the only country that truely is the land of the free we are the most respected country in the world period.

What I am trying to tell you is simple. This is the "Sense of Entitlement" generation. Americans can afford great healthcare plans. I pay 200 a month for a plan that covers just about everything, with a pretty small deductable.

Take this example. If you make 55k a year in America, you are taxed 24% from your paycheck. That same amount in Germany is 42%(roughly 10k more). Now, I pay only 200 for healthcare, but the extra taxes I would have taken living in Germany would add up to almost 900 a month. We also only pay 8% sales tax, while in Germany they pay 19% sales tax on all non food items.

People in America can afford healthcare, but choose to use their money for bullshit rather than taking care of themselves. Don't let them fool you. The cost of living in this country is far cheaper than most of the industrialized countries out ther, it's just that Americans are spoiled, and want something for nothing. Healthcare the way Socialized countries do it, is more times that not far more expensive than the way we do it, it's just yall have never had it any other way, so you don't know how much more of your paycheck you would be seeing otherwise. Americans would burn the place down if the government started taking 42% of their pay, with only healthcare to show for it.

10-04-2010, 10:34 PM
Actually, you misread me.
Yeah, she misread me too, which is why I don't respond to her, she's so fucking stupid it makes me cringe. But hey you enjoy those vids she makes where she pisses on herself, so you two go ahead at it, I'ma leave u 2 alone now.

10-04-2010, 10:45 PM
Yeah, she misread me too, which is why I don't respond to her, she's so fucking stupid it makes me cringe. But hey you enjoy those vids she makes where she pisses on herself, so you two go ahead at it, I'ma leave u 2 alone now.go back to school dude maybe you ll learn something