View Full Version : why is he blocking health care ?

12-15-2009, 04:50 AM
Joseph Lieberman, senator from Conneticut is an agent of evil.
He is a criminal

he is owned, bought, and paid off by the private insurance industry to block any attempt to pass universal health coverage for America

12-15-2009, 05:09 AM
And they say one vote can't make a difference. :twisted:

But Goebels? Tell me how you really feel! :shock:


12-15-2009, 05:19 AM
hey, take it easy on the old boy! somebody's got to protect the insurance cartels!

Dino Velvet
12-15-2009, 07:39 AM
Isn't this closer to the cartoon you were looking for instead of the Joseph Goebbels' one?

12-15-2009, 07:52 AM
Well, if it's any consolation, the film industry hasn't bought him out yet, so he must have some morals. Jeez, those medical insurance companies must command serious dollar


12-16-2009, 11:46 AM
Fuck that !

As an American citizen with a proper life and job I refuse to let my too-high-taxes go to pay for the health care of losers who smoke - who drink - who have loser diseases because of corrupt lifestyles - and more.

Pay for the shit you cause yourself. Don't take my taxes for that.

12-16-2009, 12:16 PM
I'm with Joe on this one....
Healthcare needs reform, but the current bills are both monstrosities.
Don't let anyone fool you on these ones. No reform is better than these two bills.
Fix the system- Don't cause more problems.

12-16-2009, 12:29 PM
Fuck that !

As an American citizen with a proper life and job I refuse to let my too-high-taxes go to pay for the health care of losers who smoke - who drink - who have loser diseases because of corrupt lifestyles - and more.

Funny how that's the first thing you think of. :shrug

12-16-2009, 01:19 PM
Write a decent bill first..don't shove this bill down our throats just to say "you've done it".

12-16-2009, 01:24 PM
Actually flabbybody you have it wrong. It was Goebels and his ilk that wanted to socialize medicine together with the Nazis. And we know what their goal was.
Joe Lieberrman is trying to keep the government out of your and my pocket. Get a job, earn money and buy your own insurance. I do not want to pay for your health insurance. You do not pay for my car insurance. Plus there is the slight problem that the constitution does not mandate that the government can mandate that anyone purchase health insurance.

Trans Mission
12-16-2009, 01:24 PM
I'm with Joe on this one....
Healthcare needs reform, but the current bills are both monstrosities.
Don't let anyone fool you on these ones. No reform is better than these two bills.
Fix the system- Don't cause more problems.

The current bills are fiscal abominations. I'm so sick of Broke Obama placating the constituents that aren't mesmerized by his seductive rhetoric.

How ANY free-thinking human can justify the fiscal irresponsibility demonstrably proven by our government, is beyond me.

The progressive, one-world government is imminent, people.

The dollar is going to collapse and when that happens all your rights will go with it. America will need a new currency, any guesses what that will be?

Democrats/Republicans have violated this country on a moral level for long enough. Two parties can NOT possibly enact legislation by consensus, it's impossible! You see the votes being bribed. Partisan muscle would be much harder with a third party.

I know, it sounds conspiratorial to those who believe Uncle Scam will support you with Social Insecurity and Mediscare, but your unmitigated subservience is what they want.

I bet I get accused of watching Fox News. I do, sorta. I watch CNN and MSNBC, sorta, also.

Watching these extended mouthpieces of the two party monstrosity that encapsulate, indoctrinate and intimidate voters minds disturbs me.

Barrack swore he'd remove special interests from Washington. Now SEIU and labor unions are writing legislation. The ONLY difference between Barrack and Bush is the (R) (D) and perceived skin color. Do people really think the mulatto Barrack is black?

People need to realize that both Republicants and Spendocraps are in collusion with one another. Please wake up before the string-pullers check mate us. It's so easy to see when you don't side with a contrived, faux portion of the media and political sham perpetrated by the global elite. America has been sold by both parties. Sorry!

12-16-2009, 01:35 PM
Trans mission
I could not have said it better. Thanks for taking the time to inform and educate.

Trans Mission
12-16-2009, 01:45 PM
Trans mission
I could not have said it better. Thanks for taking the time to inform and educate.

I just want people to realize that "Democrat "and "Republican" are each respective horns on the devil's head.

It's an illusion and nothing more.

America is being pillaged.

12-16-2009, 01:47 PM

Trans Mission
12-16-2009, 01:48 PM
Trans mission
I could not have said it better. Thanks for taking the time to inform and educate.

Darn, I seem to get doubles on this site. Double.

12-16-2009, 02:20 PM
Smart bill right here, make insurance companies non profit like in Switzerland and then make it where people can't sue doctors more than 250,000$ for "emotional damage". Problem solved.

12-16-2009, 02:23 PM
Trans mission
I could not have said it better. Thanks for taking the time to inform and educate.

I just want people to realize that "Democrat "and "Republican" are each respective horns on the devil's head.

It's an illusion and nothing more.

America is being pillaged.only in america can you guys spend more money on defence then health care wheres your priorities?

12-16-2009, 04:16 PM
he is douche

12-16-2009, 10:20 PM
And who saves everybodies asses in the world? Who defends freedom around the globe. Not the French. Neither the Germans. Dont rely on Scandinavian countries. So lets count the willing . Not many? Not any other than America. The Brits are very good allies but lack the strength. The Canadians supply a token force. Everybody else wants to do traffic patrol. Just check the numbers of troops in Afghanistan or Iraq.

12-16-2009, 10:43 PM
You may be for or against the current form of the health care bill, but to answer the question of the post's title, there's only one reason Lieberman is against it: revenge. He hates the dems for running a candidate against him in the Connecticut elections. At the very least the dems should take away his chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security Committee.

12-16-2009, 10:51 PM
I think we need to stop fighting all these wars that have very little to do with us and get this healthcare shit takin care of. I'm not sold on Obama's plan but I know how health care works and insurance isn't cheap at all.

12-16-2009, 11:00 PM
I'd like to see a War Tax Bill put into place. When ever there is a war, the bill would require that a tax should be levied to pay for it. The cost of the nation's health care doesn't hold a candle to the expense of the last six years of war.

12-16-2009, 11:19 PM
Fuck that !

As an American citizen with a proper life and job I refuse to let my too-high-taxes go to pay for the health care of losers who smoke - who drink - who have loser diseases because of corrupt lifestyles - and more.

Pay for the shit you cause yourself. Don't take my taxes for that.

I´ll re-formulate your post:

As an American citizen with a proper life and job I refuse to let my too-high-taxes go to pay for the wars led by losers who exploit the poor because of corrupt lifestyles - and more.

Pay for the wars you cause yourself. Don´t take my taxes for that.

12-16-2009, 11:20 PM
Fuck that !

As an American citizen with a proper life and job I refuse to let my too-high-taxes go to pay for the health care of losers who smoke - who drink - who have loser diseases because of corrupt lifestyles - and more.

Pay for the shit you cause yourself. Don't take my taxes for that.

If the health insurance industry wasn't such a mess, universal health care would be a political impossibility. You know why people want universal health care?

Because they're sick and tired of all the bullshit they've had to deal with, with the private insurance companies. No one would want government health care if the insurance companies were so much as half way better then they are currently. When you have, people being denied policies- because they're female (which is NOT a pre-existing condition), when you have people with chronic diseases like asthma loosing health care coverage for those conditions for life after getting a lapse in coverage (i.e. being laid of) making it "pre-existing," when you have employer-insurance options that suck* so bad you might as well be uninsured, when privately bought policies fail to cover anything in practice and only exist on paper- that pisses people the fuck off.

If the insurance industry would fix these problems themselves, I would bet everything I own- everything- that most Americans would be completely against the idea of government health care, especially after the feds showed they are willing to play morality enforcers and decide for Americans what procedures they should have access to (i.e. reproductive rights). No one wants DC deciding what treatment options they can have access to, no one sane anyway. That's for patients to decide with their doctors.

Where is all the republican outrage over insurance companies' unethical practices? Because that IS the bigger evil here, and it's the reason why we're even having this talk about universal health care.

Have you ever had a privately purchased policy from a company like UnitedHealth? Do you know how hard it is to get them to pay for anything at all, even the most basic of prescriptions? Hard working people all over this country who are not "diseased welfare exploiters" have these policies and know how bad they are when it comes to actually using their benefits. This goes back to extortion 101 here, if you give someone you're extorting too much trouble, they'll find someone new to protect them, even if the replacement isn't particularly better.

* As a "for instance," many blue collar jobs that offer health care policies do not make it affordable for workers to buy insurance for their entire families through their employer. A friend of mine has a nice factory job, we're not talking a janitorial position here, a college degree, and over a decade of experience. This person can afford health insurance through their employer for themself, but as soon as they try to put their spouse on the policy they end up losing half of their take home pay, because it's so much more expensive for each person listed on the policy.

12-16-2009, 11:24 PM
I'd like to see a War Tax Bill put into place. When ever there is a war, the bill would require that a tax should be levied to pay for it. The cost of the nation's health care doesn't hold a candle to the expense of the last six years of war.

War tax? We have about a dozen of those on the books, left over from the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, WW1, etc.

Taxes never "disappear" after full filling their original revenue generating purpose. The phone tax levied to pay for the Spanish-American War has more than paid for it, but I wouldn't hold you breath on it being stricken from the books in our lifetimes.

12-16-2009, 11:58 PM
...and we had a great communications infrastructure that served rural American as well as urban. Time to pay for the modern wars.

12-17-2009, 12:24 AM
Who defends freedom around the globe?

I dunno, who?
Whomever it is, they must be very altruistic! :roll:

12-17-2009, 12:44 AM
I believe the answer is Supergirl, isn't it.

12-17-2009, 03:42 AM
Fuck that !

As an American citizen with a proper life and job I refuse to let my too-high-taxes go to pay for the health care of losers who smoke - who drink - who have loser diseases because of corrupt lifestyles - and more.

Pay for the shit you cause yourself. Don't take my taxes for that.

If the health insurance industry wasn't such a mess, universal health care would be a political impossibility. You know why people want universal health care?

Because they're sick and tired of all the bullshit they've had to deal with, with the private insurance companies. No one would want government health care if the insurance companies were so much as half way better then they are currently. When you have, people being denied policies- because they're female (which is NOT a pre-existing condition), when you have people with chronic diseases like asthma loosing health care coverage for those conditions for life after getting a lapse in coverage (i.e. being laid of) making it "pre-existing," when you have employer-insurance options that suck* so bad you might as well be uninsured, when privately bought policies fail to cover anything in practice and only exist on paper- that pisses people the fuck off.

If the insurance industry would fix these problems themselves, I would bet everything I own- everything- that most Americans would be completely against the idea of government health care, especially after the feds showed they are willing to play morality enforcers and decide for Americans what procedures they should have access to (i.e. reproductive rights). No one wants DC deciding what treatment options they can have access to, no one sane anyway. That's for patients to decide with their doctors.

Where is all the republican outrage over insurance companies' unethical practices? Because that IS the bigger evil here, and it's the reason why we're even having this talk about universal health care.

Have you ever had a privately purchased policy from a company like UnitedHealth? Do you know how hard it is to get them to pay for anything at all, even the most basic of prescriptions? Hard working people all over this country who are not "diseased welfare exploiters" have these policies and know how bad they are when it comes to actually using their benefits. This goes back to extortion 101 here, if you give someone you're extorting too much trouble, they'll find someone new to protect them, even if the replacement isn't particularly better.

* As a "for instance," many blue collar jobs that offer health care policies do not make it affordable for workers to buy insurance for their entire families through their employer. A friend of mine has a nice factory job, we're not talking a janitorial position here, a college degree, and over a decade of experience. This person can afford health insurance through their employer for themself, but as soon as they try to put their spouse on the policy they end up losing half of their take home pay, because it's so much more expensive for each person listed on the policy.

Like the insurance industry would fix itself LOL. Insurance is a scam, always has been.

12-17-2009, 12:15 PM
Health insurance is no more a scam than any other type of insurance... and it suffers all the same pitfalls of the other ones as well.
If you want reform, allow me to shop across state lines for a better plan. We don't need competition against the government, if you actually allowed them to compete against each other costs would go down.
Lieberman's against any public plan, including an expansion of an already chronically underfunded Medicare.
Give me something that works, with out costing me anymore out of pocket than I already pay. That was the hopenchange I thought I was getting.

Trans Mission
12-17-2009, 01:13 PM
Trans mission
I could not have said it better. Thanks for taking the time to inform and educate.

I just want people to realize that "Democrat "and "Republican" are each respective horns on the devil's head.

It's an illusion and nothing more.

America is being pillaged.only in america can you guys spend more money on defence then health care wheres your priorities?

The "priorities" are being erroneously redirected by the progressives in Washington.

You are absolutely wrong when you say we spend more on defense than health care. That's a flat out lie. Entitlement programs, IE, mediscare, social insecurity and this sham of a health care reconstitution, which is not in even in the budget yet, far outweighs our defense budget. Wars are billions of dollars, entitlement programs are trillions of dollars.

People from outside the US don't equate GDP to legislation. California is the eighth largest global economy and on the brink of bankruptcy. Where does that put the actual country it (California) resides in? California had porn stars running for Governor, are these buffoons surprised that sanctuary cities and unfettered immigration taxing all facets of their economy are reveling? Fiscally responsible, socially irresponsible politicians would be a warm welcome to the inept tards driving this country into politically divided peril.

I hate to be a snobby American, but where there's money, there's corruption and what better financial blackboard to practice these fiscal shams on than a polarized country unwittingly eager to facilitate the biggest transfer of wealth these trillion dollar bail-outs have precipitated. This is calculated, heinous irresponsibility by the grotesque elite.

"United we stand, divided we fall." Are we standing or collapsing under the most precarious ruse to ever wash over the insipid, politically Shepherded generation that gets their information fed to them by news or politicians whom are all accountable to the same whims of some nefarious magnet?

Call a black American the "N" word, call a Jewish person the "K" word, call an Asian person the "C" word and righteous indignation will be rightfully instituted upon the transgressor.

Hating a liberal or conservative is embraced along with the murky tactics the media methodically employs to separate us and that's fair game?

America has never had "Universal" health care and people were literally crossing oceans in rafts to get here. Why does a bill that won't be instituted until just after Barrack is (most likely gets voted) out of office need to be recklessly passed before Christmas?....Special interests people!!!!!!!!!!!...........Special interests are superseding seats.

....Constituency and the effect any politician that hopes to emblazon the badge of incumbent on his subsequent political resume. America, by and large opposes this bill. These are unique times in America.

12-17-2009, 03:10 PM
If the insurance industry would fix these problems themselves, I would bet everything I own- everything- that most Americans would be completely against the idea of government health care,

thing is most Americans are against it now.

War tax?

Taxes never "disappear"

Thank You

Trans mission
I could not have said it better. Thanks for taking the time to inform and educate.

Again Thanks

there are problems with the health insurance but does it take a Trillion dollars to fix it....by the way in those 4000 pages there is not one word about tort reform....maybe it's because most of these assholes are lawyers.

and on top of the money for health reform(?) he wants to throw another couple trillion to cap and trade....this economy will NOT support this...... your taxes are about to go thru the roof, IF you still have one of those.

and just so you know i consider myself an independent.....every 6 to 8 years i vote against EVERY incumbent.....my reasoning the new guy won't know the ropes to steal as well as the old guy.

12-17-2009, 04:14 PM
Poll after poll (except the one’s sponsored by Fox) indicate that Americans overwhelmingly support health care and want a public option.

The dead never come back to life. A war tax should be something that makes us think more than five minutes before launching into a war.

Shopping across state lines for insurance is just a scam to end run the reforms and regulations of individual states. If you want to shop across line you need strong federal regulations on insurance companies.

12-17-2009, 04:24 PM
there's only one reason Lieberman is against it: revenge. He hates the dems for running a candidate against him in the Connecticut elections.

Yep, that's Joe LIEberman in a nutshell.

'In an interview with the New York Times, Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) revealed Tuesday that he decided to oppose a Medicare buy-in in part because liberals like Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) liked it too much.'

'Lieberman had supported a Medicare buy-in as recently as three months ago.'

12-17-2009, 04:44 PM
the Hartford Insurance cartel that owns and controls Lieberman informed him they didn't want the medicare buy-in for 50 year olds because it would hurt their corporate profit margins. whore Joe dutifully changed his position.

The senate bill has no public option, no buy-in, and stipulates mandatory coverage for younger people currently uncovered. It might as well have been written by the insurance executives from Lieberman's home state.

I hate when politicians take views on issues and then say their reasoning is something other than their personal financial gain.

he's a cunt, a whore, and a liar

12-17-2009, 05:05 PM
flabby, you're insulting cunts and whores :) But your right, the bill has been almost thoroughly gutted as far as I can tell. I'm not sure anymore if I want to see it passed. An alternative that's being discussed and letting it fail but expanding medicaid by "reconciliation".

12-17-2009, 05:58 PM
Idealy you should have just copied the Swiss model.

12-17-2009, 07:06 PM
Poll after poll (except the one’s sponsored by Fox) indicate that Americans overwhelmingly support health care and want a public option.

you might want to rethink that...while many want some sort of reform, they don't want the type congress is proposing.....a bigger government is the last thing we need.

give me one example of something the federal( for that matter any) govt. runs that is effective, socail security, medicare,medicaid, post office, amtrax......they all lose money




12-17-2009, 08:40 PM
I am not going to get into the hyperbole of people of both sides. But as someone in the medical field I will say that this bill is ridiculous. It has no unifying vision, which has allowed to it to balloon into a monstrosity of pork. We need reform but we should achieve that through 3 small, simple, and independent bills. The first: Reform the out of control malpractice lawsuit system (this will never happen because as Howard Dean has said trial lawyers helped him and his fellow democrats elected so they can very well harm their bank accounts). The second: Allow insurance companies to sell across state lines. That is the real way to increase competition (the idea that a gov. run public option could inc. competition is absurd). The third: fix the archaic loophole developed during world war 2 and tax employee health insurance. This last one sound controversial but essentially you will be putting money back in the hands of the individual.
This bill as it stands now will do more harm than good and will inevitably lead to universal healthcare, which regardless of what you have been told has utterly failed everywhere it has been tried ( we are currently the only developed country moving towards it, all others that have tried it are moving away).
Finally, to the intellectual simpleton who started this thread. I hate when people compare modern day politicians to nazis but if you are at least learn history. Nazi Germany believed that healthcare was a right and socialized medicine was their solution. We are currently moving towards a system THEY would have liked. Does that make democrats Nazis? HELL NO, but you brought it up in the first place.

12-17-2009, 08:48 PM
This bill as it stands now will do more harm than good and will inevitably lead to universal healthcare, which regardless of what you have been told has utterly failed everywhere it has been tried ( we are currently the only developed country moving towards it, all others that have tried it are moving away).
Finally, to the intellectual simpleton who started this thread. I hate when people compare modern day politicians to nazis but if you are at least learn history. Nazi Germany believed that healthcare was a right and socialized medicine was their solution. We are currently moving towards a system THEY would have liked. Does that make democrats Nazis? HELL NO, but you brought it up in the first place.

This is such utter crap I don't know where to begin.

12-17-2009, 09:53 PM
UirCelLanAd suggests
Reform the out of control malpractice lawsuit system...Doctors complain that they order unnecessary tests because of their fear of malpractice suits should their treatment go awry. Malpractice insurance is through the roof, partly because of tort law and partly because malpractice insurance companies are in the business for the ungainly profits to be had. I’m all for tort reform, but I do wonder why a doctor is willing to bet your life against the correctness of his diagnosis and treatment but not willing to bet his financial well being.

Allow insurance companies to sell across state linesOnce again, buying insurance across state lines is just a way to avoid state regulations, unless stronger federal regulations are put in place.

tax employee health insurance. This last one sound controversial but essentially you will be putting money back in the hands of the individual.Sure

ILuvGurls writes

give me one example of something the federal( for that matter any) govt. runs that is effective, socail security, medicare,medicaid, post office, amtrax......they all lose moneyPrivate business brake even and make profits by raising prices. Why would I want the federal government to raise prices for services when I’m paying for those services? Do I want to pay more for postage? The government should be in the business of providing essential services, not in the business of making profits. Do you really want a significant percentage of the money you pay for heath insurance to go into the coffers of the stockholders and CEO’s? Wouldn’t you prefer that nearly all of it be spent on actually providing someone with healthcare?

12-17-2009, 10:30 PM
Private business brake even and make profits by raising prices. Why would I want the federal government to raise prices for services when I’m paying for those services? Do I want to pay more for postage? The government should be in the business of providing essential services, not in the business of making profits. Do you really want a significant percentage of the money you pay for heath insurance to go into the coffers of the stockholders and CEO’s? Wouldn’t you prefer that nearly all of it be spent on actually providing someone with healthcare?

we are just going to agree to disagree on this.....make profits i would be thankful if they could break even !!!!

and if you believe that second statement you are living in uptopia not the real world.....obama is in bed with the pharamas and the unions...it's going to be a cluster-fuck of the Nth degree. and the kicker you start paying for it NOW with no sevices rendered till 2013.

12-18-2009, 02:23 AM
i would be thankful if they could break even !!!! A government provided service is not a private business. A business exists by the mandate of its owners (the stockholders) and its revenue is determined solely by sales, not the good intentioned contributions of the owners. A government service exists by public mandate and is supported both by the owners; i.e. the public (through taxes) and by minimal revenues provided by those who take advantage of the service. The post office, for example, exists by public mandate. It serves each and every one of us regardless of where we live. For this service we are willing to pay with our taxes as well as through postage we buy when we use the service. Not all the benefits of the service provided by the post office are easily quantified when it comes to assessing its cost/benefit ratio. For example: the post office (i.e. we the taxpayers) subsidize private local businesses by providing cheap rates for third class mail. The flyers and coupons that are put into your mailbox everyday aren’t brought by UPS or FedEx. The businesses who invest in these forms of advertisement deem them worthwhile or they wouldn’t bother to print them. The resulting stimulation to local economies never enters into the accounting when conservatives complain that the post office loses money and that big government programs never benefit small business.

12-18-2009, 09:58 AM
The businesses who invest in these forms of advertisement deem them worthwhile or they wouldn’t bother to print them. The resulting stimulation to local economies never enters into the accounting when conservatives complain that the post office loses money and that big government programs never benefit small business.
I think it's entertaining that you bring up the economic stimulation of junk mail advertising, yet you have a hard time with the economic stimulation that results from stockholders getting a return on their investment.

I'm glad Lieberman and a few other people are standing up for my right to MAKE MY OWN DAMN CHOICE. I don't want to sign up for a "public option", and I sure as hell don't want to pay for someone else to be able to enroll in a "public option". If I want an HSA I should be able to get one, if I want a high deductible plan, I should be able to get one. But the bills in question don't allow that. (I admit I'm assuming the Senate bill doesn't allow it, but I have to assume, because the senate doesn't have a FINAL version of the bill... at least not one they've made public).

Give me real solutions, and real reform... but given the government's track record on both those, please forgive me for not holding my breath.

Trans Mission
12-18-2009, 01:25 PM
and just so you know i consider myself an independent.....every 6 to 8 years i vote against EVERY incumbent.....my reasoning the new guy won't know the ropes

BINGO! WINNER! Plug your nose and vote out the incumbent. I've been preaching this for years and it greatly illustrates the efficacy of the two-party sham perpetrated upon American citizens.

Special interests and the global elite cum stains need time to woo fresh blood and fiscally strip them of any honor or loyalty to the people they were voted in by. Death of the incumbent might actually outpace the speed of greed.

America, is a sleeping giant right now. some day Rip Van Winkle will awaken.

12-19-2009, 02:10 AM
I'm glad Lieberman and a few other people are standing up for my right to MAKE MY OWN DAMN CHOICE. I don't want to sign up for a "public option", Too bad you don't have that choice. Lieberman et. al. took it away from you.

12-19-2009, 02:51 AM
I loved the clip of Al Franken telling the old prick on the Senate floor to basically STFU

12-19-2009, 06:41 AM
Fuck that !

As an American citizen with a proper life and job I refuse to let my too-high-taxes go to pay for the health care of losers who smoke - who drink - who have loser diseases because of corrupt lifestyles - and more.

Funny how that's the first thing you think of. :shrug

He is just repeating what he heard on Rush.

12-19-2009, 08:52 AM
I loved the clip of Al Franken telling the old prick on the Senate floor to basically STFU

Lol, yeah, the way LIEberman said "Really?" was priceless. Then McCain jumped to his defense claiming "I've never seen such a thing" when he did it himself to Sen Mark Dayton (D-WV) in the Iraq invasion debate in '02.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator’s time has expired.

Mr. DAYTON. I ask for unanimous consent that I have 30 seconds more to finish my remarks.

Mr. McCAIN. I object.

12-19-2009, 11:02 AM
Joseph Lieberman, senator from Conneticut is an agent of evil.
He is a criminal

he is owned, bought, and paid off by the private insurance industry to block any attempt to pass universal health coverage for America

Author and radio host Thom Hartmann believes he's a psychopath. (Hartmann also believes the likes of Bush and Cheney are psychopaths. He's in good company -- ha!ha!)
Makes you wonder about politicians. (Well, a lot of CEOs are psychopaths.) Are a lot of politicians psychopaths??????????
I'd recommend reading this book:

Trans Mission
12-19-2009, 11:48 AM
I loved the clip of Al Franken telling the old prick on the Senate floor to basically STFU

Wow, I'd like to hear your take on Joe Wilson calling Barrack a liar.

This, is my contention about politics. You have one half of the country hating the other. Again, the contrived polarization perpetrated against Americans is the coup de grace initiated by the fiscal elite.

United we stand, divided we fall! How can the dolt I quoted bring anything other than blind ideology to an argument?

I'd bet Joe Wilson was a savage and this washed up, SNL reject is the messiah to the misinformed.

People are so eagerly blinded by ideology that any "reform" and I use that as loosely as the Obama administration does is not stunted by the realization that money talks, reality walks. Keep looking for the government to pad your monetary inequities and take care of you and expect a perpetual fountain of fiscal youth.

Does anyone understand the future implications of the Government ruined health scare? When taxes fuel the government and the government exceeds their fiscal intake, they run to Mr. Bernanke who coincidentally and sadly will be appointed, yet again, and we thought Greenspan was shady? We're not out of the woods. Remember what happened to Kennedy when he thought he could limit the federal reserve?

We'll see if Austrian economics wring true and if this irresponsibility buckles commodities or the dollar.

I'd advocate endowing a portfolio more diverse than a Village People concert, though.

Tumultuous times coupled with irresponsible corporate shills monopolizing our politicians is the reason for the soon to be depression. World Government is very real and we need a serious correction to align ourselves with the quality of life that the rest of the world experiences

Socialism doesn't level the playing field, it just eliminates the all stars.
The dollar is going to either tank or tank commodities. Yup, Change is afoot, by not only Repubs, but Dems as well.

When Barrack promised change, I thought a rhinoplasty was change enough, a subtle redirection of my nasal cavity. Fuck, I got a sexual reassignment surgery, though. Seems "change" is subjective, who wouldv'e known, retrospectively.

12-19-2009, 05:58 PM
I loved the clip of Al Franken telling the old prick on the Senate floor to basically STFU

Wow, I'd like to hear your take on Joe Wilson calling Barrack a liar.

.way to go al you rock lol thats how we all should treat a traitor as for wilson well something tells me the irs is probably tuirning over every stone possable to fuck this guy as paybackis a bitch.

12-19-2009, 06:07 PM
I loved the clip of Al Franken telling the old prick on the Senate floor to basically STFU

Wow, I'd like to hear your take on Joe Wilson calling Barrack a liar.

.way to go al you rock lol thats how we all should treat a traitor as for wilson well something tells me the irs is probably tuirning over every stone possable to fuck this guy as paybackis a bitch.

Out of curiosity..are you Canadien or an American citizen living in Canada ?

12-19-2009, 11:57 PM
Americans will be worse than they are now. More change we can believe in.

12-20-2009, 05:16 PM
1. Because the healthcare bill as written is not about healthcare.
2. It's a tax that goes into the general slush fund (How'd that work out for Social Security?)
3. It is unconstitutional....and about 20 or so other reasons.

12-20-2009, 07:01 PM
I blame Obama. He ran for pres saying he'd take on the special interest lobbyists who control our country.
Then the poster child for special interests, Senator Cigna/Prudential Lieberman personally kills Medicare expansion and the public option.

In the old days (LBJ, Nixon, Reagan) someone from the White House would have called up Lieberman to say we've got some nasty stuff on you. Change your vote or it's going to leak out to the press.
We know you're a faggot or we got a pic of your daughter sucking cock.

I guess the Obama people don't know how to get that shit done.
And now we will all suffer for it

Nicole Dupre
12-20-2009, 07:09 PM
I blame Obama. He ran for pres saying he'd take on the special interest lobbyists who control our country.
Then the poster child for special interests, Senator Cigna/Prudential Lieberman personally kills Medicare expansion and the public option.

In the old days (LBJ, Nixon, Reagan) someone from the White House would have called up Lieberman to say we've got some nasty stuff on you. Change your vote or it's going to leak out to the press.
We know you're a faggot or we got a pic of your daughter sucking cock.

I guess the Obama people don't know how to get that shit done.
And now we will all suffer for it


12-20-2009, 07:19 PM
I blame Obama. He ran for pres saying he'd take on the special interest lobbyists who control our country.
Then the poster child for special interests, Senator Cigna/Prudential Lieberman personally kills Medicare expansion and the public option.

In the old days (LBJ, Nixon, Reagan) someone from the White House would have called up Lieberman to say we've got some nasty stuff on you. Change your vote or it's going to leak out to the press.
We know you're a faggot or we got a pic of your daughter sucking cock.

I guess the Obama people don't know how to get that shit done.
And now we will all suffer for it

Ralph Nader has said that Obama is too conciliatory.
He wants to appease Republicans. God knows why.
To understand Obama the corporatist read this article from Rolling Stone by Matt Taibbi:
And, too, author and journalist Naomi Klein has said it's time we stop treating Obama with kid gloves. We've gotta get upset with him. I mean, he's carrying on Bush/Cheney policies....

12-21-2009, 01:27 AM
my best Hanukah wishes to the entire Joe Lieberman family

Trans Mission
12-21-2009, 08:36 AM
I blame Obama. He ran for pres saying he'd take on the special interest lobbyists who control our country.
Then the poster child for special interests, Senator Cigna/Prudential Lieberman personally kills Medicare expansion and the public option.

In the old days (LBJ, Nixon, Reagan) someone from the White House would have called up Lieberman to say we've got some nasty stuff on you. Change your vote or it's going to leak out to the press.
We know you're a faggot or we got a pic of your daughter sucking cock.

I guess the Obama people don't know how to get that shit done.
And now we will all suffer for it

Ralph Nader has said that Obama is too conciliatory.
He wants to appease Republicans. God knows why.
To understand Obama the corporatist read this article from Rolling Stone by Matt Taibbi:
And, too, author and journalist Naomi Klein has said it's time we stop treating Obama with kid gloves. We've gotta get upset with him. I mean, he's carrying on Bush/Cheney policies....

I really like Taibbi, read his book "Spanking the Donkey" he's politically irreverent, even though I feel he insulates himself from writing certain things that would make him polarizing. Just my opinion, not passing it as fact. I believe he realizes what politics equate to a paycheck.

Without question, he's sublimely intellectual.

Hell, people call his style "gonzo journalism" which he rebuked himself. Still the superlative exists.

12-22-2009, 02:02 AM
most likely some lobbying private insurers is secretly paying him off
behind the scenes. THis is so politics !! they will do anything in their power to defuse choice and creation of competition. And you know they
have the "campaign contribution" funds to make it happen with
corrupted, flip-flopping ass Joe Lieberman. .
... ANd Libby is not the only one who is fund-campaigning for votes/or non-votes.

12-22-2009, 02:26 AM
it cracks me up when far left liberals believe that obama got elected because of some major left wing shift.

obama didnt get elected by radical left wingers.

obama got elected because voters (on both sides) hated gwb.

obama got elected because the vast middle voting block of independents and wishy-washies bought into the change and hope message.

well, sorry to break the news but the majority of america is still largely conservative. the latest governor elections of new jersey and virginia are only the tip of the iceberg.

there will be a massive backlash against the democrats who misinterpreted their win and are overreaching.

there's a new conservative movement afoot and it's going to surprise a lot of people...


by the way...lieberman caved in only after the radical left threatened his wife's job.


12-22-2009, 02:34 AM
most likely some lobbying private insurers is secretly paying him off
behind the scenes. THis is so politics !! they will do anything in their power to defuse choice and creation of competition.....

you mean something like the huge bribe payoffs that the dems are using in order to buy votes?

you know, the 300 million promised to mary landrau (sp?), 100 million to that crook Chris Dodd and all the others?

no wonder nelson and the others were holding out. they wanted to get their share of the bribe money.

12-22-2009, 03:23 AM
most likely some lobbying private insurers is secretly paying him off
behind the scenes. THis is so politics !! they will do anything in their power to defuse choice and creation of competition. And you know they
have the "campaign contribution" funds to make it happen with
corrupted, flip-flopping ass Joe Lieberman. .
... ANd Libby is not the only one who is fund-campaigning for votes/or non-votes.

Pray tell - how will this bill create choice and competition?

..I especially love my fellow Liberal New Yorkers...by most measures..this bill will raise New York taxes thru the roof...but New Yorkers don't care..they'll just keep paying (the liberal hypocrites will hide their money...probably made in the same financial sector that they bad mouth on a regular basis around the dinner table..SMH)

12-22-2009, 05:13 AM
most likely some lobbying private insurers is secretly paying him off
behind the scenes. THis is so politics !! they will do anything in their power to defuse choice and creation of competition. And you know they
have the "campaign contribution" funds to make it happen with
corrupted, flip-flopping ass Joe Lieberman. .
... ANd Libby is not the only one who is fund-campaigning for votes/or non-votes.

Pray tell - how will this bill create choice and competition?

..I especially love my fellow Liberal New Yorkers...by most measures..this bill will raise New York taxes thru the roof...but New Yorkers don't care..they'll just keep paying (the liberal hypocrites will hide their money...probably made in the same financial sector that they bad mouth on a regular basis around the dinner table..SMH)


that's assuming that there will be a tax base LEFT in NYC. the upper income people (you know, the ones who actually pay the taxes) are leaving in droves.

http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/tax_refugees_staging_escape_from_qb4pItQ71UXIc0i6c d3UpK


Trans Mission
12-23-2009, 02:14 PM
there will be a massive backlash against the democrats who misinterpreted their win and are overreaching.

there's a new conservative movement afoot and it's going to surprise a lot of people...

This is the crux of my perspective. John Q Public is voting against and not for anymore. Lesser of two evils doesn't exist when you're talking right/left.

Again, two parties result in leverage not consensus.....is this really confounding to anyone?

Asshat, war-mongering, Republicans were voted out for the hope Democrats would accomplish something more humane. Now, the sentiment is Republicans will fiscally fix what the Dems have broken. Both parties are FUCKING CORPORATE SHILLS that aren't working for us anymore. Wake up you polarized idiots!

Round and round we go...where it stops no one will want to go. Continue believing the two-party monstrosity exacted upon the American sheep is really something beneficial to us and I'll color you fooled.

I'd support health"reform" instituted by the Brownies before I would our inept, corrupt, bloated, incompetent, useless, misguided government......of all sides!

I'm not against Universal Health care, I'm against our governments unmitigated track record of fiscal irresponsibility....

...and so should everyone else.

12-23-2009, 06:50 PM
He is not blocking health care. Obama;'s current bill initiative SUX! SUX! SUX! and will kill the small business person if ity passes. Keep blocking away Joe...and keep the best interest of the US in mind.

Obama has not done shit for us yet...all talk and no progress. Another Bush? Me tinks so

12-23-2009, 07:06 PM
No undermining this achievement
Eugene Robinson
Washington Post

When all is said and done – and, yes, there is a bit more saying and doing to endure, which means anything can happen – the health care reform legislation that President Barack Obama now seems likely to sign into law, while an unlovely mess, will be remembered as a landmark accomplishment.The bill making its way through the Senate by the slimmest of margins is imperfect, to say the least. But before listing its many flaws, let's consider the measure's one great virtue:

For the first time, we will enshrine the principle that all Americans deserve access to medical care regardless of their ability to pay. No longer will it be the policy and practice of our nation to ration health according to wealth.

When you blow away all the smoke, that's what this fight is about.

The Senate bill lacks a public health insurance option, the House bill is burdened by gratuitous abortion restrictions and the final product of a House-Senate conference will probably have both those failings. But once the idea of universal health care is signed into law, it will be all but impossible to erase. Over time, that idea will be made into reality.

The loose ends are so many and varied, in fact, that it will probably be necessary to revisit the health care issue sooner rather than later. Even if it takes years to get it right, eventually is better than never. History suggests that major new social initiatives have to be perfected over time – and that basic entitlements, once established, are rarely taken away.

Progressives who argue for killing the Senate bill and starting over should explain their position to the 30 million Americans without health insurance who would be covered under this insufficiently progressive legislation. They should recall that when Obama and the Democratic leadership in Congress began this crusade, public opinion was solidly in favor of reform.

With polls now showing widespread wariness, with Republicans having confused and frightened many voters who already have adequate health insurance, why would anyone think that beginning from scratch is likely to produce a more progressive result?

Is it ridiculous that the Senate bill essentially bribes Sen. Ben Nelson with special Medicaid reimbursements for Nebraska alone? Yes. Is it galling that the public option and the idea of a Medicare buy-in fell victim to Sen. Joe Lieberman's whims? Supremely so. But our eyes should be kept on the prize.

The bill has been described as a gift to the health insurance companies since it provides them with 30 million new customers and no competition from a public plan. I don't believe it's a coincidence that the stock prices of health insurers are soaring. But I also don't believe the main point of this exercise was to stick it to the insurance companies, however satisfying that might be.

While the reform package nearing completion bends the curve of rising health care costs, more bending is going to be needed. Ultimately, we're going to have to take a more fundamental look at how the health industry is structured.

So this isn't the end of a process that leads to a rational, sustainable, more efficient health care system. It's the beginning. But when a reform bill passes, as now seems likely, Obama and congressional leaders will have achieved a goal that progressives have sought for decades. They will have established that quality health care should be for all, not just for those who can afford it.

We have a system now in which Americans go bankrupt trying to pay doctors and hospitals to keep them alive. When you have the opportunity to change this, you take it – even if it means winning ugly.

ed camp
12-23-2009, 09:21 PM
well if socialized healthcare was a Nazi program maybe we should bomb France , Germany , England , Denmark, Sweden,
Canada, Taiwan, Japan and the list goes on. An as for getting a job well the right wing has downsized most jobs an sent them to Asian Tiger countries . The Corporate Fascist are in Kontrol.
You drank the Kool Aid :)

Trans Mission
12-24-2009, 12:54 PM
well if socialized healthcare was a Nazi program maybe we should bomb France , Germany , England , Denmark, Sweden,
Canada, Taiwan, Japan and the list goes on. An as for getting a job well the right wing has downsized most jobs an sent them to Asian Tiger countries . The Corporate Fascist are in Kontrol.
You drank the Kool Aid :)

So we're (me) jumping from dissuading governmental intrusion in our lives to masking our inherent dependence with the likes of Stalin, Hitler, etc?

Please, placate me with substance and not baseless hysteria. I'd bet if we aligned our house with any of the aforementioned abominations we'd be devoid of the antiquated relics incapable of understanding what people genuinely desire.