View Full Version : Bird Flu

11-02-2005, 10:26 PM
Lots of news and noise about Bird flu as of late. I watched a series on The History Channel about a possible worse case scenario that leaves the world resembling "George Romero's Dawn of the Dead".

Interested in seeing what the always vocal HA community has to say about this. Personally for the forseeable future, I'll be avoiding all chicken eating ladyboys.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
11-03-2005, 01:47 AM
Personally for the forseeable future, I'll be avoiding all chicken eating ladyboys.

LOL@chicken eating ladyboys! :lol:



11-03-2005, 01:59 AM
my vote-not concerned...just buy free-range chicken from your local organic farmers that supply them...tastes better, and they have a much happier life....until we eat them, that is...

What I do find interesting, is that the infamous war criminal and neo-con Donald Rumsfeld, has long-term involvement with Chiron, one of the companies approved for production of the vaccine....there's a shocker, huh...


11-03-2005, 03:06 AM
my vote-not concerned...just buy free-range chicken from your local organic farmers that supply them...tastes better, and they have a much happier life....until we eat them, that is...

What I do find interesting, is that the infamous war criminal and neo-con Donald Rumsfeld, has long-term involvement with Chiron, one of the companies approved for production of the vaccine....there's a shocker, huh...


11-03-2005, 03:08 AM
Get a life, boring boy. Get a pick-up truck, like me. Maybe then you could pick up your Tgurl cousins and get laid for a change. Have you ever been laid?

11-03-2005, 03:18 AM
Get a life, boring boy. Get a pick-up truck, like me. Maybe then you could pick up your Tgurl cousins and get laid for a change. Have you ever been laid?


still lickin your wounds over those indictments, I see...it seems you're so frustrated that you can't even repeat rush or sean's talking points...if lame insults are all you're bringing...then let me remind you...I'M YOUR DADDY!!!

11-03-2005, 03:19 AM
What indictments? That's singular. You must be so frustrated right now.

11-03-2005, 03:21 AM
Bird flu isn't spread from eating birds. The virus infects birds first, and is non virulent to humans in it's initial phase. After infecting tens of thousands, if not millions of birds, the virus can mutate, as a function of it's reproductive cycle, becoming a strain that can infect humans. This occurs along migration routes and first appears in countries where humans live and work closely with foul exposed to the virus. Typically, Asia is the initial source for the human starin because many people live in close proximity to domesticated foul. The virus enters humans as an airborn pathogen, kicked up in dust from avian excretions. This is typical of every year's flu cycle. The problem this year is that a previously unknown strain has been found for which we have no antibodies and no flu shot to help produce antibodies. Should this strain mutate and infect humans, then a pandemic could result.

11-03-2005, 03:24 AM
Bird flu isn't spread from eating birds. The virus infects birds first, and is non virulent to humans in it's initial phase. After infecting tens of thousands, if not millions of birds, the virus can mutate, as a function of it's reproductive cycle, becoming a strain that can infect humans. This occurs along migration routes and first appears in countries where humans live and work closely with foul exposed to the virus. Typically, Asia is the initial source for the human starin because many people live in close proximity to domesticated foul. The virus enters humans as an airborn pathogen, kicked up in dust from avian excretions. This is typical of every year's flu cycle. The problem this year is that a previously unknown strain has been found for which we have no antibodies and no flu shot to help produce antibodies. Should this strain mutate and infect humans, then a pandemic could result.

11-03-2005, 03:37 AM
Bird flu isn't spread from eating birds. The virus infects birds first, and is non virulent to humans in it's initial phase. After infecting tens of thousands, if not millions of birds, the virus can mutate, as a function of it's reproductive cycle, becoming a strain that can infect humans. This occurs along migration routes and first appears in countries where humans live and work closely with foul exposed to the virus. Typically, Asia is the initial source for the human starin because many people live in close proximity to domesticated foul. The virus enters humans as an airborn pathogen, kicked up in dust from avian excretions. This is typical of every year's flu cycle. The problem this year is that a previously unknown strain has been found for which we have no antibodies and no flu shot to help produce antibodies. Should this strain mutate and infect humans, then a pandemic could result.

how's that quote button workin out for ya....LMFAOOOOOOO!!!!!!

the dude
11-03-2005, 04:21 AM
Bird flu isn't spread from eating birds. The virus infects birds first, and is non virulent to humans in it's initial phase. After infecting tens of thousands, if not millions of birds, the virus can mutate, as a function of it's reproductive cycle, becoming a strain that can infect humans. This occurs along migration routes and first appears in countries where humans live and work closely with foul exposed to the virus. Typically, Asia is the initial source for the human starin because many people live in close proximity to domesticated foul. The virus enters humans as an airborn pathogen, kicked up in dust from avian excretions. This is typical of every year's flu cycle. The problem this year is that a previously unknown strain has been found for which we have no antibodies and no flu shot to help produce antibodies. Should this strain mutate and infect humans, then a pandemic could result.Yeah, ...well, that's just, like, your opinion, man

11-03-2005, 04:28 AM
war-monger and draft-dodger aka chickenhawk...shrubya, cheney, rush, et al

11-03-2005, 04:35 AM
shrubya's real concern...

11-03-2005, 05:22 AM
Get a life, boring boy. Get a pick-up truck, like me. Maybe then you could pick up your Tgurl cousins and get laid for a change. Have you ever been laid?

speakin of gettin laid...perhaps if we were talking about the sheep flu, you might be a bit more concerned...you should have listened to yourdaddy, quit that job at the gas station, courted a real gal (maybe even one you're not related to), then these bird flu worries might not remind you of your livestock issues... :roll:

11-03-2005, 05:29 AM
You're making a fool of yourself Mike. You're just another geek wanna be.

11-03-2005, 05:33 AM
these witty retorts of yours are too much...no mas...LMFAO!!

11-03-2005, 06:14 AM
'YAWN' I laugh at the Bird Flu ... Its justlike the ebola scare and the Anthrax scare when anyone that saw white powder had a nervous breakdown...what did like 4 people die ..Pppfffsstt... you have a better chance of getting killed by a dog then dying from the Bird flu

And dude your posts are moronic at best....enough already ...

11-03-2005, 06:19 AM
and who are you talkin to?

Felicia Katt
11-03-2005, 06:32 AM
yeah, ...well, that's just, like, your opinion, man

here are the facts about bird flu from the CDC


and about the relative lack of risks from eating poultry from the World Health Organization

"To date there is no epidemiological evidencethat people have been infected through consumption of well-cooked contaminated poultry meat.
From the above, it can be concluded that well cooked poultry meat is safe but handling of frozen or thawed raw poultry meat before cooking can be hazardous if good hygienic practices are not observed"



11-03-2005, 06:33 AM
That would be you

11-03-2005, 06:42 AM
you're almost as witty and entertaining as your inbred comrade from florida...but, anyway... I'm glad you dropped in to enlighten me...don't be a stranger...

11-03-2005, 06:58 AM
what a bummer...I'd love to hear some more of your "insights"....but I'm headin' out...but I will leave you with this, slick...in regards to your drivel...http://photobucket.com/albums/a78/chefmike_/th_giveafuckmeter2ik.gif

11-03-2005, 07:12 AM
What no Anti-Bush pics on that one ...damn im shocked

11-03-2005, 07:37 AM
The CDC keeps things quiet usually....If they say theres a danger, Id tend to believe it. Influenza is a rapidly mutating virus as viruses go. Im amazed that the majority of votes is that no one is worried about it...Do some reading if you can, and look up the Influenza epidemic of 1918 for a taste of how bad the common flu can be.

11-04-2005, 01:49 AM
regarding war criminal rummy's connection to the birdflu vaccine, click on this link from fortune magazine


11-04-2005, 01:59 AM
I saw a very interesting documentary last night about killer bacterias and antibiotics. Though the flu is a virus- the program focused mainly on TB, and how there are strains now of TB resistent to EVERY antiobiotic used to treat it. TB is as easy spread as the flu.

The problem is that really- no new anti biotic has been intoduced to the market in the last 20 years. Most drug companies now do not even research anti biotics because it is not profitable since it is not a medicine people need to take continually- which is very, very scary.

The program also talked about how a lot of people are now contracting staph they can not treat because it is virtually resistent to all anti biotics in the market.

I think if we were hit with such a pandemic- the goverment and CDC are unprepared. Most medical research in this country is to develop drugs that people will have to take a life time, hence profits are made. I think very little research is done on cures or prevention of.

I think a lot of people tend to forget that antibiotics were only introduced during World War II, before than people died from simple bacterial infections often. I think there is a stastic somewhere that more soldiers in WWI died of infection from wounds and surgery than actually on the battlefield.

11-04-2005, 02:12 AM
the pharmaceutical industry is incredibly corrupt, the money they throw around to lobbyists is incredible...I have a sister that's been a psychiatric professional for over twenty years...the money isn't in finding cures...it's in pushing trendy new drugs...granted...anti-depressants and things of that nature are needed...but look at the money the industry spends on promoting things of that nature, viagra, etc. versus real research and efforts into diseases and cures....and the FDA is their partner in corruption...

Felicia Katt
11-04-2005, 03:13 AM
Drug companies are the most profitable industry

The drug companies claim that they need large earnings - 125,835,595,000 in 1999 - to conduct their research and development. They have a point - only up to a degree. Aggressive research is indeed needed. The medications produced by the pharmaceutical industry have improved the quality and length of life of many people. But this justification loses credibility when:

1. Just 1 out of every 5 dollars the drug industry collects goes to drug research.

2. Some drug companies spend almost twice as much money for advertising and marketing as they spend for research.

3. Drug industry profits are so large they outstrip every other industry's profits by far

Drug companies are the most profitable industry. In 2001, a year which saw a drop in employment rates, a plunge in the stock market and symbols of America's economy literally come crashing down, the drug companies continued their reign as the most profitable industry in the annual Fortune 500 list.

While the overall profits of Fortune 500 companies declined by 53%, which was the 2nd biggest dive in profits the Fortune 500 has taken in its 47 years, the top 10 U.S. drug companies increased their profits by 33% (3).

Collectively, the 10 drug companies in the Fortune 500 topped all 3 of the Fortune magazine's measures of company profitability for 2001, according to the magazine's annual analysis of America's most important companies.

These drug companies had the greatest return on revenues, reporting a profit of 18.5 cents for every $1 of sales, which was 8 times higher than the median for all Fortune 500 industries, easily surpassing the next most profitable industry, which was commercial banking with a 13.5% return on revenue)


the above figures do not include catnip. :)


11-04-2005, 03:26 AM
Drug companies are the most profitable industry

The drug companies claim that they need large earnings - 125,835,595,000 in 1999 - to conduct their research and development. They have a point - only up to a degree. Aggressive research is indeed needed. The medications produced by the pharmaceutical industry have improved the quality and length of life of many people. But this justification loses credibility when:

1. Just 1 out of every 5 dollars the drug industry collects goes to drug research.

2. Some drug companies spend almost twice as much money for advertising and marketing as they spend for research.

3. Drug industry profits are so large they outstrip every other industry's profits by far

Drug companies are the most profitable industry. In 2001, a year which saw a drop in employment rates, a plunge in the stock market and symbols of America's economy literally come crashing down, the drug companies continued their reign as the most profitable industry in the annual Fortune 500 list.

While the overall profits of Fortune 500 companies declined by 53%, which was the 2nd biggest dive in profits the Fortune 500 has taken in its 47 years, the top 10 U.S. drug companies increased their profits by 33% (3).

Collectively, the 10 drug companies in the Fortune 500 topped all 3 of the Fortune magazine's measures of company profitability for 2001, according to the magazine's annual analysis of America's most important companies.

These drug companies had the greatest return on revenues, reporting a profit of 18.5 cents for every $1 of sales, which was 8 times higher than the median for all Fortune 500 industries, easily surpassing the next most profitable industry, which was commercial banking with a 13.5% return on revenue)


the above figures do not include catnip. :)


Felicia, you always have your facts in order...I have already mentioned on this board that we nominate Allanah as a UN rep (if she could afford the pay cut), and you certainly deserve the nomination also...

11-04-2005, 03:34 AM
Definitely some great info on the drug industry. Since everyone's already made the points I would have made, there's not that much for me to add. I was, however, surprised about the industry earning 125 billion in 1999. I knew their profits were huge, but I didn't realize they were that huge. For my part, I have seen to it that my clients and I have avoided investing in drug-related stocks. Why feed the beast?


Felicia Katt
11-04-2005, 03:38 AM
Felicia, you always have your facts in order...I have already mentioned on this board that we nominate Allanah as a UN rep (if she could afford the pay cut), and you certainly deserve the nomination also...

thank you, but I deal with enough guys who look and act like this at the clubs!!! :)



11-04-2005, 03:41 AM
Felicia, you always have your facts in order...I have already mentioned on this board that we nominate Allanah as a UN rep (if she could afford the pay cut), and you certainly deserve the nomination also...

thank you, but I deal with enough guys who look and act like this at the clubs!!! :)



LMAOOOOOO....point taken....

11-04-2005, 03:45 AM
I think I have the bird flu. I have a fever and every time I see a car windshield I want to poop on it. :lol:

I am not afraid of a bird flu outbreak. Last year, the only people that got the bird flu were people that worked with chickens. The bird flu has yet to pass from human-to-human contact. I am not the only one, my doctor agrees the bird flu scare is overblown.

11-04-2005, 03:45 AM
shrubya has an epiphany...after all, he does talk to God...just ask him...

11-04-2005, 05:01 AM
There has been, on the part of the current Bush administration, a Machiavelian strategy, probably formulated by Carl Rove,to control the population by using scare tactics. This was demonstrated in the run up to the last election when the national alert color code was being raised and lowered on a weekly basis. Recently the mayor of Ny, Bloomberg, tried the same tactic, without coordinating his ploy with the feds, when the subway/baby carriage scare occured. Remember how the Ny officials held a news conference acting like a bunch of Rambos, when the feds were saying the intel was a bunch of crap? Intersting seeing that the mayor is up for reelection. Did he steal a page from the Rove/Bush handbook?
Now, you might ask, what does this have to do with bird flu? Does this make bird flu nothing more than a bullshit scare tactic? I wish that were the case, and I think the administration initially was going to use it as such(remember one of W's early remarks about quaranteening whole cities, if need be?). The difference here is that there are medical facts that indicate a real potential for a pandemic. Not a guarantee, but a potential.
Now, the problem we face is kinda like a boy who cried wolf scenario. Bush and the boys have played games with national security, and now that they need to be taken seriously, everyone thinks they are full of shit. FDR had it right when he said "we have nothing to fear but fear itself". Fear is a non productive emotion that can cripple people into inaction. Bush doesn't seem to get it.

11-04-2005, 05:24 AM
Recently the mayor of Ny, Bloomberg, tried the same tactic, without coordinating his ploy with the feds, when the subway/baby carriage scare occured. Remember how the Ny officials held a news conference acting like a bunch of Rambos, when the feds were saying the intel was a bunch of crap? Intersting seeing that the mayor is up for reelection. Did he steal a page from the Rove/Bush handbook?

While I agree with the majority of your post, I do question your analysis of Mayor Bloomberg’s motives as they relate to the NY terror scare. Since the beginning of the election season, Mayor Bloomberg has enjoyed a nearly insurmountable lead over what is perhaps one of the weakest challengers any NYC mayor has ever had to face: Freddie Ferrer. And before you attempt to link Mayor Bloomberg to the Bush Administration or General Rove, remember that he is a life long Democrat who only ran as a Republican because there were less challengers in that field.


11-04-2005, 05:42 AM
I was going to mention the Bloomberg "Democrat in Republican's clothing" thing, but didn't want to get off on too much of a tangent. Why do you think he had so little help from the feds? They really made him seem foolish, don't you think? I mean, they could have played along a bit more, instead of contradicting him like they did. I think the neo cons don't trust him because he's a potential future threat, on a national political level. Look what they did to Bill Weld when he tried to move from Massachusett's governor to Mexican ambassador. He was planning a move which would have given him exposure on the other coast, thereby making him a better national candidate. Unfortunately, he, like Bloomberg, is a Northeast Republican with an IQ in the triple digits who follows a more traditional fiscal conservative/socially moderate philosophy.
As far as Bloomberg's lead goes, that makes rational sense to an objective third party, but a politician in the middle of a race takes nothing for granted. Maybe he was being less Machiavellian, and more "cover your ass" just in case. Either way, the objective data, at the time, did not require the puffery that Bloomberg put forth.

11-04-2005, 06:56 AM
Repent, Repent! the bird flu is coming! we're all going to die! we're all going to die!

It's the Germans fault...they fuck chickens. Now they'll take their revenge (see "The Birds")


What happened!
Who's zooming Who.

Boy things are fucked up in the world. The muslim extremistist want to kill every one, mother nature is acting up. No one with any intelligence will run for office in the most powerful country in the world. Polar Bears are getting really ballsy of late. Technology is accelerating so fast that we now have to type in acronyms, (lol)!

It's the media! 500 channels with nothing on! Our only hope is Opie and Anthony's Assault on the Media! The media is scaring the shit out of everyone! We're running around like chicken little!

For christsake, grow up! if you're going to die you're going to die. At least you'll see what's on the other side. If nothing's there....you won't know! Because there's nothing there and your gone.

Bird flu, sars, equine encephalitis, aids, ebola virus, what's next! Bring it on!

I'm going to drink, go to hockey games, have wonderful sessions with t-girls and gg's. And when that grim reaper comes, I'll look him in the eye and say...."You sure you got the right address?" and dart out he back door while he checks his palm pilot!

This message has been approved by Ezed
The Ezed for President of Nothing in Particular Campaign.

PS...To all you Muslim extremists... you got to be running low on suicide bombers. First of all, there are not that many virgins in heaven to go around. Second, word is going to get back that getting 50 virgins isn't all it's cracked up to be, you'd be better off with one experienced hooker or a sassy goat that has that come hither look.

11-04-2005, 09:56 AM
It's a continuance of this administations "fear tactics" - keep the public afraid and they'll follow you however you want...ie; into a pointless war.
We've had SARS, BME, Edwina Currie's infamous egg scare in the UK, blah, blah, blah. Statistically, you're more likely to get killed crossing the road to KFC. Actually more likely a plane falling on you're head while you have the munchies!
"Why did the chicken cross the road?"

It's more bullshit.

11-05-2005, 05:53 PM
death to the masses scares the shit out of me --someone mentioned "walking around like Dawn of the Dead" ---also makes me think of the movie 28 Days ---and what Allanah said --IF there were a pandemic --we ain't got enough meds to help everyone -----I'm an optomist in a world of pessimism (sp?) ---and something HUGE is gonna happen soon --changes have begun --the planet is reacting ----------that GWB cartoon mentioning "white house chickenhawks" made me laugh my ass off ---and that give-a-fuck-o-meter too!! ----yeah ya know --first the dinosaurs --then us ---NEXT!! --which of course will be insects ---this race human sucks ---something big is coming --get rid of us already --

11-05-2005, 06:49 PM
Why are people worried about the Bird Flu? I would be more worried about the Ebola virus. It kills 90% of the people that get it. Smallpox virus is another deadly virus. But I am not worried.

11-05-2005, 07:18 PM
Jeeesh tsluver. If you didn't luv Ts's, I'd think you were an idiot.

11-05-2005, 07:59 PM
There no need for the bird flu because the world coming to an end anyway :twisted:.

11-07-2005, 05:31 PM
chefmike, Seanchai, and all the "experts", on bird flu, had better read the news today. Hundreds of virologists, and real flu experts gathered in Geneva, say that a human pandemic is inevitable. I'm not trying to spread fear, all I'm saying is at least get your regular flu shot. You don't want to be weakened by a normal flu strain, should the "big one" appear. Please don't hide your head in the sand, or let your hatred for President Bush keep you in the dark about this.

11-07-2005, 09:50 PM
<snip> I'm not trying to spread fear, all I'm saying is at least get your regular flu shot. You don't want to be weakened by a normal flu strain, should the "big one" appear. Please don't hide your head in the sand, or let your hatred for President Bush keep you in the dark about this.

Cosign. That's the smart thing to do.

11-08-2005, 03:11 AM

11-08-2005, 03:32 AM
You are so cute and so glib, mike, you are also a complete fool.

11-08-2005, 03:38 AM
You are so cute and so glib, mike, you are also a complete fool.


you left out-

your daddy----->http://photobucket.com/albums/a78/chefmike_/th_bush_finger.gif

11-08-2005, 03:48 AM
You better pull Your head out of Your ass, son. This shit could get real bad. Only a fool would say it can't happen.

11-08-2005, 03:54 AM
I will concede that it might...too early to tell...like the ebola scare, etc.

at least we can agree on TS's...

and that moroni is...

The Internet's Most Horrid, Most Retarded Ts

11-08-2005, 06:56 PM
Let it be known, I am far from a Bush loving, neo-con, twit, and I am aware of the concerns regarding the boy who cried wolf syndrome perpetuated by the administration's use of scare tacts. That does not mean that I or anyone else, should underestimate the potential threat of bird flu.
Raising ebola as an example of why we should ignore bird flu is an apples and oranges analogy. The only thing the two have in common is that they are viruses. Ebola, though highly infectious, is not efficient in being spread, because it requires physical contact, whereas influenza is very efficient because it is spread by being aeresolized by the coughing of victims. Ebola strikes so quickly and intensly, that victims become imobile and die quickly, so they are poor vectors for the transmission of the ebola virus, and the outbreak remains isolated and ends quickly. Victims of influenza can be mobile during the initial infectious phase, and by coughing, disperse the infection easily to others. Also, influenza is not 100% fatal, a healthy individual is able to fend it off, and may be a more efficient vector for the spread, whereas an unhealthy person is at higher risk of death and is less likely to be mobile, thus less likely to be a good spreader of the virus.

11-11-2005, 02:39 AM
yet it's so convenient for shrubya....

11-11-2005, 04:52 AM
Boring !!!!!!!

11-11-2005, 04:53 AM
Boring !!!!!!! Chef, have you ever had an original thought?

11-11-2005, 04:58 AM
good to see you poked your head out of the bunker...better hunker back down, now.....the arabs are comin! hide your cousin/wife!!

11-27-2005, 04:14 PM
"News Flash", Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. A B.O.L.O, has been issued for the whereabouts of the world's leading Bird Flu expert. He's already certified as the leading expert on transsexuals and unions. His writings on bird flu, have led the World Health Organization to realize that he knows more about the subject than anyone living today. The communist government wants to hire chefmike to be the head of propaganda, so the masses won't have to worry about the virus. When last heard from, the god-like chef was trying to organize a union for "Tranny" prostitutes in America.

11-27-2005, 04:19 PM
"News Flash", Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. A B.O.L.O, has been issued for the whereabouts of the world's leading Bird Flu expert. He's already certified as the leading expert on transsexuals and unions. His writings on bird flu, have led the World Health Organization to realize that he knows more about the subject than anyone living today. The communist government wants to hire chefmike to be the head of propaganda, so the masses won't have to worry about the virus. When last heard from, the god-like chef was trying to organize a union for "Tranny" prostitutes in America.