View Full Version : Anybody ever tried to commide sucide?

10-29-2005, 03:48 AM
First off i want to apologize to anybody whom i talked about in my threads there is not excuse for that, i want to justify it by saying i have many emotianl flaws in me that i tried to hide my making posted dissing girls or guys. Everyday i think about commited sucide because im all alone and think to myself will this be for the rest of my life.I will admit ive always had a learning disability that held me back from doing things and because of this learning disability i was picked on alot but it really never bother me.
Each day i wonder if its worth living!!!!!!!!

10-29-2005, 04:03 AM
Life is definately worth living. I mean, it's possibly all we got, good or bad.

You should talk to someone trained in a profession geared towards talking people through their various thoughts and ideas. It sounds like you have a lot going on in your head and it's worth working it all out.

I've thought about therapy many times. I think way to fast, faster then anyone I've ever met in my life. It becomes distracting at times. I've never thought about suicide or being violent, that's something that should be discussed with a pro.

No shame in it, there are professions to help people in all sorts of areas. Being happy with who you are is one of them.

10-29-2005, 04:10 AM
If you're yanking our chain with this post...you may not need to do it to yourself...

but having a sister who has been a psychiatric professional for 20 years...all I can tell you is there are suicide hotlines if you want to talk to someone...and I'm sure they could give you a contact, regardless of income....

and anyone who knows shrinks, knows they have had as much therapy as many of their patients...

10-29-2005, 04:19 AM
Before you act, think about the people you will be leaving behind. I am talking from experience.

When you die, it stops being about you. The people you leave behind are left to deal with what has happened. There are many feelings/emotions that they have to deal with. Guilt, sorrow, confusion, loss/emptiness just to name a few.

When I was 10 years old, my older brother (13yo) hung himself in the back yard. He was the only sibbling I had. I have to live the rest of my life NEVER being able to see or talk to him again. To be honest, I would give my left arm just to spend an hour talking to him one more time.

I don't want to bore the rest of you with the details of my childhood.

So AlphaMale, PLEASE think before you act. Talk to someone, get help, even PM me if you think it will help. This is serious stuff. I don't think anyone (those left behind) should have to go through it.

10-29-2005, 04:24 AM
I was on sucide watch about 2 years ago, and the same feelings that started that is coming back,I wouldnt wish my life on anyone, i have no freinds and my family doesnt even stay in the same city as me. I stay at home 24-7, Im so fucking pathetic LOL its a joke,forums are my key to the outside world!!!

10-29-2005, 04:24 AM
The National Sucicide Prevention Hotline


If you are having such thoughts- get help NOW. Please call. My friend Susan committed suicide last year and I miss her very much. Whatever you are going through now- it will get better.

10-29-2005, 04:26 AM
It wont get better for me, i stay alone and will always be alone!

10-29-2005, 04:26 AM
PS. I have a learning dissability as well- I am dyslexic and often have trouble with numbers and reading.

10-29-2005, 04:31 AM
You've taken the first step, reaching out to those in your community, even if that be us wankers on this board. You've gotten some good advice, so I won't repeat it, but it's true. I would also suggest getting out somewhere, in some social context, to break out of the confines of your room.

10-29-2005, 04:31 AM
Oh please, you're never alone when you have internet access. I'm not being dismissive, it's just a fact.

Just always be nice, calm, helpful and polite, you'll make lots of friends.

10-29-2005, 05:33 AM
I never had dreamed of committing suicide. So much to do in our short lifespan. Actually, I hate people who try to kill themselves. They don't appreciate the value of life.

10-29-2005, 06:30 AM
I never had dreamed of committing suicide. So much to do in our short lifespan. Actually, I hate people who try to kill themselves. They don't appreciate the value of life.

No rant ... but a real comment. Some people actually have an imbalance that is chemical that contributes to depression and at times suicide. To judge those individuals is the same as judging someone who is 7'5" or someone who 4'1". It would be the same as judging a deaf person or a person who has a renal condition.

10-29-2005, 06:34 AM
I never had dreamed of committing suicide. So much to do in our short lifespan. Actually, I hate people who try to kill themselves. They don't appreciate the value of life.

No rant ... but a real comment. Some people actually have an imbalance that is chemical that contributes to depression and at times suicide. To judge those individuals is the same as judging someone who is 7'5" or someone who 4'1". It would be the same as judging a deaf person or a person who has a renal condition.

yes, an ill-informed remark...

The Magic One
10-29-2005, 07:26 AM
This is the magicone telling you dont do that shyt, because its better to be alive than to be dead. Nah seriously dont even think about it you hear me?! Shut up with that stupid suicide bullshit.

You know what you need to do? Start a fight with a stranger. Some tough guy in the street. Either he'll knock you back into reality and you'll feel better, or you'll kick his ass and your self confidence will sky-rocket. Its a win win either way. Just dont kill yourself alright

10-29-2005, 10:28 AM

10-29-2005, 11:22 AM
Wow first off I would like to say this is my first post. I have watched this board for the last 3 or 4 years and out of all the topics none have motivated me to post before as this one has. So if this is a joke your an ass. This topic hits close to home for me as I have known people that have commited suicide. I myself have dealt with depression throughout my entire life and at one point threated to attempt this horrible act. I have thought about it many times but in the end its a spineless cowardly thing to do. As stated in the other posts its not fair to those around you. The thought of the pain that it would cause my family is 10 times worse than the pain I deal with personally. Some days are good and some days are not, thats just life not just for me but for everyone. If life was easy we'd all be rich and happy but its not. How can one measure pleasure without pain, light without dark, or life without death. I've learned to except pain because feeling pain lets me know that Im still alive. I can go on and on but I won't, just know that what you feel isn't unique to you you are not alone many people share your struggle every second, every breath, every day. Use your pain as a strength to motivate yourself to do better. It takes time and it isnt easy but what is?

10-29-2005, 02:45 PM
Hey man, I know what you're up against.

I attempted suicide twice when I was a depressed teenager, many years ago.

I got counseling and medication. With a lot of effort, I was able to get most everything about my life back in order.

I am still on medication and probably will be for the rest of my life. That doesn't bother me, because I'd rather be alive and happy, takking what I call my "crazy pills" every day, instead of constantly depressed as I was - or even dead, as I would have been if I hadn't done something about it.

I know things seem sucky now, but there definitely ARE chemical imbalances which can cause severe depression and even bipolar disorder. Not the "oh, my girlfriend broke up with me" kind of depression, but the massive, overwhelming depression that can tear your life apart. I know - I was there and will be there again if I don't maintain a healthy lifestyle.

My advice: if you are seriously considering suicide on a daily basis, go to your nearest hospital ER and tell them that. You will get a prompt evaluation and some serious treatment to get your life back in order.

Or, as Allanah recommended, just call the National Suicide Hotline. Do something, man - life is too good to end...

10-29-2005, 02:59 PM
I've Been Through Some Ugly Stuff In My Own Life And Been In Therapy For About 20 Years. Has It Been The Be All To End All? No. But It Has Helped Direct My Thoughts, Accept Some Things About Myself That I Was Very Confused About And Hooked Me Up With Some Good Shrinks.
I Take Some Meds That Help Me Out Greatly.They Balance Out Certain Things That I Just Have A Hard Time Controlling.
You Can Always Go To Your Local ER-They Deal With This All The Time.
Bite The Bullet And Get Some Help.
Good Luck.

10-29-2005, 03:03 PM

Felicia Katt
10-29-2005, 08:33 PM
Do you want to die? or are you afraid to live? If you want to die, you should get some help. But if you are afraid to live, you should get out and grab life by the balls for a change. Regret is a cancer, and for the last few years, I have tried to live by the motto its better to regret what you do, rather than what you didn't do. Make up a list of 10 things you have always wanted to do, and start doing them. or make a pact with yourself that you will try a new thing every week, and then keep your word to yourself and do it. One of my best friend's favorite expressions is "Can't lives on Won't Street". Many of the things you think you can't do, are really things you won't do. Which means you are in control of them. Take control and get out there and have a life. And if you think your life has no value, look at all the response you got here, from people you were hurtful to. If you are who I think you are, I'm probably the person you hurt the worst here, and even I care.