View Full Version : Gay Bashing Repressed Psychos

Hara_Juku Tgirl
10-23-2005, 04:12 PM
Thats right. If you like someone then I dont see any problems. Unfortnately though there are still people who are straight and confined living inside a box. Who couldnt grasp any understanding beyong the Norms of society which all of us were born into.

I once gotten a few comments from a rating site from one same guy and it reads:

1ST COMMENT HE SENT:2005-09-29 15:24:25

You're fucking gross. Do us all a favor and commit suicide

3RD COMMENT HE SENT ME:2005-09-29 15:36:34

All tranny's must die. Life must be so confusing for you. Am I a girl? Am I a guy? YOU'RE A GUY ASSHOLE! ACT LIKE ONE! Are you angry at God because you're so weak you have to pretend you're a girl? This site is not for you. GO AWAY!

5TH COMMENT HE SENT ME:2005-10-01 22:20:44


All sent to me out of HATE. I believe that people like him is a ticking time bomb and has the makings of a transexual serial killer.

And with the recent events and news..RE: About a young transexual who got killed. Ive gotten more concerned not for myself but GOD forbid that he might come across some "Unsuspecting" transexual/s in Colorado where he lives and repeat the same wrong doings and CRIMES other's had done in the past. :shock:

He is for all I care a SICK and BIGOTED HOMOPHOBE. I wouldnt had taken any "Issues" with folks like him If he hadnt mention "All Tranny's must die" and his recent one "IT'S TIME TO LYNCH AND SKIN YA!". Where it bacame evident his issues are a personal one againts all transexuals.

This may just be "Online" and maybe some of you folks out there thinks its funny and not as serious matter. But Transexuals being killed/murdered are REAL and a Sad but brutal acts of VIOLENCE! Premeditated or not..Everyone always seems to have "delayed reactions" showing symphaty after the facts rather than HELP nipping it in the bud so to speak at such an earlier stage when there was still a "Chance" and time to do so.


10-23-2005, 04:33 PM
To be honest, I don’t really understand the whole gay thing – but then again, I don’t need to. Some of my closer friends, in turn, don’t understand my dating TGs – but then again, they don’t need to. I find that living here in NYC, gay men are very common. If you live here – and you are anything other than the elephant man – then you will get approached fairly regularly. The way I see it, so long as no one touches me or presses the issue when I decline their approach, I don’t care what they do.
