View Full Version : Too much rain!!

10-15-2005, 07:07 PM
The sun is starting to shine now! :D Really that was too much rain. I few weeks ago I had decided to take this week off of work because I needed to take time off and I was hoping to get some yard work done this week. Nope, not a chance with all that rain.

Normally my basement leaks but it didn't until Friday morning, and then it wasn't that bad. I guess the water table was a bit low around here from not raining all summer. I have a little sump pump just in case it gets bad.

I just noticed that you are now "A Spacey Angel". :lol:

10-15-2005, 07:52 PM
yeah --on that map --don't know what BDR means (Brookfield, Danbury, Ridgefield?) --but I literally drive riiiight through that orange patch every day--that patch is hanging right over 84 ----I don't mind rain --just not driving in it ferchrissake already

10-15-2005, 08:34 PM
I live in central Mass; last night we got approx. 6" of rain, bringing the total for the past nine days to somewhere between 11" and 15" depending on your location. Our backyard is a swamp (which never happens except in spring with a big snowmelt when the ground is frozen and the water has no place to go). We got a little seepage in the basement (high water table, an underground stream runs just south of our house and emerges from the ground about 100 yards west), but when I went down at 8 am to assess the sitch, suddenly one of our two sump pumps blew up! That is, the exhaust hose blew right off the exhaust port and we had a 4' fountain in the basement. The hose clamp had rusted and gave way; I had to hold the hose in place over the exhaust manually for the sump to discharge, and repeated this several times before I could finally risk shutting the pump off whilst I searched for a replacement hose clamp. Fortunately, I knew where one was--wrong size; another place--right size. Now there was 2" of water over the sump, so I once again turned on the sump pump, held the hose in place by hand, then after it discharged, I reattached the hose with the replacement hose clamp, and so far it has held.

Then two hours with the wet vac sucking up the water, then laying down some cedar chips ("bunny bed" or hampster litter) which soaks up the remaining water and smells good. Whew!

At least we don't have mudslides, earthquakes, or a direct hit from a cat 4 hurricane, but this is the first time ever that Massachusetts has issued a statewide state of emergency for rain! Worst flooding on a statewide basis ever (and southern NH is even worse). We're only halfway through Oct, and we've already reached record rainfall for the month.


P.S. What's a spacey angel?!

10-16-2005, 03:10 AM
So, Angela, are you the only "spacey angel" here? It's a term I remember well from the 60s and 70s, when someone would get really stoned and "space out." LOL