View Full Version : Bill Maher Takes On President Obama

06-20-2009, 08:35 AM

06-20-2009, 08:42 AM
when a guy's right, he's right.

06-20-2009, 09:02 AM
Go Bill!

06-20-2009, 09:40 AM
Harsh but true

07-13-2009, 05:11 AM
well, bill maher is getting on obama for not being even MORE of a radical liberal than he already is.

Meanwhile Obama is SPENDING this country into OBLIVION.


It's Jimmy Carter times 1000.

07-13-2009, 05:19 AM
well, bill maher is getting on obama for not being even MORE of a radical liberal than he already is.

Meanwhile Obama is SPENDING this country into OBLIVION.


It's Jimmy Carter times 1000.
Ha, Obama is neither radical, nor liberal, and were you this worried about deficit spending when prince W was doing it, or did you just discover fiscal conservatism when a blck man became president?

idiot savant
07-13-2009, 05:37 AM
well, bill maher is getting on obama for not being even MORE of a radical liberal than he already is.

Meanwhile Obama is SPENDING this country into OBLIVION.


It's Jimmy Carter times 1000.
Ha, Obama is neither radical, nor liberal, and were you this worried about deficit spending when prince W was doing it, or did you just discover fiscal conservatism when a blck man became president?


07-13-2009, 05:37 AM

i don't care what semantics you want to label Obama with. He's certainly not a fiscal conservative. And yes, neither was GWB. So, what would you call Obama? A conservative? LOL!!!

Yes, I was insane about GWB's spending I thought it was WAY TOO MUCH. So, yes, when Obama outdoes GWB's spending by a HUGE FACTOR, yes it bothers me and it should bother you too. Where will all this money come from? I'm old enough to remember Jimmy Carter and 20% mortgages.

So, I don't understand your logic. So Bush was bad. He spent like a drunk sailor. OK, I will buy that. But Obama outspends Bush by a HUGE amount and that's OK? That was the point of the vid.


BTW: I am proud this country elected a black man to the highest office. But I don't judge people by the color of their skin, and if I think Obama is steering this country in the wrong direction i will say so, regardless of his skin color.

Look i understand a lot of people hated GWB. But that shouldn't mean that anything Obama does is blessed. I tell you this.... I now long for the days of Clinton presidency.

PS: Let me also add this about GWB's spending. A lot of his spending was due to 9-11 and I can forgive a great deal of this spending. But a lot of his (and the congress) spending was simply wasteful and served NO purpose.

07-13-2009, 05:43 AM
lol@ ANYONE thinking Obama isn't Liberal...Bush was a neocon, not a true Republican...

07-13-2009, 05:51 AM

Yeah, i thought saying Obama isn't Liberal is kind of laughable. Even NPR (yes, that mostly liberal NPR radio) reported that...


Anyone who claims obama isn't very liberal is either sadly misinformed or someone who is in denial.

If anyone wants to defend Obama's record it certainly doesn't lend credence to your defense to claim he isn't a liberal. I would even think Obama would call himself liberal.

07-13-2009, 06:00 AM

Yeah, i thought saying Obama isn't Liberal is kind of laughable. Even NPR (yes, that mostly liberal NPR radio) reported that...


Anyone who claims obama isn't very liberal is either sadly misinformed or someone who is in denial.

If anyone wants to defend Obama's record it certainly doesn't lend credence to your defense to claim he isn't a liberal. I would even think Obama would call himself liberal.
Of course you think it's laughable. You're ill informed and too intellectually incurious to look up that word in the dictionary. Obama may have run on the idea of a giant change in direction for the country, but he certainly hasn't done much changing now that he's in. What "liberal" things has he done? I still don't see national health care, or an end to don't ask don't tell, or doing away with DOMA, what exactly does a "liberal" vote look like anyways.

07-13-2009, 10:05 AM
I voted for that ass clown Obama...thinking he was going to fix shit...he's making it worse, much worse. All he did was just spend money we dont have on shit that isn't stimulating anything. Unemployement is climbing, inflation will be crazy, and the stimulus money is not being spent how it was supposed to. Crooks all of em'. Shoulda figured it considering who he ran with but after GWB who woulda thunk it could get much worse..and its trillions of dollars worse now and more people losing work. But hey some illegal fuck will get free health care whoopdy fuckin do!

07-13-2009, 10:22 AM
I read that the stimulus bill that they passed (which they didn't read) gave Nancy Peloisi's state about 15 million dollars to save an endangered mouse. That's the change they need!

Quiet Reflections
07-13-2009, 11:02 AM
it always get worse before it get better! Who really thought he was going to fix in 6 months what took years to fuck up(really Who?what idiot really thought that?). Don't give him a pass and Definitely point out his wrong doings but don't be dumb and think it only takes half a year in your first term to get shit done. He came into a mess and has to fix it and that will take time. We as a nation dropped the ball and let the last guy screw up for 8 years all the while saying i hope it gets better, i cant wait till he's gone,etc and here we are at the beginning of a historic administration barely giving this guy a fraction (1/16) of the time the last guy had. All of the supposed to be smart people that say hes so bad and terrible have you even considered that maybe you bought into the hype a bit to much too thinking he was going to snap his fingers and everything would be great again. If anyone knew as much as they claimed they would know that with all the red tape in government it only makes sense to give the guy more time with the issues of this seriously fucked country. The saddest part is that some people want him to fail as a president just to say i told you so to the part of America that is still holding out for a better world. Nobody has to like him or respect him but as imperfect beings we should be fair in our judgment and take history into consideration too.

07-13-2009, 05:31 PM
Everyone knows how fucked up health care delivery is but as soon as Obama talks seriously about fixing it the Republicans line up to thwart reform. The health insurance cartels and drug companies control the system and they will all die before they give up their profits

So how is Obama supposed to take on these entrenched power groups who have had things their way for generations?

We all agree that America has the most advanced medical care on the planet. But unless you work for a big company with a group plan you're outta luck

07-13-2009, 06:13 PM
I read that the stimulus bill that they passed (which they didn't read) gave Nancy Peloisi's state about 15 million dollars to save an endangered mouse. That's the change they need!I don’t know the particular species or situation to which you refer, but if there’s an endangered species of mouse in California, then IT IS THE LAW that California must endeavor to protect it. Often protecting a species costs little to nothing. Costs arise when production (lumber, farming, mining, etc.) and construction is disrupted to prevent destruction of the endangered species’ habitat. Work arounds can always be found, but they are sometimes too expensive to pursue. When that happens, the production or construction is terminated and jobs are lost. Stimulus money can be used to continue those projects and save jobs. Let’s see 15 million dollars divided by 1 trillion dollars is 0.0015% of the stimulus. Sounds like a relatively cheap way to put some people to work and protect an endangered species at the same time.

I’m not entirely happy with Obama’s performance either, but I thank the stars we don’t have McCain/Palin in office right now. Bush raised the national debt 6 trillion dollars. We aren’t going to get back on track by pinching pennies or stuffing dollars into the cookie jar. We need to stimulate the economy and the stimulus has to be of an order of magnitude that's comparable to the problem. My wish is that Obama had put Krugman in charge from day one.[ http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/13/opinion/13krugman.html ]

I’m also unhappy with Obama’s hands off approach to the writing of the health care legislation. I want single payer. Right now even the public option might not make it into the bill. But with McCain/Palin we wouldn’t even be addressing this problem.

I’m not happy that Obama hasn’t taken action on “don’t ask, don’t tell”. I think he should put an immediate moratorium on the policy. But again, do you think gay rights would be in better stead under Palin/McCain?

I’m not happy that Obama's escalating troop presence in Afghanistan, but he said on the campaign trail that he would and I believed him. But at least we’re deescalating in Iraq.

I would like to see more transparency. I want the patriot act terminated. I want the photographs of torture published. It is our duty to scrutinize, criticize and pressure our government, no matter who is in office. But I’m still happy Obama won and I’ll happily vote for him again in 2012.

[edits in square brackets]

07-13-2009, 06:23 PM
it always get worse before it get better! Who really thought he was going to fix in 6 months what took years to fuck up(really Who?what idiot really thought that?). Don't give him a pass and Definitely point out his wrong doings but don't be dumb and think it only takes half a year in your first term to get shit done. He came into a mess and has to fix it and that will take time. We as a nation dropped the ball and let the last guy screw up for 8 years all the while saying i hope it gets better, i cant wait till he's gone,etc and here we are at the beginning of a historic administration barely giving this guy a fraction (1/16) of the time the last guy had. All of the supposed to be smart people that say hes so bad and terrible have you even considered that maybe you bought into the hype a bit to much too thinking he was going to snap his fingers and everything would be great again. If anyone knew as much as they claimed they would know that with all the red tape in government it only makes sense to give the guy more time with the issues of this seriously fucked country. The saddest part is that some people want him to fail as a president just to say i told you so to the part of America that is still holding out for a better world. Nobody has to like him or respect him but as imperfect beings we should be fair in our judgment and take history into consideration too.

Excellent post.

Sadly, as you stated, certain people want Obama to fail even if his policies end up making the economy better. It's so obvious from some of the posts here.

Like Trish said, he hasn't been perfect but I have absolutely no regrets about voting for him and would make the same choice if the election was held tomorrow.

07-14-2009, 12:47 AM
If Obama's spending would make the country better then I would want to see him succeed.

I don't see how massive spending on pork projects will make our country better.

And of course, it's only natural for someone who voted for Obama to be in denial of any possible problems or failures. Even the intellectually honest Obama voters won't criticize but will take a wait and see approach.

A Democratic Liberal President and a Democratic Liberal House and Senate is a just a real bad combination.

Of course, if you don't own anything or have a so-so job with no future then I guess you'll make out - at least until the economy collapses.

Oh, and congratulations. The deficit is now over 1 trillion. The Porkulus bill isn't working, unemployment will soon be over 10% and there's talk of yet another Porkulus bill.

07-14-2009, 01:23 AM
You don't see how maintaining the infrastructure will help our country? You don't see how creating jobs that at the same time will increase our energy efficiency will help our country? Why is Federal money spent on creating work and improving our roads, energy grid, communications, railways etc. called pork? Your categorization of Obama supporters is entirely bogus. Haven't you read liberal criticisms of him in the papers. Of course not. You don't read liberal papers do you? But certainly you've read the title of this thread. A talk show host, whose been rather liberal of late, criticizing Obama. I've scrutinized, criticized and pressured my president and other representatives, both liberal and conservative. Read my post above. Read the Krugmann article.

07-14-2009, 01:43 AM

Where are the jobs Obama promised? We've passed his stimulus plan and the jobs he promised in the time frame he promised are non-existent. Obama either outright lied about lowering unemployment or he's incompetent.

I am all for maintaining the country's infrastructure. But don't you think it should be done in a fiscally prudent manner? And much of this so-called stimulus money that was promised to get things moving quickly won't even spent for years.

Also, how in the hell do we know what this stimulus money is being spent on? We don't seem to be able to get an answer on where the moneys went. Apparently it's all a big secret.

By the way, I have read far left liberal criticisms of him. Please don't assume what I may or may not have read. Yes, I understand some far lefties think he should keep his promise about bringing troops home. And many gay/lesbian people don't think Obama's not doing enough. And of course, Nancy Pelosi wants Obama to release the so-called torture pictures to help her reelection bid and so far Obama is listening to his militart advisors.

07-14-2009, 02:18 AM
But don't you think it should be done in a fiscally prudent manner?

It should be done in a manner commensurate with the problem. Most economists were anxious that the stimulus might too small to overcome the inertia of a large stagnant economy. See the Krugmann article.

And much of this so-called stimulus money that was promised to get things moving quickly won't even spent for years.

No one made any promises about the recovery being quick. Though I do criticize the administration and the states for not having done enough homework to spend the stimulus in a timely fashion.

how in the hell do we know what this stimulus money is being spent on?

The government has a website the lists all the current uses and expenditures of the stimulus. Do a google search. Though I do still criticize government transparency in other areas.

Yes, I understand some far lefties think he should keep his promise about bringing troops home. And many gay/lesbian people don't think Obama's not doing enough. And of course, Nancy Pelosi wants Obama to release the so-called torture pictures to help her reelection bid and so far Obama is listening to his militart advisors.

Sorry to break it to you, but these aren’t far lefties. McCain wanted to see us out of Iraq are early as possible. Gay rights is fast becoming as American as apple pie. Same sex marriage was passed in Iowa, for God’s sake! Lot’s of people think releasing the pictures of torture would let us regain our moral perspective and the respect of the world.

I like the word "militart", sounds like Obama's has a squad of dominatrices with whips and leather advising him on the mili-tart's view of military strategy. :wink:

07-14-2009, 02:47 AM
I love Bill Maher and Obama is just a clown to me.

Everyone, everywhere, started riding Obama's dick before he's done any good. Now he's on Jay Leno making fun of retards and trying to get a spot in the NBA ALL STAR GAME. Once I see that he can do something good for this country (which I haven't seen) then I will appreciate the guy.
All these people that like him just because it's not a white president are just fools. I would see people all the time saying " I bet you mad we got a nigga fo' president now huh? " I would reply back like No actually he's not a nigga he's a decent guy and I'm fine with him being president. All of these people who voted and happy just because of his skin color that's all real sad to me. I'm not saying that about anyone here I'm just saying in the real world there's some real fools.

Go Bill Maher! Legalize Marijuana OBAMA!!
He knows it's the right thing to do but he's just like the rest of 'em.

07-14-2009, 03:03 AM
I love Bill Maher and Obama is just a clown to me.

Everyone, everywhere, started riding Obama's dick before he's done any good. Now he's on Jay Leno making fun of retards and trying to get a spot in the NBA ALL STAR GAME. Once I see that he can do something good for this country (which I haven't seen) then I will appreciate the guy.
All these people that like him just because it's not a white president are just fools. I would see people all the time saying " I bet you mad we got a nigga fo' president now huh? " I would reply back like No actually he's not a nigga he's a decent guy and I'm fine with him being president. All of these people who voted and happy just because of his skin color that's all real sad to me. I'm not saying that about anyone here I'm just saying in the real world there's some real fools.

Go Bill Maher! Legalize Marijuana OBAMA!!
He knows it's the right thing to do but he's just like the rest of 'em.

That's ummm, very enlightening. I think it's time you take another hit from the bong and grace us with some more incredible insight.

07-14-2009, 04:42 AM
I don't smoke because it's illegal but thanks anyway.

07-14-2009, 07:19 AM
Obama's teleprompter fell down today good thing he had another or he'd have to do an impromptu puppet show.

07-14-2009, 08:21 PM
But don't you think it should be done in a fiscally prudent manner?

It should be done in a manner commensurate with the problem. Most economists were anxious that the stimulus might too small to overcome the inertia of a large stagnant economy. See the Krugmann article.

And much of this so-called stimulus money that was promised to get things moving quickly won't even spent for years.

No one made any promises about the recovery being quick. Though I do criticize the administration and the states for not having done enough homework to spend the stimulus in a timely fashion.

how in the hell do we know what this stimulus money is being spent on?

The government has a website the lists all the current uses and expenditures of the stimulus. Do a google search. Though I do still criticize government transparency in other areas.

Yes, I understand some far lefties think he should keep his promise about bringing troops home. And many gay/lesbian people don't think Obama's not doing enough. And of course, Nancy Pelosi wants Obama to release the so-called torture pictures to help her reelection bid and so far Obama is listening to his militart advisors.

Sorry to break it to you, but these aren’t far lefties. McCain wanted to see us out of Iraq are early as possible. Gay rights is fast becoming as American as apple pie. Same sex marriage was passed in Iowa, for God’s sake! Lot’s of people think releasing the pictures of torture would let us regain our moral perspective and the respect of the world.

I like the word "militart", sounds like Obama's has a squad of dominatrices with whips and leather advising him on the mili-tart's view of military strategy. :wink:

Here is a good link to show the earmarks attached to the omnibus spending bill. One reason people are sensitive to overall spending is shit like this. Congress has lost credibility because of spending like this, so even beneficial spending gets lumped as bad. President Obama should have vetoed the spending bill right away and told them to clean this shit up, but hey, what the hell, spend some more, right? Check out line 110, the continuation of the 24 year, 95 million dollar wood utilization project. Wanna learn how to use wood? Come to HA and learn for free.


I propose two changes in our legislative process: 1) term limits, absolutely. Get the career politicians out and make it harder for lobbyists to get Congressional members in their pockets. 2) eliminate earmarks. If it doesn't merit it's own vote, fuck it. And don't give me the argument the House and Senate members don't have the time to hear everything. Too busy, fuck off and get to work. Don't like your hours, go back to private sector.

07-15-2009, 12:35 AM
hi bigfreddy from Mudville.
I agree with you on earmarks. (BTW, next to Alaska, southern conservative states have always dipped into the Federal coffers with the biggest ladles.) I also agree, at least in part, with the requirement that House and Senate members read the bills upon which they vote. The proviso is of course that the bills be submitted within a time frame that allows for thorough examination.

I disagree with you on the term limits. I'm for them for most political positions, especially the presidency. But some legislative committees require experienced and seasoned membership. I wouldn't like to see the appropriations committee, for an example, headed and peopled entirely by freshmen, or even congressmen that have only been around for under eight years.

07-15-2009, 01:35 AM
I propose two changes in our legislative process: 1) term limits, absolutely. Get the career politicians out and make it harder for lobbyists to get Congressional members in their pockets. 2) eliminate earmarks. If it doesn't merit it's own vote, fuck it. And don't give me the argument the House and Senate members don't have the time to hear everything. Too busy, fuck off and get to work. Don't like your hours, go back to private sector.

You hit the nail on the head. Especially with term limits. The corruption in congress will never have a chance of ending without those term limits.

The Hierophant
07-16-2009, 12:17 AM
More people in the world who have no idea what a liberal is. It's funny, really....

If anyone would care to take a look at how Obama usually voted in the senate, he is pretty much a Hamiltonian Republican when it comes to fiscal matters.

07-16-2009, 01:25 AM
Where are the jobs Obama promised? We've passed his stimulus plan and the jobs he promised in the time frame he promised are non-existent. Obama either outright lied about lowering unemployment or he's incompetent.

The stimulus plan was too small. Many progressive economists pointed this out at the time. If you want to finger one man I wouldn't go straight for Obama but rather I'd point the finger at Larry Summers. Obama should fire Larry Summers imo... Summers has never been anything but incompetent.

If Obama could just push thru single payer healthcare then I'd call his presidency sucessfull. Failing that he's in for a rough ride because he's shown very little ability to provide hope and change in other area's.

In the past Obama has said that he supports single payer healthcare but lately he's gotten wobbly on the subject. He needs to stand strong against the health insurance lobby or he's gonna go down as Jimmy Carter part II.

07-16-2009, 05:11 AM
obama was a handpicked puppet by corporate america and for corp amer. he will stay in place like a good boy and talk when told to like a good boy.

07-16-2009, 05:14 AM
obama was a handpicked puppet by corporate america and for corp amer. he will stay in place like a good boy and talk when told to like a good boy.

You're such a stupid, racist fuck. You had to use the word "boy" when talking about the President.