View Full Version : you owe $36,000 and counting

05-23-2009, 06:54 AM

CHECK THIS OUT .... http://www.usdebtclock.org/

We all OWE! pay up!!!!!!!


next tax payer bailout of California :x :x :x

California's request for federal intervention in its budget crisis, and even the state's own Congressional delegation is split on the issue.

The state has asked the administration to provide loan guarantees for billions of dollars in emergency loans, saying it will soon run out of cash without help from Washington.

05-23-2009, 08:11 AM
UMMM how about cutting spending rather than making eveyrone else pay for Californias fiscal Fuckups?

God I need to emigrate somewhere else.


Astrid Shay

05-23-2009, 08:35 AM
Astrid you just got here lol. Ive lived in CA my whole life Its a major fucking waste the new tax laws especially on registration thankfully I did mine before may 19 :D other than that I think the plan was a good idea just not the right timing for it. especially in the recession we are facing.

05-23-2009, 09:21 AM
Aw, heck. What's a few billion dollars when the US govt is already 10+ trillion in debt, soon to be 12 trillion ? And when our debt gets too big we can nuke China, Japan, and Saudi Arabia so we don't have to repay.

05-23-2009, 09:29 AM
Legalize and tax the shit out of marijuana!!

05-23-2009, 01:17 PM
Legalize and tax the shit out of marijuana!!

That's no panacea dude... the shit is easy to grow and high taxes will perpetuate a tax-free black market.

05-23-2009, 03:07 PM
Legalize and tax the shit out of marijuana!!

and all the billions it has cost states to keep people from smoking it..
and keeping them in jail, what a waste!!


05-23-2009, 04:28 PM
may i suggest you watch this:

And this:

Big eye openers I think you'll find :wink:

05-23-2009, 05:42 PM
thats fucking crazy

05-23-2009, 08:06 PM
In 2004 the average income in the United States per tax filing was 45,000 (I believe this includes married couples that file as a single t ax unit).

In other words, everyone currently owes about a year of labor to the federal government in order to pay off the national debt.

Maybe Obama's civil service conscription plan wasn't such a bad idea after all. http://i42.tinypic.com/2laelmp.gif Not like we'd be paying it off any other way...

05-23-2009, 10:14 PM
UMMM how about cutting spending rather than making eveyrone else pay for Californias fiscal Fuckups?
Astrid Shay

This is the right answer!

05-23-2009, 11:46 PM
Aw, heck. What's a few billion dollars when the US govt is already 10+ trillion in debt, soon to be 12 trillion ? And when our debt gets too big we can nuke China, Japan, and Saudi Arabia so we don't have to repay.

Yeah let's get WW3 started already.

05-24-2009, 12:29 AM
Aw, heck. What's a few billion dollars when the US govt is already 10+ trillion in debt, soon to be 12 trillion ? And when our debt gets too big we can nuke China, Japan, and Saudi Arabia so we don't have to repay.

Yeah let's get WW3 started already.

Well when countries have this level of debt and slide into a depression, there are only two options left- default or go to war.

05-25-2009, 02:23 AM
archineer wrote: "Well when countries have this level of debt and slide into a depression, there are only two options left- default or go to war."

Another way out: hyper-inflation. With the money supply sky-rocketing thanks to the Fed and the bailouts, the chances of that are non-negligible, albeit small.

Another way to make the dollar worthless is if our creditors decide it is by selling dollars and starting a panic. The dollar is already falling somewhat.

As the dollar becomes worthless the debt we owe becomes zero. That would cause other problems, of course.

05-25-2009, 02:52 AM
Actually hyper-inflation on the level of the early 70's but double is very possible and very worrying. The years of Stagflation were extremely dibilitating to the economy and jobs at that time period.

The situation ahead will make that look like a drop in the bucket because we lack any manufacturing base and overall real wages have gone down or stayed steady taking into account inflation since the late 70's. Who are they going to tax when to service the debt they will need to be taxing between state and federal close to 55%.

What also happens when investors such as large pension groups dont buy back into union companies because of what has happened to investments in GM and Chrysler because of government intervention paying out the unions before the investors?

The mess that all the bailouts and non stimulating stimulus package has set as a precedent will have unexpected repurcussions in how people invest and where they take their money when they want to start a company.

There arent enough rich people and companies to fund this level of spending now and where do you think companies and rich people go to when they feel they are being over taxed. They leave the country all together living the middle class and poor to pay for the ridiculous debt through outright seizure of income.

Hate to be so negative but if I make any significant amount of money i will make sure that it is not within U.S. borders. Rich people and companies have the ability and resources to preserve their capitol that people who earn under $500000 a year dont.

Happy Memorial Day and i salute my dad, my brother, and my uncles and aunts, and friends, who served and are serving in the armed services.

Much luv and huggs everyone,
Sorry one of my degrees is in Economics. Hated learning it but at least I know when something is seriously wrong.


Astrid Shay :)

05-25-2009, 03:11 AM
Good lord Astrid you know your shit. But did the IRS go afer those a swiss bank a few months ago about 14 billiob overseas?

05-25-2009, 06:32 AM
Yeah mis spent years at UW madison studying drugs, drink, and debouchery and Archaeology and Economics

Problem is $14 billion isnt even much to solve the problem.

I mean we are officially $6 Trillion in debt almost $5 trillion of it spent in the last 5 months. Long range costs of programs that were put forward in the stimulus will add another $3 trillion to that because of no horizon dates on funding of the government programs.

Drink good booze and smoke excellent cigars and drive sportscars and trucks and have fun while you can because everyone of them will be so heavily taxed that only the wealthy wealthy will be able to afford them.

Cheers and dream of bunnies and puppies! :)

Astrid Shay "knows too much worthless information and too little worthful information"