View Full Version : Really, i'm *not* gay!

04-27-2009, 05:23 PM
Thanks to Silcc69 for pointing these out.
This douche is fukkin' priceless! :lol:


04-27-2009, 05:30 PM
Hahahaha, incredible loser!

04-27-2009, 05:45 PM
put dat inna frigeratah

04-27-2009, 09:36 PM
disturbing film

why would those guys even gut attracted to 14 yrs old and young kids? ewww

04-27-2009, 09:55 PM
disturbing film

why would those guys even gut attracted to 14 yrs old and young kids? ewww

I'm guessing cos they're sick fuks...could be wrong, but....

04-27-2009, 10:11 PM
i dont get it, wasnt he like "what the fuck" when some other guys comes into the room asking him all these questions ?

04-27-2009, 11:52 PM
disturbing film

why would those guys even gut attracted to 14 yrs old and young kids? ewww

I'm guessing cos they're sick fuks...could be wrong, but....

Really? You sure? What would possibly give you that idea! :lol:

I almost feel sorry for some of the people who get busted by to catch a predator, i mean its only like every 5th episode that show airs, and it's always the same tactics- how can they not realize they're about to be busted?

04-28-2009, 03:19 AM
Totally agreed that he's the kind of trash you want to avoid but I can't understand what he's being grabbed by the police. Obviously if he had engaged in sex with a minor then he's committed a serious crime, but in this case he's been stopped.

What crime would he be charged with? Or is appearance of police just for TV purposes?

04-28-2009, 04:07 AM
Totally agreed that he's the kind of trash you want to avoid but I can't understand what he's being grabbed by the police. Obviously if he had engaged in sex with a minor then he's committed a serious crime, but in this case he's been stopped.

What crime would he be charged with? Or is appearance of police just for TV purposes?

In the US you don't actually have to commit a crime in order to be a criminal.

Simply showing that you're a pedophile is enough cause to have the state lock you up, forever. We also don't extend double jeopardy protections to sex offenders.

Like, suppose you're accused of raping your next door neighbor who is a minor. You know they're going to convict you (regardless whether or not you did it) so you take a plea deal saying you'll do 5 years, and then be a free man. Well once you're agreed to that, and serving your sentence, they can change the sex offender laws and decide to throw you on a sex offender registry (not part of your plea deal), or worse: decide that "you'll be a risk to the community, and that pedophilia is a mental disorder that cannot be cured" and send you to a psyc ward to live out the rest of your days, without an appeal.

If you're on the sex offender registry, for the rest of your life you'll have trouble finding employment, you'll be unable to live near schools or playgrounds, etc. Stuff that would normally have to be included in sentencing, does not have to be for sex offenders. Its basically "make it up as we go"

There are several ways they can go after someone, on these shows what they're basically doing is busting people for showing up at a location with the intent of having sex with a minor. Doesn't matter if you were talking to a cop pretending to be a 14 year old boy, what matters is why you went there. They'll basically use your chat logs to show you were talking about sex and argue you're only there for sex (expecting to find a minor) and throw you in jail & on the sex offender registry. You can get busted without ever even talking to an actual minor.

Passing state lines to have sex with a minor is illegal IIRC so if they can get you to cross a boarder, that's another way. Also the age of consent is different from state to state, and traveling to have sex with someone younger than what is allowed in your state of residence is also an offense. This includes international travel, suppose you went to Thailand hoping to have sex with tgirls younger than the age of consent in your home state, well that's against the law even if the person was old enough to be legal whereever you went to. So if your home state's age of consent is 18, and you go to a state or country where its 16, and hook up with a 16 year old- you're a sex offender if they catch you. Yet someone living in that other state could have sex with that same 16 year old and not be breaking a law.

The US is also known for a fine piece of law known as the Mann Act. Roughly a hundred years ago we made it a federal offense to transport women across state lines for engaging in obscene acts.* I think the original intent was so that they could bust people for organized prostitution, you can't take a truck load or bus load of girls from say, NY to NJ for prostitution. But the Mann Act has been used for all kinds of nasty stuff over the years. They used to use it to bust interracial couples since that was considered obscene... if a guy took his GF out of state when both were interracial (including in moving to a new state), they will send the guy to jail, since its a felony he'll lose his voting rights and his right to bare arms (for life). The Mann Act is still on the books, although I don't think it would be easy to use it in targeting interracial couples anymore.

* Bare in mind it is per US law obscene to swear on broadcast radio or TV, so if you transport a woman across state lines, and she swears on live TV, you're now a felon.