View Full Version : t girls @ ur job

09-23-2005, 09:13 PM
At my office there are 2 tgirls 1 is cute the other is blah any ideas how I should approach? btw I seen the cute one on the strolll in paterson , nj .But I dont want it to get around the office! btw the co is a wireless co in paramus.

09-23-2005, 09:24 PM
Well, be normal amigo... Treat them like persons and approach them with respect, of course.

09-23-2005, 09:33 PM
Well, be normal amigo... Treat them like persons and approach them with respect, of course.of cousre mi hermano prob is I dont want them to get mad and put me out there especially @ work. perhaps I should let it go but she is driving me crazy whenever I see her!

09-23-2005, 09:40 PM
Hmmm... Same thing as meeting muchachas, really. Do not worry too much. Maybe they are as hesitate as you are. Just let things roll... Maybe you'll get your seven... Mucho luck then...

09-23-2005, 10:06 PM

09-23-2005, 10:29 PM
When u say that you dont want them to put you out there. I take it that your on the DL. I have never tried to hide my distaste for men "in the closet" and i wont do it now.
In my opinion a man who is on the DL has nothing to offer a girl but sex and money, and being that these girls work with you, i take it that they are not escorts, not primarily anyway. So my advice to yoiu is to leave these girls alone and log onto eros.com or something, because being on the DL, you obviously cant approach these girls the way they deserve to be approached. Take them out, get to know em, etc.
And I co sign Nick in saying, pleasurein the work place is a bad idea.

09-23-2005, 11:53 PM
I'm very much inclined to agree with Jade and Nick.
Don't jeopardize your job for some tail. I've had one of my boys lose his job over some chick he tried to "hit and run" She had the last laugh by getting him fired ...by claiming sexual harrassment !

Ain't worth it!

09-24-2005, 12:16 AM
NickTheQuick, SexxxyJade & Saintrose:

You guys have said it all. My only other advise is that you not call the ladies a 'spic' like you did on the last thread.

jt money
09-24-2005, 12:28 AM
I have dated a few women from work and it never ends well. They end up hating you or wanting you back or vise versa and you have to see them every day after that!

09-24-2005, 12:36 AM
Thanx for the advice.alas but they do hook on the side and no I am not on the dl. But I do not want a relationship w/ these particular girls as they are on the stroll as I said.I have spoken to them @ work and they openly admit they have "dates" w/ coworkers I am inclined to date ,no strings attacghed but this is my primary source of income.The girls @ work do not seem to suspect the tgirls they just think they are different ,us men seem to know different as we clamor to them anyway, dating @ work is bad new got it!

09-24-2005, 12:40 AM
where do you work?

09-24-2005, 12:49 AM
a telcom company in paramus probably shouldnt say name but they just were involed in largte merger.they are very gay friendly!

09-24-2005, 01:03 AM
I work with a few transexuals. Actually a whole bunch of em. And some full up shemales, and drag queens, and. . .

I work at a "gay" nightclub (the "" is on account of most of our clientelle is straight, girls come to dance and not get hit on, straight guys come because everyone knows the girls do this. Lots of people come for the drag show, too).

So, yes, got some tgirls at the workplace.

09-24-2005, 01:11 AM
I work with a few transexuals. Actually a whole bunch of em. And some full up shemales, and drag queens, and. . .

I work at a "gay" nightclub (the "" is on account of most of our clientelle is straight, girls come to dance and not get hit on, straight guys come because everyone knows the girls do this. Lots of people come for the drag show, too).

So, yes, got some tgirls at the workplace.

Hey Hondarobot !
What city is this club you work @ ?

09-24-2005, 01:14 AM

09-24-2005, 01:17 AM
Correct, Nick! If I've pissed anyone off on this forum, please don't come and try to kill me. We have a pretty heavy duty security force.


09-24-2005, 02:02 AM
honda, is it true 1st avenue (the club) closed down?

09-24-2005, 02:13 AM
1st Ave (known as Forced Attitude locally), did close down for a few weeks. As far as I understand it, the general managers bought out the rest of the place along with some investor, or something. It's up and running again.

I've got tons of friends who use to work there, but I don't really know anyone I can think of off hand who works there currently, at least on a regular basis.

My nephews band has played a few shows recently, but I haven't been over there for a long time. I'm 36 now, I'm one of those guys that when I was kid hanging out I use to think "What's that old guy doing here? What a loser."


09-24-2005, 08:37 PM

09-24-2005, 08:51 PM
Wow, another Minneapolitan on HA? Crazy. If you wanna stop by the 90's some night, let me know, I'll buy ya a beer if I'm around.

Just for fun, if you stop in and I'm not there, go to the second floor and head to the bathrooms. In the hallway leading to the men's bathroom (the place is a big confusing maze, but you'll find it), you'll see a door on the right hand side. There's a mail slot on it, that's my main office.

Drop me a note if you stop by.

12-20-2005, 08:32 PM
That's intresting you work with some t girls. Most of the ones I see are walking the strip looking for some dollars.