View Full Version : HBO Special

09-19-2005, 06:05 AM
That HBO special about Ts prositutes in Hawaii is on in case someone didnt see it last it was on.

09-19-2005, 02:03 PM
thanks jade, i caught a bit of that show, a week or so ago.....that dude, the guy that made that has made a career revolved around basically talking and hanging with hookers....his first, which is still his best is "hookers of hunts point"....which he made over a 4 or 5 year period....he stayed with the same 5 or 6 girls over that time frame, seeing what did or didnt happen in their lives.....overall it was kind of sad, hookers of hnt point that is, cause life was hard, and didnt get beetter with time....the street ages girls quick, not to mention the need to get high which soon takes over as the number one thing in many of their lives.....and that craving for cake.....the ravenous need for cash....the paper chase...it fking sucks...what did you think about the honalulu one....that post op girl got kinda oold for me....