View Full Version : Day 2 Snow Storm and pics!

01-27-2009, 10:32 PM
From my blog: http://www.wendywilliamsblog.com

Its Tuesday Jan. 27th and Im home in Kentucky! February is a busy month with my club tour which every weekend I am at some new club. I woke up today and could feel the difference in the temperature. I woke up and looked outside to see the roads covered with slush and the parking lot with ice. When Im home I am very lazy and love to just crawl up on the couch and watch t.v. I have three cats: Blacky (I didnt name him LOL) is about five years old and he belonged to my parents so when they divourced I ended up babysitting and that was almost two years ago. I have two girl Himalyian Ragdolls, Egypt and Isis, above is Isis who is a complete crazy cat. She rarely allows anyone to pet her, even me, and she always is hiding. She is the smaller of the two girls. I couldnt get a picture of Egypt as she was upstairs sleeping! They are my babies and I look forward to spending time watching them play.

The weather outside is miserable and I am so glad I went grocery shopping last night as I would be starving right now, LOL. The forecast is more freezing rain today and hopefully cleared off by Friday. Saturday I will arrive in Roanoke, Virginia a day early to rest and prepare for my show at THE PARK on Sunday, first show at 10:30pm! Ill leave on Tuesday for Cincinnati where I will work a few days before my Friday 6th booking at the Dock and my return to Monroe, Ohio at OldStreet Saloon on the 7th!

Stay Warm and wish I had a warm body to cuddle with!


01-27-2009, 11:09 PM
Gorgeous kitties, Wendy! Glad they are there to keep you warm.

Weather is shit here as well (Near Philly) and I feed the strays that sleep on the porch and come to visit nearby. Snow, rain, soon to be sleet/snow.

Stay warm, darlin'. Wrap up!

01-27-2009, 11:14 PM
Wish I could keep you warm there Wendy - just up the road here in Cincy and freezing and pretty much stuck home in the ice and snow.

01-27-2009, 11:23 PM
Wish I could keep you warm there Wendy - just up the road here in Cincy and freezing and pretty much stuck home in the ice and snow.

Lick UR Lovely
01-28-2009, 07:13 AM
Who's going to feed the pussies?

01-28-2009, 07:29 AM
Now its really messy outside, I hope it clears up before Saturday as I have a club booking on Sunday in Roanoke, Virginia.

Here are some recent pics of tonight!

Lick UR Lovely
01-28-2009, 07:43 AM
Wendy, I just watched the weather channel and it looks really bad down there! Maybe you should just hunker down and wait till this ice storm passes?

01-29-2009, 01:15 AM
Well its Wednesday the 28th and day two of the horrible snow and ice storm to hit Kentucky! Currently the roads and parking lots are decent but the ice has taken down alot of tree’s, power lines, and power to alot of home’s! So Ive had alot of time to do emails, blog postings and watch t.v. Also my cats have been of no company as all they have done is sleep! As you can see from the pics they have taken over the office and destroyed it LOL, they have knocked everything into the floor. Isis moved up a level and Egypt still is on the chair LOL!!

I must give mad props to my Condo people as they have kept everything cleared off our steps and tried to keep the parking lot clear! Sadly what has melted is suppose to freeze over again tonight, UGH!! Tonight I plan on trying to get as much work doe as I can via the internet AND lets pray that the snow clears off for my Feb. 1st booking at The Park in Roanoke, Virginia.

Hope everyone is keeping warm!

01-30-2009, 03:45 AM
awwwh im here with you, weather is shit in louisville too!



01-30-2009, 03:46 AM
not bad

Danielle Foxx
01-31-2009, 09:03 AM
Wendy keep warm there. Felicia just told me about how messy it really is.

Stay safe

01-31-2009, 09:35 AM
LOL - Well what can I say, it's 76 in San Diego. The weatherman said it will be sunny and dry here "until further notice." :-) I drove up to my place in OC today and the ocean was just beautiful. Wish I had time to go sailing...

I'll send you a bottle of Tequila, with all that ice you can make lots of marguritas and pretend you're in Key West. :-)

PS: I used to have two rag doll kitties. One was sweet, the other one wiggled whenever you picker her up, so we named her "Wiggly."

Hugs and Giggles,
TS Jamie :-)