View Full Version : A New Day In America!

01-20-2009, 03:36 PM
Congratulations President Obama!

Just a few hours away...some great coverage this AM on MSNBC with a panel including Colin Powell and Tom Brokaw.

01-20-2009, 04:14 PM
We'll see how new it is. Seems to me that it will be the same old same old just with new faces.

01-20-2009, 04:18 PM
God bless North America and Barack Obama to initiate a new era, a new order.

01-20-2009, 04:46 PM
With the Obama will be life in U.S. worse, like past years.
you`ll see!!!

01-20-2009, 05:13 PM
I don't think that words can explain the feeling of joy that I have in watching what's transpiring today. This is absolutely the most amazing thing I've ever seen come to pass in my life.

To put this into perspective, an African-American family is moving into the White House. I house that was built by members of an enslaved race. We have a history as a nation that is more diverse and rich than anywhere else in the world. A history that began with an act of unimaginable evil that we have slowly but surely been working our way out of with each passing decade.

We should all be extremelly proud today because we have come full circle, and as the greatest country on the planet we have finally made the statement to the rest of the world that says we've grown up.

01-20-2009, 05:20 PM
Bush entered office with a project ten year surplus which he quickly gave away to the wealthiest 1% of Americans in the form of tax cuts. Just as quickly the surplus disappeared and the economy started its eight year decline. Bush’s “Ownership Society” and his appointment of regulators in every branch of government who didn’t believe in regulation sealed our economic fate. Meanwhile he and Cheney have us pouring trillions of dollars down a dry hole in Iraq; trillions that the administration never put in the budget reports in the interests of political (er…national) security. Why Iraq. No one knows. Iraq was one of the only secular governments in the Middle East. Saddam has no truck for Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda was in Afghanistan and Pakistan; but Bush decided to look for his keys under the street lamp. Under Bush/Cheney America became shamefully known as a state that practices and condones torture. The definition of navigable waterway was modified to get around the clean air and water act. Fema was deemed a needless waste of government money and political hacks were placed in charge of it. We lost a city because of it. Money was so tight, States couldn’t dedicate money to needed infrastructure repairs. Bridges collaped.

Anybody would do better than Bush. It’s going to take years to clean up the mess he made. Our infrastructure needs to be revamped, we have to figure out how to make the best of the chaos we caused in the middle east. We have to somehow fix an utterly broken economy. I’m sure things are going to get worse before they get better, no matter who's in charge. I prefer someone who can put a subject and a predicate together and form a complete thought. A thought that pragmatically addresses the good of the people, rather than one that merely reformulates a nineteenth century economic ideology.

01-20-2009, 05:28 PM
Trish, it't time to start ignoring these weak arguments now. Obama will be the President in about an hour. None of this stuff matters anymore. The last thing on my mind atleast is someone saying that Obama is gonna fail. Especially if were talking about comments made by someone from another country who's opinion REALLY doesn't matter at all because it's not ever his business.

I'm just saying, by continuing to argue with these people about something like that you're just giving there words power in thier minds.

That Bush stuff was good information during the campaign process but it's old news now. We're in the here and now, and need to help OUR (as in American's - for the foreigner) President to be successful.

01-20-2009, 05:35 PM
a breath of fresh air. a man with a moral backbone. his roots are based in middle America where most of us live. he has a nation behind him and a world of problems in front of him. we are in unique times never before seen in this world. we, as Americans, hold as much responsibility for making change as does Obama. i pray that we are as strong and as committed as our new President. we are a fickle society whose opinions change with the wind. it's time for us to stand up and do what is right. we must fight the urge to give in too soon. so many wish to chase the all American dollar (greed) rather than working to help their fellow man. i wish the best for our country and society. can we truly meet the challenge?

01-20-2009, 05:46 PM
a breath of fresh air. a man with a moral backbone. his roots are based in middle America where most of us live. he has a nation behind him and a world of problems in front of him. we are in unique times never before seen in this world. we, as Americans, hold as much responsibility for making change as does Obama. i pray that we are as strong and as committed as our new President. we are a fickle society whose opinions change with the wind. it's time for us to stand up and do what is right. we must fight the urge to give in too soon. so many wish to chase the all American dollar (greed) rather than working to help their fellow man. i wish the best for our country and society. can we truly meet the challenge?

Very well said JonnyT. A better way to end that though would have been to say that "we have to meet the challenge". We owe it to the generations following us if nothing else. There's just no other option other than putting up the fight to save our country.

01-20-2009, 05:51 PM
I hear ya, defame. Onward and upward.

01-20-2009, 05:53 PM
Bush entered office with a project ten year surplus which he quickly gave away to the wealthiest 1% of Americans in the form of tax cuts. Just as quickly the surplus disappeared and the economy started its eight year decline. Bush’s “Ownership Society” and his appointment of regulators in every branch of government who didn’t believe in regulation sealed our economic fate. Meanwhile he and Cheney have us pouring trillions of dollars down a dry hole in Iraq; trillions that the administration never put in the budget reports in the interests of political (er…national) security. Why Iraq. No one knows. Iraq was one of the only secular governments in the Middle East. Saddam has no truck for Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda was in Afghanistan and Pakistan; but Bush decided to look for his keys under the street lamp. Under Bush/Cheney America became shamefully known as a state that practices and condones torture. The definition of navigable waterway was modified to get around the clean air and water act. Fema was deemed a needless waste of government money and political hacks were placed in charge of it. We lost a city because of it. Money was so tight, States couldn’t dedicate money to needed infrastructure repairs. Bridges collaped.

Anybody would do better than Bush. It’s going to take years to clean up the mess he made. Our infrastructure needs to be revamped, we have to figure out how to make the best of the chaos we caused in the middle east. We have to somehow fix an utterly broken economy. I’m sure things are going to get worse before they get better, no matter who's in charge. I prefer someone who can put a subject and a predicate together and form a complete thought. A thought that pragmatically addresses the good of the people, rather than one that merely reformulates a nineteenth century economic ideology.Why blame bush. Blame yourself. He didnt take our money out of our own pockets he tried his hardest stop attacking him.No I dont like him but think rationally its not his fault our housing/Economic markets suck. Its our fault.

01-20-2009, 05:58 PM
a breath of fresh air. a man with a moral backbone. his roots are based in middle America where most of us live. he has a nation behind him and a world of problems in front of him. we are in unique times never before seen in this world. we, as Americans, hold as much responsibility for making change as does Obama. i pray that we are as strong and as committed as our new President. we are a fickle society whose opinions change with the wind. it's time for us to stand up and do what is right. we must fight the urge to give in too soon. so many wish to chase the all American dollar (greed) rather than working to help their fellow man. i wish the best for our country and society. can we truly meet the challenge?

Very well said JonnyT. A better way to end that though would have been to say that "we have to meet the challenge". We owe it to the generations following us if nothing else. There's just no other option other than putting up the fight to save our country.

i agree with you except that you have more faith in our current society than i do at the moment. if you look at what just happened on wall street you will see a microcosm of our society and until we get our morals back i'm not so sure we can meet the challenges ahead. hence the question.

01-20-2009, 07:06 PM


01-20-2009, 07:16 PM
Its official My President is black...My fault I gotta say for all those who either oppose the idea of the President being a person of color or just don't like him..Whether you like it or not <h1>Our President is black</h1>

01-20-2009, 07:54 PM
I was really happy to see that members of the groundbreaking and heroic Tuskegee Airmen were able to attend this inauguration.

Some photos:


01-20-2009, 08:02 PM
What an exciting moment.
My eyes filled with tears several times during his speech.

Today, anything is possible.

01-20-2009, 08:26 PM
Good ceremony. The party will be over tomorrow, and we're in one hell of a mess at the moment, as a nation. Let's keep in mind:


01-20-2009, 10:58 PM
What an exciting moment.
My eyes filled with tears several times during his speech.

Today, anything is possible.

What happened then Sweetcheeks did he turn water into wine?

One thing.

You never see Tony Blair and Barack Obama together in the same room.

Well, Blair always was a good actor...

here are the clues
1. the publicity machine spin
2. the new messiah profile with the press
3. portraying the opposition as evil.

Well, at least we were ahead of the US on this one.

When Blair came to power ,he was young ,goodlooking and full of change with huge media support and hope from the people by 2005 he had aged big time, he was getting 35% of the national vote and doing deals with the Ulster Unionists to get bills through .

I actually hope Obama pulls it offas the world is in a very volitile state right now.America has huge problems domestically. And I do think it really is a great thing what he has done.

01-21-2009, 11:28 PM
the challenge begins. i feel for the younger generation that have had so much handed to them. this is going to be a real eye opener for them. perhaps they will learn that some things are worth working for. it can only help to learn that you don't have to have everything right now.

01-21-2009, 11:38 PM
Bush entered office with a project ten year surplus which he quickly gave away to the wealthiest 1% of Americans in the form of tax cuts. Just as quickly the surplus disappeared and the economy started its eight year decline. Bush’s “Ownership Society” and his appointment of regulators in every branch of government who didn’t believe in regulation sealed our economic fate. Meanwhile he and Cheney have us pouring trillions of dollars down a dry hole in Iraq; trillions that the administration never put in the budget reports in the interests of political (er…national) security. Why Iraq. No one knows. Iraq was one of the only secular governments in the Middle East. Saddam has no truck for Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda was in Afghanistan and Pakistan; but Bush decided to look for his keys under the street lamp. Under Bush/Cheney America became shamefully known as a state that practices and condones torture. The definition of navigable waterway was modified to get around the clean air and water act. Fema was deemed a needless waste of government money and political hacks were placed in charge of it. We lost a city because of it. Money was so tight, States couldn’t dedicate money to needed infrastructure repairs. Bridges collaped.

Anybody would do better than Bush. It’s going to take years to clean up the mess he made. Our infrastructure needs to be revamped, we have to figure out how to make the best of the chaos we caused in the middle east. We have to somehow fix an utterly broken economy. I’m sure things are going to get worse before they get better, no matter who's in charge. I prefer someone who can put a subject and a predicate together and form a complete thought. A thought that pragmatically addresses the good of the people, rather than one that merely reformulates a nineteenth century economic ideology.Why blame bush. Blame yourself. He didnt take our money out of our own pockets he tried his hardest stop attacking him.No I dont like him but think rationally its not his fault our housing/Economic markets suck. Its our fault.

Maybe its everyones fault :shrug

01-21-2009, 11:43 PM
Obama freezes staff pay


Thats pretty cool, I like to see self-sacrifice, for example when the Ford CEO mentioned he would take $1/yr pay. That shows good leadership.

01-22-2009, 01:44 AM
Weren't all those not-so-subtle jabs Obama took at ex-prez shrubya during his inauguration speech great!

Well done, Mr. President!

01-22-2009, 01:50 AM
Obama freezes staff pay


Thats pretty cool, I like to see self-sacrifice, for example when the Ford CEO mentioned he would take $1/yr pay. That shows good leadership.That's not all President Obama did today. The new lobbying restrictions are also an important and much needed measure.

Well done, Mr. President!

01-22-2009, 05:39 AM
i was down in DC both Sunday and Tuesday and i couldnt of been more happier....getting to see his speeches live is completely different than on tv....plus being that close to him was a great feeling

01-22-2009, 05:55 AM
America is in a financial crisis and his inauguration cost around 150 million dollars. And then he tries to appoint a secretary of treasury who fucks up on his own taxes. This is going to be even better than the last 8 fucked up years. :roll:

01-22-2009, 06:17 AM
Don't believe everything you hear:

About Inaugural costs
Mark Lacter • Bio • Email

I've gotten a number of emails concerning my post the other day that questioned the high cost of the Obama Inaugural. It turns out there's more to the story, producing one of those garbage-in, garbage-out conclusions that are an occupational hazard when doing a blog. Here’s the deal: The actual Obama festivities will run about $45 million, which is only a bit higher than the previous Bush inaugural. That excludes the $124 million that federal, state and local governments are paying for security and the official swearing-in ceremony - money the Obama folks had no control over. A bunch of early reports, well-fueled by the folks at Fox, did not consider the security-related expenses and made an apples-and-oranges comparison that had Obama's Inauguration costing $100 million more than Bush's. Eric Boehlert had a thing or two to say about the confusion at Media Matters:

The misinformation first arrived in the form of an underreported newspaper article in America, and then one in London. Between them, and thanks to furious transatlantic online linking, the reports gave birth to the story that Obama's inauguration was going to cost nearly four times what the country spent on Bush's bash in 2005 -- that the Obama inauguration would cost almost $120 million more.

Here's Steve Benen's take at Washington Monthly:

Now, truth be told, I don't much care which president's inauguration came with a bigger price tag. The evidence suggests Bush's and Obama's will end up costing about the same. What I do care about is a misleading drive on the part of a lot of news outlets to characterize Obama as some kind of extravagant spendthrift, insensitive to the plight of struggling American families. It's total nonsense. Something to keep in mind as this story makes the rounds.

With Congress about to lay out hundreds of billions of dollars in fiscal stimulus, the confusion over inaugural costs should be viewed as a small but telling cautionary tale. Too many people - reporters, pundits, bloggers, et al – haven’t the first clue about many of the numbers they're writing about - numbers that will help determine whether the stimulus plan is doing any good and whether the economy is getting better or worse. Oh, this should be quite a year.

01-22-2009, 06:58 AM
I'm surprised "LEGEND" havent been to this thread to spread his hatred for obama


01-22-2009, 07:21 AM
Showbiz politics or celebrity politics. Between Obamas campaign and doomsday Inag this is running close to a billion. How about putting all that corrupt wall street money to better use like feeding the hungry people in the usa.

01-22-2009, 11:53 AM
His Journey is going to be extremelt though and bumpy, for the sake of the world (not just the U.S.A.) i hope he makes it i have faith in him.

Ow and someone mentioned young people getting so much handed to them the last 10-15 years, so true people need to get used to working for their money again.

President Obama godspeed

01-22-2009, 05:45 PM
Don't believe everything you hear:

About Inaugural costs
Mark Lacter • Bio • Email

I've gotten a number of emails concerning my post the other day that questioned the high cost of the Obama Inaugural. It turns out there's more to the story, producing one of those garbage-in, garbage-out conclusions that are an occupational hazard when doing a blog. Here’s the deal: The actual Obama festivities will run about $45 million, which is only a bit higher than the previous Bush inaugural. That excludes the $124 million that federal, state and local governments are paying for security and the official swearing-in ceremony - money the Obama folks had no control over. A bunch of early reports, well-fueled by the folks at Fox, did not consider the security-related expenses and made an apples-and-oranges comparison that had Obama's Inauguration costing $100 million more than Bush's. Eric Boehlert had a thing or two to say about the confusion at Media Matters:

The misinformation first arrived in the form of an underreported newspaper article in America, and then one in London. Between them, and thanks to furious transatlantic online linking, the reports gave birth to the story that Obama's inauguration was going to cost nearly four times what the country spent on Bush's bash in 2005 -- that the Obama inauguration would cost almost $120 million more.

Here's Steve Benen's take at Washington Monthly:

Now, truth be told, I don't much care which president's inauguration came with a bigger price tag. The evidence suggests Bush's and Obama's will end up costing about the same. What I do care about is a misleading drive on the part of a lot of news outlets to characterize Obama as some kind of extravagant spendthrift, insensitive to the plight of struggling American families. It's total nonsense. Something to keep in mind as this story makes the rounds.

With Congress about to lay out hundreds of billions of dollars in fiscal stimulus, the confusion over inaugural costs should be viewed as a small but telling cautionary tale. Too many people - reporters, pundits, bloggers, et al – haven’t the first clue about many of the numbers they're writing about - numbers that will help determine whether the stimulus plan is doing any good and whether the economy is getting better or worse. Oh, this should be quite a year.

just thought this was worth repeating.

01-22-2009, 07:34 PM
His Journey is going to be extremelt though and bumpy, for the sake of the world (not just the U.S.A.) i hope he makes it i have faith in him.

Ow and someone mentioned young people getting so much handed to them the last 10-15 years, so true people need to get used to working for their money again.

President Obama godspeed

Well definitely true and its a world problem so that means its going to take more than Obama to put it all back together. Congress is going to have to help. You can count on the next few months will be filled congressman pointing fingers at each other and at the Obama administration and them pointing fingers back at them. I have a feeling is going to be a nasty battle, but hopefully something good will come out of it.

01-22-2009, 08:23 PM
a couple of points:

i'm impressed with the way Michelle Obama is starting things out. she buys her clothes off the rack and has stated that you won't see her in any european fashions, American only for her. what a stunning statement in a country that feels they have to have someone else's name plastered on their ass to feel important. substance returns to a new mindset. Levi's and Wrangler for me.

the words of JFK also bare repeating: "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what YOU can do for your country". i think that says it all.

01-22-2009, 08:41 PM
Yea I like your point, but I am sorry I can't resist buying Japanese cars still :(

01-23-2009, 12:46 AM
Obama signs order to close Guantanamo in a year


01-23-2009, 01:13 AM
Bush entered office with a project ten year surplus which he quickly gave away to the wealthiest 1% of Americans in the form of tax cuts. Just as quickly the surplus disappeared and the economy started its eight year decline. Bush’s “Ownership Society” and his appointment of regulators in every branch of government who didn’t believe in regulation sealed our economic fate. Meanwhile he and Cheney have us pouring trillions of dollars down a dry hole in Iraq; trillions that the administration never put in the budget reports in the interests of political (er…national) security. Why Iraq. No one knows. Iraq was one of the only secular governments in the Middle East. Saddam has no truck for Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda was in Afghanistan and Pakistan; but Bush decided to look for his keys under the street lamp. Under Bush/Cheney America became shamefully known as a state that practices and condones torture. The definition of navigable waterway was modified to get around the clean air and water act. Fema was deemed a needless waste of government money and political hacks were placed in charge of it. We lost a city because of it. Money was so tight, States couldn’t dedicate money to needed infrastructure repairs. Bridges collaped.

Anybody would do better than Bush. It’s going to take years to clean up the mess he made. Our infrastructure needs to be revamped, we have to figure out how to make the best of the chaos we caused in the middle east. We have to somehow fix an utterly broken economy. I’m sure things are going to get worse before they get better, no matter who's in charge. I prefer someone who can put a subject and a predicate together and form a complete thought. A thought that pragmatically addresses the good of the people, rather than one that merely reformulates a nineteenth century economic ideology.Why blame bush. Blame yourself. He didnt take our money out of our own pockets he tried his hardest stop attacking him.No I dont like him but think rationally its not his fault our housing/Economic markets suck. Its our fault.

Wow your the smartest person in the world ..or maby your a dumb ass with your head in the sand for the past 7 years . stop sucking on bush dick get off his balls he is , was the worst prez ever never in the history of america, or in the rest of the world have a country gone from having so much to having so little .. hell i was paid before Bush came in now im just getting by just holding on to my house & im an architect .
i guess u did your job cuz u got me mad as hell by saying some dumb shit like that , he fucked up everything by OUTSOURCING . if we don't have jobs then we can't buy stuff if stores can't sell stuff then they close ( circuitcity) if stores close then wallstreet , banks needs a bail out ..
so yes u r the world biggest dumb ass right after Bush , just give us our 8 years with Obama .. let me make my doe so i can move to brazil in my 30's :P

01-24-2009, 08:03 PM
I'm surprised "LEGEND" havent been to this thread to spread his hatred for obama

Yeah i'm going to vote for someone i hate.Fatty you really give up the act.

01-24-2009, 08:09 PM
I'm surprised "LEGEND" havent been to this thread to spread his hatred for obama

Yeah i'm going to vote for someone i hate.Fatty you really give up the act.I was wondering what they were talking about, I didn't think that you were one of HA's deluded and hypocritical McSame supporters.

01-24-2009, 08:24 PM
I'm surprised "LEGEND" havent been to this thread to spread his hatred for obama

Yeah i'm going to vote for someone i hate.Fatty you really give up the act.I was wondering what they were talking about, I didn't think that you were one of HA's deluded and hypocritical McSame supporters.

"bigblackman" is just bigfatvicki trying convince people i hate black people.

01-24-2009, 08:43 PM
Legend, do you think everyone you have a beef with on HA is Vicki Richter? What's up with that? I seriously doubt Vicki would create a profile just to go after you

I'm surprised "LEGEND" havent been to this thread to spread his hatred for obama

Yeah i'm going to vote for someone i hate.Fatty you really give up the act.I was wondering what they were talking about, I didn't think that you were one of HA's deluded and hypocritical McSame supporters.

"bigblackman" is just bigfatvicki trying convince people i hate black people.

01-25-2009, 06:11 AM
back to the topic. Obama is off to a good start. i'm pleased with what i see in this man.

01-25-2009, 08:12 AM
On vous souhaite que du bonheur avec votre nouveau president,nous n'avons pas c'ette chance chez nous.vive l'Amerique. :D :D

01-25-2009, 08:28 AM
On vous souhaite que du bonheur avec votre nouveau president,nous n'avons pas c'ette chance chez nous.vive l'Amerique. :D :D

Merci beaucoup pour vos bons souhaits :D

01-25-2009, 08:36 AM
back to the topic. Obama is off to a good start. i'm pleased with what i see in this man.

01-25-2009, 08:44 AM
guess you don't have a clear understanding of politics. sit tight my friend. no need to bring race into it either. hate will get you nowhere.

01-25-2009, 08:45 AM

01-25-2009, 08:53 AM

i'm wondering what someone has done to you to make you such a cynic. turn off the caps lock and speak in a normal tone and you may get a serious response. good luck and pay attention.

01-25-2009, 09:17 AM
please tell me, what has obama done that's made you so proud?

please? You can't. That's why this thread=lol.

01-25-2009, 09:25 AM
please tell me, what has obama done that's made you so proud?

please? You can't. That's why this thread=lol.

Isn't he the first black president?

El Nino
01-25-2009, 10:47 AM
Obama bombs Pakistan... Cnn reports

01-25-2009, 07:56 PM
New President Approves Continued Attacks That Have Killed 8 of al Qaeda's Top 20

During the campaign, Obama called for cross-border attacks against high-value al Qaeda targets in Pakistan, even before the CIA campaign began.

Well done, President Obama!

No rest for Al Qaeda or Bin Laden!

:claps :claps :claps :claps :claps

El Nino
01-25-2009, 10:21 PM
Sound Familiar?

01-25-2009, 10:49 PM
During the campaign, Obama called for cross-border attacks against high-value al Qaeda targets in Pakistan, even before the CIA campaign began.

01-25-2009, 10:51 PM
What an exciting moment.
My eyes filled with tears several times during his speech.

Today, anything is possible.

What happened then Sweetcheeks did he turn water into wine?

One thing.

You never see Tony Blair and Barack Obama together in the same room.

Well, Blair always was a good actor...

here are the clues
1. the publicity machine spin
2. the new messiah profile with the press
3. portraying the opposition as evil.

Well, at least we were ahead of the US on this one.

When Blair came to power ,he was young ,goodlooking and full of change with huge media support and hope from the people by 2005 he had aged big time, he was getting 35% of the national vote and doing deals with the Ulster Unionists to get bills through .

I actually hope Obama pulls it offas the world is in a very volitile state right now.America has huge problems domestically. And I do think it really is a great thing what he has done.

No I was simply moved by his speech.