View Full Version : The Tranny Trophy Piece

11-24-2008, 01:10 PM
The Tranny Trophy Piece is a dude (usually 18-25) very collegiate looking who is coerced into quite a few things before the night is over.

leaving a big party to go with a tranny to a gay bar where she can parade him around in order to make herself look "diva-ish"

the dude forced to sit on a stool waiting for a chick with her purse in his possession while she mingles in a crowd and points back to him repeatedly while talking to other chicks as if he's her property.......

the shy guy that walks in the club and the minute he enters the door is groped and slammed onto a couch by the same chick while she imposes mandatory ownership of his genitals via lapdancing (I might also add the same shy guy that gets groped by other chicks the minute said chick runs to the bathroom)

the dude who comes in to a club with his bud and a chick says hello to him AND ANOTHER CHICK sees this and makes a scene because she might have seen him at another party and thinks that gives her dibs......

the dude that you always hear a chick saying "oh honey I'd never bring my man to one of THESE parties yet LET IT BE A SO-CALLED MAJOR EVENT; you'll see the dude in a corner somewhere with her next to him grasping his hands with white knuckles to make sure he remembers who he is with

there's more examples I just can't think of them right now......

hats off to you trophy pieces, you keep the rest of us entertained with your wide eyes and shocked faces most of the night..........

11-27-2008, 04:13 AM

I was 20 when I started going to tranny bars (Edelweiss and the Now Bar). I never had a problem getting a decent GG, but the caliber of tranny I was pulling was just ridiculous.....

Now I'm 30 and haven't been in the scene for a while. I bet I'd score zilch without a pocket full of cash!

Now I know why!!!

Thanks JWBL!

11-27-2008, 04:21 AM
Damn, I should have been going to Tranny and Gay bars when I was 18-25. I guess I missed the boat. LOL.

11-27-2008, 05:21 AM
uhhhh, that sounds familiar to some point.

12-03-2008, 06:25 PM
This is a very funny and true post. I've experienced all of these scenarios.

Even though I'm now out of that age range, I still find girls who want to put me in those kinds of positions but I'm now smart enough to know that it is not a good position to be in. The chance for some kind of drama are great.

If you do find yourself in such a position, know the rules. Keep your eyes and attention to the girl that you are with or want to be with. Few girls have a tolerance or understanding of the term 'innocent' flirting. If this is a girl you are dating or would like to date, know that tunnel vision is a requirement, no matter how many pretty pieces of eye candy try to find there way in front of your view.

12-03-2008, 06:32 PM
Damn I would have loved to have been a Tranny Trophy

12-03-2008, 07:54 PM
there's a deadly irony here i believe

when youre 20--you dont give a shit about trannies..

you get the itch-real bad--until your past "tranny trophy" age

when i was 20 --and living in the west village---guys would literally trail me home every night--right to my door--i str8--so i had No interest.
but if they were trannie...hmm--who knows what migth have hapened??

12-03-2008, 08:25 PM
This sounds like one of those Budweiser radio ads. Mr all-you-can-eat buffet inventor, meet Mr tranny trophy guy.