View Full Version : having sex with a transexual

11-24-2008, 09:28 AM
I like this site.. I've kicked this in my head for years and see what you think.. theres a fine line from guy and straight.. think about this, all guys are obsessed with their penis or have been one time in there life.. Its one of the greatest things to touch and the rewards of cumming is a huge bonus, but just touching it feels good.. So all guys like the feeling of their dicks being rubed or touched. Let take it one step further.. If you could suck your dick,, would you? I think the answer is yes to most if not all.. So how is it that touching a penis is the greatest as long as its yours, If its not yours its the worst thing that could happen to you (if your straight) So is just liking the penis makes you gay? I've always been told its the attraction to the same sex.. meaning like me, looks like me, acts like me.. being gay is not a biggy for me its just finding the words for the feelings one has.. I hope the transexual I end up having sex with is gay, I want her to be attracted to me and I know I'm having sex with a male on the DNA end, but the mind will hopefully think its with a female with a sex organ I know the best.. and I got to admit, I'd want her in stocking, garter, heels etc... maybe to reinsure that she is a woman.. I know there is a lot of you that have an outward life in this and live it everyday.. It can be kinda confusing to the ones in love with the looks of a woman with a vein busting hardon.. So men having sex with transexuals, would you put them in a class of gay, and I hate using the term class or subjecting that we need to all be the same.. I love a real woman and all that makes her a woman.. its just that cock that I understand so well and would not be afraid of.. think it would be really cool to have what looks like and acts like a woman while playing and experimenting with an aroused transexual.. I wish all men could suck their own dick like the few that can.. It might make a big differance on how we look at the allmighty dick..

11-24-2008, 12:10 PM
hmm..Crazy that Im going to respond to this.
I personally feel pretty close to the same way. Im NOT gay in the stereotypical manner...no matter what anyone on this site says. I am not attracted even slightly to "men" Not even when they get thier cocks out..lol. I wouldnt find a cock on a TGirl hot either if it wasnt attached to what appeared and acted like a beautiful woman.
Im attracted to lots of different types of genetic females..chubby...skinny...big breasts..small breasts etc.
....and I place a full-time TGirl in the same category. Its just a different type of female to me. She just happens to have a cock ;)
And yes..I know quite a bit about a penis...because I HAVE ONE.
Ive been with a couple of TG's and one liked attention to her penis and one didnt. And they were both very pleasurable experiences.

Initially I walked away from both with a terrible gut feeling....like I did something unnatural and "gay". Its the post-ejaculate regret response every male has had in some situation. lol
After a half hour or so the feeling went away and i immediately started to wonder why it was there in the first place. The next times were much better and much less ..if any... guilt
Niether of these girls were escorts... not that theres anything wrong with an escort...I just want the other person to WANT the sex to happen and actually have some sort of connection with them first.
Can I see myself dating a TG exclusively and outwardly? i dont really know. Im currently talking to a Tgirl that could be everything Ive ever wanted in a female....just with an extra appendage. So we will see :)

11-24-2008, 12:13 PM
It's the same discussion over and over again... getting tired of this 'am I gay?' debate.

Who cares what you are, WHO you are is what matters.

11-24-2008, 12:21 PM
Amen DL. I wasnt trying to debate that...what u said sums it up
I think this site might help some people figure out thier feelings....so the "am I gay" debate to people that arent familiar with this site is important.

11-24-2008, 12:23 PM
Most people would think liking cock ,even if it is attached to a totally passable very pretty girl means you are Gay, some would say you are just Bisexual. But I doubt many would say you are straight. But is it so bad they might lable you 'Gay'. It is what you think that matters. I call myself 90 % straight in that almost all of me fancies a woman and I certainly don't find any part of a man attractive but the cock which is a male body part seems to look very erotic on a woman. So that is why I call myself 90% straight. The most important person to get comfortable with this is you , fuck anyone else.

11-24-2008, 12:26 PM
that sounds about right..Im 90% straight then...10% gay ;) lol