View Full Version : 'Gay' McDonald's prompts boycott.

10-16-2008, 11:35 AM

... :(

10-16-2008, 01:46 PM
I subscribe to, and read postings from the American Family Association,
and it's chairman Donald E. Wildmon. (http://www.afa.net/)

But then again, I also subscribe to and peruse the websites of Neo-nazi,
and white supremacist groups.

Not that they are quite the same.

But interesting reading nontheless.

10-16-2008, 02:20 PM
Heh, kinda craving a cheeseburger now.

10-16-2008, 08:59 PM

... :(

Here's some more on this one:

I couldn't find the article, but this started a few months ago, and the articles I saw -at the time- were mostly concerned with McDonald's trans related policies, not any advertisements they may have at gay pride parades.

This is as closest as I could find to the articles I remember from back in Jul/June of this summer:


Your dollars for Happy Meals and Big Macs could end up paying for sex-change operations of McDonald's employees if the home of the Golden Arches continues its promotion of homosexuality, according to a pro-family group that has joined an expanding boycott of the fast-food restaurants and its Ronald McDonald's mascot.

It wouldn't be hard to tare apart the fundies on this one... back in Jul/June this was heavily a "anti-trans health care" crusade, the lgb part was barely the focal point of the protesting... yet these "christian" groups have been claiming that their protests & boycott have nothing to do with how employers deal with their employees. If you believe that I know this girl who got pregnant without having sex.... (or if that example doesn't work: a guy stealing produce because, well, the talking animal in the parkinglot told him to do it).

Fact of the matter is, its everything about how employers run their employees. These christian groups are lying out their asses and just want to make sure SRS, hrt etc isn't put in big company's health care programs. That's the real issue here, not some tiny check that went to some lgbt lobbyist group.

They're pissed off, and they're pissed off at the idea that-
1- trans employees might have access to GID treatments
2- that trans employees might be hired without discrimination
3- that trans employees might (GASP!) use the "wrong" bathrooms!

If you'll notice, all the christian-authored articles on this boycott are claiming some bullshit line of "we just want mcdonalds to stay neutral on controversial issues like these"- the reason for that is they know that if the status quo stays the status quo, trans people won't easily get hired (due to discrimination), won't have access to trans healthcare without turning to crime (you're not going to afford srs on min wage).

10-17-2008, 01:53 AM
This is as closest as I could find to the articles I remember from back in Jul/June of this summer:


Your dollars for Happy Meals and Big Macs could end up paying for sex-change operations of McDonald's employees if the home of the Golden Arches continues its promotion of homosexuality, according to a pro-family group that has joined an expanding boycott of the fast-food restaurants and its Ronald McDonald's mascot.

It wouldn't be hard to tare apart the fundies on this one... back in Jul/June this was heavily a "anti-trans health care" crusade, the lgb part was barely the focal point of the protesting... yet these "christian" groups have been claiming that their protests & boycott have nothing to do with how employers deal with their employees. If you believe that I know this girl who got pregnant without having sex.... (or if that example doesn't work: a guy stealing produce because, well, the talking animal in the parkinglot told him to do it).

Fact of the matter is, its everything about how employers run their employees. These christian groups are lying out their asses and just want to make sure SRS, hrt etc isn't put in big company's health care programs. That's the real issue here, not some tiny check that went to some lgbt lobbyist group.

They're pissed off, and they're pissed off at the idea that-
1- trans employees might have access to GID treatments
2- that trans employees might be hired without discrimination
3- that trans employees might (GASP!) use the "wrong" bathrooms!

If you'll notice, all the christian-authored articles on this boycott are claiming some bullshit line of "we just want mcdonalds to stay neutral on controversial issues like these"- the reason for that is they know that if the status quo stays the status quo, trans people won't easily get hired (due to discrimination), won't have access to trans healthcare without turning to crime (you're not going to afford srs on min wage).

Post op Peggy says you want to put a
McHit on the clown, and GRS....


Then it's on.
