View Full Version : saturday nite live

10-05-2008, 05:50 AM
is this suppose to be funny. what happened

10-05-2008, 05:51 AM
they mocked the vp debates. i almost peed my panites.

10-05-2008, 05:53 AM
Alyssa are you drinking more than me

10-05-2008, 05:54 AM
Marriage is a sacred institution between two unwilling teenagers. (wink!)

10-05-2008, 05:59 AM
the Barney Frank guy is funny

10-05-2008, 06:00 AM
Alyssa are you drinking more than me

diet pepsi 8)

10-05-2008, 06:01 AM
diet pepsi is nice , but it is no Diet Dr. pepper

10-05-2008, 06:53 AM
i cant watch nbc programming bc my local cable network is boycotting the local nbc station or vice versa

all i know is its some bs

Wino the SuperHero
10-05-2008, 07:08 AM
i think the show is funny as hell.

10-05-2008, 07:12 PM
It goes in cycles. Key funny people leave whether it's the writers or comedians and then it's just not funny.

Remember the cast right after Eddie Murphy left? Not funny. Then the cast after them was funny again. It's a cycle.

10-05-2008, 10:32 PM
I like the present cast okay, but the show has become so political, it's just tiresome. I get enough of that from the Daily Show and such, i don't need it on saturday nite. They used to save most of the political stuff for 'weekend update', but now it's all throughout the show. Now having said that, i could watch Tina Fey do Palin all day...

10-05-2008, 10:56 PM
If you take away the visual, you couldn't tell the difference as Fey sounds exactly like Palin does. It's uncanny. :lol:

10-06-2008, 08:16 PM
they mocked the vp debates. i almost peed my panites.


10-06-2008, 09:42 PM
is this suppose to be funny. what happened

Yes, I was hilarious.

I don't understand how every woman in America is not offended but this piece of work. It's no good having a woman on the ticket if she is an idiot just used as a pawn.

Kind of like if the first black candidate on a major ticket was Flavor Flav or Mike Tyson. Doesn't do a whole lot to advance your cause does it?!