View Full Version : US Election - a plea for sanity.

09-25-2008, 05:28 AM
Ok, I don't post very often, I tend to browse the board rather than contribute, thats just my way. And apologies for varying from the general topics on the board, but this is a plea for all you US voters out there - If I can influence your election in any minuscule way, if I can appeal to just one undecided voter or someone who would normally abstain, I will have achieved my goal. For crying out loud people, vote Democrat. For the safety of the world, and this is not hyperbole, this really is vital that you get it right this time. Yeah, I'm an Englishman, this may sound arrogant telling you how to vote, I may not appreciate all the domestic issues I grant you, but the outcome of this election affects everybody from the UK to Russia, south America and the Middle East in the way that electing our Prime Minister, or the Dutch or Spanish leader simply does not. Sorry, but the last 2 elections you got it wrong. Not just a little bit wrong, but way way off the Mark. I was looking at the list earlier tonight of who the US voted as their top 25 Americans, and was astonished to find that ignorant f***wit Bush at number 6. (not to mention the guy who actually won it) C'mon, I know your nation is not even 250 years old yet, but you've almost certainly walked past guys living on the sidewalk that have more of a clue what's going on. Don't get me wrong, I don't buy into the cult of Obama, I happen to think he's an extremely conservative politician who will ultimately disappoint a lot of people, but please do not let those Republican's in again. Personally, I think Mc'Cain is OK, but the possibility that Palin might get in would be a complete disaster for everyone, you included. America really needs to see the world how everyone else sees it. The US had a lot of goodwill after Sep 11, with a bit of shrewdness that could have lasted for years to come. Bush destroyed it. The Presidency did still have some respect, the likes of Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, even Reagan and Bush Snr, garnered a certain amount of admiration, all gone. You had the chance to seize the moral high ground, to do things the correct and moral way, to show you really did stand for freedom and justice and liberty. And what did Bush do? Lock people up in camp Xray for several years without trial, torturing them along the way. It's not about protecting Americans - sorry to belittle your tragedy in any way, but it was one isolated incident, one day. We had 20 years of it by the IRA (which the US supported and funded, but let's not go into that), and we never stopped the depths that the US has. Yes, the threats are there, yes there are people that want to kill us and attack our freedoms. But the republicans have increased the hatred, not reduced it.

Sorry to go on, I know this is going to offend and upset a few people, but if I can get through to anyone who might be wavering or not voting, please vote and vote Democrat. It really is very important. For the record, I love America I really do. This is not a rant from some idiot who's never been there and just wants to point a finger at a bad guy. America has been a force for great good in the past and can be again. Just punch the right chad in November guys.

09-25-2008, 06:05 AM
I agree with you 100%, but as someone who actually lives here, there is no such thing as sanity in an election year. It's all about who's toughest, who promises never to raise anyone's taxes no matter how wealthy they are, who comes across as the most patriotic, who plays the role of "good ol' boy" best; all trivialities and nonsense.

Reason dies every four years in America. I'll be voting for Obama, but don't get your hopes up. McCain will be the next president.

09-25-2008, 06:23 AM
Well in fairness to our population more voted for Gore than Bush the first time around, but the electoral college worked in Bush's favor (as did the Supreme Court lol). I actually think Obama will win, but this is such a big nation and the political current varies greatly from region to region so I might not be appreciating the strength of the anti-obama movement in some other areas of the country.