View Full Version : Indifference to cock size...

09-14-2008, 01:56 AM
Are shemales ambivalent about the size of their penises? Do they care? And are some hung babes like Mint and Mariana somewhat embarrassed about their size?
Whaddya think???

09-14-2008, 03:58 AM
I don't think there's one answer for this.... it varies on the scale of transgender from those who are more crossdressing types a & are totally into cocks & cockplay to those on the other pole: transsexuals who feel trapped inside an alien body & attempt to castrate themselves if they can't get professional help with their situation...... and then there's everything else in-between.

09-14-2008, 04:22 AM

my ex hated her thing... wanted it gone so bad she would rather have had a barbie body. Another girl she knows is fine with what she has and wouldn't nip it back no matter what... lots of variety in this crowd.

Some also change their minds over time... so not even sure you could nail it down to any particular cause.


09-14-2008, 08:49 PM
Honestly, I hated the balls more than anything. My penis doesn't bother me so much. Not that I plan on keeping it...


But there are times when I wish it were bigger and times when I wish it were smaller. I guess it all depends on the situation, really. Bigger penis often = more money/attention, and a quicker path to SRS, so I can see why some girls who hate their penises might wish that they had bigger ones, atleast for the time being.

09-15-2008, 04:45 AM
Irony: the larger your penis the faster you get to cut it off.

"The food is terrible"
"Yeah, and such small portions".

09-15-2008, 04:58 AM
I've met a couple of girls that were on the large side and were total bottoms. Wouldn't even want you looking at it. Worked for me, but it's one of the ironies of life.

09-15-2008, 05:43 AM
Odd comments from the ex's on this topic... (yes we still talk about stupid stuff sometimes...)

Issue in some cases is simply ability to get by, big balls or penis make it harder to conceal and limit clothing options.

Sensitivity issue... it's the balls that make things like sitting around and such painful... so the big issue in wanting to remove anything is there.

Eventual vaginal depth... bigger penis is better for eventual inversion... sooooo.... not necessarily a bad thing.

Interesting... hadn't looked at the money issue but I can see that as well.

And definitely no relation between topping and scale... that's a personality thing...


09-17-2008, 08:22 AM
i have a baby weiner