View Full Version : The Tenth Planet.....Nibiru.

07-06-2008, 06:33 PM
Ancient scriptures talk about a mysterious 10th planet, known as Nibiru.....home of the Annunaki, who were said to have influenced our development in some way or another. Nibiru's orbit is said to be every 3,000+ years....and that it's coming back to us and very soon.

I wonder why will happen, we might have contact with the Annunaki, perhaps.


So, the horned planet might come our way soon. *Gets some popcorn ready* :popcorn :peanutbutter

07-06-2008, 07:28 PM
I've already posted on this and it didn't get much action.

07-06-2008, 08:28 PM
My guess is it's a Kuiper belt object that becomes a comet as it mears the sun. The fact that it hasn't been found by modern equipment means it's not radiating any photos at ANY wavelength. This would make it a VERY cold place indeed for most of its 3000 year orbit around the sun. My guess is the Babylonian story about beings coming to earth is pure disinfo to keep the ignorant populace in awe of the ruler's power. Much like mainstream media does today with a mostly unsophisticated and under educated US population.

07-06-2008, 08:29 PM
mears = nears, photos = photons

07-06-2008, 08:52 PM

The above is just a semi-related link. If I didn't make any stupid errors, this "planet" only has a period on the order of 150 years (T^2 = (R^3)/GM)

I wonder how the ancients knew Nibiru's period was 3000 years?

07-07-2008, 02:03 PM

enjoy ;)

07-07-2008, 03:06 PM
...mostly unsophisticated and under educated US population.

LMFAO...this coming from a "truther" who shills for Alex Jones and infowars...not to mention the fact that thx1138 obviously buys into almost every other tinfoil hat conspiracy theory that comes along...we here at HA are so fortunate that we have the likes of thx1138 and El Nino to "educate" us...SMDH...

07-07-2008, 03:07 PM
From my understanding it has a massive eliptical orbit.coming around once every few thousand years,and when it does it brings with it all sorts of hell...perhaps the end of the Mayan calendar and this Planet X have something in common....

07-07-2008, 04:12 PM
Good grief....

07-07-2008, 04:22 PM
@mike: your assinine post just proved my point. Stick to flipping hot dogs in coney island and you won't further damage your peabrain, pinhead.

07-07-2008, 04:42 PM
@mike: your assinine post just proved my point. Stick to flipping hot dogs in coney island and you won't further damage your peabrain, pinhead.

More drivel from the tinfoil troll. You are a pompous and pontificating little twerp. You should change your handle to tedium1138, you hackneyed buffoon.

07-07-2008, 05:02 PM
And BTW genius...it's asinine, not assinine...asshole.

07-07-2008, 05:51 PM
Gee, with an orbital period of 3000 years, they must have a apogee well over 700 astronomical units away from the Sun. Pluto is only about 70-80 AU from the Sun and it's freezing there. It's safe to say the Annunaki don't power their technology with solar energy. They must be coming back for our oil. Won't they be surprised!

07-07-2008, 07:02 PM
Gee, with an orbital period of 3000 years, they must have a apogee well over 700 astronomical units away from the Sun. Pluto is only about 70-80 AU from the Sun and it's freezing there. It's safe to say the Annunaki don't power their technology with solar energy. They must be coming back for our oil. Won't they be surprised!

lol...that is classic...I'm still laughing about that one. Maybe they're coming to give us the secret to fuel efficiency to lower our dependence on oil. They don't have to be bad, right?

07-07-2008, 11:29 PM
i thought it was a brown (aka shite) dwarf which neatly solves the energy problem... sort of

07-08-2008, 10:38 PM
Gee, with an orbital period of 3000 years, they must have a apogee well over 700 astronomical units away from the Sun. Pluto is only about 70-80 AU from the Sun and it's freezing there. It's safe to say the Annunaki don't power their technology with solar energy. They must be coming back for our oil. Won't they be surprised!

If they exist, they probably have something alot better already...i would not be surpsied if they figured out zero point energy.

And it was said that they came for gold, having something to do along the lines that their atmosphere needed to have gold present in it, possibly something their biology requiered.

07-08-2008, 10:47 PM
Ancient scriptures talk about a mysterious 10th planet, known as Nibiru.....home of the Annunaki, who were said to have influenced our development in some way or another. Nibiru's orbit is said to be every 3,000+ years....and that it's coming back to us and very soon.

I wonder why will happen, we might have contact with the Annunaki, perhaps.


So, the horned planet might come our way soon. *Gets some popcorn ready* :popcorn :peanutbutter

This is like Deja-Vu... wasn't Heaven's Gate composed of castrati who awaited a comet-like planet with aliens...

07-09-2008, 02:50 AM
And it was said that they came for gold, having something to do along the lines that their atmosphere needed to have gold present in it, possibly something their biology requiered.

Works for me, because I want to believe... :roll:

07-09-2008, 02:57 AM
Ancient scriptures talk about a mysterious 10th planet, known as Nibiru.....home of the Annunaki, who were said to have influenced our development in some way or another. Nibiru's orbit is said to be every 3,000+ years....and that it's coming back to us and very soon.

I wonder why will happen, we might have contact with the Annunaki, perhaps.


So, the horned planet might come our way soon. *Gets some popcorn ready* :popcorn :peanutbutter

This is like Deja-Vu... wasn't Heaven's Gate composed of castrati who awaited a comet-like planet with aliens...

LMAO...you are correct, sir...it's just a damn shame that they didn't take a few thousand of the scientologist zombies with them!

07-10-2008, 09:49 AM
I offer this to prove my assertion: http://www.crooksandliars.com/2008/07/08/just-how-ignorant-are-american-voters/#comments & http://www.latimes.com:80/features/books/la-et-book5-2008jul05,0,3980465.story

07-10-2008, 12:27 PM
What are the ancient scriptures you refer to? Are they the ones based around dodgy translations by the self styled Zack Sitchin

07-10-2008, 04:08 PM
Speaking of this supposedly on this planet its a race of beings which are half human, half reptile. They are able too grow I heard up too 46 feet high and yes the planet is smaller than the earth, but it will be so close too the earth it will actually appear as bigger than the moon. I sorta think its possible seeing as in the bible Moses said he crossed a field with giants. Their is also a human bone in an museum (the one that goes from your knee too hip) which was uncovered and is 8 feet. Sooo who knows the universe wouldn't be a universe is we were the only fuckers on it. Nuff said!

07-13-2008, 01:08 AM
What are the ancient scriptures you refer to? Are they the ones based around dodgy translations by the self styled Zack Sitchin

Of course they are. Sitchin is the originator of all these insane "translations" about Nibiru and a tenth planet.