View Full Version : SO you got a TS gf huh??????????????????????????????????????

07-03-2008, 09:24 AM
Man I got so many Tgirl friends online and in my home town, they always constantly express how used they feel by guys so I joined this group to avenge them and that great world TRUTH.

How hot is she? Beautiful? She is just a porn picture on line, what about your own girl at home?
You in a relationship or just fuck buds or on the side till something better comes along?
If you on here and you got a gf, you most like be the latter, she is the side dish till something better comes along. She isn't good enough to satisfy all your sexual and life desires that you have to continue to indulge in porn on this topic.

My gf is labeled bi genetic girl. She accepts me completely as a I am she does not consider me a T, she only has her eyes on me. She really means that when she says I am the most beautiful person in her life because this woman does things for me that show just that truth. When my aunt died recently, my mother was really depressed and it affected me that my mother was so down. Anyways, ya, my gf took on a work contract for a month out of town. Bad timing for me during this family sorrow, what can a guy do? Her woman has to take care of life and take care of me. My gf surprised me 2 times in a single night. I get a late night text on my blackberry: "Hey I can't stay asleep you are thinking about me too hard and you are sad I can taste salt because you are crying?" "By the way I miss you." As I was texting her back, man the door bell rang, its 10:00PM who possibly can it be right? I walk to the door while still texting and it was HER!! She took seven days off to take care of me.

She knows why I am on here. How about your partner?



07-03-2008, 09:53 AM
Not sure what this is all about... you say revenge...

I always treated my girl well I thought... and while I wasn't on here, I did spend some time on other sites. For me it was not about treating someone badly, it was giving me a bit of a chance to wish I had taken another road and gotten to be a hot girl, instead of staying the tough guy and being there for the folks that needed me to fufill that role.

Fantasy can be just that... I don't think any woman I could be with would want me to stop being sexual if for some reason she could not do it anymore. I think she would understand my need for at least fantasy. Same thing applies to healthy folks to a degree, if your partner just can't do something for you, you should at least be able to look at, read about or dream about it.

Anyway... hope the T-girls out there that feel abused meet better folks, and don't become so bitter that they need to go out and seek revenge. There just has to be a better way...


07-03-2008, 11:18 AM
Who gives a flying fuck?

07-03-2008, 02:58 PM
Who gives a flying fuck?

07-03-2008, 03:21 PM
What the hell is this guy talking about? Oh, btw, I have a cut on my elbow.


07-03-2008, 04:34 PM
Since everyone is so interested, I'll provide further details. It's not so much a cut as a large wound, about the size of a quarter, on my elbow. It's healing well, though. I got bashed while tearing a wooden frame apart, which happens from time to time.

This thread is all about my elbow.


07-03-2008, 05:43 PM
Did you hear Brett Farve wants to come back?

07-03-2008, 05:58 PM
Did you hear Brett Farve wants to come back?

From where?

07-03-2008, 06:13 PM

07-03-2008, 07:43 PM
Someone needs to supply a Cliff Notes version of the OP.

07-03-2008, 08:14 PM
Brett Favre will only make a comeback in Madden NFL, and he has to agree to an elbow trade.

07-03-2008, 10:45 PM
Someone needs to supply a Cliff Notes version of the OP.

Blah, blah, twat on about shit, blah, blah, blah!

That about covers it.
Glad i could be of help!

07-04-2008, 08:53 AM
How do some people manage to be part of a "forum" yet have nothing at all intelligent to add. Just over sexualized self advertising along with holding up signs that show how ignorant they are. That is what the internet has come to, people who have no opinions anymore that are valuable. Just BS here and BS there and oh well and oh well some more. "Look I'm so great I'm obviously just a smart ass, oh and I'm desperate gimme more more more sex and oh check out my sexy website I got tons of plastic surgery..." That sums up a lot of "online forums" and profile websites like myface and bookspace etc etc. People are simply reduced to a persona, no one is who they appear nor feel the need to be authentic. Its become commercially acceptable to be a bitch to as many people as you like for the sake of "individuality" and just enjoy life excessively with no regard to consequences basically. Life isn't always elementary or junior high school pageantry, you don't have to be an ignorant smart ass now, you can be yourself and have valuable opinions to share in a respectful manner without feeling the need to put someone else's opinions or statements down.

07-04-2008, 08:55 AM
SO you got a TS gf huh??????????????????????????????????????

Could you phrase that in the form of a question?

07-04-2008, 11:30 AM
Cry me a fukkin aneurysm!
If you're going to bombard us with bullshit you could at least get yer tits out.

07-04-2008, 11:34 AM
this is is a porn forum. what did u expect?

the writing is on the wall.